Wink wink get to know you questions

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1. What's the most rebellious thing you did growing up?

2. What does your ideal idyll afternoon look like?

Do you believe in soul mates?

20. How seriously do you take horoscopes?

47. If you could go back to any age or time of your life, what age or time would it be?

48. What's something you believe in that not everyone else does?

Which sexual act are you worst at

Are you more dominant or more submissive in bed

What's the weirdest thing you've ever done in front of the mirror?

At what age did you first inspect your private parts and how did you feel about them?

What is the most embarrassing photo you have on your phone?

Describe your most recent romantic encounter.

What is your favorite non-physical attribute about yourself? in a different person

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What was the best compliment you have ever received

Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you hate compliments?

What's the biggest dating disappointment you've experienced so far?

Do you ever catch yourself thinking about doing it with someone of the same sex?

Do you have any regrets? What's your biggest one?

Have you ever broken a law? If you haven't what is one law you'd love to break?

Who is the person you most regret kissing?

Have you ever crapped your pants since you were a child?

What is the most childish thing you still do?

Have you ever let someone take the blame for something you did?

What's the most number of times you've ever masturbated within one week?

How far would you go to land the guy or girl of your dreams?

What's your a turn-on for you that other usually think is a turn off?

How long has your longest dry spell been

What does the perfect male/female body look like (from head to toe and everything in between) in your opinion?

How many people can someone sleep with before you secretly judge them for their "number"?

Who is someone you wish you could un-kiss

How old were you when your parents sat you down for "the talk" and what did they say (or not say) about "the birds and the bees"?

What song do you think has had the largest influence on the person you are today?

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Describe the worst beauty trend you used to love, and please is you have pictures show the group

If you could date any fictional character, who would it be and why?

What do you like most and least about your personality?

If you could erase one past experience, what would it be?

What's the most flirtatious thing you've ever done?

If you could make one wish right this second, what would it be?

What is your biggest regret?

Is it true that you (whatever you or the group suspects they do / did)?

What's a fear you have in the bedroom? has it happened?

Of the people in this room, who do you disagree with most frequently?

What's the a romantic fail you've ever experienced?

Of the people in this room, who would you feel most comfortable with naked?

What is the grossest thing you have had in your mouth?

Tell me about the last time someone unexpectedly walked in on you while you were naked.

What was the worst encounter you had with a police officer?

Tell me about your most awkward date.

13. If you could be one fictional character (from a book, show, or movie) who would it be?

What decade do you feel you most belong in?

What would you guess your parents' favorite sexual position is, and why?

What did you think about the first (or last) time you masturbated?

If you were a man for a day, what would be the first thing you do?

What do you find most attractive about each sex?

Of the people in this room, who do you most want to switch lives with and why?

What do you like most and least about your own appearance?

When was the last time you picked your nose without a tissue?

What do you really hope your parents never find out about? Tell us your most embarrassing vomit story.

What's the hottest sex you've ever had

What is a sexual regret you have?

49. What's one thing you would say that makes you unique from other people?

What is one thing you feel your life is missing?

What is the meanest you have been to someone that didn't deserve it?

What is something that people think you would never do but you have?

What's one thing you'd love to learn more about?

What is something you've never done that you've always wanted to cook?

What is the most embarrassing nickname you have ever had?

What is the biggest lie you have ever told?

Who is the sexiest person here?

What is the grossest thing that has come out of your body?

What is something that you have never told anyone?

What is the most disgusting habit you have?

What was the cruelest joke you played on someone?

What is the most embarrassing thing you have put up on social media?

What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a month?

What is the most expensive thing you have stolen?

When was the most inappropriate time you farted?

What is the scariest dream you have ever had?

What is the silliest thing you have an emotional attachment to?

What is your deepest darkest fear?

What was the last thing that made you laugh?

What is your favorite memory of animals?

Is your favorite attribute about yourself physical or non-physical?

What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself?

Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?

What lie have you told that hurt someone?

Have you ever been in love? How many times?

What makes you fall in love with someone?

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?

What secret about yourself did you tell someone in confidence and then they told a lot of other people?

At what age did you first start having sexy thoughts and what prompted them?

What three adjectives best describe your vagina/penis?

What is your favorite memory from welcome week

What was the last thing that made you cry?

What's your most outrageous sexual fantasy

What was the last thing you cried over

What bad thing have you done that no one else found out about?

