Why did the Congress System break down in 1823?J

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Kennedy on the rise of Nationalism?

"ethnic mismatch" 8 million austrian subjects were German but twice that were slavs, poles, croats etc... Meant that when nationalism began to take hold Austria very vulnerable. Contrast to Britain all of the pop spoke English and were united - meant the threat of nationalism wasn't as strong therefore were able to support liberalism etc...

What does Hobsbawn say about Canning and Castlereigh?

"flexible Canning replaced the rigid reactionary Castlereigh."

J. Lowe on why the congress system broke down?

"under the weight of discordance among the Great Powers in their attitudes towards revolutions".

What does Hobsbawn call the Ottoman Empire, and what does he say about Russia and the Greek problem?

'the sick man of Europe' and they intervened to keep the Ottoman empire under control.

When did the French invade Spain and sig?

1823 - 100,000 men - Canning disapproved of it but would not cooperate with Metternich to stop it.

What does Lowe say about the importance of British public opinion + quote?

Attributed to the failure of the congress system: At Aix-la-chapelle Castlereigh was forbidden by cabinet influenced by public opinion to extend Britain's alliance. Castlereigh's optimism tended to conceal the "growing resistiveness of the British public".

Why does Lowe argue that the breakdown was inevitable after 1823?

Bc France and Britain, the western powers and Russia, Austria and Prussia the western ones were incompatible.

What were the positives of the congress system + Lowes?

Between 1813-1822 the basis of international order was created. Cooperation of Austria and Britain to keep Prussia and Russia in check. Lowe claims it was the earliest form of summit diplomacy based on personal relationships. The two men who actually beleived in it Castlereigh died in 1822 and Alexander I in 1825.

What does Lowe argue is the main reason for the breakdown of the congress system?

British resistance

What does Lowe say about Canning and Castlereigh?

Canning more nationalistic - lacked personal commitment + hated Metternich said "Every nation for itself and God for us all." Castlereigh more reactionary - believed in the merits of meeting regularly based on the successful cooperation in 1814-15 - but didn't support Metternich's repressive measures.

What did Chateaubriand say about French foreign policy?

Chateaubriand made French foreign policy more decisive after 1825 + argues that France's true policy was to counter-balance their true enemies Austria and Britain.

What does E.Hobsawn argue why it broke down?

Economic - marxist interpretation. 1816-17 famines and business depressions all over Europe included so fear of social revolution was heightened even in Britain - e.g. Peterloo massacre 1819, Manchester. However after the return of return of economic stability in 1820.

Hobsbawn evidence for the cotton trade booming in Britain?

Economically advanced: 1820 Europe took 128 million yards of B cotton South America took 80 million In 1840 this increased to 529 million

What did Castlereigh write in his State Paper 1820?

He explained his own misgivings about the congress system - and explained the ideological differences between the absolutist powers and Britain and their military interests.

What does Lowe say about Metternich and liberalism?

That he was unable to differentiate between the demands for constitutions and reform from the militant jacobism in France in the 1790s.

What did Castlereigh complain to French 1820?

That the Tsar was trying to turn the congress into a central government of Europe.

Why do many historians believe the congress system failed?

There wasn't a 'system' too ad hoc + no pre prepared agenda and agreed rules to the meetings. "A fatal flaw in the congress system was the failure to establish agreed principles on which the Alliance of the Great Powers was supposed to operate." "The most obvious failure of the congress system was its lack of flexibility."

Why did Britain have no interest in a 'united Europe'?

There were at peace for the time being and as Britain was economically developed - didn't need the congress system.

Hobsbawn on British economic interests in South America?

They wanted to protect their interests in South America and didn't want rival powers involved. They supported the independence with their navy. During the napoleonic wars South America was completely dependent on Britain and Britain got used to the lack of dependency on Europe resulting in their policy of splendid isolationism.

What did the Napoleonic wars do for the unity of Europe?

United against a common enemy - at that point their aims were all aligned, but after Napoleon was defeated they were quickly split.

What effect did the Napoleonic wars have on Britain?

Were economically independent bc of Navy could weather the Continental system + South America relied completely on Britain - meaning they became economically independent from Europe.

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