What is Asia Final Review

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Which of the following agricultural products was brought to China from the Spanish Americas via the Philippines? (Select all correct options.) a. Rice b. Millet c. Corn d. Potato e. Wheat

c and d

Qin rule could be characterized as a. lenient. b. democratic. c. authoritarian. d. disorganized.

c. authoritarian.

Robert Hefner

1. Asia should be understood as a an embodiment of the inherently dynamic forces that at once pull some of the cultures together, and at the same time creating regions of differences. Instead of the Mandala metaphor, Heffner prefers the metaphor of a river with its constantly flowing forces of transnational ideals, from global capitalism, to communism, to religions, that sometimes flow together, and sometimes creates distinct eddies against the broader current. 2. The important cultural economic forces that may pull Asia together include: - Growing regional economic integration within Asia as illustrated by the growing trade between and among Asian nations - Rise of cosmopolitan mega cities like Shanghai, Mumbai, Singapore etc, whose citizens may have more in common with each other than with other members of their nations -Growing environmental concerns as a result of the increased trade and the cooperation required across national boundaries to resolve these problemsPop-cultural forces such as Japanese anime, and "Bollywood" movies. 3. Other transnational factors such as different varieties of religious revival, including rise of new Buddhists and Christians in China, and differential understanding of women's role in society may pull Asians apart.

True or False: After the decline of the Mughal dynasty, it was the British who became the ruler of the Indian subcontinent.


True or False: Golden Lotus and Water Margins are the names of the two best-known Ming era novels.


True or False: People from different parts of the world, including Persians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Jews, Indian Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians made Chang'an their home during Tang era.


True or False: The Manila galleon trade led to the Spanish settlement on the California coast.


True or False: The remnants of the culture discovered in the 1920s in and around Harappa and Mahenjo Daro in the Indus river valley region is older than the culture that produced the ancient Vedic literature.


True or False: Unlike medieval Europe, ancient Asian jurisprudence made no prior assumption of guilt or innocence.


Which of the following qualities are considered essential for betterment of human life and are valued and respected greatly in all societies of monsoon Asia? (Select all correct options.) a. Education b. Experience associated with age c. Pragmatism d. Decisiveness e. Physical courage

a and b

Which of the following rivers sustained agriculture and organized human settlements in ancient China? (Select all correct options.) a. Yang Tze b. Huang He (Yellow river) c. Zhu Jiang (Pearl River)

a and b

Why was physical dismemberment seen as an appropriate deterrent for serious crimes in many Asian societies? (Select all correct options.) a. One's body was thought to be a gift from one's parents, and thus to have damage inflicted on it as a result of one's own action was considered a betrayal of one's filial duties b. Physical disfiguration was a source of shame to one's own self and family c. Physical disfiguration was seen as a way of identifying repeat offenders d. Physical disfiguration was seen as an outer reflection of inner evil e. The hierarchy of the body, mind, and spirit made physical punishment preferable over mental torture

a and b

The philosophers of Daoism were (Select all correct options.) a. Laozi b. Mencius c. Zhuangzi d. Xunzi

a and c

What made Mohandas K. Gandhi an important figure of Indian history? (Select all correct options.) a. It was Mohandas Gandhi who transformed the call for India's freedom from the British into a popular movement based on non-violent protest b. Gandhi was the first president of independent India c. Gandhi was uniquely successful in uniting India's Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, and others together in the cause of self-rule

a and c

Two of the most famous poets of the Tang era were (Select all correct options.) a. Du Fu b. Wang Anshi c. Taizong d. Li Bo e. Sima Guang

a and d

Why is the Battle of Panipat important in the history of the Mughal Empire? (Select all correct options.) a. It is Babur's victory at the Battle of Panipat that established Mughal foothold in Delhi b. It is at the Battle of Panipat that Aurangzeb defeated his father Shah Jahan's army c. It is at the Battle of Panipat that the French and the English made common cause against the Rajput and Maratha armies leading to the establishment of the British Empire d. It is at the Battle of Panipat that the Portuguese lost to the British e. It is at the Battle of Panipat that Babur's Army defeated the army of the Lodi Sultans

a and e

According to Amartya Sen's essay, which of the following issues influenced China and India's mutual perception of each other through the course of their history? (Select all correct options.) a. Trade b. Education c. Religion d. Language e. Science and mathematics

a, ,b ,c, d, e

What are some of the strengths of the Indian political and social system? (Select all correct options.) a. A relatively stable democratic system of government b. A free press c. A strong system of higher education represented by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) d. Highly educated electorate e. Economic prosperity of the agricultural sector

a, b, c

What are some of the persistent problems that continue to hinder India's economic growth? (Select all correct options.) a. Traditional caste hierarchy b. Overpopulation and poverty c. Pollution d. Government corruption

