White Collar Crime

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It has been estimated that white collar crime cost the US economy _____

$200 billion a year

It has been estimated that white collar crime cost the US economy:

200 billion per year

Under federal law, the maximum person term a person can serve for perjury is:

5 years

What is identity theft?

A crime where your identity is stolen.

Which of the following is NOT an example of white collar Crime?

A government official who stole a valuable watch from his neighbor.

Which is an example of a criminal state?

A government that rules outside the law and is used as an instrument to commit crimes against humanity.

Which is an example of negligent state?

A government that takes pervasive inaction in the face of its people suffering.

Which is an example of a repressive state?

A government that withholds basic rights to its citizens all or in part.

Which of the following best captures Cohen's definition of subculture?

A group that working class youth's form in order to gain status when they are unable to live up to middle-class values.

Which of the following is a warning sign of fraud?

A phone call asking for your Social Security number.

Which of the following is NOT necessarily an aspect of white collar crime?

A professional killing another professional over an embezzling scheme.

Which type of crime list it is not a political crime?

A senator physically assaulting a neighbor.

Which of the following is an example of differential association theory?

A teenager spend the summers with his uncle, a jewel thief. He starts to except the free of a way of life and also learns how to steal jewels.

Which of the following is NOT one of the confluences of circumstances that promote state-corporate crime?

Able and willing government agent.

The obligation of an individual or a company to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner is called:


Nancy is representing a seller and is showing the house to a perspective buyer. Nancy tells the perspective buyer at the house has four bedrooms. However, the room in the basement isn't a 'legal' bedroom because there isn't an egress window required for basement bedrooms required in local building code. Nancy knows this but makes the statement anyway. What is Nancy guilty of?

Actual fraud

What type of information is typically subject to phishing attacks?

All answers are correct

Which of the following is an example of occupational crime?

All answers are correct

Who can violate the FCPA?

All answers are correct.

A threat is anything that could negatively _________ something we feel is important.

All are correct.

Why would somebody be hesitant to report child abuse?

All of the answers are correct

What is the general purpose of investigative journalism?

All of these answers are correct

How would Derkum describe modern societies?

As more restitutive.

Differential _____ is the idea that people learn values and behaviors associated with crimes.


What is the primary purpose for offenders to employ the techniques of neutralization?

Avoid the ability to be blamed, socially stigmatized or chastised for their actions.

Which of the following is an advantage of plea-bargaining for the defendant and prosecutor?

Avoiding the cost of trial.

The process that enables employees to identify and deal with ethical problems by developing their moral intuitions, which are implicit in every day choices and actions, is called _______.

Business ethics training

Charles Ponzi defrauded investors by engaging in what type of business?

Buying and selling postal reply coupons

Why are civil lawsuits pursued instead of criminal prosecution in some white collar crime cases?

Cases of white collar crime require a lot of legal and technical expertise, so they can be difficult to prove.

Of the three examples of state corporate crime, The Challenger disaster, the holocaust, and the Iran-Contra scandal, which one is considered state initiated?

Challenger disaster

The securities and exchange commission can institute a _____ to enforce federal financial service laws.

Civil action

________ is restrictive access so that nobody knows everything, and nobody can access everything.


Data gathered about a competitors Business through legal means is referred to as:

Competitive intelligence

What is a conventional crime, as opposed to White collar crime?

Conventional crimes may involve violence or force, where the defendants motivation may have nothing to do with money, or where they use force or violence to get money.

A company receives $90 million from the government to aid in relief efforts for refugees in the Middle East. Instead of using the money for its intended purpose,The company uses the money to invest in new buildings and contracts to boost its revenue. This is an example of which type of corporate crime?

Corporate fraud

Kidnapping is a:

Crime against persons

What are corporate crimes?

Crimes committed by corporations on their employees acting on the corporations behalf.

