Word Ch. 2

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Update Style to Match Selection

1. Apply a style to selected text. 2. Apply formatting changes on the text where the style was applied. 3. Select the text you changed. 4. Right-click the style in the Style gallery and choose Update [style name] to Match Selection (Figure 2-65). Figure 2-65 Update style to match selected text The style updates to match the selected text. All other text with this style applied updates automatically.


Collection of fonts, colors, and effects that you can apply to an entire document, workbook, or presentation; provides consistent background graphics.

Style gallery

Collection of preset effects for text, shapes, pictures, or other objects.

Apply a Page Border

1. Click the Design tab. 2. Click the Page Borders button [Page Background group]. The Borders and Shading dialog box opens with the Page Border tab displayed (Figure 2-83). Figure 2-83 Apply a page border 3. Select the type of page border to apply in the Setting area. 4. Select a border style in the Style list. Alternatively, select an art design to apply as the border from the Art drop-down list. 5. Select a border color and width from the Color and Width drop-down lists. 6. Customize page borders by clicking the Top, Bottom, Left, or Right border buttons in the Preview area to turn on or off borders if desired. 7. Click the Apply to drop-down list and select the page(s) to apply the page border. Your options are: Whole document This section This section - First page only This section - All except first page 8. Click OK to close the Borders and Shading dialog box.

Apply a Document Theme

1. Click the Design tab. 2. Click the Themes button [Document Formatting group]. 3. Select the theme to apply from the Themes gallery (Figure 2-67). Figure 2-67 Change the Theme of a document 4. Click the Colors, Fonts, or Effects buttons [Design tab, Document Formatting group] to change each of these options individually within the existing theme.

Use the Go To Feature

1. Click the Find drop-down arrow [Home tab, Editing group]. 2. Select Go To. The Find and Replace dialog box opens with the Go To tab displayed (Figure 2-74). Figure 2-74 Go To in the Find and Replace dialog box 3. Select an item from the list of options in the Go to what area: Page, Section, Line, Bookmark, Comment, Footnote, etc. The text box to the right is contextual and changes depending on the item chosen. 4. Type a page number, section, line, bookmark, etc., in the text box. 5. Click the Go To button. 6. Click Close to close this dialog box.

Insert Custom Header and Footer Content

1. Click the Insert tab. 2. Click the Header or Footer button [Insert tab, Header & Footer group] and select Edit Header or Edit Footer. The header or footer of the document opens and the Header & Footer tab displays. When you edit a header or footer, both the header and footer open and the Header & Footer tab displays. Use the Go to Header or Go to Footer buttons [Navigation group] to move to the header or footer (Figure 2-36). Figure 2-36 Navigation group on the Header & Footer tab 3. Type information in the Header or Footer area (Figure 2-37). Figure 2-37 Enter custom information in the header Change the formatting and alignment as desired. You can insert a page number with the header or footer open. 4. Click the Close Header and Footer button [Close group].

Insert a Built-In Header, Footer, or Page Number

1. Click the Insert tab. 2. Click the Header, Footer, or Page Number button [Header & Footer group] and select a built-in header, footer, or page number from the drop-down list (Figure 2-44). Figure 2-44 List of built-in headers Document property fields update automatically with document property information. Some fields, such as Pick the date, require you to input or select information. 3. Click the Close Header and Footer button [Close group].

Insert a Page Number

1. Click the Insert tab. 2. Click the Page Number button [Header & Footer group]. A drop-down list of options appears (Figure 2-31). Figure 2-31 Insert page number 3. Click either Top of Page or Bottom of Page. Another drop-down list of page number options appears. The top three options in this list are simple page numbers aligned at the left, center, or right. Custom page number options display further down this list. 4. Select one of the page number options to insert the current page number. The Header or Footer area opens with the page number inserted, and the Header & Footer tab opens (Figure 2-32). Figure 2-32 Page number inserted in the header on the left 5. Click the Close Header and Footer button [Close group].

Change Margin Settings

1. Click the Layout tab. 2. Click the Margins button [Page Setup group]. Preset margin options appear in the Margins drop-down list (Figure 2-1). Figure 2-1 Margins drop-down list 3. Select the desired margin settings from the drop-down list of options.

