World Civ Chapter 10

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How craft guilds improved economic conditions in cities

Craft guilds directed almost every aspect of the production process. They set the standards for the quality of the articles produced and even fixed the price at which the finished goods could be sold. Guilds also determined the number of people who could enter a specific trade

How Philip II Augustus greatly increased the power of French monarchs

He made the monarchy stronger by expanding the royal bureaucracy. He also created a French Parliament

William of Normandy

King of England after king Harold, took the first census since Roman times and and developed more fully the system of taxation

For whom did Orthodox Christianity become a chief religion

One Rus ruler, Vladimir, married the Byzantine emperor's sister and officially accepted Eastern Orthodox Christianity for himself and his people in 988. Orthodox Christianity became the religion of the state


The Poles, Czechs, and Hungarians (Magyars) all accepted Western Christianity and became part of the Roman Catholic Church and its Latin culture


The code of ethics knights were expected to uphold

What Eastern Slavs converted to and who helped make them literate

The eastern Slavic peoples of Moravia were converted to Orthodox Christianity by two Byzantine missionary brothers, Cyril and Methodius, who began their activities in 863


The group that directly served lords and kings

the feudal contract

The lord-vassal relationship


The representative government that emerged in 13th century England


Viking leader who was the founder of present-day Kiev

Swedish Vikings

Who conquered native people in Russia and the Ukraine

Results of the Battle of Hastings

William of Normandy defeated King Harold. William was crowned king of England and Norman knights received fiefs.


a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare


a peasant legally bound to the land who had to provide labor services, pay rents, and be subject to the lords control


a social or political class

common law

a uniform system of law that developed in england based on court decisions and on customs and usage rather than on written law codes; replaced law codes that varied from place to place

Philip IV

called Philip the Fair, ruled from 1285 to 1314. He made the monarchy stronger by expanding the royal bureaucracy. He also created a French parliament by meeting with members of the three estates


contests in which knights could demonstrate their fighting skills

Expectations of knights under the chivalric code

defend the church and defenseless people, treat captives as honored guests instead of putting them in dungeons, treat aristocratic women with tenderness and respect


developed the Cyrillic alphabet so that he could create a Christian Bible and liturgy in the Slavic language

Why feudalism developed

governments were more difficult to handle and were torn apart, so people turned to local lords, aristocrats, or nobles to protect them

What Otto I received as a result of protecting the Pope

he was crowned emperor of the Romans in 962


in medieval Europe, an agricultural estate that a lord ran and peasants worked


in the Middle Ages, the ideal of civilized behavior that developed among the nobility; it was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold

The most important gift a lord could give to his vassal



members of the wealthiest and most powerful families. Elections were rigged so only these people could be elected to public office


political and social order that developed during the Middle Ages when royal governments were no longer able to defend their subjects; nobles offered protection and land in return for service


posed a large threat to the safety of people in europe. feudalism was developed because of them

Magna Carta

the "Great Charter" of rights, which King John was forced to sign by the English nobles at Runnymede in 1215

Otto I

the best known Saxon king of germany. He was a patron of german culture and brought the church under his control. He created the new Roman empire

Domesday Book

the first census taken (taken by William Normandy) in Europe since Roman times and included people, manors, and farm animals.


the group that conquered Russia in the thirteenth century

What was at the heart of feudalism

the idea of vassalage


the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people

what enabled people to move back into cities

the revival of trade

What the counts of Charlemagne did to encourage trade

they initiated a series of annual trade fairs

In what the Hanseatic League was instrumental in doing

they were an alliance of more than 100 northern european cities that banded together for mutual trade protection and economic opportunity

Who converted Eastern Slavic people to Christianity

two Byzantine missionary brothers, Cyril and Methodius, who began their activities in 863


under feudalism, a grant of land made to a vassal; the vassal held political authority within his fief


under feudalism, a member of the heavily armored cavalry

Problems facing western Europe after the death of Charlemagne

vikings destroyed it

How the Vikings were made a part of European civilization

when they converted to Christianity

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