a, b, c, d

What is the relationship between Persian and modern Hindi and Urdu? (Select all correct options.) a. Persian, the language at the Mughal courts, influenced the language spoken in and around Delhi to form Hindusthani, as well as modern Hindi and Urdu b. Hindi (spoken mostly in India) and Urdu (spoken mostly in Pakistan) share a large vocabulary and have common words that they both share with Persian c. Urdu and Persian also share the writing system, while Hindi does not d. It was during the Sultanate period, and the Mughal era that Persian, Hindi, and Urdu cultures came together to give rise to an interesting synthesis of Hindu, Muslim, Persian, and Turkish cultures leading to the emergence of a characteristic North Indian culture

a, b, c, d

What was the result of the Treaty of Tianjin? (Select all correct options.) a. Treaty of Tianjin ended the second Opium War b. Treaty of Tianjin legalized the import of Opium into China c. Treaty of Tianjin allowed free movement of Western missionaries inside China d. The infamous policy of "gunboat diplomacy" became common in the wake of the Treaty of Tianjin

a, b, c, d

Why was the Manila galleon important for Spanish trade with Asia? (Select all correct options.) a. Manila galleons were one of the most important conveyance carrying goods and silver between Philippines and Mexico during the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries b. The voyage between Manila and Acapulco across the Pacific was highly profitable for the Spanish traders c. Manila galleon trade brought together the commercial interests of Spanish, Chinese and Filipinos residents d. The Spanish Church was a major participant in the trade and often provided the capital to purchase the Chinese goods e. Apart from commercial interest, the Manila galleon trade also promoted marriages between the Spanish, and the Filipinos

a, b, c, d, e

When did the Ming dynasty rule? a. 1368-1644 b. 1698-1900 c. 1770-1920 d. 1450-1600 e. 1800-1911

a. 1368-1644

When did India formally become part of the British Empire? a. 1860 b. 1757 c. 1910 d. 1600 e. 1800

a. 1860

When did the Qing dynasty fall? a. 1911 b. 1920 c. 1944 d. 1960 e. 1890

a. 1911

When did India and Pakistan become independent nation states? a. 1947 b. 1850 c. 1918 d. 1650 e. 1776

a. 1947

The cave paintings found in the central Indian Satpura mountain ranges have been dated back to a. 9000-3000 BCE b. 10,000 -12,000 BCE c. 400-600 BCE d. 100-200 CE e. The dates of these cave paintings are still unknown

a. 9000-3000 BCE

The Song dynasty lasted from a. 960-1279 b. 500-1500 c. 700-900 d. 1200-1500 e. 1330-1550

a. 960-1279

The founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad was born in a. Arabia. b. India. c. China. d. Iran. e. Egypt.

a. Arabia.

By which time period did the early cities in Mesopotamia and Indus Valley have metalworkers, tax collectors, priests, and bureaucrats? a. By 3,000 BCE b. By 6,000 BCE c. By 40,000 BCE d. By 50,000 BCE e. The Indus Valley civilization never achieved this form of sophistication in any of the above mentioned time periods.

a. By 3,000 BCE

Which of the following sets of qualities will be essential for the welfare of the family according to the traditional Asian outlook? a. Filial obedience and loyalty to parents and elders b. Intellectual capability and ability for hard work c. Empathy for the less fortunate in the larger community d. Individual bravery and stoicism e. Spirituality and humility

a. Filial obedience and loyalty to parents and elders

The principal Portuguese base in India was established at a. Goa in 1510 b. Calcutta in 1757 c. Calicut in 1498 d. Madras in 1600 e. Bombay in 1500

a. Goa in 1510

In 1895, China was defeated in a war and forced to sign the Treaty of Shiminoseki by a. Japan. b.England. c. Russia. d. Germany.

a. Japan.

The first imperial dynasty bringing far flung regions of the Indian subcontinent under one administrative authority was called the a. Mauryas b. Guptas c. Mughals d. Lodis e. Cholas

a. Mauryas

The founder of Sikhism was a. Nanak. b. Kabir. c. Amir Khasru. d. Babur. e. Akbar.

a. Nanak.

