Wk 1 OB Prep U Ch 11 Maternal Adaptation During Pregnancy

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The nurse cares for a pregnant client at the first prenatal visit and reviews expected changes that will occur during pregnancy. Which info will the nurse include in the edu?

During preg blood volume can increase by at least 40%

A clients in her 29th wk of gestation report dizziness and clamminess when assuming a supine position. During the assessment the nurse observes there is a marked decrease in the clients bp. Which intervention should the nurse implement to help alleviate this clients condition

place the client in the left lateral position

Which information provided by a client would be considered a presumptive sign of pregnancy?

breast tenderness

A mother comes in with her 17-year-old daughter to find out why she has not had a menstrual cycle for a few months. Examination confirms the daughter is pregnant with a fundal height of approximately 24 cm. The nurse interprets this finding as indicating that the daughter is approximately how many weeks pregnant?


What effect does pregesterone have on normal gallbladder function

Progesterone interferes with gallbladder contraction, leading to stasis of bile

During a routine prenatal visit, a pregnant woman reports a white, thick, vaginal discharge. She denies any itching or irritation. Which action would the nurse take next?

Tell the woman that this is entirely normal

presumptive signs of pregnancy

breast changed amenorrhea morning sickness

A client in her second trimester of pregnancy reports discomfort during sexual activity. which instruction should a nurse provide

modify sexual positions to increase comfort

A urinalysis is done on a client in her 3rd trimester. Which result would be considered abnormal?

2+ protein in urine

A woman tells the nurse that she is going to use a home pregnancy test to determine whether she is pregnant. Which precautions should the nurse give her?

Arrange for prenatal care if the test is positive

The nurse is teaching a pregnant woman about breastfeeding. The nurse determines the teaching was successful when the woman identifies which hormone as being released when the newborn sucks the breast


a clients menstrual period is two weeks late. She has been feeling tired and has had episodes of nausea in the morning. What classification of pregnancy symptoms is this client experiencing?


During late pregnancy the nurse teaching a pregnant woman to lay on her left side to avoid what condition

supine hypotension syndrome

A pregnant mother may experience constipation and the increased pressure in the veins below the uterus can lead to development of what problem?


When for a newborn, the nurse observes that the neonate has developed white patches on the mucus membranes of the moth. Which condition is the newborn most likely experiencing?

Oral candidiasis (thrush)

The nurse is assessing a client who believes she is pregnant. The nurse points out a more definitive assessment is necessary due to which sign being considered a probable sign of pregnancy?

Positive home pregnancy test

The nurse is assessing a pregnant client at 20 wks gestation and obtains a hemoglobin level. Which result would be a cause for concern?

10.6 g/dl

The nurse is assessing a pregnant woman who has just completed her first trimester. The womans BMI was 27 prior to becoming pregnant. her prepregnancy weight was 175lb. On reviewing the womans medical record, which measurement would the nurse determine as appropriate weight gain for a woman during her first trimester?


A woman's prepregnant weight is within the normal range. During her second trimester, the nurse would determine that the woman is gaining the appropriate amount of weight when her weight increases by which amount per week?


A woman comes to the clinic for her first prenatal checkup. The woman has a body mass index of 22. The nurse would anticipate that this client should gin approx. how much weight during her pregnancy


Before becoming pregnant, a womans heart rate averaged 72 bpm. The woman is now 15wks pregnant. The nurse would expect this womans heart rate to be approx.

85 bpm

At her 16wk checkup, a clients blood pressure is slightly decreased from her prepregnancy level. The nurse evaluates this change based on which statements concerning bp during pregnancy?

A decrease in bp in the second trimester may occur because of placental growth

A client at 39 wks gestation calls the OB triage and questions the nurse concerning a bloody mucus discharge noted in the toilet after an OB office visit several hours earlier. What is the best response from the triage nurse?

A one time discharge of bloody mucus in the toilet might have been your mucus plug

A pregnant client in her third trimester, lying supine on the exam table, suddenly grows very short of breath and dizzy. Concerned, she asks the nurse what is happening. which response should the nurse prioritize?

Blood is trapped in the vena cava in a supine position

A nurse is assessing a pregnant client. The nurse understands that hormonal changes occur during pregnancy. Which hormones would the nurse most likely identify as being inhibited during the pregnancy?


A client arrives to the clinic very excited and reporting a positive home pregnancy test. The nurse cautions that the home pregnancy test is considered a probably sign and will assess the client for which sign to confirm pregnancy?

Fetal movement felt by examiner

A client in her 39th wk of gestastion arrives at the maternity clinic stating that earlier in her pregnancy, she experienced sob. However for the past few days, she has been able to breathe easily, but she has also begun to experienced increased urinary frequency. A nurse is assigned to perform the physical exam. Which observation is most likely?