The policy that uses long prison sentencesAnd hefty fines for the individuals who commit white collar crimes is called:

Criminal deterrence

Margie recently received an email from the president of a foreign country. In the email, it mentioned emailing her bank account information so that he could deposit money she won in their country's lottery. What type of crime is most probably happening here?


Which agency is responsible for enforcing FCPA CRIMINAL activities?


Which agency is responsible for enforcing FCPA CRIMINAL penalties?


What was one of the primary causes of the Enron collapse?

Deceptive accounting practices, which led to the bankruptcy of the company.

Running up debts without intending to pay them is an example of _______, while jumping a subway turn style is an example of ______.

Defaulting on loans, theft of services

An offender who was arrested for participating in a drive-by shooting that injured three people at an outdoor birthday party contends that "they were all gangbangers, so why would anyone care?" This is an application of which technique of neutralization?

Denial of victim

When a person breaks free from controls and is autonomous, The control balance theory states that ______ can occur.


What is disgorgement?

Disgorgement is a form of relief requested from the courts were any profits improperly obtained are turned over to the government.

Freddy just read an article in the financial section of the paper that stated XYZ Company is in big trouble for faking lab results for a new medication. He decides to call his broker to request that his stock be sold immediately. Freddy is:

Doing nothing wrong. The information was shared with the public.

What are the double Jeopardy rules in the US courts?

Double Jeopardy rules prohibit the government from twice seeking prosecution against the same person for the same acts.

Who coined the term white collar crime?

Edwin Sutherland

Acme corporation instituted a program where employee investigators monitored other employees for rule breaking and criminal behavior. The investigators reported to law enforcement officials. What is this an example of?

Enforced self-regulation

A scandal involving ______ is a prime example of why the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was needed.


The type of crime that combines the characteristics of a legitimate business with illegal activity is called:

Enterprise Crime

What political crime has Edward Snowden been indicted for?


When a company makes untrue statements about its products is is guilty of?

False claims

When Computer Entertainment Inc. misrepresented it's profits, what type of fraud was the company engaging in?

Falsifying financials

Which of the following describes white collar Crime?

Financial crimes committed by business professionals.

Civil fraud carries which of the following penalties?


Which of the following is an example of white collar crime?

Fraud, embezzlement, and forgery.

What type of deterrence looks to punish one person in hopes others will be dissuaded in committing the same act?

General deterrence

Which type of deterrence looks to punish one person in hopes others will be dissuaded in committing the same act?

General deterrence

Brendan as a youth from the working class family. He does not have the educational opportunities to live up to dominant working class values. He takes part in a subculture that prioritizes values outside of the middle class. Why does Brandon do this, according to Cohen?

In order to gain status.

The taking of trade secrets or customer data that belongs to a business is known as:

Industrial sabotage

A _______ is one that originates internally.

Insider threat

By committing fraud or plagiarism, it negatively affects the researcher and the institutions:


Creations of the mind, such as literary works, music, and inventions, are known as:

Intellectual property

When Tiko industries made false claims of losses on its tax filings, this agency leveled eight $350,000 fine.

Internal revenue service

White collar crimes are crimes that ________.

Involve financial motivation.

What did Sutherland's study and writings on white collar crime do for the field of criminology?

It broadened the field of criminology to study crime outside of street crimes only.

Which of the following most accurately describes the history of white collar crime?

It was a problem in the 15th century, and it is a very big problem today, in spite of different laws prohibiting it.

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the Sorbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?

It's main focus was to provide harsher sentences for all white collar criminals.

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the Sorbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?

It's main focus was to provide harsher sentences for all white-collar criminals.

Which of the following people is at HIGHEST risk of being a victim of white collar crime?

Jack, a 90-year-old man with dementia

Which of the following is an example of a white collar crime?

Making fraudulently high charges for healthcare services.

Which method of financial statement fraud is accomplished by capitalizing expenses as assets and depreciating and amortizing costs too slowly?

Manipulation of expenses

What is one drawback of using private police officers to investigate white-collar crime?

