Work and Power Information
w= pt
Give the formula for: work IN POWER EQUATION
w= fd
Give the formula for: work IN WORK EQUATION
Amount of work done in a given amount of time.
d= w/f
Give the formula for: distance
f= w/d
Give the formula for: force
p= w/t
Give the formula for: power
t= w/p
Give the formula for: time
Only occurs when the direction of the force is the same as the direction of the movement.
Watts, W
The SI unit for power is ____. It is represented by the letter ____.
Joules, J
The SI unit for work is ____. It is represented by the letter ____.
work, time, W, T
When calculating power, you should use the formula p= ____ divided by ____. In this formula, "P" stands for power, ____ stands for work, and ____ stands for time.
When calculating work, you should use the formula: work= force x ____.
work, force
____ is done when an object moves through a distance because of a ____ acting upon the object.
____ is the rate at which work is done.