Which of the following statements does NOT fit the Confucian outlook toward life? a. One needs to accept that to live means to suffer b. Long life is a blessing and it should be enjoyed as such c. Self-reflection and self-cultivation are important goals of life d. One needs to learn to live in harmony with the rest of the world e. The family provides the first opportunity for individuals to learn how to live in a humane manner

a. One needs to accept that to live means to suffer

Prior to becoming the People's Republic of Bangladesh in 1971, this country was part of a. Pakistan b. Tibet c. Nepal d. China e. Sri Lanka

a. Pakistan

Who were the Kshatriyas of ancient Indian society? a. The aristocratic warrior class b. The intellectual priestly class c. Upper class women of Vedic society d. The traders and working class e. The ascetics who left society to work for their own moksha

a. The aristocratic warrior class

Who was Matteo Ricci? a. The first Jesuit priest to arrive in China to convert the Ming Emperor to Christianity b. Leader of the Taiping rebellion c. The first European trader to establish treaty ports in China d. The advisor to the Qing emperor Kangxi e. The first European missionary in Japan

a. The first Jesuit priest to arrive in China to convert the Ming Emperor to Christianity

What is the source of the label "Hindu"? a. The label originally described inhabitants of the Indus river valley and places beyond it to the East by Greek and Persian soldiers accompanying Alexander the Great b. It is associated with the name of the Vedic storm god c. Pre-Vedic people of the Indus river valley called themselves Hindu d. Columbus first used the tem to refer to the inhabitants of south Asia e. It is the name of the oldest language spoken in south Asia

a. The label originally described inhabitants of the Indus river valley and places beyond it to the East by Greek and Persian soldiers accompanying Alexander the Great

What is the samsara? a. The never-ending cycle of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth endured by individuals b. The name of the Hindu priestly class c. The Jain practice of non-violence d. The name of Hindu ascetics e. The name of the Indian caste system

a. The never-ending cycle of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth endured by individuals

The Vedic name for nature gods was Deva. It literally means a. The shining ones b. The fearless ones c. The beneficial ones d. The powerful ones e. The compassionate ones

a. The shining ones

Which of the following statements describes the state of Chinese society between 1916 and 1927? a. There was no effective central government in China, and regional warlords had carved out areas for their own control, till Chiang Kaishek established his capital at Nanjing in 1927 b. The British East India Company had taken full control of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty till the Communists replaced them c. Sun Yat-sen became the leader of the Guomindang and became the unquestioned leader of China in 1927 d. The Chinese Communist party took control of Beijing in 1916, but did not have full control of China till 1927 e. In an election held in 1916, Mao defeated Chiang Kaishek and established Communist rule in China

a. There was no effective central government in China, and regional warlords had carved out areas for their own control, till Chiang Kaishek established his capital at Nanjing in 1927

What is the highest point in Asia? a. Top of Mt. Everest b. Top of Mt. Fuji c. The Tibetan plateau d. Top of Mt. K2/Mt. Godwin-Austen e. Top of Mt. Gauri-Sankar

a. Top of Mt. Everest

Why was Venice an important European trading city prior to the discovery of sea routes to Asia? a. Venice was the closest European port to have access to goods arriving by land and sea from Asia b. The Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator had established his cartographic academy in Venice in the 1400s c. Christopher Columbus set sail for Asia from Venice d. Venice was the seat of the Catholic Church in the fifteenth century e. Venice was the only European city under Muslim rule in the fifteenth century

a. Venice was the closest European port to have access to goods arriving by land and sea from Asia

Who was the founder of the Ming dynasty? a. Zhu Yuanzhang or Hongwu b. Li Bao c. Tai Zhong d. Zheng he e. Ming

a. Zhu Yuanzhang or Hongwu

The most important political powers of southern India during the third and second century BCE were a. the Cholas, Pandyas, and the Cheras b. the Guptas, The Nandas, and the Kushans c. The Portuguese and the Dutch d. The Greeks and the Shakas e. The Mughals and the Lodis

a. the Cholas, Pandyas, and the Cheras

Which of the following points about the Indus Civilization and Sumer are NOT true? (Select all correct options.) a. We know much more about Sumer than about the Indus Civilization. b. The Indus script has been deciphered by linguistics after many decades. c. The Indus script was very similar to the script of Sumer. d. The Indus script was an independent creation. e. The exact period in which the Indus civilization emerged is difficult to determine.

b and c

How did Islam arrive in India? (Select all correct options.) a. Muslim missionaries sent by the Prophet Muhammad spread the religion in the subcontinent b. Muslim traders brought the religious with them beginning in the middle of the seventh century c. Arabic rulers sent Islamic theologians to the Indian royal courts to spread the Muslim message d. Islam arrived with Muslim soldiers in the late seventh and early eighth century

b and d

Who was Cixi? (Select all correct options.) a. Cixi was one of the most loved and respected of all the Qing rulers. b. Cixi retained all real power for herself when her son died at the age of 19. c. Cixi ruled in place of her 4 year old nephew who was nominally recognized as the emperor. d. Cixi was originally an imperial concubine.

