Word Lesson 10

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A Works Cited page is also known as a ___.


A ___ is a line of text that describes an object and can appear above or below it.


A ___ is always found on its own page at the end of a document, and it includes all citations used in the document.


A ___ is preformatted or custom information displayed in the same location at the bottom of every page.

table of contents

A ___ is used as an outline of your document.


A ___ page is placed before the table of contents.


A __________ is a location, a reference point, or a selection of text identified for future reference.


A bookmark is a reference point in a document

book, report, journal, website, media

A source could include information from which of the following?


A table of contents is located at the ______ of the document.


A table of contents is usually found at the end of a document.

Click the down arrow by the Works Cited heading.

After you have already inserted the bibliography, you need to add more citations. Where do you gain access to display the placeholder tab necessary to update the bibliography?


An endnote is a citation that is placed at the end of the document.


Apply ___ styles to make the creation of the table of contents easier.

at the end of the page

By default, a footnote is placed

tables, figures, equations & pictures

Captions can be applied to which of the following?


Deleting a footnote or endnote will automatically renumber the remaining footnotes or endnotes


Endnotes can be converted to which of the following?


Footnotes and endnotes following addition or deletion of others are automatically ___.

single spaced with a hanging indent and doubled spaced between each footnote

Formatting a footnote in a document, per MLA style, should be


Hyperlinks can be applied to text or graphics.

From one page to another, to a website, and to an email

Hyperlinks can be linked

Select figure, References tab, Insert Caption button

In order to access the Insert Caption dialog box, which of the following is the correct sequence?


In order to activate the Position options within the Caption dialog box, you must first ___ an object.


In order to apply a caption to a table, select the table and click the Insert Caption button on which tab?


In order to automatically display the page number in the upper right corner, you add a ___ on every page.


In order to avoid plagiarism, you must create a __________ to give credit to an original source.

Edit within the text.

In order to edit a footnote or endnote, you do which of the following?


In order to edit or delete a hyperlink, ___ the Edit Hyperlink dialog box.

next page section break

In order to ensure proper formatting of a title page, which type of break should you always use?


In order to ensure your table of contents is up to date, you must remember to use the ___ Table command.

Exclude label from caption

In order to hide default caption labels (Equation, Figure, and Table), which of the following options do you select from the Caption dialog box?

add text

In order to include text without a heading style in your table of contents, which command on the References tab do you use?

Ctrl + K

In order to launch the Edit Hyperlink dialog box, which keyboard combination do you use?


In order to quickly jump from a Table of Contents entry to that location in a document, which key do you use along with a mouse click?


In order to set your captions format to include chapters and styles, which button would you select within the Captions dialog box?


In order to update the bibliography after additions and deletions are made to bibliography entries, which function key do you use?

footnote and endnote

In which dialog box can you change endnote formats?


On which tab can you launch the Bookmark dialog box to add or edit bookmarks?


On which tab can you launch the Insert Hyperlink dialog box?


On which tab is the Insert Endnote command located?


On which tab is the Insert Footnote command located?


On which tab is the Table of Contents command located?

next to the designated placeholder at the bottom of the document page

Once a footnote placeholder is inserted in the text, where is the actual footnote data input?


Only text formatted with a heading style can be included in a table of contents.


Reference points in a document are created using which command?


Sources are compiled and listed in which section of a document?

Periods, Hyphens & Lines

Tab leaders can be changed into what types of symbols for use in a table of contents?

Book source, Title, Author, Copyright

The Create Source dialog box contains fields for which of the following?


The Custom Table of Contents option allows you to create a table of contents on your own.

Supress year, Add Pages, Supress Title, & Supress Author

The Edit Citation dialog box allows you to quickly modify which of the following?

Uppercase Roman numerals

The Footnote and Endnote dialog box contains an option to change the page number format to


The Insert Citation command is located on which tab on the Ribbon?


The MLA style, adopted as a style of choice by many colleges and universities, shows how to do which of the following to a research paper?


The Page Number button is located on which tab along the Ribbon?


The ___ Preview in the Table of Contents dialog box displays hyperlinks instead of page numbers.


The benefit of using the Go To command when working with bookmarks is that you can use Go To to do which of the following to the bookmarks?


The current list is only valid while working in the current document and contains which of the following?


The master list can be used in any document and contains which of the following?

Insert Citation

Under which option on the ribbon will you find the Add New Placeholder command?


Use a ___ to jump from one location to another.


Use the ___ format to make writing a research paper more manageable and to keep organized.

Table, equation, & figure

What are the three Word default label types in the Captions dialog box?

a superscript number

What displays next to the text when you use the Insert Footnote button?


What do you use to mark a spot for a future source when you don't have all the data gathered?

Click the Update Table button on the Ribbon, Press F9 OR Click the Update table buton above the table of contents

When adding a page or text to a table of contents, it is recommended that you


When you create an email link, the Outlook application will automatically open.


Where is the table of contents positioned in your document?


Which function key launches the Go To dialog box?


Which key do you use with the left mouse button to activate a hyperlink?

add text

Which menu will allow you to add content to the table of contents?


Which of the following are the two most common reference styles used in formatting citations?

above & below

Which of the following are valid locations for the placement of caption labels?

Can contain numbers and letters, Must begin with a letter, & May not contain spaces

Which of the following are valid rules for naming a bookmark?

Sorting, Moving, Copying, Deleting, Creating

Which of the following functions can be performed within the Source Manager?


Which of the following is placed at the bottom of the page in the document on which the citation is located?


Which of the following is placed at the end of the document when a citation is created?

Ctrl + End, Ctrl + Enter, Remove first line indent, Click Bibliography button on Ribbon, Choose a style or Click Insert Bibliography

Which of the following is the proper sequence for inserting a bibliography in your document?

Ctrl + A, right click on a caption, click update field

Which of the following processes will renumber all captions within your document after you have moved and deleted figures throughout the document?

Lines, hyphens, none, & periods

Which tab leader symbols are available within the Table of Contents dialog box?


You can choose a hyphen as tab leaders for a table of contents.


You can choose to update only the page numbers in a table of contents

Document, an email address, a webpage, an external document, & within a document

You can use a hyperlink to take you to which of the following?

Place insertion point at the bottom of the page before the first footnote, launch Footnote and Endnote dialog box, click Convert button, click OK

You have decided to convert all footnotes to endnotes. Which of the following is the proper sequence?

Click the placeholder tab next to the title and press the Delete key.

You have decided to delete the entire bibliography. Which of the following is the proper sequence?

caption labels

You use the New Label button in the Caption dialog box in order to create content-specific ________.

next page section break

You want to number the pages in your table of contents separately from those in your main document. Which type of break should you insert?

Page Margins

You want your page numbers to print vertically above the left corner of the page. Which page number format would you choose?


You wish to create a document that displays a complete listing of all sources referenced in your paper. Which Word feature provides the opportunity to create such a document?

Tab leaders

___ are symbols that display between the table of contents topic and corresponding page number.

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

___ is the communication protocol used to locate and transmit files over the Internet or other computer networks.

heading styles

__________ must be present for Word to automatically build your table of contents.

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