WOCS Army/Multi-Domain Operations

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What does Preventing Conflict include?

-Mobilization -Force tailoring -Pre-deployment -Deployment into theatre of operations -Further deployment of communications, sustainment, and protecting infrastructure -Echeloning of command posts -Employment of intel collection assets

What is Shaping Operational Environment?

-Promote regional stability -Set conditions for a favorable outcome -Dissuade adversary activities

What does Shaping Operational Environment include?

-Security cooperation -Forward Presence to promote US interests -Developing allied and friendly military capabilities for self-defense and multinational operations -Continuously setting the theatre for operations and training while providing US forces with peacetime and contingency access to a host nation

What are the types of Defense Support of Civil Authorities?

1. Domestic Disasters 2. Domestic CBRN incidents 3. Domestic law enforcement 4. Other designated domestic support

What are the types of Stability?

1. Establish Civil Security - providing safety to a host nation and its population, including protection from internal and external threats 2. Support to Civil Control - rule of law and public order 3. Restore Essential Services - restore essential services 4. Support to Governance- build process toward achieving an effective, legitimate government 5. Support to Economic and Infrastructure Development - support economic sector are critical to sustainable economic development 6. Conduct Security Cooperation - counter external threats; proving lasting safety and security for the host nation and population

What are the Elements of Combat Power?

1. Leadership - most essential dynamic of combat power, activity of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization, qualitative difference between unit, drives C2 2. Lethality - capability and capacity to destroy, fires - primary source, through direct and indirect fires, using mass, precision, or combination 3. Information - central to application and amplification 4. Mobility - permits movement from place to place while retaining ability to fulfill mission, encompasses capability of formation to move and bring capability to bear specific terrain under specific conditions relative to enemy, requires intel of enemy disposition, composition, strength, and COA 5. Surveillance - quality or capability of military forces, which permits them to avoid or withstand hostile actions or environmental conditions while retaining the ability to fulfill mission

What are types of Defensive Operations?

1. Mobile - concentrated on the destruction or defeat of the enemy through a decisive attack by a striking force 2. Area - concentrates on denying enemy forces access to designated terrain for a specific time rather than destroying the enemy outright 3. Retrograde -organized movement away from the enemy; delaying, withdrawal, and retirement operations

What are the types of Offensive Operations?

1. Movement to Contact - designed to develop the situation and to establish or regain contact 2. Attack - destroys or defeats enemy forces, seize and secure terrain, characterized as hasty or deliberate 3. Exploitation - successful attack designed to disorganize the enemy in depth 4. Pursuit - designed to catch or cut off a hostile force attempting to escape with aim or destroying it

What are the Five Core Competencies?

1. Prompt and sustained land combat 2. Combined arms operations 3. Special operations 4. Theatre sustainment 5. Integration of national, multinational, and joint power

List the Army's Strategic Roles

1. Shaping Operational Environment (OE) 2. Preventing Conflict 3. Prevailing in Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) 4. Consolidating Gains

What is Operational Environment?

A Composite of the Conditions, Circumstances, and Influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the Commander Commanders at all levels have their own OE for their particular operations

What is the War Fighting Function?

A group of tasks and systems united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions and training objectives Command & Control (C2) Movement & Maneuver (M2) Intelligence Fires Sustainment Protection

What is Consolidating Gains?

Activities to make enduring any temporary operational success and set conditions for a sustainable security environment, allowing for a transition of control to other legitimate authorities

What is Prevailing in Large Scale Combat Operation (LSCO)?

All ability to prevail in ground combat is a decisive factor in breaking an enemy's capability and will to continue a conflict. Conflict resolution requires the Army to conduct sustained operations with unified action partners as long as necessary to accomplish national objectives.

What is Preventing Conflict?

All activities that deter adversary military actions, which threatens allies or partners, and deny them the ability to achieve objectives counter to US interests

What is Prompt and Sustained Land Combat?

An assigned function of the Army Expeditionary capability to deploy short notice task-organized forces Requires forces to sustain its efforts and adapt to unpredictable changes in an operational environment

What is Defense Support of Civil Authorities?

