World Arts and Ideas II (Quiz 1: week 1-4)

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trompe l'oeil

"fools the eye" a form of painting that attempts to represent and object as existing in three dimensions, and therefore resembles the real thing

Which of the following architects wrote influential treatises on painting and architecture?


The following phrase from Revelations, "pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb," is depicted in which of the following?

Alter of the Lamb from the Ghent Altarpiece

Who is the architect for the cathedral of Florence?

Arnolfo di Cambio

____ contributed to the decentralization of religious practice.

Books of Hours

One of the most important trading cities of 15th-century Netherlands was ____.


Which city derived its wealth from the wool trade and then expanded into banking?


The development of linear perspective is generally credited to ____.


Which of the following would support the argument that the Well of Moses created by Claus Sluter did not actually spout water?

Carthusian commitment to silence would preclude any sound-making device

The Roman fresco tradition can best be seen in the work of which of the following artists?


Which of the following was Philip the Bold of Burgundy's grandest artistic enterprise?

Chartreuse de Champmol

Which of the following was a dynastic symbol of Burgundian power?

Chartreuse de Champmol

____ took a fundamental step forward in his representation of Saint Mark by the contrapposto pose.


____ are portraits of individuals that accompany religious scenes and became very popular in the 15th century.

Donor portraits

The Hundred Years War primarily involved which two kingdoms?

England and France

What does the fountain created by Claus Sluter for the cloister of Chartreuse de Champmol symbolize?

Everlasting life

In the 15th century, the dukes of Burgundy wielded power over which of the following counties?


Historian Giovanni Villani wrote in the 14th century that this city was "the daughter and creature of Rome," suggesting a preeminence inherited from the Roman Empire. Which of the following city-states does this phrase describe?


Which Italian city played the most important role in the development of Renaissance ideas and art forms in the early 15th century?


Which of the following was the Dominican painter-friar who combined elements of the new style of art with traditional religious devotional works that did not conflict with the content of the works?

Fra Angelico

In 1305, the College of Cardinals elected a pope from which of the following countries?


Which two entities divided the Burgundian territories after the death of Charles the Bold?

France and the Holy Roman Empire

A familiar feature in French Gothic art, the loosely curved folds of the female saints in Duccio's Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (Maestà) is a feature of ____ art.

French Gothic

In contrast to his father, Giovanni Pisano worked in a style derived from ____.

French Gothic art

The 15th-century Italian artist whose work showed the most influence of the International style was ____.

Gentile da Fabriano

Which of the following artists actively collected Classical sculpture?


Which of the following artists was the winner of the famous competition for the bronze doors of the Florence baptistery?


Whose work is best characterized by the use of solid volumes resting firmly on the flat and horizontal surface of this earth?


____ sought to reconcile the illusion of a weighty three-dimensional body and the illusion of space to contain it.


In Riemenschneider's Assumption of the Virgin, the artist successfully incorporated which of the following elements?

Gothic intricary

Which of the following artists specialized in images of the Madonna and Child?

Hans Memling

Which artist served as the dean of the painters' guild of Ghent and worked for Tommaso Portinari?

Hugo van der Goes

The Nuremberg Chronicle is a tribute to the new craft of the printed illustrated book. What was the content of the Nuremberg Chronicle?

It was the history of the world

The illusionism found in French manuscript was influenced by contact with ____.


____ created the first known Western portrait where the sitter looks directly at the viewer.

Jan van Eyck

Who was the noble patron who commissioned Les Très Riches Heures?

Jean, Duke of Berry

Author of the Commentaries, ____ is considered the first Renaissance art historian.

Lorenzo Ghiberti

Often synonymous with the Renaissance, the ____ were great art patrons.

Medici family

In contrast to other monastic orders, the ____ lived and preached in urban environments.


The facial types, beards, and coiffures of ____ figures reveal the influence of classical relief sculpture.

Nicola Pisano's

____ was one of the first Renaissance buildings conceived as a central-plan structure.

Pazzi Chapel

____ was the leading Roman painter at the end of the 13th century.

Pietro Cavallini

Which city was at its height of political and economic power when it employed the talents of the sculptor Nicola Pisano?


Which of the following cities established itself as a major shipping power?


By placing figures on a triangular base, ____ departed from the convention of frontality.


Which art form grew in popularity partially because of its ability to memorialize the sitter?


Which of the following cities was considered the rightful capital of the Roman Catholic Church?


In Martin Schongauer's engraving, he created distinctions of tonal values and textures. He distinguished between skin and cloth, feather and fur. Which of the following is the title of Martin Schongauer's engraving?

Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons

____ was the Dominican monk who denounced the secular humanism of the Medici and others.


Which of the following accounts for the decline in the role Florence played in the support of the arts at the end of the 15th century?

Savonarola's brief span of power

What element of Veit Stoss's style recalled the design principles of Late Gothic architecture?

