Who was Jesus Christ?

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Who was Emperor of Rome at that time?

Octavius Augustus

What are the two major parts of the Bible?

Old Testament and New Testament

Which disciple sunk into the water because he lacked faith?


Which of Jesus's disciples was the spokesman for them?


What river was east of Judea?

River Jordan

What day is the Sabbath in Judaism?


What does Messiah mean?


What smaller sea is in North Judea?

Sea of Galilee

Who was Mary Magdalene?

She was an apostle to the apostles, had 7 demons cast out from her, and was a companion of Jesus.

Who do Christians believe Jesus is?

Son of God

What town in Judea did his birth take place?


Where was Jesus born?


What does the Greek word Christos translate to?


What world religion came about as a result of Christ?


What angel told Mary she was pregnant with God's child?


What language would Jesus have spoken as a Jew?


What would the baby's name be?


What is Christmas the celebration of?

Jesus's birth

What religion were Jesus's parents?


What is a synagogue?

Jewish house of worship

Who was the "disciple that Jesus loved"?


Who baptised Jesus?

John the Baptist

What religion uses the first 5 books of the Bible?


Which disciple betrayed Jesus?

Judas Iscariot

What was the region where Jesus lived called?


Who was Herod?

King of Judea

Who were Jesus's parents?

Mary and Joseph

What are the first four books of the New Testament?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

What sea is west of Judea?

Mediterranean Sea

What city did Mary and Joseph travel to after Egypt?


What section of the Bible is most information about Jesus found?

New Testament

What is a den of robbers?

place where thieves congregate (hang out)

What type of branches were laid in Jesus's path while he rode the donkey?

plam branches

What is a religious teacher in the Jewish religion called?


What did Jesus do for Jairus?

resurrected his daughter

What is a baptism?

ritual that washes away original and personal sins.

When were the Gospels written?

some years after Jesus's death

What does well suited mean?

someone specially talented at something

What is the parable of the Sower?

story of placing seeds in the right place to grow

Why is Passover an important holiday for Jews?

symbolizes the angel of death passing over the houses of those who put ram's blood on their doors

What job did the disciple named Matthew have before being with Jesus?

tax collector

What was a temple tax?

tax taken by temple priests

Where did the Jews worship at?

temple, synagogue

What does "like sheep to a shephard"?

that the disciples would follow Jesus

What is the Holy Book for Christian?

the Bible

What are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John called?

the Gospels

Who ruled the region where Jesus was born?

the Romans

What are the first five books of the Bible called for Jews?

the Torah

It is easier for a camel to pass through...

the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven

What are civil rights?

the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.

When Mary and Joseph lost Jesus one day, where was he found?

the temple

What does wailed mean?


What does Sabbath mean?

day of rest, holy day in many religions

What animal did Jesus ride on when he rode into Jerusalem?


What does Gospel mean?

good news

Why was Jesus considered a threat to the Jewish leaders?

he disobeyed Jewish law

How were Jesus's teachings different from previous preachers?

he taught of god's love not his punishments

What was the parable of the Good Samaritan?

how an enemy helped a man who was hurt

What is a cloak?

long coat

Did Jesus have siblings?

maybe a brother, James

What does humble mean?

not arrogant

About how many people practice Christianity?

2 billion

How much bread and how many fish did he have?

2 fish 5 loaves of bread

About how many years ago was Jesus born?


After how many days did Jesus say he would die and arise from the dead?


How long did Jesus go out into the wilderness?

40 days and 40 nights

How many people did people feed with bread and fish?


How many people are on Earth today?

7.5 billion

What is a disciple?

A follower of Jesus. The word means "learner."

What is an empire?

A group of states or territories controlled by one ruler

What are three of the stories in the Old Testament listed in this book?

Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses

What does Messiah mean?

Anointed one

What other language would he have spoken?


Which disciple was believed to have descended from royalty?


What is the Greek word for anointed one?


What is the date Christmas is celebrated?

December 25th

What did an Angel say to shephards on the day of Jesus's birth?

Do not be afraid! For behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today in the City of David a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord! And this will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger."...

What is the Golden Rule?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

What is a Samaritan?

Enemies of the Jewish people, now a charitable person

What does the New Testament talk about?

The birth of Christ and his life, death, and resurrection

What part of the Temple of Jerusalem is left today?

West Wall

What is the ACTUAL name of Jesus in Hebrew?


What is manger?

a feeding trough for animals

What is a zealot?

a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

What is a stable?

a place for animals

What is a sermon?

a speech given from a pulpit in a house of worship

What is a revolt?

a violent uprising against a ruler

What is a withered hand?

a wrinkled old hand

What is a threat?

an act or object that poses a danger

What did his father do?


What was Jesus's occupation?


What are frankincense and myrrh?

they are examples of resins (expensive spices)

Why did people mock Jesus?

they didn't believe in his teachings, envied him, didn't like him

Who spotted a bright star in the night sky and went to the manger?

three wise men

What does "fishers of men" mean?

to save men's souls

What are palm trees a symbol of in Christianity?


What did Jesus do once while his disciples were on a ship?

walk on water

What did Jesus tell his parents when they found him?

why would you look for me, I am in my father's house

What does vast mean?


What did Jesus turn water into?


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