Set Custom Margins

1. Click the Layout tab. 2. Click the Page Setup launcher [Page Setup group] to open the Page Setup dialog box (see Figure 2-2). Alternatively, click the Margins button and select Custom Margins. 3. Click the Margins tab if it is not already selected. 4. Change the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margin settings using one of the following methods: Click the Top, Bottom, Left, or Right margin box and type the desired margin setting. Click the up or down arrow to increase or decrease the margin size. Each click of the up or down arrow increases or decreases the margins by 0.1″. Press Tab to move from one text box to another in the Margins area. The Preview area displays a document thumbnail with the customized margin settings. 5. Click the Apply to drop-down list and select an option to apply margin settings: Whole document, This point forward, or This section. 6. Click OK to apply the custom margin settings.

Change Vertical Alignment

1. Click the Layout tab. 2. Click the Page Setup launcher [Page Setup group]. The Page Setup dialog box opens. 3. Click the Layout tab. 4. Click the Vertical alignment drop-down list in the Page area (Figure 2-5). Figure 2-5 Change vertical alignment 5. Select a vertical alignment option and click OK.

Increase the Left and Right Indentation for a Paragraph

1. Click the Layout tab. 2. In the Paragraph group, click the up arrow next to Left and Right to increase the indentation by one-tenth of an inch at a time. 3. Click the down arrow next to Left and Right to decrease the indentation by one-tenth of an inch at a time.

Format Page Numbers

1. Click the Page Number button [Insert tab or Header & Footer tab, Header & Footer group] and select Format Page Numbers to open the Page Number Format dialog box (see Figure 2-34). 2. Click the Number format drop-down list and select a page number format. Choose from six preset page numbering options. 3. Select Continue from previous section (default setting) or Start at a different page number in the Page numbering section. Click the Start at radio button to set a different starting page number. Type the starting page number or use the up or down arrow to set the starting page number. 4. Click OK to close the Page Number Format dialog box. 5. Click the Close Header and Footer button [Close group] if necessary

Change Default Tab Stops

1. Click the Paragraph launcher [Home or Layout tab] to open the Paragraph dialog box. 2. Click the Tabs button to open the Tabs dialog box. 3. Type a value or use the up or down arrow to change the default tab stop setting in the Default tab stops area (Figure 2-17). Figure 2-17 Change default tab stops 4. Click OK to close the Tabs dialog box.

Use Side to Side Page Movement

1. Click the View tab. 2. Click the Side to Side button [Page Movement group]. The document displays pages horizontally on the screen (Figure 2-7). Figure 2-7 Side to Side page movement view Use the left and right arrow keys or the mouse scroll wheel to scroll horizontally through the pages. 3. Click the Thumbnails button [Zoom group] to display all pages of the document as thumbnail icons. A page number displays below each page thumbnail. 4. Click a page thumbnail to display the page. The Thumbnail option turns off and the page displays in Side to Side view. Alternatively, click the Thumbnail button again to return to Side to Side view. 5. Click the Vertical button [Page Movement group] to return to Vertical page movement view.

Set a Different First Page Header and Footer

1. Go to the first page of the document. 2. Open the header or footer if it is not already open. Use one of the following methods to open the header or footer if it is not already open: Right-click the header or footer and select Edit Header or Edit Footer. Click the Insert tab, click the Header or Footer button in the Header & Footer group, and choose Edit Header or Edit Footer. Double-click the header or footer area of the document. 3. Click the Different First Page check box [Header & Footer tab, Options group] (Figure 2-33). Figure 2-33 Different First Page check box 4. Click the Close Header and Footer button [Close group]. The page number, header, and footer no longer display on the first page but display on the second and continuing pages.

