when was the constitution written

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what is an amendment?

. A change to the constitution . A addition

name one branch or part of the government.

. Congres .Legislative .President .Executive .The Courts .Juducual

what group of people was taken to america, and sold as slaves?

.Africans .People from Africa

what is 1 reason colonists came to America?

.Freedom .Economic Opportunity .Escape Persecution

what is the name of the vice president of the U.S now?

.Joseph R Biden Jr .Joe Biden .Biden

when was the declaration of independene adopted?

.July 4 1776

there were 13 original states name 3?

.Massachosetts .New York / New Jersey .Georgea

who lived in America before European arrived?

.Native Americans .American Indians

what is one power of the federal gobernment?

.Print money .Declare war

what does the consitution do?

.Protects basic rights of Americans .Sets up the goverment .Defines the government

who wrote the declaration of independence?

.Thomas Jefferson

when must all men register for the selective service?

.at age eighteen (18) .between eighteen and twenty-six (26)

what is the economic system in the United States?

.capitalist economy .market economy

there are 4 amendments to the constitution about; Who can vote describe one of them?

.citizens eighteen(18)and older .any citizen can vote

what is the "role of law"?

.everyone must follow the law .Gobernment must obey the law .No one is above the law

what are 2 rights of everyone living in the U.S?

.freedom of speech .freedom of expression

what is 1 promise you make when you become a U.S citizen?

.give up loyalty to other countries .defind the constitution and laws of the U.S .obey the laws of the U.S

what are 2 rights in the declaration of independence?

.life .liberty .

what is 1 power of the states?

.provide schooling safety

what does the judicial branch do?

.reviews laws .explains laws

what are 2 cabinet-level positions?

.secretary of Agriculture .secretary of Defense .secretary of state

what is 1 responsability that is only for U.S citizens?

.serve an a jury .vote in a federal election

what is 1 right or freedom from the first amendment?

.speech .religion .assembly

what do we show loyalty to when say the pladge of all esiance?

.the U.S .the flag

what happened at the constitutional convention?

.the cpnstitution was written .the founding fathers wrot the constitution

why do some states have more representatives than other states?

.they have more people .some state have more people

what are 2 ways that American can partisipate in there democracy?

.vote .run for office .join a political party .call senator and representatives

name 1 right only for U.S citizens?

.vote in federal election .run federal office

what is the political party of the president now?

Democratic (party)

what is the name of the speaker of the house of representatives now?

John Bochner

Name yor U.S representative

John Culverson

who is the chief justice of the U.S now?

John Roberts

if both the president and vice president can no longer serve; Who became president?

Jonh Boehner (The speaker of the house)

how many justices are on the supreme court?

Nine (9)

In what month do we vote for president?


what does the presidents cabinet do?

advises the president

why did the colonists fight the british?

because of high taxes

what stop 1 branch of government from becoming too powerful?

checks and balances

what did the declaration of independence do?

declared our independence (great britain)

what are 2 major political parties in the U.S?

democratic and republican

how old do citizens have to be to vote for president?

eighteen (18) and older

we elect a president for how many years?

four (4)

the house of representatives has how many voting members?

four hundred thirty five (435)

how many U.S senators are there?

one hundred (100)

who makes federal laws?

senate and house of representatives

we elect a U.S senator for how many years?

six (6)

The idea of self-government is in the first 3 words of the constitution. What are these words?

we the people

what is the freedom of religion?

you can practice any religion or not practice a religion

when was the constitution written?


who does a U.S senator represent?

All people of the state

when is the last day can send in federal income tax forms?

April 15

what is the capital of your state?

Austin TX

what is the name of the president of the U.S now?

Barack Obama

who is the government of your state now?

Rick Perry

who is 1 of your states U.S senator now?

Ted Cruz

what do we call the first 10 amendments to the constitution?

the bill of rights

what is the supreme law of the land?

the constitution

who is in charge of the ececutive branch

the president

who is the commander in chief of the military?

the president

who signs bills to become laws?

the president

who vetoes bills?

the president

what are the 2 parts of the U.S congress?

the senator and house (of Representatives)

what is the highest court in the U.S?

the supreme court

if the president can no longer serve; Who comes president?

the vice president

how many amendments does the constitution have?

twenty-seven (27)

we elect a U.S representative for how many years?

two (2)

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