Fundal height had dropped since the last recording

The nurse is teaching the pregnant woman about nutrition for herself and her baby. Which statement by the woman indicates that the teaching was effective?

I will need to take iron supplementation throughout my pregnancy even if I am not anemic

Which physical change would the nurse expect to find in a pregnant client? Select all that apply.

Increased Blood Volume Supine Hypotension

A 28yr old client in her first trimester of preg. reports conflicting feelings. She expresses feeling proud and excited about her preg. while at the same time feeing fearful and anxious of its implications. Which action should the nurse do next?

Inform the client this is a normal response to pregnancy that many women experience

In preparing for a prenatal class to discuss the hormonal changes during pregnancy, which information would the nurse most likely include?

Over-the counter antacids can be used to treat acid reflux with the health care providers knowledge

During a routine visit to the clinic, a client tells the nurse that she thinks she may be pregnant. the physician prescribes a preg. test. the nurse should know the purpose of this test is to determine which change in the clients hormone levek

increase human chorionic gonadotropin hCG

The community nurse is preparing a presentation for a health fair illustrating successful pregnancies. Which component should the nurse prioritize as the most critical to ensure a positive psychological experience with the pregnancy by the mother?

Social support

A pregnant client at 24wks gestation calls the cliic crying after a prenatal visit. where she had a pelvic exam. She states that she noticed blood on the tissue when she wiped after voiding; What initial statement by the nurse would explain this finding?

The cervix is very vascular during pregnancy, so spotting after a pelvic exam is not unusual

The nurse is teaching a prenatal class about preparing for their expanding families. What is helpful advice from the nurse?

The hormones of pregnancy may cause anxiety or depression postpartum

The nurse is teaching a pregnant teenager the importance of proper nutrition and adequate weight gain throughout the pregnancy. what is the best response when the client refuses to eat due to fear of possible weight gain?

The infant will be small and could have problems

A nurse is leading a discussion at a prenatal class for a group of primigravida clients. Which factor would the nurse include when explaining the changes that are expected to occur in the uterus during the pregnancy?

The uterus changes from a pear shaped organ to an oval one

A client at 36 weeks gestation comes in for her weekly pcp visit. She tells the nurse, " I am having contractions, but they are irregular and go away when I rest. Do you think I am going into labor? the best response by the nurse would be

These are called Braxton hicks contractions

A pregnant client reports and increase in a thick, whitish vaginal discharge. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

This discharge is normal during pregnancy

The nurse is preparing to teach a community class to a group of first-time parents. Which info should the nurse include concerning what the pregnant woman's partner may experience as a normal response?

physical symptoms similar to the mother

A client is about 16wks pregnant and is concerned because she feels her abdomen contracting. She calls the primary care providers office and speaks to the nurse. What is the nurse's most appropriate response to this clients concern?

What you are feeling are called Braxton Hicks contractions. They are considered practice contractions during pregnancy

During a prenatal visit, the nurse inspects the skin of the clients abdomen. Which would the nurse identify as an abnormal finding?


What is a major concern for a lactose intolerant woman who is pregnant

calcium deficiency

During pregnancy a woman has many psychological adaptations that must be made. The nurse must remember that the babys father is also experiencing the pregnancy and has adaptations that must be made. Some fathers actually have symptoms of the pregnancy along with the mothers. What is this called?

couvade syndrome

Which assessment finding in the pregnant woman at 12 wks gestation should the nurse find most concerning? the inability to

detect fetal heart sounds with a Doppler

A woman is 10 weeks' pregnant and tells the nurse that this pregnancy was unplanned and she has no real family support. The nurse's most therapeutic response would be to:

encourage her to identify someone that she can talk to and share the pregnancy experience

A nurse who has been caring for a pregnant client understands that the client has pica and has been regularly consuming soil. For which condition should the nurse monitor the client?

iron-def. anemia

The nurse is caring for a client at 8wks gestation who states, I did not plan for this right no and I am not happy or excited about this pregnancy. I am not sure what to do. which response by the nurse is best

many women feel this way during the first trimester

During an exam, the nurse notes that the bp of a client at 22wks gestation is lower, and her heart rate is 12 bpm higher than at her last visits. how should the nurse interpret these findings


In assessing the dietary intake over the last 24hrs of a pregnant client, which food would be most concerning to the nurse

smoked salmon and bagels -preg women should not eat refrigerated meats or smoked seafood unless it is part of a cooked dish

The nurse is teaching a prenatal class preparing for their expanding families. What is helpful advice from the nurse?

the hormones of pregnancy may cause anxiety or depression postpartum

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