b, c, d

When did the overland trade routes, the Silk Road between Northwest India and China, remain most active? a.550-500 BCE b. 100 BCE-200 CE c. 1800-1900 CE d. 900-1100 CE e. 500 CE

b. 100 BCE-200 CE

When did the Portuguese arrive in India? a. 1492 b. 1498 c. 1662 d. 1776 e. 1563

b. 1498

When did the Portuguese take Melaka in Indonesia? a. 1492 b. 1511 c. 1582 d. 1522 e. 1600

b. 1511

When did the Sepoy Mutiny take place? a. 1663 b. 1857 c. 1770 d. 1947 e. 1930

b. 1857

When was the Chinese Communist party founded? a. 1911 b. 1921 c. 1916 d. 1900 e. 1940

b. 1921

When did the Tiananmen Square protests take place? a. 1976 b. 1989 c. 1996 d. 2000 e. 1979

b. 1989

How did Gandhi die? a. A Muslim terrorist assassinated him while he was traveling in Kashmir b. A Hindu extremist gunned him down at a prayer meeting c. Gandhi died in a British jail d. Gandhi died peacefully of old age in 1948 e. Gandhi died in a plane crash right before India's independence

b. A Hindu extremist gunned him down at a prayer meeting

What is the literal meaning of the word "karma"? a. Duty b. Action c. Morality d. Devotion e. Compassion

b. Action

The most successful of the great Mughals rulers was a. Babur. b. Akbar. c. Shah Jehan. d. Aurangzeb. e. Jehangir.

b. Akbar.

The Ming emperor Yongle moved the capital city from Nanjing to which of the following cities in 1421? a. Shanghai b. Beijing c. Chengdu d. Chang'an e. Hangzhou

b. Beijing

The traditional name that Indians often use to refer to the Indian subcontinent is a. Arya b. Bharat c. Veda d. Punjab e. Sanskrit

b. Bharat

The capital city of the Tang dynasty was located at a. Beijing b. Chang'an c. Shanghai d. Nanjing e. Guangzhou

b. Chang'an

Which of the following claims is NOT consistent with Prof. Joseph Nye's view of the rise of Asia and its future relationship to the West? a. Recognition of the rise of China and India as important players on the international stage b. China's rise will have to be increasingly balanced by the decline of American power c. Asia is not a monolithic entity, and balance of international power is not a zero-sum game d. A nation's stature will increasingly depend on its ability to promote ideals that others find attractive e. Military power and economic strength may not be the only factors influencing international relationships

b. China's rise will have to be increasingly balanced by the decline of American power

The name of the chief text of Daoism is a. Analects b. Dao de Ching c. Tripitaka d. Vedas e. Upanishads

b. Dao de Ching

The main competitors of the Portuguese traders in the Indian market during the 17th century were the a. English and French b. English and Dutch c. French and Dutch d. Spanish and French e. French and Spanish

b. English and Dutch

Who first referred to the inhabitants of south Asia as Hindus? a. The British during the eighteenth century b. Greeks and Persians from fourth century BCE c. The Chinese travelers who came to India during the Gupta dynasty d. The Aryan composers of the Vedas e. The fifth century followers of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha

b. Greeks and Persians from fourth century BCE

In which period did the three-leveled examination system originate? a. Ming dynastic period b. Han dynasty period c. Xia dynasty period d. Qing dynasty period e. The idea was imported from Mughal India.

b. Han dynasty period

Which of the following statements about the practice of Chinese female foot-binding is most accurate? a. The Chinese did not bind the feet of their women. b. It appeared during the Song Dynasty between 960-1279. c. It was a feature exclusive to the Ming Dynasty. d. It was an imported idea from the Indus civilization starting around 1000 BCE. e. The Qing Dynasty heavily opposed foot-binding and passed laws forbidding it.

b. It appeared during the Song Dynasty between 960-1279.

In the late 1890s, the impetus behind the modernization movement in China was a. Guangxu. b. Kang Youwei. c. Cixi. d. Pu Yi.

b. Kang Youwei.

As the result of the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, Japan took over Russian interests in a. Korea. b. Manchuria. c. the treaty ports. d. Siberia.

b. Manchuria.

