Working With Young Families Final

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Reactive advocacy occurs in _______to a conflict or disagreement about meeting a student's needs.


One of the major Supreme Court cases that paved the way for the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (I D E A) did not include which of the following?

Rolly v. Board of Education of Education (1970)

Research has documented linkages between commitment and which of the following factors?

School culture, skills, and other commitments

Which of the following refers to the actions by which a person, even a young child, maintains agency over their lives?

Self determination

Which of the following refers to families establishing self-identity and self-image, identifying personal strengths and weaknesses, and enhancing belonging and acceptance?


The "L" in the S O L E R strategy stands for:

Lean forward

Under I D E A, long-term discipline begins on the__________day of discipline.


All of the following are examples of equitable partnership opportunity adjustments except:

Audio newsletter

The I D E A due process hearing is described as including procedures similar to:

A Mini-trial

The term "partnership" refers to which of the following?

A close relationship between two or more people that specifies their respective rights and duties

Some professional organizations may be required to adhere to:

A code of ethics

One benefit of proactive advocacy includes the following outcome:

A conflict may be prevented from occurring

Within the Sunshine model definition of commitment, volition refers to:

A conscious choice to be committed and the power to act on that choice

An example of systemic advocacy includes the following:

A parent advocating for the school to build an accessible playground

The act of giving attention or regard to something or someone is defined in the Sunshine model as:


Mr. Ruffer, school superintendent, recently created a plan that established long-term goals and indicators used to document graduation rates. According to the Every Students Succeed Act (E S SA), this action represents which primary area of focus?


One example of balancing the power dynamic with families includes which of the following activities?

Acknowledge that families are experts about their children

Respect between families and school professionals may include which of the following?

Acknowledging each other's expertise

Which of the following developmental stages includes the time period when mental health diagnoses may occur?


Which of the following refers to families developing intimate relationships, giving and receiving love and reassurance, and expressing emotions?


F E R P A applies to the education records of how many students in an education agency?

All students

Mr. Teja was the father of a high school girl with Down syndrome. Over the years, Mr. Teja has learned a great deal about the services in his community for his daughter, as well as the necessary knowledge and skills that are needed to support his daughter in the school system. As Mr. Teja prepares for his daughter's transition into adulthood, although he is scared of the unknown, he feels prepared based on his previous experienced advocating for his daughter. This is an example of _______ capital.


Ms. Stein was exhausted by Friday afternoon. She had just wrapped up all of her parent-teacher conferences for the week. Ms. Stein was grateful to be finished, however she was disappointed that one of her students' families didn't show up. Nevertheless, over the years, she learned to make the least dangerous assumption about families. This is an example of what form of capital?


Which capital refers to the capacity to have high expectations for the future, despite current circumstances and barriers to the attainment of social justice?


Knowledge, values, and beliefs that are foundations for how people perceive, interpret, and behave in the world refers to:


Which of the following is an example of treating students and their families with dignity?

Balance the power dynamic

To develop social capital, parents should:

Become familiar with information about national, state, and community resources that provide social support

Which of the following exist among all members of a school's system as well as among the school and outside entities?


Attitudes and perceptions that an individual from various groups or entities openly recognizes and expresses refers to:

Explicit bias

Asking short questions to ascertain the degree to which the listener accurately captured the meaning of the speaker's response is referred to as:

Checking assumptions

Helen and her colleagues came up with the idea for the laundry service because they decided to engage in a listening tour in the community where they asked community members, including families and students, how the school could best meet their needs. The laundry service resulted as one of the top needs for the community. Writing the grant and dealing with the bureaucratic processes has resulted in long afternoons and evenings at the school, but Helen does not regret it. She is driven by the need to serve her community. Which of the following partnership citizenship behaviors best describes Helen's actions?

Civic virtues behaviors

The three ways a person assesses whether another is trustworthy include which of the following?

Cognitive, affective, and behavioral

At a recent board meeting, the board members discussed strategies that focused on working jointly with community organizations and resources. This is an example of which type of partnership for promoting student success?

Collaborating with the community

Validating involves which of the following?

Communicating acceptance and understanding of families' perspectives and emotions

Showing care involves which of the following:

Communicating to families that you want to know their perspectives and concerns and that you are committed to support them to meet the needs of their child

Synchronous communication involves which of the following:

Communicating with families at the same time through spoken or signed communication

Exchanging information about school processes and student progress is an example of which type of partnerships for promoting student success?


