Wind - FA #9

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Cool Breeze

- the breeze feel cold - is colder than the air

Sea Breeze

- A wind that blows from a ocean or lake into land - occurs the day

Land Breeze

- The flow of air from land to a body of water - occurs at night

Local Wind

- are winds that blow over short distances - caused by unequal heating of the Earth's surface within a small area - only formed when no wind is blowing from farther away - at night the land cools faster at night than the sea the air above the land became colder creating a high pressure zone cause the air to move from the land to the sea since the water is warmer. - when the land heats up faster than the opposite during the day the air above the land rises creating a low pressure zone. (the opposite of the the one before)

Wind Direction

- determined with a wind vane - North Wind from south to the north - South WInd to the south

Why is there unequal heating of the air by the sun? (3 facts needed).

- the tilt of the earth on its own axis allows the N. hemisphere to get more or less heat than the S. hemisphere depending on the time of the year (different seasons) - the rotation of the earth provides more light to the side facing the sun (daylight) than the non-facing side (night time/darkness) - the shape of the earth where the sun's rays travel a shorter distance (equator) than other areas (polar region).

Jet Stream

About 10 kilometers above Earth's surface are bands of high speed winds - Hundred of kilometers wide but only a few deep - 200 to 400 per hour - affect air plain

You decided to sail solo from the coast of California to the Falkland Islands. Explain how all the global winds will affect your travel.

As you travel south, the horse latitudes will slow you down; the trade winds will push you away from the coast and the prevailing westerlies will bring you close to the Falkland Islands.

Picture in Wind Notes

Begins with the sun's radiation, which is absorbed differently on the earth's surface, and is heated differently because of the following factors, latitudes, rotation of the earth, tilt of the earth's, cloud cover, mountains, valleys, water bodies, vegetation and desert lands. Due to this uneven heating, earth surfaces vary a lot in temperature. Air on surfaces with higher temperatures will then begin to rise because it is lighter (less dense). As the air rises, it creates low atmospheric pressure. Air on surfaces with cooler temperatures sink (do not rise). The sinking creates higher atmospheric pressure. This movement of warm gases or liquids moving upward and being replaced by cooler particles is called Convection. The energy moving during convection is called conventional current. Anywhere and each time there are differences in atmospheric (air) pressure, there will be winds, because air will move from the high pressure area to the low pressure area. It also means that winds may be even stronger where the difference in the air pressure is greater.

Polar Easterlies

Cold air near the poles sinks and flows back towards lower latitude. The Coriolis Effect shifts these polar winds to the west, producing winds called Polar Easterlies.

Some ways in which local winds develop are:

Convection from daytime heating. Unequal heating and cooling of the surface. Gravity, including downdrafts. Earth, wind and fire

What happens to the air that is heated by the sun? Does it move away/not? Is it replaced by another air mass? Explain.

Heated air moves away, displacing or pushing the cold air to take its place. This is a continuous process that allow convection currents to form.


Is the horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of the of lower pressure - differences in air pressure

Explain how the transfer of heat, changes in air pressure, and differences in air masses create weather (wind).

Radiation from the sun heats the air unevenly in different areas above earth's surface, causing air masses to have different temperatures and humidity levels. These air masses will experience high pressure and low pressure which will move to form wind.

Explain the types of heat transfer that occurs amongst the sun, atmosphere and the earth.

Radiation from the sun heats up the atmosphere and the earth. Due to the unequal heating and reflection of the heat by the earth and the atmosphere, convection currents occur. Conduction occurs amongst the particles that are touching each other in the atmosphere and the earth.

What type of heat transfer took place in the wind lab?

Radiation, convection


Regions near the equator with little or no wind

The Coriolis Effect

The Earth's rotation make the winds curve North = wind turns right South = wind turns left

Global Wind Belts

The Major global wind belts are the trade winds, the prevailing westerlies, and the polar easterlies.

High Pressure:

The area about a foot above the lamp from where the baby powder was dropped or sprinkled.

In reference to the lab, where was there an area of low pressure and high pressure? Explain Low Pressure:

The area close to the light bulb or lamp because the baby powder is moving away and spreading out which makes the baby powder less dense.

The heat generated by the sun also causes evaporation. How would this have an impact on the air pressure?

There will be low pressure because the water vapor molecules are all spread out.

The heat generated by the sun also causes evaporation. How does this affect the movement of water vapor in the air?

When more water evaporates, the amount of water vapor will be in the air will increase, which will rise and move in all different directions depending on the temperature of each water vapor molecule.

Horse Latitudes

When sailors did not have enough food or water for their horse, so they threw them into the water. Because of this, the latitude 30 north and south are called Horse Latitudes. - Latitude is the distance from the equator, measured in degrees

Trade Winds

When the cold air over the horse latitude sinks, it produces a region of high pressure. The steadier easterly wind are Trade Winds. the trade passes - Northern Hemisphere the 30 latitude blows from the northeast - Southern Hemisphere the 30 latitude blows from the southeast

Global Winds

Winds that blow steadily from specific directions over long distance - are created unequal heating of Earth's surface - large areas

Difference in Air Pressure

caused by unequal Heating of the atmosphere

Global Convection Currents

differences between the equator and the poles produce giant convection currents in the atmosphere The movement of air between the equator and the poles produces global winds

Wind Speed

measured with an anemometer

Unequal Heating

occurs when land is close to a body of water

Prevailing Westerlies

wind blows towards the poles are turned towards the east by The Coriolis Effect. If the blow west or east it is Prevailing Westerlies. Affect the weather

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