Use the Resume Assistant

1. Open an existing resume and click See resume suggestions to open the Resume Assistant pane on the right (Figure 2-76). Figure 2-76 Get started using the Resume Assistant If this notification does not display, click the Resume Assistant button [Review tab, Resume group]. If the Resume Assistant button is not active, turn on the LinkedIn Features. Click the File tab to open the Backstage view, click Options to open the Word Options dialog box, and check the Enable LinkedIn features in my Office applications box in the LinkedIn Features area. 2. Click Get started if necessary. This menu may not display in the Resume Assistant pane if you've used the Resume Assistant previously. 3. Type a role and industry (optional) if necessary and click See examples. Resume examples display in the Resume Assistant pane (Figure 2-77). This menu may not display in the Resume Assistant pane if you've used the Resume Assistant previously. Figure 2-77 Resume Assistant pane The Role area may already be populated with text based upon your resume. You can change the role if necessary. The Resume Assistant pane displays examples of resumes, top skills for the type of job, articles on resume writing, and suggested jobs. 4. Click the Read more link on an example resume to view detailed information. Click the Back arrow to return to the main Resume Assistant pane. Click the Filter examples by top skills drop-down list to filter resume examples. 5. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the Resume Assistant pane to close this pane.

Apply Shading Using the Borders and Shading Dialogue

1. Open the Borders and Shading dialog and click the Shading tab. 2. Click the Fill arrow and select a color from the palette. 3. Click OK to apply your changes.

Insert Document Properties

1. Open the header or footer and place the insertion point at the location to insert the document property. Use alignment buttons or tabs to position document property fields in the header or footer. 2. Click the Document Info button [Header & Footer tab, Insert group] (Figure 2-42). Figure 2-42 Insert document property field 3. Select the document property field or click Document Property to select from additional fields. The document property displays in the document (Figure 2-43). Figure 2-43 Title document property field inserted in the header Alternatively, click the Quick Parts button [Header & Footer tab, Insert group] and select Document Property. Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to deselect a document property field. 4. Click the Close Header and Footer button [Close group].

Insert the Date and Time

1. Open the header or footer area and position the insertion point at the location to insert the date. Use alignment buttons or tabs to position the date and/or time in the header or footer. 2. Click the Date & Time button [Header & Footer tab, Insert group]. The Date and Time dialog box opens (Figure 2-41). Figure 2-41 Date and Time dialog box 3. Select the date or time format to use in the Available formats area. 4. Check the Update automatically check box if you want the date to update automatically. Do not check Update automatically on documents where the date should remain constant. 5. Click OK to close the Date and Time dialog box. The date displays in the header. 6. Click the Close Header and Footer button [Close group].

Insert the Number of Pages Field

1. Open the header or footer. The page number should already be inserted in the document. 2. Click before the page number, type Page, and press the spacebar. 3. Click after the page number, press the spacebar, type of, and press the spacebar. 4. Click the Document Info button [Header & Footer tab, Insert group] (Figure 2-38). Figure 2-38 Insert field code Alternatively, click the Quick Parts button. 5. Select Field from the drop-down list. The Field dialog box opens (Figure 2-39). Figure 2-39 Insert NumPages field from the Field dialog box 6. Scroll down the Field names area and select NumPages. The field description displays in the Description area. 7. Select a page number format in the Format area. 8. Click OK to close the Field dialog box. The number of pages in the document displays (Figure 2-40). Figure 2-40 Page number and number of pages field inserted into the header 9. Click the Close Header and Footer button [Close group].

Applying Indents

1. Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph you want to change. 2. To increase the indent of the paragraph by one level, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Increase Indent button. 3. To reduce the indent of the paragraph and bring it closer to the edge of the page by one level, click the Decrease Indent button.

Apply Borders Using the Borders and Shading Dialogue

1. Place the cursor in the paragraph you want to add the border to. 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Borders button, and select Borders and Shading... 3. Select Box under Setting. 4. A preview of the border appears in the Preview area. Click the Top Border, Bottom Border, Left Border, or Right Border buttons to turn that part of the border on and off. The Preview area will display the changes as you make them. 5. Click OK to apply your changes.

Adjusting Spacing Before and After Paragraphs

1. Place the cursor in the paragraph you want to change. 2. Click the Layout tab. 3. In the Paragraph group, click the up and down arrows next to the Before box to adjust the spacing above the paragraph. 4. Click the up and down arrows next to the After box to adjust the spacing below the paragraph

Apply Borders

1. Place the cursor in the paragraph you want to format. 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Borders button. 3. Select a border option on the menu to apply it to the paragraph.

