World Civ II Chapter 18

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Agricultural Economy


Agricultural Economy


Extractive Economy

The European empires employed mercantilist economic policies. What were the main characteristics of mercantilism?

Management of trade to benefit the imperial home country


Extractive Economy (Gold)

Spanish America was divided into viceroyalties, large administrative areas headed by a viceroy, who ruled in the place and with the powers of the king. Which of the viceroyalties does the map show Catalina de Erauso as having visited during her first period of time in the Americas in the early 1600s, before she returned to Europe and met the Pope? Check all that apply.


The role of the Catholic missionaries in the Spanish colonies was

a. protecting indigenous peoples.

How was the Virgin of Guadeloupe the embodiment of religious syncretism of the time?

c. She had a dark complexion.

How was Spanish authority expanding its centralized power throughout its domains?

e. Spanish power was organized into four viceroyalties sent by the emperor in Madrid.

The importation of ______________ allowed the colonial authorities control over the labor force.

indentured servants

Finally, Virginia's political system was structured so that free, _______________ had political influence.

propertied white men

The social order in Virginia and other southern English colonies rested upon long-established English practice. Sir Walter Raleigh, one of the pioneers of English settlement, treated Amerindians as he had the peasants of___________when he helped establish English colonies there in the sixteenth century.


While showing continuity from Spain, the new Latin American culture also retained elements of native Amerindian ways. In some cases, a syncretic religious system emerged. Which of the following is the best example of religious syncretism?

The Virgin of Guadalupe

The presence of French fur traders undermined the traditional status of women amongst the Huron, one of the major Amerindian tribes of the Great Lakes region. What were the reasons for this? Check all that apply.

The benefits of fur trapping went to the men. Male chiefs eclipsed matriarchs in influence.

The images feature the artist's impressions of the casta system. A system similar to the casta emerged in the Portuguese colony of Brazil. What was the main departure of the Brazilian system from the Spanish casta?

Use of Africans instead of Amerindians for labor

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