Womens Health Test 1 (weeks 1-4)

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. A clinician should present a therapeutic plan to the patient based on ___________________ a. the individual woman's desire for information and the degree of severity of the finding. b. consultation with another health professional. c. the examining clinician's findings and assessments. d. the individual woman's cultural sensitivities and level of education.


. How should the order of examination proceed? a. Head to toe b. Toe to head c. By major organ system d. By concern presented


. In the GTPAL system for recording pregnancy history, the "T" stands for: _________ a. Term births. b. Terminal pregnancies. c. Total number of pregnancies. d. Type of birth (spontaneous, assisted, or cesarean).


Although barrier contraception methods are less effective in preventing pregnancy than more modern methods, interest in them is on the rise because they a. can help protect against STIs, including HIV. b. are coitus dependent and require planning. c. are nonallergenic and male controlled. d. involve the use of hormones


Approximately what percentage of women experience severe recurring symptoms associated with their menstrual cycle? a. 10% b. 20% c. 5% d. 25%


Compared to COCs, the combined contraceptive patch and vaginal ring a. have the same theoretical efficacy. b. offer more opportunity for user error. c. have lower failure rates in obese women. d. are available in a larger variety of formulations.


Estimates from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth indicate that _______ of infants born to never-married women younger than 45 years of age were relinquished for adoption between 1996 and 2002. a. 1% b. 11% c. 24% d. 49%


Gonadotropin hormone-releasing agonists are recommended for only short-term use to treat heavy bleeding due to a. their many side effects, such as hot flashes. b. the fact that they cause amenorrhea. c. the fact that they are poorly understood. d. their poor interaction with hormonal contraception.


Products from which of the following herbs have been associated with alterations in estrogen levels, resulting in AUB? a. Gingko b. Echinacea c. Evening Primrose d. Chaste tree berry


Research suggests a link between PMS and a. seasonal affective disorder. b. celiac disease. c. high blood pressure. d. hypoglycemia.


Signs of endometrial or cervical cancer may present abnormal uterine bleeding, often as heavy, prolonged bleeding or a. menometrorrhagia. b. amenorrhea. c. oligomenorrhea. d. polymenorrhea.


The four segments of a fallopian tube are the pars interstitialis, the isthus, the ampulla, and the _________________________ a. infundibulum. b. medulla. c. hilum. d. myometrium.


The sheet made up of dense fibrous tissue that spans the opening of the anterior pelvic outlet is/are the _____________________________ a. sphinter muscles. b. deep perineal space. c. perineal membrane. d. distal vagina.


The type of thinking that influences the risk-taking behaviors of adolescence _____________________ a. involves the use of symbols, advanced reasoning and expanded possibilities. b. works proactively to achieve autonomy. c. encourages experimentation and foresight. d. is rooted in the immediate and concrete.


Tubal sterilization for women who have completed their families is highly effective, but there are disadvantages such as a. the women are less likely to use condoms or return for health services. b. a decreased risk of ovarian cancer and pelvic inflammatory disease. c. a high likelihood of complications and side effects. d. the surgery is not covered by insurance.


What approach does Health People 2020 use to achieve its goals and objectives? a. Social determinants of health b. Evidence-based determinants of health c. Quality-of-life determinants of health d. Longevity promotion determinants of health


What is a good first question to ask women who present with a concern about abnormal bleeding? a. What is a normal pattern for you? b. How long has this persisted? c. What was your last menstrual cycle like? d. How many times has this occurred?


What is a key limitation of prevailing developmental models for women? a. Gender differences assumed to be biologically determined are more often socially constructed. b. They present conflicting and misapplied models. c. Gender differences are assumed to be socially prescribed. d. Similarities between male and female are emphasized over differences.