Which of the following refers to meaningful and reciprocal relationships between schools and community members, government agencies, nonprofits, and/or businesses that benefit both the school and community partner?

Community partnerships

Which of the following refers to a complex network of community members and partners who interact with the school?

Community subsystems

Which of the following refers to aligning learning across community, school, and home contexts?

Complementary learning

Working on getting the laundry service project up and running has been tedious. First of all, there was the grant application, which required multiple signatures, adherence to guidelines for content and formatting, and a strict deadline. And then after receiving the funding, there have been more details. Helen is highly organized, and she is glad that she has this skill because she is not sure she would have been able to continue if her work was in a state of disorganization. Which of the following partnership citizenship behaviors best describes Helen's actions?

Conscientious behaviors

Which of the following is a relevant being present strategy?

Counting backward from 10 to zero

Which of the following refers to the way populations in a school—administrators, teachers, students, families, and community members—share or do not share beliefs, values, and assumptions?


Mrs. Jones firmly believes in involving families in making judgments about their child's education, school governance, and educational advocacy. This is an example of which type of partnership for promoting student success?

Decision Making

Which is a barrier to respect?

Deficit based thinking

Describing a 12-year-old student like a 5-year-old child is an example of what?

Deficit-based thinking

Which of these activities demonstrates respect to families?

Demonstrate affective and cognitive empathy

Within the context of education, respect is often defined as

Demonstrating appreciative feelings for an individual or group

Which of the following is a suggested strategy for advocacy?

Develop different viewpoints

All of the following are examples of communication except:

Develop viewpoints on key issues

Which of the following refers to a leadership style in which administrators manage the work by distributing responsibility to a team of leaders?


What is the most current federal school-reform law?


Which of the following refers to families generating income and handling family finances, paying bills, earning an allowance, and managing insurance matters?


A pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development or sense of worth refers to:

Emotional abuse

Short responses such as "Uh-huh" or "I see" are characteristic of:

Encouraging statements

Respect indicates that you are treating an individual with which of the following?

Equality of opportunity

Cultural patterns, including language celebrations and daily routines, refers to:


Which of the following refers to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even close family friends whom the biological or legal family perceives as a family?

Extended family subsystem

Werner Elementary School decided to adopt a schoolwide goal to include families in supporting their child's schoolwork. This is an example of which type of partnership for promoting student success?

Extending Learning in the home

By displaying respect to an individual, you are recognizing that the individual is—like all other individuals—entitled to be treated with impartiality regardless of the extent of their educational challenges. This is an example of respect within which value of social justice?


_____________capital can include social and personal resources originating from the individual family.


Which of the following refers to the ways in which families interact with each other and, as a subsystem, with the other subsystems in the school system?

Family subsystem

According to research, parents who used Parent to Parent services reported which of the following outcomes?

Feeling better able to view their circumstances in a more positive light and make progress on important goals

Section 504 dispute resolution options include the following:

File a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights

Within the Sunshine model definition of commitment, bonding refers to:

Forming connections with people, tasks, and activities within one's work

FAPE is an acronym for:

Free appropriate public education

When communication is planned, occurring within short time periods in a predictable and consistent pattern, it is:

Frequent and regular

Which of the following provides core instruction to students?

General educator

Which of the following best describes a professional learning community designed to address commitment to family-professional partnerships?

Group learning on communication skills

Which of the following logistical activities is an example of demonstrating respect for families during a special meeting, such as discussing an Individualized Education Program (I E P)?

Have professionals attend the entire meeting with a family; no one leaves early

Helen and her colleagues were not asked to develop the laundry service at the school, write the grant, or work through all of the bureaucratic processes. They did this out of a commitment to meet the needs of the families in the community. Families and community members have remarked that they have appreciated the school's efforts to find out what problems needed to be addressed in the community and to be available to problem-solve with the community in finding solutions. Which of the following partnership citizenship behaviors best describes Helen's actions?

Helping behaviors

Which of the following is not an example of resistance capital?

Interpreting legal information into laymen terms

The ways in which cultural factors such as race, class, gender, and disability are fluid and interrelate with society in complex ways refers to:


Which of the following types of motivation is needed for commitment to partnerships?

