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(Refer to Figure 58.) Solve the equation.

14.002.1. First, solve the parts of the problem inside parentheses:(-35 + 25) = (-10)2. Combine the factors (the parts) of the first term (the part of the problem to the left of the plus sign).(-10) x (-7) = 703. Clear the parenthesis on the right of the plus sign by raising 16 to its ^-2 power.16^-2 = 1/16^2 = 1/256 = 0.0039064. Multiply the two factors of the second term.(3.1416) x (0.003906) = 0.012275. Add the two terms above the line.70 + 0.0122 = 70.01226. Divide this by the square root of 25, which is 5.70.0122 ÷ 5 = 14.002

(Refer to Figure 70.) Which alternative answer is equal to 5.59?


Certificated mechanics with a powerplant rating may perform

100-hour inspections required by the Federal Aviation Regulations on powerplants, propellers, or any components thereof, and may release the same to service.

(Refer to Figure 28.) Identify the bottom view of the object shown.


Find the square root of 1,746.


Which condition is the actual amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water?

Absolute humidity.

What is the status of data used as a basis for approving major repairs or alterations for return to service?

Data must be FAA-approved prior to its use for that purpose

Circular magnetization of a part can be used to detect which defects?

Defects parallel to the long axis of the part.

What is used to indicate that a surface must be machine finished?

Finished marks.

Why should an aircraft maintenance technician be familiar with weld nomenclature?

In order to gain familiarity with the welding technique, filler material, and temperature range used.

(Refer to Figure 19.) When the landing gears are up and the throttles are retarded, the warning horn will not sound if an open occurs in wire

No. 6.

Which statement is true regarding helicopter weight and balance?

Weight and balance procedures for airplanes generally also apply to helicopters.

Examples of units used in the conventional (U.S. or English) measurement include

inch, feet, and yard.

When an airworthy (at the time of sale) aircraft is sold, the Airworthiness Certificate

is transferred with the aircraft.

All of the following are consequences of human error, except

mental stressor.

The CG range in single-rotor helicopters is

more restricted than for airplanes

Unless otherwise specified or required, aircraft bolts should be installed so that the bolthead is

upward, or in a forward direction

(Refer to Figure 29.) Identify the left side view of the object shown


Which tool is used to measure the clearance between a surface plate and a relatively narrow surface being checked for flatness?

Thickness gauge.

(1) According to 14 CFR Part 91, repairs to an aircraft skin should have a detailed dimensional sketch included in the permanent records.(2) On occasion, a mechanic may need to make a simple sketch of a proposed repair to an aircraft, a new design, or a modification.Regarding the above statements,

only No. 2 is true.

Find the empty weight CG location for the following tricycle-gear aircraft. Each main wheel weighs 753 pounds, nosewheel weighs 22 pounds, distance between nosewheel and main wheels is 87.5 inches, nosewheel location is +9.875 inches from datum, with 1 gallon of hydraulic fluid at -21.0 inches included in the weight scale.

+96.11 inches

Refer to Figure 2.) What is the total capacitance of a circuit containing three capacitors with capacitances of .02 microfarad, .05 microfarad, and .10 microfarad, respectively?

.0125 uF

A lead-acid battery with 12 cells connected in series (no-load voltage = 2.1 volts per cell) furnishes 10 amperes to a load of 2-ohms resistance. The internal resistance of the battery in this instance is

0.52 ohm.

If three resistors of 3 ohms, 5 ohms, and 22 ohms are connected in series in a 28-volt circuit, how much current will flow through the 3-ohm resistor

0.93 ampere In a series circuit, the total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances. In this circuit, the total resistance is 30 ohms. All of the current flows through each resistor. Therefore, the current through each resistor is 0.93 amp.I = E ÷ R= 28 ÷ 3 + 5 + 22= 28 ÷ 30= 0.933 amp

Who has the authority to approve for return to service a propeller after a 100-hour inspection?1. A mechanic with a powerplant rating.2. Any certificated repairman.3. A non-certificated mechanic working under the supervision of a certificated mechanic with airframe and powerplant ratings.


An aircraft had an empty weight of 2,886 pounds with a moment of 101,673.78 before several alterations were made. The alterations included:1. removing two passenger seats (15 pounds each) at +71;2. installing a cabinet (97 pounds) at +71;3. installing a seat and safety belt (20 pounds) at +71; and4. installing radio equipment (30 pounds) at +94.The alterations caused the new empty weight CG to move

1.62 inches aft of the original empty weight CG. ITEM WEIGHT ARM MOMENTAircraft 2,886 35.23 101,673.78Seats (remove) 30(-) 71 2,130(-)Cabinet 97 71 6,887Seat 20 71 1,420Radio 30 94 2,820TOTAL 3,003 36.85 110,670.78The alterations shown here will change the empty weight to 3,003 pounds and the empty-weight CG will move to fuselage station 36.85.Before the alteration, the EWCG was at +35.23.The new EWCG of +36.85 is 1.62 inches aft of the original EWCG.