What is one of the most frequent reasons women visit their clinician? a. Changes in menstruation b. Family planning c. Pregnancy d. Prevention and wellness


What is the function of the Bartholin's gland? a. To help prevent infection of the introitus b. To secrete lubricating mucus into the introitus during sexual excitement c. To assist in keeping the vaginal introitus closed d. To secrete estrogen and regulate its levels


What is the screening recommendation by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for intimate partner violence (IPV)? a. Routinely ask all women direct, specific questions about abuse. Refer to community-based services when identified. b. Insufficient evidence to recommend for or against routine screening. c. No screening recommendation. d. Remain alert for signs of family violence at every patient encounter


What is the term for the exacerbation of somatic or mood symptoms in the late luteal or menstrual phase of the cycle? a. Premenstrual magnification b. Perimenstrual dysmenorrhea c. Premenstrual syndrome d. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder


What should be the clinician's first objective after learning the chief reason the woman desires care? a. To give the reason or problem a structural and chronological framework b. To probe for any additional concerns missed c. To take a family history related to the presenting concern d. To gain insight into the woman's cultural and social influences


Which dietary supplement has been shown to help treat PMS? a. Calcium b. Magnesium c. Vitamin B12 d. Iron


Which of the following is a diagnostic label that is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV-TR? a. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder b. Premenstrual magnification c. Dysmenorrhea d. Premenstrual syndrome


Which of the following is a new focus area added for Healthy People 2020? a. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health b. Maternal, infant and child health c. Nutrition and weight status d. Family planning


Which of the following is considered primary prevention? a. Targeted immunization b. Serves that limit an existing disability c. Routine laboratory screening d. Rehabilitation


. How is screening for the rubella immunity accomplished? a. By asking the patient b. By obtaining a history of vaccination or by ordering serologic studies c. By ordering serologic studies d. By obtaining vaccination records


Alcohol consumption is considered hazardous for a woman who has ______________ a. either 5 or more drinks in one week or 3 per occasion. b. either 7 or more drinks in one week or 3 per occasion. c. either 9 or more drinks in one week or 4 per occasion. d. either 10 or more drinks in one week or 5 per occasion.


All menstruating women report that which type of symptoms is highest during menses? a. Muscular b. Gastrointestinal c. Incontinent d. Skeletal


Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) can a. cause an abortion. b. prevent fertilization. c. harm an established pregnancy. d. offer protection from STIs, including HIV.


How can liver and renal diseases result in abnormal uterine bleeding? a. They cause an imbalance in platelet aggregation. b. They result in an inability to adequately clear estrogen from the body. c. They cause thyroid dysfunction, which leads to bleeding abnormalities. d. They result in elevated prolactin levels, which leads to bleeding abnormalities.


How many stages does the Tanner scale use to stage sexual maturity? a. 3 stages b. 5 stages c. 6 stages d. 8 stag


Most research studies on methods of contraception use the term efficacy to refer to a. the rate of success in those who are spacing their pregnancies. b. likelihood of pregnancy when a method is used exactly as prescribed. c. number of pregnancies when a method is used improperly or inconsistently. d. likelihood of user failure or typical-use failure rates in different populations.


What had been a significant problem in medical research well into the 1990s? a. The focus on randomized clinical trials over epidemiological investigations b. The lack of representation of women in research trials c. The lack of research related to gynecology d. The focus on randomized clinical trials over observational research


What is the intention of the newer feminist models of development? a. To offer a new model within the traditional biomedical focus. b. To offer alternatives to the constrained and previously misapplied models. c. To replace male generalist models with female generalist models. d. To present a contrast to privileged, white male-based models.


Where in the breast do most malignancies develop? a. Upper inner quadrant b. Upper outer quadrant c. Lower outer quadrant d. Lower inner quadrant


Which arteries supply blood to the clitoris? a. Arcuate arteries b. Dorsal and clitoral cavernosal arteries c. Two ovarian arteries d. Coiled arteries


Which of the following factor associated with increased risk for developing osteoporosis appears to be the best predictor of risk? a. Smoking b. Low body weight c. Sedentary lifestyle d. Family history


Which one of the following statements about the subdermal progestin implant is false? a. It is associated with the development of benign follicular cysts. b. After removal, its contraceptive effects last 10 more months on average. c. Based on worldwide data, it appears to be as safe as other progestin-only methods. d. The shortage of research due to its only recent availability is a possible disadvantage.