Buddhists refer to the stage of final enlightenment as a. Moksha b. Nirvana c. Dharma d. Atman e. Karma

b. Nirvana

The language in which the ancient Buddhist scriptures were composed was a. Sanskrit b. Pali c. Tamil d. Hindi e. Greek

b. Pali

The capital of the Maurya Empire was located at a. Delhi b. Pataliputra c. Benaras d. Madurai e. Cochin

b. Pataliputra

What was the major port and commercial center of China — a place known for its westernized culture in the 1920s and 1930s? a. Nanjing b. Shanghai c. Hong Kong d. Beijing e. Chengdu

b. Shanghai

East and West Pakistan was carved out of British India in 1947 on the basis of a. Shared language b. Shared religion

b. Shared religion

Which of the following commodities played a key role in Ming economy? a. Gold b. Silver c. Copper d. Bronze e. Coal

b. Silver

The first military victory of the British against an Indian authority, the Muslim Nawab of the province of Bengal, occurred in 1757 at a. The Battle of Panipat b. The Battle of Plassey c. sea near Surat d. a field near Delhi e. the infamous black hole in Calcutta

b. The Battle of Plassey

The system of social hierarchy based on family status, birth order, occupation, and gender common in ancient India was called a. The Samsara b. The Varna-Ashrama system c. The Arthashastra d. Mahabharata e. Ramayana

b. The Varna-Ashrama system

Which of the southern Indian kingdoms was most successful in resisting the raids from the Delhi Sultanate? a. The Cholas b. The Vijaynagara Kingdom c. The Pallavas d. The Vatakatas e. The Pandyas

b. The Vijaynagara Kingdom

What was the Ming era "eight-legged essay"? a. A genre of fantasy literature popular during the Ming era b. The essays one had to write to pass the Ming era imperial examination c. A form of puppet show popular during this period d. A genre of literary satire making fun of Confucian classics e. A genre of poetry influenced by Daoist nature imagery

b. The essays one had to write to pass the Ming era imperial examination

Which of the following features is NOT a characteristic of the physical geography of regions affected by the monsoon? a. These areas are generally warm and humid, enjoying little temperature fluctuations during summer and winter. b. These areas are arid and dry with extreme warm temperature in the summer and harsh sub freezing temperature in winter. c. These regions have extensive agricultural lands allowing year round farming. d. Some of the major rivers of the world with extensive deltas lie in these regions. e. Regions of monsoon Asia are generally very densely populated.

b. These areas are arid and dry with extreme warm temperature in the summer and harsh sub freezing temperature in winter.

In the societies of Asia, how were women generally treated? a. They were given equal status to men. b. They were highly subordinate. c. They never had any power in their family no matter the situation. d. Asian widows were expected to re-marry. e. Women in China were not treated as erotic playthings.

b. They were highly subordinate.

What are Dharmashastra codes? a. Treatise on political philosophy written during the Maurya rule by Kautilya b. Treatises on social behavioral codes written between 500 BCE and 500 CE c. Dialogue between Prince Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna on the meaning of life d. Rules of fair trade and commerce instituted during the Kushan era e. Treatise on what constitutes just war

b. Treatises on social behavioral codes written between 500 BCE and 500 CE

Who were Li Bo (701-762) and Du Fu (712-770)? a. The first two emperors of the Tang dynasty b. Two best known poets from the Tang era c. Two important proponents of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism d. The two Tang era explorers who first sailed from China to India e. The two famous ministers at the Tang court who shaped the cosmopolitan policies of the Tang Empire

b. Two best known poets from the Tang era

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek turned his soldiers against a. the Japanese. b. his former communist allies. c. the population of Shanghai. d. the Westerners living in the treaty ports.

b. his former communist allies.

Which of the following describes how social hierarchies were in Asian societies? (Select all correct options.) a. Asian societies were based upon individual aspirations and initiative b. Asian societies tended to shy away c. Asian societies were hierarchically based. d. Asian societies included the Indian institution of caste. e. Social hierarchies were thought to disrupt the social harmony of a community.

c and d

How long did the Qing dynasty rule China? a. 1880-1901 b. 1368-1644 c. 1644-1911 d. 1583-1610 e. 1650-1868

c. 1644-1911

The rock-cut temple complex of 27 caves in central India containing beautiful examples of Indian art and sculpture can be found at a. the Tajmahal in Agra b. the Red Fort in Delhi c. Ajanta in the central Deccan d. Benaras e. Pataliputra, the current day Patna

c. Ajanta in the central Deccan

Mahayana Buddhism differs from the Theravadin sect as the former emphasizes the worship of a. Vishnu b. Siva c. Bodhisattvas d. Vedic devas e. Kings as divine entities

c. Bodhisattvas

Which of the following social and religious systems was viewed with significant suspicion during the Song rule? a. Confucianism b. Daoism c. Buddhism d. Mohism e. Legalism

c. Buddhism

What is the Bhagavadgita? a. The oldest of the Vedic scriptures b. Life story of the founder of Jainism, Vardhamana Mahavira c. Dialogue between Prince Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna on life's responsibilities d. Myths associated with the Vedic storm god e. Stories describing the Buddha's earlier reincarnations

c. Dialogue between Prince Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna on life's responsibilities

