World Geography Chap. 5

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What percent of the U.S. is covered in forest?


Inland cities like Chicago grew wealthy because of their location on the ____

Great Lakes and St. Lawrence seaway

The ____ of Central North America appear flat but actually slope downward as you move east.

Great Plains

___ forms the boundary between Ontario, Canada and New York in the U.S.

Niagara Falls

In the west, tectonic collisions have given rise to the ____, which include the Cascades and the Sierra Nevada.

Pacific ranges

The ___ Mountains contain valuable ores such as gold, silver, and copper.


The __ River borders the U.S. and Canada and is a important transportation resource.

St. Lawrence

the practice of fish farming


Describe the humid continental climate zone

bitterly cold winters and hot summers

Violent winter storms characterized by freezing temperatures , strong winds, and blowing snow


A drought resistant woodland


A warm dry wind that blows down the east side of the Rocky Mountains


Describe the subarctic climate zone

coniferous forest and very cold winters

A high point or ridge that determines the direction a river flows.


Describe the desert climate zone

dry and scorching heat

Describe the tundra climate zone

few plants and few people

A place you go to catch fish or other sea animals


Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels that are ancient remains of plants and animals.

fossil fuel

Abundant____ has helped make the U.S. and Canada wealthy.


Canada's Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake were formed by the gouging of ____.


The source of a river


Describe the highlands climate zone

high elevation and no trees

An ocean storm hundreds of miles wide


Describe the humid subtropical climate zone

long muggy summers and mild winters

Describe the marine west coast climate zone

more than 100 inches of rain and has ferns and moses

Both the east and west coasts of Canada and the U.S. are edged with___________.


Why are areas along the Pacific ranges so rainy?

mountains force wet ocean air upward, where it cools and turns to rain

A naturally treeless grassland


The coastal waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico are traditionally ____.

rich fishing areas

The oldest mountains in North America that lie east of the Mississippi River.

Appalachian Mountains

Coal has been mined in ___ for over 100 years.

British Columbia

The ___ in the Rockies separates the flow of water to the Pacific or to the Gulf of Mexico.

Continental Divide

The lowest and hottest spot in the U.S. is ______, in the Great Basin.

Death Valley

The ___ River begins in Minnesota and flows to the Gulf of Mexico, draining 31 states.


What caused the Dust Bowl?

settlers removed prairie grass that anchored the soil and winds blew the topsoil

Where are tropical climates located in the U.S.?

southern tip of Florida, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico

A violent thunderstorm that creates tornadoes in the spring and summer in the Great Plains


Where are the everglades and why are they important?

the Everglades are wetlands in Southern Florida and they shelter vegetation and wildlife

The elevation at which trees cannot grow


A brook, river, or stream that connects to larger rivers.


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