Which type of counseling results in a statistically significant reduction in STIs? a. Abstinence-only education b. Counseling delivered in multiple individual or group sessions totaling more than 3 hours c. Remote counseling via Internet or phone d. Brief, individual sessions in the primary care setting


Why have women's changing roles come at a cost to their health? a. Increases in caregiving expectations compromise health b. Balancing competing demands increases stress c. Less attention is being placed on health care d. Men's roles have not changed in relation to the change in women's roles


Why shouldn't symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness be considered disordered perimenstrual symptoms? a. Because only a small minority of women have these symptoms b. Because these symptoms affect the majority of women c. Because these symptoms do not affect women's moods d. Because it is not possible to quantify these symptoms


A major contributor to pelvic stability is a. the coccyx. b. the pubis. c. the ilium and its ligaments. d. the sacrum.


About half of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended and occur most frequently in women who a. are married or divorced. b. have finished high school. c. are between the ages of 18 and 24. d. are members of the majority group.


How is being overweight defined on the BMI table? a. 18 to 29.9 b. 20 to 29.9 c. 25 to 29.9 d. 30 or greater


Of the four symptom clusters of perimenstrual symptoms identified by Woods, Mitchell & Lentz (1999), which was the dominant one in terms of explaining variance in premenstrual symptoms? a. Fluid retention b. Arousal c. Turmoil d. Somatic symptoms


Of the two intrauterine contraceptive devices currently available in the United States only one provides a local delivery of protestin. It is the a. combined contraceptive patch (Ortho Evra). b. copper IUD (T380A, ParaGard). c. LNG-IUS (Mirena). d. Dalkon Shield.


Progesterone breakthrough bleeding is sometimes seen in women who a. have polycystic ovary syndrome. b. are obese. c. use progesterone-only contraception. d. have ceased progesterone therapy.


Reproductive rights were added to the World Health Organization's human rights framework in the last _____________ ? a. 5 years b. 10 years c. 20 years d. 40 years


What causes the epithelium to thicken, differentiate, and accumulate glycogen? a. Progesterone b. Pudendal nerve c. Estrogen d. Vagus nerves


What does the Greek term "gyne" mean from which "gynecology" is derived? a. Speculum b. Gender c. Woman — more as queen d. To reproduce


What event in female development marks the beginning of a tension between biologic changes and the social context? a. Turning 18 years old b. The onset of menses c. The accumulation of adipose tissue with the onset of puberty d. Pregnancy


What hormone has been shown to help with relieving the mood discomfort cluster of symptoms of PMS? a. Diuretics b. NSAID c. Progesterone d. Fluoxetine


What is the approximate number of ovarian follicles at the initiation of puberty? a. 100,000 b. 200,000 c. 400,000 d. 600,000


What is the best definition of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)? a. Uterine bleeding for which no pelvic pathology is found b. Uterine bleeding that is irregular during a woman's menstrual cycle c. Uterine bleeding that is irregular in amount or frequency d. Uterine bleeding that is related to systemic conditions


What is the best definition of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)? a. Uterine bleeding for which no pelvic pathology is found b. Uterine bleeding that is irregular during a woman's menstrual cycle c. Uterine bleeding that is irregular in amount or frequency d. Uterine bleeding that is related to systemic conditions


What is the median age for the onset of menstruation for adolescent girls in the United States? a. 9.8 b. 10.8 c. 12.8 d. 13.8


What is the preferred maneuver order of the pelvic examination? a. Bimanual, external inspection and palpation, speculum b. External inspection and palpation, bimanual, speculum c. External inspection and palpation, speculum, bimanual d. Speculum, bimanual, external inspection and palpation


What screening recommendation is similar across all groups for colorectal cancer? a. Screening women age 76 to 85 based on risk factors b. Screening only for those women at increased risk c. Screening for all women starting at age 50 d. Against routine screening in adults age 76 and over


About how many openings are in the nipple? a. 1 to 5 b. 5 to 10 c. 10 - 15 d. 15 - 20


All of the following are physiologic methods of nonhormonal contraception except a. abstinence. b. lactational amenorrhea. c. coitus interruptus. d. spermicide.


In women of reproductive age, the most common cause of a bleeding pattern that is suddenly different is a. an increase in estrogen. b. a reaction to a change in eating or exercise habits. c. adrenal hyperplasia. d. a complication of pregnancy.