Intrinsic motivation

Within the Sunshine model definition of commitment, responsibility refers to:

Holding oneself accountable for the outcomes of one's work

Which of the following describes when two or more words sound the same but are spelled differently?


Which is an example of using and documenting legal rights?

Identifying and reading through relevant case law

Phrases that do not reflect their literal meaning are referred to as:


Which of the following is true of immigration?

Immigration is an umbrella term including asylum-seeking, refugee, undocumented, and documented people.

Attitudes or perceptions held by an individual that may unconsciously lead an individual to discriminate against others without deliberate intent refers to:

Implicit bias

Which of the following is true about geography?

Includes specific neighborhoods and school district boundaries

The I E P stands for:

Individualized Education Program

The ecology of education does not consist of which of the following?


The three assumptions of family systems theory are:

Inputs and outputs, wholeness and subsystems, and boundaries

Which of the following refers to a leadership style in which administrators are heavily involved in instruction and seen as master teachers involved in education rather than as managers of others?


Jimmy is a very outgoing and sometimes disruptive middle school student. He was identified as having traumatic brain injury as a young child and remains in his general education classroom for the majority of his day. Which principle of I D E A does this represent?

Least restrictive environment

Which of the following is identified as a barrier to parent advocacy?

Limited knowledge about advocacy

Ms. Correa is the parent of a 2-year-old girl who is deaf. Ms. Correa taught herself to learn ASL so that she can teach her daughter and support her through school. This is an example of ___________ capital.


Providing information in a variety of ways (e.g., spoken word, written, e-mail, pictures) may help families with which form of capital?


The principal at Blevins Middle School recently created a handout for teachers to use when generating newsletters to send home. One of the bullet points in his memo stated: Do not rely on acronyms and technical terms when speaking with families. This is an example of which form of capital?


In reflecting feelings, listeners should do which of the following?

Listen for feeling words or emotional experiences

Understanding, evaluating, and interpreting a speaker's message is referred to as:


An example of a school subsystem consisting of administrators and educators is:


Which of the following refers to a leadership style in which the primary role of administrators is to manage school staff?


Research showed that when professionals respected families, the families demonstrated better:

Mental health

Disparate treatment of others, even by individuals who value diversity and strive to be fair, refers to:


The presence of many factors that contribute a person's identity refers to:


When a person pays attention in the present moment, nonjudgmentally, this person is engaging in:


Mr. Heidt was recently assigned to a special education case manager and parent liaison through his school district. He was told the intent of these people was to assist Mr. Heidt with learning about the educational system so that he can advocate for the best services for his daughter. This is an example of providing family support in _______ capital.


The failure of a parent, guardian, or other caregivers to provide for a child's basic needs refers to:


Under I D E A, professionals must conduct what type of evaluation?


One major difference between proactive and reactive advocacy includes:

One is preventative and the other reactive

Questions that typically begin with who, what, when, where, and why are characteristics of:

Open ended questions

Which of the following refers to community programs that serve students when they are not in school?

Out of school time programs

Which of the following provides one-on-one instruction to students or helps a teacher with the whole class?


Repeating what is said using the listener's own words refers to:


Which of the following refers to interactions among individuals in the partner subsystem with children in the family?

Parental subsystem

The school social worker presented to the faculty at Green Middle School about supporting parents to meet basic parenting needs. This is an example of which type of partnership for promoting student success?


According to I D E A, which part of the law covers services for children birth through 2?

Part C

Which of the following refers to interactions among adults who are consistently and actively engaged in co-rearing a child or children?

Partner subsystem

Which of the following aligns with the Sunshine Model regarding partnership citizenship behaviors and teachers' role/job description?

Partnership citizenship behaviors cannot fit neatly inside either an "in-role" or "extra-role" designation

A nonaccidental physical injury as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, hitting, burning, or otherwise harming a child that is inflicted by a parent, caregiver, or other person who has responsibility for a child refers to:

Physical abuse

Which of the following consists of individual students, school personnel, and family members?


Which of the following represents inputs within the school systems framework?

Population, school types, educators, culture

In relation to F E R P A, confidentiality refers to the conversations that a person wants or needs to keep:


Systematic advocacy is defined as:

Promoting sweeping, systemic changes for a large group of students

Physical or biological characteristics such as skin color, eye color, hair color/texture, and bone structure refers to:


Which of the following provides services to students indicated by their I E P?