Apply Shading

1. Place the cursor in the paragraph you want to format. 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Shading button. 3. Click a color in the color palette to apply the shading.

Create a Bulleted List

1. Place the insertion point at the location to begin the list or select the text to convert to a bulleted list. 2. Click the Bullets drop-down arrow [Home tab, Paragraph group] to display the library of bullet options (Figure 2-53). Figure 2-53 Bullets drop-down list If you click the Bullets button (not the Bullets drop-down arrow), the most recently used bullet is used for the bulleted list. 3. Select a bullet from the list of options. 4. Type your information after the bullet if you are typing a new bulleted list. 5. Press Enter after typing a bulleted item to add another bullet. 6. Press Enter two times after the last bullet or click the Bullets button to turn off bullets.

White space

Blank space around text and objects in a document; improves the readability of a document and prevents the document from appearing cluttered.

Create a Numbered List

1. Place the insertion point at the location to begin the list or select the text to convert to a numbered list. 2. Click the Numbering drop-down arrow [Home tab, Paragraph group] to display the library of numbering options (Figure 2-57). Figure 2-57 Numbering format options If you click the Numbering button, the most recently used number format is applied to the numbered list. 3. Select a number style from the list of options. 4. Type your information after the number if you are typing a new numbered list. 5. Press Enter after a numbered item to add another numbered item. 6. Press Enter two times after the last numbered item or click the Numbering button to turn off numbering.

Use Find in the Navigation Pane

1. Place your insertion point at the beginning of the document. 2. Click the Find button [Home tab, Editing group]. The Navigation pane opens on the left. 3. Click the Search document text box at the top of the Navigation pane and type the text for which to search (see Figure 2-72). The matching results display below the text box. Word highlights the matching text in the document. 4. Click the Next or Previous search result buttons to move through each matching instance in the document. Alternatively, click the matching instances below the Search document text box to go to a specific occurrence of the matching text. 5. Edit the highlighted text in the document. 6. Click the X to the right of the Search Document text box to clear the current search. 7. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the Navigation pane to close the pane.

Use Replace

1. Place your insertion point at the beginning of the document. 2. Click the Replace button [Home tab, Editing group] or press Ctrl+H. The Find and Replace dialog box opens with the Replace tab displayed (Figure 2-73). Figure 2-73 Replace text 3. Click the Find what text box and type the text for which you are searching. 4. Click the Replace with text box and type the text to replace the found text. 5. Click the More button to display advanced find options. The Less button hides the advanced find options. 6. Click the Format or Special button to add formatting options or special characters to either the text for which you are searching or the replacement text. Place the insertion point in the Find what or Replace with text box before selecting a format or special character. 7. Click the Find Next button to locate the first occurrence of the text (and formatting) for which you are searching. It is best to click the Less button to collapse this dialog box when finding and replacing content in your document. 8. Select Replace (this occurrence), Replace All (all occurrences), or Find Next (skip this occurrence without replacing and move to the next) to apply an action on each occurrence. When you select one of these options, Word moves to the next occurrence. When you finish finding and replacing text in the document, a dialog box opens informing you that Word has finished searching the document. Click OK to close this dialog box. 9. Click the X in the upper-right corner to close the Find and Replace dialog box.

Insert a Horizontal Line

1. Place your insertion point at the location to insert a horizontal line. 2. Click the Borders drop-down arrow [Home tab, Paragraph group]. 3. Select Horizontal Line from the drop-down list (Figure 2-84). Figure 2-84 Insert a horizontal line The horizontal line is treated as a separate paragraph and has a paragraph mark to the right.

Insert a Next Page Section Break

1. Position the insertion point at the location in your document to end one page and begin a new section on a new page. 2. Click the Layout tab. 3. Click the Breaks button [Page Setup group]. 4. Select Next Page from the drop-down list. A next page section break displays in the document. Turn on Show/Hide [Home tab, Paragraph group]. The Section Break (Next Page) indicator displays when Show/Hide is on (Figure 2-51).