Ovulation is dependent on an increased level of ___________________ a. enzyme activity. b. progesterone. c. prostaglandins. d. estrogen and the LH surge


The depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) injection (Depo-Provera) is given at _______ week intervals. a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12


Under what conditions is a rectovaginal examination most useful? a. Under all conditions b. If screening for colorectal cancer is indicated c. If the uterus is anteverted or anteflexed d. If the uterus is retroflexed or retroverted


What factor limits an individual's ability to function productively as an adult? a. Failure to take into account social and cultural norms b. The inability to move through the world with credibility and respect c. Poverty d. Failure to negotiate the developmental tasks of adolescence successfully


What factors affect the mood changes many women in midlife suffer? a. Deficiencies of estrogen b. Psychological transitions c. Cultural beliefs and expectations d. All of the above


What initiates contractions of the uterine muscle leading to menstruation? a. Lysosomal enzymes b. Vascular thrombosis c. Rupture of the basal arterioles d. Prostaglandins


What is the Task Force recommendation regarding the efficacy of digital mammography or MRI versus the standard film mammography? a. Evidence exists that all screens are equally beneficial b. Film mammography is recommended as the best screen c. Digital mammography or MRI is recommended as the best screen d. Not enough evidence exists to assess benefits and risks as to which provides the best screen


What is the definition of primary amenorrhea? a. The cessation of menses for an interval of 6 months b. The failure to begin menses by age 14 c. The cessation of menses due to outflow tract obstruction d. The failure to begin menses by age 16


What is the objective of the endometrial cycle? a. To emulate the activities of the ovaries b. To produce an ovum c. To reach the menstruation phase d. To prepare a site to nourish and maintain the ovum


What is true about human development theories published before the 1970s? a. They are based on interviews conducted only with men. b. They assume androcentric models can be applied correctly to women. c. They frame women's development as flawed in comparison to the standard. d. All of the above.


What term refers to the period from about 7 to 10 days before menstrual flow begins until the first or second day of menstrual flow? a. Amenorrhea b. Premenstrual c. Dysmenorrhea d. Perimenstrual


What test should be ordered for a woman who is experiencing AUB as well as headaches and peripheral vision changes? a. Thyroid-stimulating hormone test b. Nucleic acid amplification test c. Complete blood count d. Prolactin level test


Which of the following should NOT be a part of taking a health history? a. Taking a family health history b. Seeking information on stressors or personal problems c. Asking about exercise and sleep patterns d. Counseling for tobacco-use cessation


Which skills are valued in a clinician taking a health history? a. Respectful attention b. Empathy c. Trust-building d. All of the above


Which statement best defines "risk factor"? a. Any factor which increases the need for medical attention b. Any behavior which places an individual at risk for illness c. The probability that an individual will develop a medical condition d. An attribute or exposure associated causally with an increased probability of a disease or injury


Why does the cervical mucus become thick, viscous and opaque after ovulation? a. To make an hospitable environment for the sperm b. To promote stromal vascularization c. To relax the myometrial fibers that supply the cervix d. To reduce the risk of ascending infection at the time of implantation


Women who report experiencing the most severe symptoms of PMS tend to be a. in their late 40s. b. in their early 20s. c. in their late teens. d. in their late 30s


In a complete physical examination in the ambulatory gynecology setting, it is customary to ______________________________________ a. evaluate major organ systems briefly and carefully, but not exhaustively. b. ask the woman which physical examination maneuvers should be performed. c. evaluate major organ systems thoroughly. d. palpate the precordium.


The World Health Organization (2007) estimates that _______ unsafe abortions took place annually between 1993 and 2003, resulting in enough deaths to render unsafe abortion one of the leading causes of maternal mortality. a. 19 to 20 million b. 19 to 20 thousand c. 1 to 2 million d. 1 to 2 thousand


The methods of abortion used in the United States—in order, with the most common method listed first—are a. aspiration, medication, induction, surgical. b. medication, induction, aspiration, surgical. c. surgical, induction, medication, aspiration. d. induction, aspiration, surgical, medication.


Unintended pregnancy is associated with a. tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy. b. less risk of physical abuse and depression. c. higher number of total prenatal care visits. d. higher infant birth weights.


The most recent data on the timing of abortions indicate that __________ are performed prior to 13 weeks' gestation. a. 99% b. 88% c. 77% d. 66%


The only botanical treatment with Level I evidence to support its use in PMS is a. echinacea. b. chaste tree berry. c. linolenic acid. d. cramp bark.