Which of the following industries is NOT an important part of India's current exports? a. Computer technology b. Steel Industry c. Gold d. Mobile telephones e. Auto industry

c. Gold

The caste system is a form of social hierarchy particular to which of the following societies? a. China b. Japan c. India d. Korea e. Tibet

c. India

Who was the first prime minister of independent India? a. Mohandas Gandhi b. Muhammad Ali Jinnah c. Jawaharlal Nehru d. Indira Gandhi e. Sayyid Ahmad Khan

c. Jawaharlal Nehru

Which of the following aspects of a society does NOT enhance its soft power? a. Education infrastructure b. Expertise in the realm of science and technology c. Moral standing d. Business environment e. Freedom of speech and ideas

c. Moral standing

What was the capital of the Ming dynasty during the time of Emperor Hongwu? a. Chang'an b. Kaifeng c. Nanjing d. Beijing e. Guangzhou

c. Nanjing

Who was Mencius? a. The founder of a school of political philosophy at odds with Confucianism from the Warring States era b. The first Han emperor who ruled according to Confucian political philosophy c. One of the most famous follower and commentator of Confucian philosophy who lived between 372 and 289 BCE d. The first Chinese philosopher to converted to Buddhism e. A Greek philosopher whose views may have influenced Confucius

c. One of the most famous follower and commentator of Confucian philosophy who lived between 372 and 289 BCE

The strict law and order system and harsh punishment for lighter crimes as a deterrent against serious ones were the principles of the Legalist philosophy. Which of the following dynasties ruled according to this principle? a. Shang b. Zhou c. Qin d. Han

c. Qin

The famous landmark Qutb Minar in Delhi was first built in 1199 by which Sultanate? a. Sikander Lodis b. Firuz Tughluk c. Qutub-ud-din Aibak d. Alauddin Khalji e. Khizr Khan

c. Qutub-ud-din Aibak

The indigenous religion of Japan that centered on the worship of nature is called a. Mohism b. Daoism c. Shinto d. Zen e. Lamaism

c. Shinto

According to the ancient Chinese worldview, which of the following was seen as the likely cause of natural calamities? a. Fury of the nature gods against humans b. Unpredictability of the goddess of fortune c. Sign of Heaven's displeasure with the ruling authority d. Revenge of Nature against humans for upsetting the natural harmony e. Nature's way of alerting humans about the necessity of an elaborate religious ritual

c. Sign of Heaven's displeasure with the ruling authority

Movable type printing was invented during which of the following dynasties? a. Zhou b. Tang c. Song d. Ming e. Han

c. Song

Which of the following dynasties unified China after the decline of the Han? a. Tang b. Song c. Sui d. Qin e. Ming

c. Sui

In which of the following countries is Mahayana Buddhism NOT the most popular form of Buddhism? a. China b. Tibet c. Thailand d. Korea e. Japan

c. Thailand

Which of the following statements is NOT a correct description of the Vedas? a. Vedas are the oldest religious scripture of Hinduism b. The Vedas existed in the oral tradition for centuries before being written down c. The Vedas were written in the still un-deciphered script of the Indus-Valley civilization and remains unread d. The Vedas describe the ritual tradition and the worship of Aryan nature gods e. Ancient Sanskrit is the language in which the Vedas were composed

c. The Vedas were written in the still un-deciphered script of the Indus-Valley civilization and remains unread

At which period in time did the Indus civilization begin to decay? a. Toward the beginning of the first millennium BCE b. During the second millennium BCE c. Toward the end of the third millennium BCE d. Toward the end of the fourth millennium BCE e. Toward the beginning of the fourth millennium BCE

c. Toward the end of the third millennium BCE

Theravada and Mahayana are the names of a. Two Hindu epics b. Two Jain scriptures c. Two Buddhist sects d. Two Hindu festivals e. Two Buddhist pilgrimage sites in the Ganges valley

c. Two Buddhist sects

The awareness of the hierarchy of connections between our physical body and our mental, spiritual self provides the foundation of the theory of a. Karma b. Bhakti c. Yoga d. Rita e. Samsara

c. Yoga

The Mongol dynasty that took over the control of China after the decline of the Song dynasty was the a. Han b. Tang c. Yuan d. Qing e. Ming

c. Yuan

Theravada Buddhism believes that salvation a. is impossible. b. comes from ritual devotion. c. comes from good works. d. is a product of the Buddha's grace.

c. comes from good works.