What was the most awkward romantic encounter you have had?

What the worst thing your parents have caught you doing

What was the weirdest thing you have ever walking in on someone doing?

What's your favorite go-to move for getting attention from the opposite sex?

What would you change about your life if you could?

What's the a big secret you've ever kept from your parents?

What's a big lie you've ever told without getting caught?

What's the most disgusting habit you have

What's a turn-off for you that others usually think is a turn on?

What's one thing that's happened to you that has made you a stronger person?

What's one thing that's happened that you still cringe about?

What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you vulnerable?

What's one thing you're scared to ask a man, but really want to?

What's the one thing you'd do in bed with someone if you had no inhibitions whatsoever?

What's sexual milestone has been most memorable for you so far?

What's the dirtiest sext you've ever sent

What's something you've done while drunk that you would never do sober

What was the last thing you masturbated to

What's the #1 thing you would never want your parents to find out about you

What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done while drunk

What's the biggest lie you've ever told a significant other

What's the meanest thing you've ever said to someone?

What's the cruelest thing you've ever done to a friend?

What's the most bizarre sexual role-play you've ever participated in

What's the dirtiest thought you've ever had?

Of the people in this room, who do you most want to make out with?

What's the first thing you'd do if you woke up one day and you were the opposite sex?

Which sexual act are you best at

What's the furthest you've gone sexually with a member of the same sex

What's the most surprising thing that's ever turned you on?

What's the grossest thing that's come out of your body?

When was the last time you got in a youtube whole, what weird video's did it hold?

What's the hardest drug you've done

What's the biggest age difference you've had between yourself and a sexual partner

What's the kinkiest sex toy you've ever used with a partner

What was the worst sex you ever had

What's the kinkiest thing you want to try?

How many of the people you've slept with did you meet online

What's the least amount of time you've known someone for before sleeping with them

How many sex toys do you own

What's the longest you've gone without showering

What's the most disgusting thing you've ever done?

What's the most awkward experience you've had with a crush?

What time of day do you feel most aroused and what do you usually do about it?

What's the most childish thing you still do?

Where's the most inappropriate place you've ever masturbated

What's the most desperate thing you've ever done because you were horny

What - if any - amount of money would you be willing to have sex with a stranger for

What's the most embarrassing TV show that you watch

Of the people in this room, who do you consider the sluttiest?

What's the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?

What's the dirtiest thing a partner's ever asked you to do

What's the most illegal thing you've ever done

What's the kinkiest sex toy you've ever used with a partner

What's the most scandalous location you've had sex in

What sexual activity do you consider totally off limits?

What's the weirdest thing you've done when you were alone?

How do you really feel about anal sex?

What's your favorite sex toy (hypothetically, or from experience)?

What's a secret that you're kept from someone you are dating

What's your magic number

11. What is your favorite quality about your best friend?

When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up?

What's the craziest thing you've ever done to attract a crush?

When's the last time you were flat-out rejected and how did you handle it?

Tell me about your first kiss.

Where is the strangest place you have peed?

Where is one place you feel most like yourself?

Where is your favorite imaginary place to escape to?

What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to in public

Which of your exes would you still be willing to sleep with / get back together with, why?

What terrible thing have you done that you lied to cover up?

Who have you loved but they didn't love you back?

What is the weirdest thing you have done for a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Who here has the nicest butt?

What do most of your friends think about you that is totally untrue?

Who here would you most like to make out with?

What was the worst compliment you have ever received

Who is the one person in this world that knows you best?

most embarrassing Pinterest / tumblr blog board

Who's the most inappropriate person you've ever fantasied about

What's the closest you've ever come to cheating

Who's the most scandalous person you've had sex with

What is the most embarrassing thing in your room?

Why did you break up with your last boyfriend or girlfriend?

What is the craziest thing you've ever done?

Would you have a conversation with a stranger?

3. If you had to pick a "spirit animal," what would it be?

4. If you could switch careers without any concern for money, what would you do?

41. Would you tell a stranger they have toilet paper hanging from their shoe? Or their dress tucked into their underwear? (Or anything else that is embarrassing to be seen in public)?

42. What's your favorite joke?

43. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

44. If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?

45. What's one show, movie, or book, you're embarrassed to admit you enjoy?

46. How do you think your parents would describe you as a child?

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