Sharp forms that dart in a flamelike fashion

Which of the following artists was most interested in depicting the human body in violent action?


The artist ____ was instrumental in creating the International Gothic style.

Simone Martini

Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife contains many symbols. Which of the following is an allusion to fidelity?

The dog

What did the humanist cult of fame emphasize?

The importance of creative individuals


a flattened column attached to a wall with a capital, a shaft, and a base


a horizontal molding

In Masaccio's Trinity there is a coffered barrel-vault reminiscent of which of the following?

a roman triumphal arch


a small structure with openings for light that crowns a dome


an intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized the secular alongside the religious. humanists were attached the achievements of the classical past and stressed the study of classical literature, history, philosophy, and art

Although tied to International Gothic style conventions, among the naturalistic details found in the Adoration of the Magi are ____.

animals seen from a variety of angles and convincing foreshortening

Enhancing its meaning, the Portinari Altarpiece contains small scenes, such as the ____, in the background.

arrival of the magi

In Masaccio's Trinity the vanishing point can be found at which of the following?

at the foot of the cross

Commissioned by the Sienese government, Ambrogio Lorenzetti's frescoes for the Palazzo Pubblico address the ____.

civic concerns of the Sienese

By ____ Donatello revolutionized relief sculpture in his image of Saint George and the Dragon.

creating an atmospheric effect using incised lines

The setting for Pietro Lorenzetti's Birth of the Virgin, which was a ____, represented an advance in worldly realism.

detailed interior of an upper-class house

The ____ were the most powerful northern European rulers during much of the 15th century.

dukes of Burgundy

In Ghiberti's Isaac and His Sons, the artist's study of ancient art is especially apparent in the ____.

figure of Rebecca

One of Giotto's innovations that moved away from the Italo-Byzantine style was the introduction of ____.

figures seen from the back

The ____ of Duccio's figures from the Maestà was/were derived from Byzantine art.

formality and symmetry

The frontality, stiff poses, and lack of modeling as seen in Berlinghieri's Saint Francis Altarpiece reveals the ____ roots of his style.

fundamentally medieval

Nanni di Banco achieved a unified spatial composition by placing the figures ____ and in relation to one another.

in a semicircle

Employed by Ghiberti on his Gates of Paradise, presenting several episodes ______ was a medieval narrative method.

in a single frame

In Masaccio's Trinity he embodies two principal Renaissance interests. One is realism based on observation. Which of the following is the other?

it is the application of the new science of perspective

In Masaccio's Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden, Adam's feet clearly come into contact with the ground. Which of the following is the interpretation for this?

it marks the human presence on earth

Confraternities were ____ who dedicated themselves to strict religious observance.


The imagery of the Triumph of Death served as a warning against ___.

lust and greed

Inspiration for the form of Claus Sluter's Well of Moses may have come from ____.

mystery plays

In 1401, Ghiberti's entry won the competition for the design of the baptistery doors for the Florence Cathedral partially based stylistically on its ____.

new spatial illusionism

In the treatment of space and narrative, Ghiberti's Isaac and his Sons recall ____.

painting techniques

A great achievement of the Les Très Riches Heures was that it made manuscripts more closely resemble ____.

panel paintings

In the calendar pages of Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, scenes of courtly life alternate with ____.

seasonal tasks

Which of the following describes the style of Fra Angelico?

simple and direct

By including ____ Hugo van der Goes revived medieval pictorial devices.

small background scenes and a varied scale of figures

Elements of Giotto's new style that appear in the Madonna Enthroned include ____.

statuesque figures that cast shadows


the 1400s (15th century) of Italian art

the most devastating natural disaster in Europe that broke in the 1340s was ___.

the Black Death

the Italian admiration for classical art resurfaced at ___.

the court of Frederick II

Simone Martini's rendition of Annunciation may have been inspired by ____.

the etiquette of chivalric courts

Andrea Pisano's south doors for Florence's baptistery were commissioned by ____.

the guild of wool importers

Ghiberti's competitive panel for the baptistery doors of the Florence Cathedral shows classical references that reflect influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel?

the naked figure of Isaac


the studio of an Italian artist

In Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter, the artist has reminded the viewer of the link among Constantine, Saint Peter, and the basilica of Saint Peter. Which of the following is the vehicle used as that reminder?

the triumphal arches in the background

How did Masaccio create a sense of bulk for his figures in the Tribute Money?

through modeling with a specific light source outside the picture


to deeply and roughly incise stones to give a rough and rustic texture to its appearance

The duke of Mantua commissioned the frescoes of the Camera degli Sposi from Mantegna for which of the following purposes?

to glorify himself and his family

Which of the following is a medieval element depicted on the pulpit for the baptistery of Pisa Cathedral?

trefoil (triple-curved) arches

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