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End result of meiosis 2

4 haploid cells




A, T, C, G

Anaphase 2

The sister chromatids are pulled apart from each other and move to opposite sides of the cell

Mitosis rounds of cell division

1 cell division

Meiosis rounds of cell division


telophase 1

2 daughter cells are formed, each daughter cell contains only one chromosome of the homologous pair.

end result of meiosis 1

2 haploid cells

How many genetic combos there are

2 the 23 power. 8 million

How many chromosomes do humans have?

46 (23 pairs)

G0 phase

A nondividing state in which a cell has left the cell cycle.

What is G1

Cell growth and perform many of their required cellular functions

Plant cells in mitosis

Cell plate

Prophase 1 (crossing over)

Chromosomes become visible; nuclear envelope breaks down; crossing-over occurs.

Metaphase 1

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

negative control of transcription

Condition where binding of a repressor protein to a regulatory DNA sequence prevents transcription of a gene or a cluster of genes.

What is S phase

DNA replication

Central dogma



Division of the cytoplasm during cell division

what is interphase

G1, S, G2

what does Interphase do

Growth, DNA Replication and General cell processes

What does mitosis do?

Makes new cells for growth and repair + all the cells in your body expect sex cells

what are spindles

Microtubules that guide chromosome movement.

Mitosis vs. Meiosis

Mitosis: one division forming 2 identical cells (clones); Meiosis: two divisions forming 4 genetically different cells

homologous chromosomes

Pair of chromosomes that are the same size, same appearance and same genes.

Anaphase 1

Paired homologous chromosomes separate from each other and move toward each other sides of the cell. Sister chromatids remain together


Process by which mRNA is decoded and a protein is produced. Connects base sequences to amino acid sequences


Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase > the four steps of mitosis

Messenger RNA

RNA molecule that carries copies of instructions for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA to the rest of the cell

Metaphase 2

Spindle fibers aline chromosomes at the cell equator. Each chromosome still has two sister chromatids

Telophase 2

Spindle fibers break apart, cell undergoes cytokinesis,


Spot where transcriptions ends

active repressor protein

The active repressor binds to the operator (operon) to either block or start transcription.

repressor proteins

These bind to DNA and discourage binding of RNA polymerase to start transcription- turns genes OFF


Where repressor binds, stopping the transcription of that gene


a condensed DNA Molecule with part ( or all) of the genetic material of an organism

Lac operon

a gene system whose operator gene and three structural genes control lactose metabolism in E. coli


a group of genes that operate together

a positive control of transcription

activation of transcription; controlled by binding of activator protein when inducer is present

stomatic cells

all cells except sex cells

What are centrosomes?

an organelle near the nucleus of a cell that contains the centrioles (in animal cells) and from which the spindle fibers develop in cell division.

Chromosomes 1-22 are called


2 types of chromosomes

autosomes and sex chromosomes

smallest unit containing human genes

body cells

What are haploids

cells that have one copy of each chromosome

What are diploids

cells with a complete set of chromosomes

G1 checkpoint

checks for cell size, nutrients, growth factors and DNA damage

animal cells in mitosis

cleavage furrow

Purpose for meiosis

create sex cells that are needed for reproduction


different versions of a gene


expressed sequence of DNA; codes for a protein

xx and xy

female to male

What is G2

growth and preparation for mitosis

Purpose for mitosis

growth, repair, asexual reproduction

inducer molecule

inactivates the repressor to turn the lac operon on

What does Meiosis do?

makes sex cells

M phase checkpoint

mitosis checkpoint to make sure spindle mechanism is secure, ready to initiate anaphase

Prophase 2

nuclear membrane breaks down, centrosomes move to opposite sides of the cell, spindle fibers assemble


programmed cell death

Meiosis 1

separates homologous chromosomes ( mom sets separate from dad sets)


sequence of DNA that is not involved in coding for a protein


sex cells

chromosomes 23

sex chromosomes

Meiosis 2

sister chromatids separate ( mom sets get split up and dad sets get split up)


string of ribosomes simultaneously translating regions of the same mRNA strand during protein synthesis

What are sister chromatids?

structures that contain identical copies of DNA

What is transcription?

the process of copying a sequence of DNA to produce a complementary strand of RNA to carry info outside the nucleolus to make proteins

DNA splicing

the process where the excess DNA is cut out

What are the two steps of proteins synthesis

transcription and translation


transfer RNA; type of RNA that carries amino acids to the ribosome

Crossing over

when homologous pairs line up opposite of each other at the equator of the cell, parts of the chromatids can become twisted around each other


where RNA polymerase attaches,, signaling the start of the gene

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