Many white collar crimes may go unreported to the public or to law-enforcement.

According to Merton, A conformist would including which type of people?

Most college students

If I report a discovery that was also stated in the 1986 issue of the journal Neuropsychology and properly cite the original journal I am:

Neither committing fraud or plagiarism

An ideology that says that Life is good only when markets are free and governments don't interfere with trade is called:


With this be considered an example of embezzlement? Individual uses non-public knowledge to make successful stock decisions before anyone else.

No. This is insider trading.

Is this an example of corporate malfeasance? Why? Jack breaks into Jill's house with an intention to hurt her.

No. While the actors considered malfeasance,It is not corporate malfeasance.

Financial statement fraud is accomplished by these methods. Which one is NOT?

Non-reporting of segment information.

Which of the following is suspected to be the primary cause of death and injury resulting from white collar crimes?

Not maintaining a safe workplace.

What is the practice of providing financial support by a legitimate company to a rogue nation or political group,Which uses the funds for an illegal activity?

Odious lending

Which term refers to software that is distributed for free with accessible source code that can be modified and improved by anyone?

Open source

Which of the following is a potential financial consequence of white collar crime?

Organizational financial losses

It is an ongoing challenge to both state and federal law enforcement to enforce the laws written to control Enterprise crime because ______.

Organized crime is like an octopus that keeps growing new tentacles and his complex, with many players in the game.

Another change that has occurred because of his sentencing reform act of 1984 was that:

Parole was abolished in the federal court system.

Lying under oath can result in a:

Penalty of law

What word refers to lying under oath?


Which of the following terms describes the practice of attempting to acquire sensitive information with deceptive emails?


Describe the first step of money laundering.

Placement involves using US financial institutions to place monies.

Why are there often mountains of paperwork and white collar crime cases?

Potential evidence includes contracts, receipts, bank statements, checks, water tabs.

Forensic accounting is a field that is specifically interested in:

Preventing and fighting fraud

Which of the following may be excused from reporting child abuse and neglect?


The term _____ deviance refers to those episodes of deviant behavior that most people participate in.


Rita is Mr. Lockharts secretary,He dictated a letter to her about the financial status of the company and it did not look good. She typed a letter, but when she emailed it back for approval, she made a mistake and added every employee of the company to the email. People began selling their company stock and quitting their jobs. Can Rita go to jail for this?

Probably not. She made an honest mistake and the act was not intentional.

If Carla was motivated to act ethically by the fairness and transparency of the corporation she worked for, this would be an example of what?

Procedural justice

Which of the following is used to prosecute white collar crimes, even though that was not the original intention of the act?

Racketeer influence and corrupt organizations act

A mandated reporter who feels to report suspected child abuse may

Receive a criminal penalty.

When Jill's company was fined by the Financial Crimes enforcement Network for miss representing her company's financial condition, this was done under what type of system for policing white collar crime?


This type of government agency does not have criminal enforcement power, but can level sanctions and fines.

Regulatory agency

Ryan does not have very many opportunities for a legitimate work and he does not have very many adult role models involved in organized criminal work. Ryan is having a hard time finding a place to fit it in so he begins drinking and smoking with other disenfranchised youths in his neighborhood. Which kind of subculture did Ryan join?

Retreatist subculture

Which of the following individuals was convicted of the political white collar crime of trying to (in essence) sell Barack Obama's senate seat?

Rod Blagojevich

What is the law that protects investors from fraudulent accounting activity?


Which of the following people is committing tax fraud?

Sally worked two jobs last year and received two W-2s. She reported one W-2 on her tax return.

Sam manipulated his methodologies and data then reported those results as accurate. What did Sam do?

Sam committed fraud

A positivistic approach in white-collar crime uses a______ approach to studying crime.


The ________ investigates crimes involving counterfeiting US currency.

