What is the Proper Role...

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Commerce Compromise

Congress gave up the power to tax exports, but was given the power to make laws regarding trade.

Thomas Jefferson

A Founding Father who is not a Framer but was a main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Articles of Confederation

Our first government plan; it had no executive branch, and no power to tax.

Individual Mandate

Part of the ACA, says you must have health insurance, or pay a penalty through taxes - the tax penalty was killed by Trump-era tax cuts, though.


A compromise - - will enslaved people count as part of a state's population, for determining representation in congress?

Hurricane Katrina

A massive weather event that reminded us what many Americans thought was the proper role of government

Virginia Plan

A proposal for a new constitution that included three branches AND a congress based on PROPORTIONAL representation

Stamp Act

A very unpopular British tax on contracts and other paperwork

Social Contract

An agreement where one gives up some rights in order to receive protection from a government

French & Indian War

An event that put the English in debt, so they raised taxes on the North American colonists.


An imaginary situation where your rights are not protected because there is no government

Electoral College

Another Convention compromise, the kooky method they contrived for choosing the U.S. president.

Universal Healthcare

How most countries take care of doctors and hospital bills - the government covers it.

Thomas Hobbes

He thought life was short and brutal, and that people need a strong, no-nonsense ruler.


If government fails to protect citizens' rights, then citizens have the right to alter or abolish that government


John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Sam Adams

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

New Deal program that hired unemployed men to work on projects such as flood control and building national parks

John Adams

No, we won't vote for independence; Sit down, you!

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Passed in 2010, its goal was to make healthcare more AVAILABLE and more AFFORDABLE, but conservatives disliked its big government features

The New Deal

Pres. FDR's huge government expansion program, providing jobs and welfare to the unemployed, the old, etc.


Their view on the Proper Role is, Don't take away our right to own a gun, or any other rights... Liberty!

Federalist Papers

These essays helped convince the states to ratify the Constitution.

Bill of Rights

This was promised in order to get the states, specifically Massachusetts, to ratify the Constitution

Second Continental Congress

Where (and who) the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were written

Magna Carta

With this document, the English, a long, long time ago, limited the power of the king

Declaration of Independence

Written to explain and justify the colonies' right of revolt and break up with Britain

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