Insert a Page Break

1. Position the insertion point where you want to insert a page break. 2. Click the Layout tab. 3. Click the Breaks button [Page Setup group]. 4. Select Page from the drop-down list. A page break displays in the document (Figure 2-49). Figure 2-49 Insert Page break Turn on Show/Hide [Home tab, Paragraph group]. The Page Break indicator displays when Show/Hide is on (Figure 2-50).


Blank space at the top, bottom, left, or right of a document; in a text box, the space between the outside of the box and the text within the box; in a table, the space between a cell border and the cell text.

Tab selector

Button at the top of the vertical ruler where you select the type of tab stop you want to set on the ruler.

Modify an Existing Style

1. Right-click the style to modify in the Style gallery and select Modify. The Modify Style dialog box opens (Figure 2-66). Figure 2-66 Modify Style dialog box 2. Make basic formatting changes in the Formatting area of the dialog box. The updated style displays in the Preview area, and a summary of the style formatting displays below the Preview area. 3. Click the Format button at the bottom-left corner to open other dialog boxes, such as Font, Paragraph, Tabs, and Borders, for additional formatting changes. Change the style formatting, and click OK to apply changes and to close the dialog box. 4. Click OK to apply the style change and to close the Modify Style dialog box.

Edit or Remove a Hyperlink

1. Select or click the hyperlink to edit. 2. Click the top half of the Link button [Insert tab, Links group]. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box opens. Alternatively, press Ctrl+K to open the Edit Hyperlink dialog box. 3. Change hyperlink information or options as needed. 4. Click the Remove Link button to remove an existing hyperlink (Figure 2-89). Figure 2-89 Edit or remove a hyperlink When you click Remove Link, the Edit Hyperlink dialog box closes automatically. 5. Click OK to close the Edit Hyperlink dialog box if necessary.

Customize a Bulleted List

1. Select the bulleted list. 2. Click the Bullets drop-down arrow [Home tab, Paragraph group] and select Define New Bullet. The Define New Bullet dialog box opens (Figure 2-54). Figure 2-54 Define New Bullet dialog box 3. Click the Symbol, Picture, or Font button to open a dialog box. If you click Symbol, the Symbol dialog box opens (Figure 2-55). From the Font drop-down list, select a font set (the most common are Symbol, Wingdings, and Webdings) or Recently used symbols. Figure 2-55 Symbol dialog box Each symbol has a character code to identify the symbol (see Figure 2-55). If you click Picture, the Insert Pictures dialog box opens. Use Bing Image Search to find a picture or select a graphic file of your own. If you click Font, the Font dialog box opens where you change the font size of the bullet. Changing the bullet font size does not change the size of the bulleted text. 4. Select the bullet to use and click OK (or Insert or Open depending on the open dialog box) to close the dialog box. 5. Click OK to close the Define New Bullet dialog box.

Customize a Numbered LIst

1. Select the numbered list. 2. Click the Numbering drop-down arrow [Home tab, Paragraph group] and select Define New Number Format. The Define New Number Format dialog box opens (Figure 2-58). Figure 2-58 Define New Number Format dialog box 3. Click the Number style drop-down list and select a number format. Click the Font button to change the numbering font, size, or style. 4. Use the Number format area to customize how the numbers display. Typically, a period follows the numbers, but you can change this to an ending parenthesis, hyphen, other character, or no punctuation. 5. Click the Alignment drop-down arrow to change number alignment. Numbers align on the left by default, but you can change the number alignment to center or right. 6. View the Preview area to see how the number format will display in the document. 7. Click OK to apply the number format and close the dialog box.

Apply Built-In Borders

1. Select the paragraph or place the insertion point in the paragraph to apply the border. 2. Click the Home tab. 3. Click the Borders drop-down arrow [Paragraph group] (see Figure 2-78). 4. Click the border option to apply to the selected paragraph.