What is the primary purpose of taking a health history? a. To learn about a woman's health concerns b. To establish a relationship with a woman while learning about her health c. To identify any unresolved/latent health issues d. To ensure that a woman's health care records are up to date


What is the primary reason many older women live in poverty and have health problems? a. They outnumber older men. b. They have outlived their support systems. c. Their cognitive abilities decline. d. They must contend with ageism and sexism.


What narrow term is often used to refer to the period of Early Adulthood? a. Productive years b. Reproductive years c. Young Adulthood d. Adolescence


When is a pelvic examination unnecessary for a woman who is experiencing AUB? a. If she is not sexually active b. If she has recently begun menstruating c. If her bleeding is extremely heavy d. If she also has anemia


Which type of speculum is best used to examine nulliparous women? a. Small Graves b. Pederson c. Large Graves d. Pediatric


Women who present for pregnancy options counseling a. understand the time-sensitive nature of the decision-making process. b. should be made aware of the gestational age of the pregnancy. c. have made their decision and do not need to discuss it. d. need no further resources to establish a plan of action.


All of the alternatives that follow are included in pregnancy options counseling except a. discontinue the pregnancy. b. carry the pregnancy and parent the child. c. assess the need for additional attention after abortion. d. carry the pregnancy and place the infant for adoption


Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are among the most extensively studied medications available. Which one of the following statements about their use has been found to be true? a. Broad-spectrum antibiotics may enhance their efficacy. b. They do not increase the risk of venous thromboembolism. c. They decrease the relative risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers. d. Among possible side effects are acne, hirsuitism, and benign breast conditions


How does Erick Erikson's grand theory of human development differ for females? a. It recognizes achieving autonomy as a primary focus. b. It assumes only men desire autonomy. c. It assumes female dependence on another in order to achieve a sense of self. d. It assumes females desire dependence on others.


How is secondary dysmenorrhea defined? a. Absence of menstruation due to an underlying pathology b. Painful menstruation in the absence of pathology c. An underlying pathology causing pain symptoms during menstrual flow d. Painful menstruation that occurs in women after the age of 35


How many different fiber sections subdivide the levator ani muscular sheet? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6


One study of more than 10,000 women who had abortions found that _______ had been using a contraceptive method in the month they conceived. a. 14% b. 34% c. 54% d. 74%


What treatment was introduced in the 1990s as a less invasive alternative to hysterectomy? a. Myomectomy b. NSAIDs c. Endometrial ablation d. LNG-INS


Where may supernumerary occur? a. Anywhere from the neck to the ankle unilaterally b. Anywhere on the torso c. Anywhere along a vertical line from the axilla to the inner thigh d. Anywhere on the breast tissue, including the tall of Spence


Which contraceptive methods have inherent failure rates? a. None b. Some c. All d. All except sterilization


Which of the following is one of the key criteria for a diagnosis of PMS? a. The symptoms markedly interfere with occupational functioning b. One of the symptoms is depressed mood, anxiety, or irritability c. Exclusion of other diagnoses that may better explain the symptoms d. The symptoms are confirmed by prospective daily ratings over at least two menstrual cycles


Exercise-induced amenorrhea is probably due to the combination of low body fat and decreased secretion of a. estrogen. b. prolactin. c. progesterone. d. GnRH.


Progestin-only pills (POPs) a. have no possible side effects. b. suppress ovulation as reliably as COCs. c. may be taken earlier or later than prescribed. d. in combination with lactation are nearly 100% effective.


The least variation in menses occurs during the ages of a. 30-50. b. 40-50. c. 12-20. d. 20-40.


What population of women should be screened for signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction? a. All women b. Older women c. Older women, smokers, women with diabetes d. Older women, postpartum women, and women with Down syndrome


When a patient's decision about an unintended pregnancy causes an irreconcilable conflict between a clinician's personal beliefs and professional responsibilities, the clinician should a. make sure the patient understands what those personal beliefs are. b. continue to work in settings where such conflicts occur frequently. c. deny comprehensive pregnancy options counseling to the patient. d. refer the patient to a colleague or to a different setting entirely.


Which of the following are screening tests for type 2 diabetes mellitus? a. Fasting plasma glucose b. Two-hour post load plasma glucose c. Hemoglobin A1C d. All of the above


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