Which of the following technological innovations arose during Tang era China? (Select all correct options.) a. Paper making b. Movable type print technology c. Ship building d. Porcelain technology e. Gunpowder

d and e

When did the USA formally recognize the People's Republic of China? a. 1911 b. 1937 c. 1949 d. 1979 e. 1931

d. 1979

The British introduced many infrastructural changes in India. Which one of the following did they NOT introduce? a. Railways b. Uniform postage c. Telegraph d. Channels that connected disparate parts of the subcontinent e. Printing press

d. Channels that connected disparate parts of the subcontinent

Which of the following statements is NOT a correct description of Confucius's life? a. Confucius was the son of minor official from one of the smaller eastern states in China b. Confucius was mostly known as a teacher c. Confucius was born sometime in around 550 BCE d. Confucius became an important advisor to the Zhou ruler of the time e. Confucius lived during the Warring States period in China's history

d. Confucius became an important advisor to the Zhou ruler of the time

Which of the following statements is NOT a correct description of Mohandas Gandhi's life? a. Gandhi was born in a devout Hindu Gujarati family b. Gandhi was a barrister trained in England c. Gandhi spent a part of his life in South Africa fighting on behalf of the Indian community d. Gandhi was a Hindu religious leader e. In addition to working for India's independence, Gandhi was also involved in promoting the rights of workers in India's textile industry

d. Gandhi was a Hindu religious leader

Which of the following qualities was NOT associated with heightened social status in traditional Asian societies? a. Age b. Male gender c. Ability to work with a group, be it family, or community d. Innovative thinking allowing radical departure from accepted norms e. Education

d. Innovative thinking allowing radical departure from accepted norms

Which of the following figures from Indian and Chinese history would NOT be perceived as sympathetic to the concept of soft power? a. Ashoka b. Confucius c. Mohandas Gandhi d. Mao Zedong e. Mencius

d. Mao Zedong

The Chinese practice of female foot binding arose during which era? a. Tang b. Han c. Sui d. Song e. Zhou

d. Song

Which of the European colonial powers did NOT have a presence in the Indian subcontinent in the 17th and 18th centuries? a.Great Britain b. France c. Portugal d. Spain e. Netherlands

d. Spain

Which of the following statements is NOT a correct description of Taiwan? a. After the Communists took over main land China, the Guomindang fled to Taiwan and established a republican style of government b. Taiwan today is an advanced industrial economy c. Taiwan is currently called the Republic of China d. Taiwan is a member of the UN e. Taiwan is an independent nation state and a parliamentary democracy

d. Taiwan is a member of the UN

When the Sui Dynasty fell, it was replaced by the ____________ Dynasty. a. Qin b. Eastern Han c. Shang d. Tang

d. Tang

The paternalistic family where group welfare took precedence over individual preference was a part of the social structure in all of the following countries EXCEPT? a. Korea b. China c. India d. Thailand e. Japan

d. Thailand

Which of the following statements about the Opium Wars — and the broader social context behind these encounters — is NOT correct? a. The British East India company used opium as a cash crop to pay for its purchases of tea and silk from China b. The easy availability of opium in China led to large-scale addiction among the Chinese c. The destruction of large stocks of opium by imperial Chinese officials led the British to declare war on the Chinese d. The Chinese authorities easily defeated the British in these encounters e. The Treaty of Nanjing ended the Opium Wars in 1842

d. The Chinese authorities easily defeated the British in these encounters

What is the meaning of the word "Yana" in the Buddhist context? a. Knowledge b. Duty c. Compassion d. The Dharmic project as a vehicle toward Nirvana e. Devotion

d. The Dharmic project as a vehicle toward Nirvana

Which of the following statements about the Qing dynasty is NOT correct? a. Members of the Manchu clan, residents of northeastern China, established the Qing dynasty b. The Manchus were invited by the Ming dynasty rulers to Beijing to suppress regional rebellions c. The Manchu Qings largely assimilated with the Chinese, although retaining some distinctive cultural practices including forbidding intermarriage with the Han Chinese d. The entire Qing era, especially the first couple of centuries were marked by severe misrule and anarchy e. The Qing dynasty introduced a China-wide postal system connected by roads and waterways

d. The entire Qing era, especially the first couple of centuries were marked by severe misrule and anarchy

Which of the following descriptions does NOT fit the Hindu understanding of the Avatar? a. Personal embodiment of the Supreme reality b. Personal god c. Periodic reincarnations of the Supreme God d. The object of the worshiper's single-minded devotion e. The ultimate political authority of the citizens of India

d. The ultimate political authority of the citizens of India

Shinto does NOT emphasize a. ritual purity b. manifestations of natural force, like mountains, rocks, and waterfalls. c. cleanliness. d. obedience to a high priest.