In a parallel circuit with four 6-ohm resistors across a 24-volt battery, what is the total voltage across resistor-three (VR3) in the circuit?

24 volts. In a parallel circuit the source or battery voltage is applied to each of the individual resistors.

(Refer to Figure 11.) Find the voltage across the 8-ohm resistor.

24 volts. The 8-ohm resistor, R(1), is across the full 24 volts of the battery.

(Refer to Figure 31.) What are the proper procedural steps for sketching repairs and alterations?

3, 1, 4, 2.

he result of 7 raised to the third power plus the square root of 39 is equal to


What force must be applied to roll a 120-pound barrel up an inclined plane 9 feet long to a height of 3 feet (disregard friction)?L ÷ I = R ÷ EL = Length of ramp, measured along the slope.I = Height of ramp.R = Weight of object to be raised or lowered.E = Force required to raise or lower object.

40 pounds

The maximum distance between end fittings to which a straight hose assembly is to be connected is 50 inches. The minimum hose length to make such a connection should be

52-1/2 inches.

Which coupling nut should be selected for use with 1/2-inch aluminum oil lines which are to be assembled using flared tube ends and standard AN nuts, sleeves, and fittings?


Placards required on an aircraft are specified in

Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheets.

Select the solvent used to clean acrylics and rubber.

Aliphatic naphtha

What is the color of an AN steel flared-tube fitting?

Black. Steel AN flared tube fittings are colored black. Aluminum alloy AN fittings are colored blue.

A certificated mechanic without an inspection authorization who signs the appropriate block on FAA Form 337 is doing what?

Certifying that the work was done in accordance with the requirements of 14 CFR part 43.

What method of magnetic particle inspection is used most often to inspect aircraft parts for invisible cracks and other defects?


What does the letter Q symbolize when measuring electrical charge?


What is the maximum penalty for cheating or other unauthorized conduct when taking an FAA mechanic test?

Ineligibility to receive any certificate or rating for one year, and suspension or revocation of any certificate held.

Both gasoline and kerosene have certain advantages for use as turbine fuel. Which statement is true in reference to the advantages of each?

Kerosene has a higher heat energy/value per unit volume than gasoline.

(Refer to Figure 16.) When electrical power is applied to the bus, which relays are energized?


Which is the ratio of the water vapor actually present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated at the prevailing temperature and pressure?

Relative humidity.

Which statement is true regarding the variety of symbols utilized on the identifying color-code bands that are currently used on aircraft plumbing lines?

Symbols are always black against a white background regardless of line content.

Why is it important not to rotate the crankshaft after the corrosion preventive mixture has been put into the cylinders on engines prepared for storage?

The seal of corrosion preventive mixture will be broken.

What determines the amount of current which will flow through a battery while it is being charged by a constant voltage source?

The state-of-charge of the battery

How many of these factors are considered essential knowledge for x-ray exposure?1. Processing of the film.2. Material thickness and density.3. Exposure distance and angle.4. Film characteristics.


For which of the following reasons would a water break test be conducted?

To make certain that a bare metal surface is thoroughly clean.

Why is steel tempered after being hardened?

To relieve its internal stresses and reduce its brittleness.

When towing a large aircraft

a person should be in the cockpit to operate the brakes.

If work performed on an aircraft has been done satisfactorily, the signature of an authorized person on the maintenance records for maintenance or alterations performed constitutes

approval for return to service only for the work performed.

If all, or a significant part of a stall strip is missing on an airplane wing, a likely result will be

asymmetrical lateral control at or near stall angles of attack.

The reheating of a heat treated metal, such as with a welding torch

can significantly alter a metal's properties in the reheated area.

Generally, when an induction fire occurs during starting of a reciprocating engine, the first course of action should be to

continue cranking and start the engine if possible.

If an engine fire develops during the starting procedures the first step you should take in extinguishing the fire is

continue cranking to start the engine and blow out the fire.

(1) In the corrosion process, it is the cathodic area or dissimilar cathodic material that corrodes.(2) In the Galvanic or Electro-Chemical Series for metals, the most anodic metals are those that will give up electrons most easily.Regarding the above statements,

only No. 2 is true.

(1) Manufacturer's data and FAA publications such as Airworthiness Directives, Type Certificate Data Sheets, and advisory circulars are all approved data.(2) FAA publications such as Technical Standard Orders, Airworthiness Directives, Type Certificate Data Sheets, and Aircraft Specifications and Supplemental Type Certificates are all approved data.Regarding the above statements,

only No. 2 is true.

An Airworthiness Directive requires that a propeller be altered. Certificated mechanics could

perform and approve the work for return to service if it is a minor alteration.

During an annual inspection, if a defect is found which makes the aircraft unairworthy, the person disapproving must

provide a written notice of the defect to the owner.

When checking an item with the magnetic particle inspection method, circular and longitudinal magnetization should be used to

reveal all possible defects.

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