Apply Custom Borders

1. Select the paragraph(s) to apply a border. 2. Click the Borders drop-down arrow [Home tab, Paragraph group] and choose the Borders and Shading option at the bottom of the list. The Borders and Shading dialog box opens (Figure 2-79). Figure 2-79 Borders and Shading dialog box In the Apply to area, select Text or Paragraph. 3. Select the type of border to use in the Setting area. Your options are None, Box, Shadow, 3-D, and Custom. 4. Select a style of the line from the list of options in the Style area. 5. Click the Color drop-down arrow and select line color. 6. Click the Width drop-down arrow and select the width of the border line. The width of the line is measured in points. 7. View the Preview area to see how the border will appear in your document. In the Preview area, customize how the borders appear by clicking the Top, Bottom, Left, or Right border buttons to turn a border on or off (see Figure 2-79). Alternatively, click a border preview icon to turn a border on or off. 8. Click the Options button to open the Border and Shading Options dialog box (Figure 2-80). Figure 2-80 Border and Shading Options dialog box This dialog box includes the option to add additional space (padding) between the border and the text at the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right. The spacing is measured in points. Click OK to close the Border and Shading Options dialog box. 9. Click OK to close the Borders and Shading dialog box.

Apply Shading from the Borders and Shading Dialog Box

1. Select the paragraph(s) to apply a shade. 2. Click the Borders drop-down arrow [Home tab, Paragraph group] and choose the Borders and Shading option at the bottom of the list. The Borders and Shading dialog box opens (Figure 2-82). Figure 2-82 Shading options in the Borders and Shading dialog box 3. Click the Shading tab. 4. Click the Fill drop-down arrow and select a shading fill color. Alternatively, select a shading Style or Color in the Patterns area. From the Style drop-down list, select a gradient percent or a fill pattern as the shading style. From the Color drop-down list, select a fill color for the gradient or pattern you selected. You do not have to use a pattern style or color for shading. Usually just a fill color is sufficient. 5. Click OK to close the Borders and Shading dialog box

Set a First Line or a Hanging Indent Using the Paragraph Dialogue Box

1. Select the paragraph(s) to indent. 2. Click the Paragraph launcher [Home or Layout tab] to open the Paragraph dialog box. 3. Click the Special drop-down list in the Indentation area and choose the type of indent: First line or Hanging (Figure 2-22). Figure 2-22 Set first line or hanging indent using the Paragraph dialog box 4. Type the indent amount or use the up or down buttons in the By area to increase or decrease the amount of the indent. The Preview area displays the text with the indent applied. 5. Click OK to close the Paragraph dialog box.

Using Tab Stops

1. Select the text in which you want to set a tab stop. 2. Click the tab selector at the far left of the horizontal ruler until it changes to the type of tab you want. 3. Click the horizontal ruler where you want to set a tab stop.

Create a Hyperlink

1. Select the text or graphic to create a hyperlink. If you are creating a hyperlink to a web page, copy (Ctrl+C) the web page address (URL) before selecting the text or graphic. 2. Click the top half of the Link button [Insert tab, Links group] to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box (Figure 2-85). Figure 2-85 Insert Hyperlink dialog box The text you selected in the document displays as the hyperlink in the Text to display area. If you type other text in this text box, it will replace the text you selected in the document. Alternatively, click the Link drop-down list (bottom half) and select a copied URL to apply a hyperlink on the selected text without opening the Insert Hyperlink text box (Figure 2-86). To customize the hyperlink, open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. Figure 2-86 Insert hyperlink from Link drop-down list 3. Select the type of hyperlink in the Link to area. Your options are Existing File or web Page, Place in This Document, Create New Document, or E-mail Address. If you are linking to a file, browse your computer in the Look in area to locate and select the file. If you are linking to a web page, type or paste (Ctrl+V) a web address in the Address area. If you are linking to a place in the document, a list of headings from which to choose displays. If you are inserting a link to create a new document, options for the new document display. If you are linking to an email address, type the email address, and create a subject line for the email (optional). 4. Click the ScreenTip button to insert text that displays when you place the pointer over the hyperlink (Figure 2-87). Figure 2-87 Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box Type the ScreenTip text and click OK to close the Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box. 5. Click the Target Frame button to open the Set Target Frame dialog box (Figure 2-88). Figure 2-88 Set Target Frame dialog box From the drop-down list of options, select where the hyperlink destination will open. Check the Set as default for all hyperlinks box to make your target frame selection the default for all hyperlinks in your document. Click OK to close the Set Target Frame dialog box. 6. Click OK to insert the hyperlink and close the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