Assistance for domestic emergencies, law enforcement support, and other domestic activities from qualifying entities for special events Saves lives, alleviates suffering, protects property

How does the Army win?

Be utilizing joint forces

What is Doctrine?

Body of thought on how Army forces operate as an integral part of a joint force A guide to action rather than a set of fixed rules A statement of how the Army intends to fight

Consolidating gains allows forces to?

Capitalize on operational success Reinforce and integrate the efforts of all unified action

What is Offensive Operations?

Combat operations conducted to defeat and destroy enemy forces and seize terrain, resources, and population center Impose the Commander's will on the enemy Most direct means of seizing, retaining, and exploiting the initiative to gain a physical and psychological advantage

What is Command & Control of WfF?

Command - authority that CDR in armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment (OPCON, TACON, Support) Control - regulation of forces and war fighting functions to accomplish the mission IAW CDR's intent, direct and adjust operation as conditions dictate, relatively similar among echelons, control function increase in complexity at each higher echelon

What is Fires of WfF?

Create and converge effects in all domains against the adversary or enemy to enable operations across a range of military operations Create lethal and nonlethal effects delivered from both Army and Joint forces, as well as other unified action partners Integrate and Execute

What are the Multi-domain concepts?

Domains: land, maritime, air, space, cyberspace Dimensions: physical, information, human Tenets: agility, convergence, endurance, depth (No rote rules for warfare, directly related to how ops concept should be employed, inform and assess COAs throughout ops process)

What is Sustainment of WfF?

Ensure freedoms of action, extend operational reach, and prolong endurance. 4 Elements: logistics, financial management, personnel derives, and HSS

What is Intelligence of WfF?

Facilitate understanding the enemy, entertain, weather, civil consideration, and other significant aspects of the operational environment Intelligence drives maneuver Army executes intel, surveillance, and recon through operations and intel process

What is Integration of National, Multinational, and Joint Power?

Integration of unified action partner capabilities

Where does this doctrine fit into higher doctrine?

It's the Army's contribution to Unified Action

The Army's contribution to unified action is?

Multi-Domain Operation

The Army's current operating concept is?

Multi-Domain Operation

What is Decisive Action as part of Multi-domain Operations?

Offensive Defensive Stability Defense Support of Civil Authorities

What is Protection of WtF?

Prevent or mitigate detection, threat effects, and hazards to preserve combat power and enable freedom of action

What is Special Operations?

Provides combatant Commanders with precise lethal and non-lethal capabilities Special warfare and surgical strike operations

What is Theatre Sustainment?

Set and sustain the theatre is essential Intelligence support Communication Port & airfield opening Logistics Ground-based air defense Chemical defense Reception staging Onward movement Integration (RSOI)

What is Combined Arms Operations?

Synchronized and simultaneous application of arms to achieve an effect greater than if each element was used separately or sequentially Commanders synch combined arms capabilities using C&C to employ combat power to their best advantage

What is Movement & Maneuver of WfF?

Tasks and systems that move and employ forces to achieve a position of relative advantage over the enemy and other threats

What is Multi-Domain Operations?

The Army's part Combined arms employment of capabilities for all domains that create and exploit relative advantages to defeat enemy forces, achieve objectives, and consolidate gains during competition, crisis, and army conflict Executed through...Decisive Action Guided by...Mission Command

What is Decisive Action?

The continuous, simultaneous combinations of offensive, defensive, and stability operations or defense support of civil authorities tasks

What is Defensive Operations?

To defeat an enemy attack, gain time, economize forces, and develop conditions favorable for offensive or stability operations Defense alone cannot determine the outcome of battles

What is Unified Action?

Unified action is the synchronization, coordination, and/or integration of the activities of joint, single-service, and multinational (governmental and nongovernmental) entities with military operations to achieve unity of effort.

What is Stability?

Various military missions, tasks, and activities conducted outside the US Maintain or reestablish a safe and secure environment, provide essential governmental services, emergency infrastructure reconstruction, and humanitarian relief Maintain initiative by pursuing objectives that resolve the causes of instability

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