Related service provider

Activities by a parent or caregiver such as fondling a child's genitals, penetration, incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, and exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials refers to:

Sexual abuse

Within the Sunshine model definition of commitment, dedication refers to:

Showing a very strong support for and loyalty to one's work

Demonstrating understanding involves which of the following?

Showing speakers that you understand how they perceive themselves as well as their needs, beliefs, values, goals, and personal history

Which of the flowing refers to interactions among brothers and sisters, whether they be biologically related, stepbrothers/sisters, or siblings joined together via another family configuration?

Sibling subsystem

The service Parent to Parent is an example of what type of capital?


Upon hearing that her son was identified as having autism, Patty joined a group of parents like herself. This is an example of _______ capital.


The Constitution is an example of which of the following?

Social Justice

Familial capital can include what type of resources originating from the individual family?

Social and personal

Where a specific disability may be common in one society and virtually nonexistent in another is the result of which of the following:

Social constructs

Which of the following is true of the function of socialization?

Socialization is vital to overall quality of life.

Which of the following is not a disability category covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (I D E A)?

Special Learning Disability

Individuals who assist families of children with disabilities to obtain needed school services are described as:

Special education advocates

Which of the following co-teaches with other teachers, evaluates students for special education, and instructs and assesses students' I E Ps in academic and social-emotional learning?

Special educator

Which of the following refers to families transmitting an understanding of the purpose of life and sacred religious beliefs and rituals from one generation to another?


Helen and her colleagues have been working with district staff from the Central Office on establishing a laundry service at Terry High School for students and their families to use free of charge. She applied for grant funding and was awarded enough money to purchase five sets of washers and dryers. However, it seems that once they meet one requirement, there is a new form to fill out or a new protocol to address. Honestly, it feels at times like the rules are changing from one moment to the next. In responding, Helen remains courteous and tactful, despite her frustrations with the bureaucracy. Which of the following partnership citizenship behaviors best describes Helen's actions?

Sportsmanship behaviors

Which step in the six-step process for family-professional partnership commitments involves writing a letter to your future self?

Step 2: Describe the Likely Rewards of Your Commitment

Which step in the six-step process for family-professional partnership commitments involves identifying concerns related to your commitment that you need to just learn to accept as being "worth it" for making your commitment?

Step 4: Anticipate Obstacles and Identify Solutions

Which step in the six-step process for family-professional partnership commitments involves asking yourself to identify what you have put into your commitment already?

Step 5: Acknowledge the Investments You Have Already Made

Which step in the six-step process for family-professional partnership commitments involves asking yourself if you can "do it all"?

Step 6: Manage Your Many Commitments

All of the following are related services covered under I D E A EXCEPT:

Student regulation

Which of the following is true about self-efficacy?

Teachers can feel self-efficacious about one partnership skill (e.g., communication) and less self-efficacious about another skill (e.g., advocacy).

Perspective-taking refers to:

The cognitive ability to take the perspective of another person

Which of the following is true of the function of education?

The majority of families, regardless of their cultural background or circumstances, emphasize their children's education.

What does it mean to refer to multiple commitments as "targets"?

This means that a person is not committed to "partnerships" on the whole, but rather specific aspects, such as equity, referred to as the targets

All of the following are examples of respect demonstrated by a school professional EXCEPT:

Transferring communication with the family to an assistant

Which of the following refers to a leadership style in which the primary role of administrators is to envision and create ideal school systems?


Which of the following is true of trauma?

Trauma may take on various forms such as child abuse and neglect, community violence, disasters, and terrorism.

What is in the center of the Sunshine model?


When information flows back and forth between professionals and family members, communication is:

Two way

The four indicators for commitment in the Sunshine model are:

Volition, bonding, dedication, responsibility

The recent middle school family-professional partnership initiative included setting up opportunities for parents to contribute to school processes. This is an example of which type of partnership for promoting student success?


Under I D E A, a parent has the right to receive written notice whenever professionals decide:

Whether to evaluate or reevaluate a student

Which of the following developmental stages includes the time period when acquired disabilities may be identified?

Young adulthood

Serna is a 12-year-old girl who receives special education services. Recently, Serna broke one of the school rules and was terrified that she would be removed from the school district permanently. Serna's mother assured her daughter that she couldn't be removed because of her behavior. Which principle of I D E A does this represent?

Zero reject

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