Set Indents Using the Ruler

1. Select the text or paragraph to indent. If it is just one paragraph, place your insertion point in that paragraph. 2. Left click the left indent marker (bottom square), drag to the desired location, and release the pointer. The left indent applies to the selected text (Figure 2-19). Figure 2-19 Change left indent using the ruler 3. Left click the right indent marker, drag to the desired location, and release the pointer. The right indent applies to the selected text

Set a Left and Right Indent

1. Select the text or paragraph where you want to apply the indent. If it is just one paragraph, place your insertion point in that paragraph. 2. Click the Layout tab. Alternatively, click the Paragraph launcher to open the Paragraph dialog box. 3. Change the Left and Right indent settings [Paragraph group on the Layout tab or Indentation area in the Paragraph dialog box]. The change applies to the selected text (Figure 2-18). Figure 2-18 Change left and right indents When you apply an indent to a paragraph and press Enter at the end of the paragraph, the indent carries over to the next paragraph.

Apply a Built-In Style from the Style Gallery

1. Select the text or paragraph where you want to apply the style. 2. Select a style from the Style gallery [Home tab, Styles group]. Click the More button to see all the styles in the Style gallery (Figure 2-64). Figure 2-64 Click the More button to display additional styles Click the down arrow on the right side of the gallery to see the next row of styles available in the Style gallery.

Clear the Tab Stops Using the Tab Dialogue Box

1. Select the text or paragraphs containing the tab stops to remove. 2. Click the Paragraph launcher [Home or Layout tab] to open the Paragraph dialog box. 3. Click the Tabs button to open the Tabs dialog box. 4. Select the tab stop to remove in the list of existing tab stops, and click the Clear button to remove a single tab stop (Figure 2-15). Repeat on any other tab stops you want to remove. Figure 2-15 Clear a tab stop in the Tabs dialog box Click the Clear All button to clear all tab stops. 5. Click OK to close the Tabs dialog box.

Move a Tab Stop

1. Select the text or paragraphs containing the tab stops you want to edit. 2. Left-click the tab stop on the ruler and drag it to the new location (Figure 2-13). Figure 2-13 Move a tab stop using the ruler When you click the tab stop to be moved, a vertical alignment guide appears. This alignment guide displays the position of the tab stop. Press the Alt key when you are moving a tab stop to display a vertical guide and horizontal ruler settings to assist in moving a tab stop to a specific measurement (Figure 2-14). Figure 2-14 Use the Alt key to adjust a tab stop 3. Release the pointer to set the tab stop in the new location. 4. Repeat this process until you are satisfied with the placement of your tab stops.

Add a Tab Leader

1. Select the text or paragraphs where you want to add a tab leader. 2. Click the Paragraph launcher [Home or Layout tab] to open the Paragraph dialog box. 3. Click the Tabs button to open the Tabs dialog box. 4. Select an existing tab stop or type a number in the Tab stop position text box to set a new tab stop. 5. Select the type of leader to apply in the Leader area (see Figure 2-15). 6. Click Set. Figure 2-16 is an example of a dash leader. Figure 2-16 Tab stop with a dash leader 7. Click OK to close the Tabs dialog box.

Define a New Multilevel List

1. Select the text or the beginning point on which to apply a multilevel list. 2. Click the Multilevel List drop-down arrow [Home tab, Paragraph group]. 3. Select Define New Multilevel list from the drop-down list. The Define new Multilevel list dialog box opens (Figure 2-61). Figure 2-61 Define new Multilevel list dialog box 4. Click the More button in the bottom left of the dialog box to display all formatting options. 5. Select the level to modify in the Click level to modify area. 6. Select the Number format, Start at number, and Number style for this level in the Number format area. 7. Set the Number alignment, the Aligned at measurement (which is the first line indent), and Text indent at measurement (which is the hanging indent) in the Position area. 8. Click the Set for All Levels button to open the Set for All Levels dialog box where you set the indents for all levels (Figure 2-62). Click OK to close the Set for All Levels dialog box. Figure 2-62 Set for All Levels dialog box 9. Select the next level to modify in the Click level to modify area and change settings as described in the steps above. 10. Click OK to apply the multilevel list settings after customizing the levels.

