which of the following is correct in describing the church
On what basis is the claim made of forgiveness of sins in the sacraments?
Gods promises in his word
Transubstantiation is most closely associated with
Roman Catholic
which of the following is correct in describing the church
The horizontal dimension and the vertical ways of expressing the relationship in the trinity.
The term adiaphora refers to
actions that are neither common by nor prohibited by God
The prayer acronym acts
adoration, confessions thanksgiving, supplication
Making the sign of the cross
appropriate for any Christian as a reminder of their baptism
The Holy Spirit works conversion but we work sanctification alone.
Through sanctification, we can attain spiritual perfection and free ourselves from our sinful nature.
Using the narrow definition of sacrament, prayer is rightly considered one
Which part of God's Word is one of the means of grace?
The Lord's Supper is also known as
holy communion and eucharist
The means of grace refers to
how god delivers or extends his grace and applies it to us
the church triumphant can be found
in heaven
Based on the words of Jesus in the Lord's Supper, Lutherans and Catholics emphasize the word
Which must always precede the other?
Sacramental union is most closely associated with
in lords supper, bread and wine form a sacramental union
lords supper bread and wine
When a Christian does good works, they are
response to god and necessary part of being chirstain
The Latin words facere and sanctus combine to form our English word
The term simul iustus et peccator translates
simulation justified and a sinner
basic components of prayer
thanksgiving and supplication
The power and effectiveness in baptism is found in
the words and promises of God
Baptized Christians have no need for mediator
The means of grace are justification applied to the lives of individual Christians.
The mode of baptism is best understood as a matter of adiaphora
The visible church includes both believers and unbelievers
When the Holy Spirit converts us, we are reconciled with God and are made friends of God.
sanctification is process of growth
the catholic, with a small "C" properly refers to the
true and universal chirstain church