d. obedience to a high priest

The best-known ruler of the Maurya dynasty, who converted to Buddhism and attempted to formulate the ideals of kingly responsibility, was a. Siddhartha Gautama b. Mahavira c. Rama d. Chandragupta e. Ashoka

e. Ashoka

Which of the following descriptions is NOT a proper fit for the word "dharma"? a. Behavior that sustains society b. Religious duties c. Civic and community responsibilities d. One's natural propensities including age specific, gender specific and occupation specific actions e. Belief in the cyclical view of life

e. Belief in the cyclical view of life

Which of the following goals of life is NOT part of the formal social duties acknowledged in the Dharmashastra codes? a. Moksha: Working towards one's freedom from Samsara b. Dharma: Working to promote social wellbeing c. Artha: Making money and promoting material wellbeing d. Kama: Procreating to continue the family line and fulfilling of sexual desires e. Bhakti: Devotional worship of one's chosen deity

e. Bhakti: Devotional worship of one's chosen deity

According to Rhoads Murphy, certain social features and lifestyles may have developed in response to weather patterns associated with monsoon Asia. Which of the following cultural features may NOT have a direct correlation with the monsoon? a. Predominance of an agrarian economy b. High Population density c. Labor intensive practices of agriculture leading to larger families as a ready source of labor d. Greater emphasis on family relationship and occupational hierarchy as a way of maintaining social order e. Emphasis on individualism and innovative thinking as a way out of large-scale crises

e. Emphasis on individualism and innovative thinking as a way out of large-scale crises

Which of the following factors played the least important role in determining an individual's social status in ancient Indian society? a. Age b. Level of education and occupation c. Gender d. Family background e. Independent thinking and ability to think outside the box

e. Independent thinking and ability to think outside the box

South Asian society has given rise to many religious traditions through the course of its history. Which of the following religions is NOT indigenous to this part of the world? a. Buddhism b. Sikhism c. Jainism d. Hinduism e. Islam

e. Islam

Which of the following nation-states is NOT located in south-east Asia? a. Indonesia b. Malaysia c. Myanmar or Burma d. Thailand e. Korea

e. Korea

Which of the following descriptions of the Cultural Revolution is NOT correct? a. Communist authorities persecuted any Chinese intellectual who showed interest in western culture b. Millions of officials, writers, managers, and teachers were hounded out of their jobs c. People were encouraged to inform the government about counterrevolutionary activities of their friend, colleagues, and family members d. All universities and colleges were closed for several years as these institutions were viewed as the breeding ground for elites e. Mao Zedong had actively opposed the Cultural Revolution making him unpopular within his party

e. Mao Zedong had actively opposed the Cultural Revolution making him unpopular within his party

Which of the following labels referred to the lowest serving class in ancient India? a. Brahmans b. Kshatriyas c. Vaishyas d. Sanyasis e. Shudras

e. Shudras

Which of the following is NOT part of the four noble truths of Buddhism? a. Life is filled with pain, suffering and frustration b. Life's suffering is caused by our desires c. To end such suffering and sorrow one must end desires d. One can control desires by following the eightfold path of right conduct e. Single-minded worship of the Buddha is the only way to stop suffering

e. Single-minded worship of the Buddha is the only way to stop suffering

Which of the following statements about the Taiping rebellion is NOT correct? a. The Taiping rebellion took place in 1850 b. The leader of the Taiping, Hong Xiuquan, was a frustrated scholar who had failed the imperial exam several times c. Hong claimed to have religious visions in which he saw himself as the younger brother of Jesus Christ d. The Taiping rebellion was finally suppressed with enormous loss of lives in 1864 e. The Qin dynasty fell in 1853 when the Taiping rebels took over Nanjing

e. The Qin dynasty fell in 1853 when the Taiping rebels took over Nanjing

Which of the following statements is NOT a correct description of Tang era Chinese society? a. Tang era China knew how to print with wooden blocks b. Knowledge of how to make beautiful porcelain artifacts was available to the Tang era Chinese c. Silk and Tea were important Tang era exports d. Agricultural outputs rose during the Tang era with the use of human manure as fertilizers e. The Tang emperor Tai Zong's unsuccessful campaigns into Tibet, central Asia and Vietnam led to the fall of the Tang dynasty

e. The Tang emperor Tai Zong's unsuccessful campaigns into Tibet, central Asia and Vietnam led to the fall of the Tang dynasty

Which of the following descriptions does NOT fit the Chinese monk Fa Xian's account of the Gupta rule? a. The administrative culture was generally mild and benevolent b. Crime was rare c. Travelers could freely travel across the empire without travel documents d. Most of the upper class Indians were vegetarians, and those who ate meat generally belonged to the lower rungs of society e. There was active trade between the Gupta and the Roman empire

e. There was active trade between the Gupta and the Roman empire

Which of the following commodities was NOT exported by China during the Ming era? a. Silk b. Tea c. Porcelain d. Silver e. Laquerware


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