Use Format Painter

1. Select the text that has the formatting you want to copy. 2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Format Painter button. 3. Select the text that you want to apply the formatting to. The formats are automatically applied to the selected text.

Set a Tab Stop Using the Tabs Dialog Box

1. Select the text where you want to set a tab stop (Figure 2-8). Figure 2-8 Select text before setting tab stops 2. Click the Home or Layout tab. 3. Click the Paragraph launcher to open the Paragraph dialog box. 4. Click the Tabs button (Figure 2-9) to open the Tabs dialog box. Figure 2-9 Tabs button in Paragraph dialog box 5. Type the desired tab stop position in the Tab stop position text box. 6. Select the Left, Center, Right, Decimal, or Bar radio button in the Alignment area. 7. Click the Set button (Figure 2-10). The tab stop appears in the list of tab stops below the Tab stop position text box. Figure 2-10 Set a right tab stop in the Tabs dialog box 8. Click OK to close the Tabs dialog box. The tab stop is applied to the selected text. The tab stop is visible on the ruler.

Set a Tab Stop Using the Ruler

1. Select the text where you want to set the new tab stop(s). If the rulers do not display, check the Ruler box [View tab, Show group]. 2, Click the Tab selector to select the type of tab stop to set (see Figure 2-11). The Tab selector toggles through the different types of tabs and indents: left, center, right, decimal, bar, first line indent, and hanging indent. 3. Click the ruler to set a tab stop. When setting tab stops using the ruler, click the bottom edge of the ruler to set a tab stop

Page borders

A border that applies to an entire page rather than selected text or paragraph.

Hanging indent

Additional horizontal space between second and carryover lines of a paragraph and the left margin.

First line indent

Horizontal space between the first line of a paragraph and the left margin.

Section breaks

Formatting option used to break a document into different sections so sections can be formatted independently of each other.

Resume Assistant

Connects with LinkedIn and provides assistance in Word when working on a resume.

Vertical alignment

Content positioning option that aligns material in relation to the top, bottom, or middle of the page or slide; can also refer to the position of objects in relation to each other.

Multilevel list

Customized list that includes a combination of numbers, letters, or bullets.


Descriptive information about a button, dropdown list, launcher, or gallery selection that appears when you place your pointer on the item.

Justified Alignment

Evenly spaces the words, aligning the text on the right and left sides of the printed page.


Feature that searches a file to locate specific text and/or formatting and replace it with specified replacement text and/or formatting.


Feature that searches a file to locate specific text and/or formatting.


Fill color applied to text, paragraph, page, cell, table, or graphic object.

Soft page break

Formatting option that allows text to flow to the next page when it reaches the bottom margin of a page.

Page breaks

Formatting option that controls where text on a page ends.

Different First Page

Formatting option that displays first-page header or footer content that differs from the other headers and footers in a document.


Increase the distance between the cell contents and the left boundary of the cell.


Line around text, paragraph, page, cell, table, or graphic object.

Numbered lists

List that arranges items in order; a number or letter precedes each item, and a left and hanging indent controls left alignment.

Tab stop

Marker that controls where the insertion point stops when Tab is pressed.


Negative indent that lines up information outside the left or right margins.

Portrait orientation

Page layout option in which the page is oriented so it is taller than it is wide.

Landscape orientation

Page layout option in which the page is oriented so it is wider than it is tall.

Side to Side

Page movement that scrolls horizontally through a multi-page document.

Tab leaders

Series of dots or lines that fills the blank space between text and a tab stop.


Set of built-in formats, which include a variety of borders, shading, alignment, and other options.


Text or a graphic that, when clicked, opens another file or jumps to another place in the document.

Page orientation

The direction of the page. The two different orientation options are Portrait and Landscape.

Navigation pane (Word)

The pane at the left side of the Word window when the Find command is selected. The Navigation pane displays headings, pages, and search results.

Bulleted list

Unordered list of items; a bullet symbol precedes each item, and a left and hanging indent controls left alignment.


Vertical or horizontal guide that displays measurements within the margins of a document.

Target frame

Window where a reader is directed when a hyperlink document or web site opens.

Page number field

Word field that lists the page number.

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