Secret service

In the digital world, precautionary steps taken to protect computing resources against cybercrime is called:


What is the process of eliminating the opportunity for criminal conduct and thus reducing the crimes themselves called?

Situational prevention

When someone inserts a device into a ATM machine to capture credit card information they are said to be using a:


Computer criminal activities include:

Social media scams, Communications and email threats, data breaches, cloud and email storage compromises and critical data breaches.

What is the core premise behind a general strain theory?

Some people react to strains of life via crime.

Which of the following is an example of liability insurance fraud?

Someone stages a slip-and-fall in a grocery store.

Which of the following people would control theorist considerMost likely to engage in criminal activity?

Someone with no friends or family

In the 1970s, where did public victim services come from?

State and local government

The department head of the county building inspection office received complaints that a large construction company was not using strong enough material on a bridge construction, and the official did nothing. This would be?

State facilitated state corporate crime

Maria works at a daycare taking care of babies. One day she noticed at the milk is expired but remember her boss told her that he does not like to throw things away or waste money. Maria decided to feed a baby the milk. The baby became ill after ingesting the milk. Which type of liability is this?

Strict liability

What is the large-scale transfer of resources from some sectors to other sectors in a system, necessitated by fundamental changes in policies or objectives?

Structural transformation

The control balance theory is based upon the concept of control and to what extent a person's _____ control their behavior.


Which of the following is not automatically copyrighted?

Susan hums an original song that she hopes to eventually record.

Which of the following is a common technocrime committed over a cell phone?

Text message attacks

What is the banking secrecy act?

The BSA was a law passed in 1970 to address the issue of money laundering.

Which agency has the responsibility of investigating the white collar crime of mail fraud?

The Postal Service

Which is NOT true regarding economic structural transformation?

The changes are neutral on the likelihood of economic growth

Which is not true regarding economic structural transformation?

The changes are neutral on the likelihood of economic growth.

If a party is a defendant in a civil lawsuit for improper white-collar financial activity, can they also face a concurrent or future Criminal investigation?

The civil and criminal systems are separate, such that a party could face both civil litigation and criminal charges.

Private investigators who are hired by corporations to investigate possible white-collar crime within them are accountable to ______.

The corporations that pay them to investigate.

When trying a white-collar crime in court, the burden of proof is on ________.

The federal government or one of its agencies.

What is the first defense step and a white collar crime case?

The first defense step is to try to prevent the government from continuing to obtain information.

One of the strings that are attached to Structural Adjustment Program loans that is often detrimental to a poor country's economy is ______.

The increased exporting of the poor country's goods.

Why can white collar crime sentences be so severe?

The number of people andThe monetary damage that can result from white collar crime is significant.

Why is white collar crime so difficult to detect while it is happening?

The person committing the act is usually a professional and thus blends in to the environment.

Which of the following is NOT a victim right?

The right to punish the criminal

Without enacting new laws, which of the following is sometimes the only recourse for State-corporate crimes?

The underlying crime of the state-corporate activity can be prosecuted.

Which of the following is not true about using positivistic approaches to white collar crime?

They believe that it is impossible to be objective.

How did Ralph Lauren keep their finds to a minimum after violating the FCPA?

They had a process in place to detect non-compliance.

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

To require that publicly traded companies have a high ratio of income to debt.

Someone who feigns an injury after a minor fender bender is committing

Vehicle insurance fraud

What is insurance fraud?

When an insurance policy holder or an insurance employee gives false information to receive more value in insurance or money.

The use of commercial enterprise for illegal financial gain is?

White collar crime

What is it called when a person in a position of trust in power uses that position to commit a crime?

White collar crime

What is white collar crime?

White collar crime was a term coined in 1939, and is a term coined generally for non-violent crimes committed for financial gain.

In the world of Internet security, the act of online monitoring for the purpose of intercepting and exploiting information is referred to as ________.

Wi-Fi eavesdropping

Which is true regarding globalization and white collar crime?

With globalization comes new challenges for white-collar crime prevention.

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