World Geography Test Unit 1

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What percent of the world's freshwater is accessible as surface water in the forms of lakes and rivers?


A representative fraction of 1/63,360 indicates a map scale of one inch equaling one mile. What would the representative fraction be if the map scale was one inch equaled five miles?


The United Nations estimates the total number of global immigrants is

250 million

During the 20th century, how many people were estimated to be killed by volcanic eruptions?


cultural geographer

A geographer investigating how a new clothing trend spreads over space studies

Indo-European languages are widely represented on every continent EXCEPT for


Which of the following will have a maritime climate?

The British Isles

Which of the following statements regarding neocolonialism is correct?

It subjects former colonies to external influence in political and economic matters.

What is a major negative outcome associated with fracking?

Large amounts of freshwater are required

Which of the following is TRUE regarding map scale?

Large scale maps have better detail than small scale maps.

What region stands out as the region of highest water stress?

North Africa

Which of the following locations are NOT on a subduction zone?

The Himalaya mountain chain

What has been most associated with the increase of water delivery costs in the developing world?

The privatization of water systems

What bioregion consists of plants and animals adapted to the differing levels of sunlight through multiple layers of vegetation?

Tropical rainforest

Which statement regarding volcanism is TRUE?

Volcanoes usually provide an array of warnings before they erupt.

Which term is used by water planners to identify areas with water problems and to predict where future problems will occur?

Water stress

Which of the following is NOT one of Earth's climate controls?

anthropogenic pollutants

Fossil fuels

are in specific geologic formations in specific locations

the study of animal migrations through habitat corridors (bridges of habitat separated by human activities) falls under


Areas defined by natural characteristics such as similar plant and animal life are known as


What developing nation has become a leader in the use of nuclear power?


Which country is the world's largest consumer of energy overall and, due to the size of its economy, also the largest producer of renewable energy?


Maps that use color shades to represent a theme based on different data values is called a

choropleth map

Which of the following artifacts is NOT a common expression of culture?


A geographer whose research is concerned with sea level rise as result of rising atmospheric temperatures falls under the subdiscipline of


Australia is composed of relatively old and thick

continental crust

The active promotion of one cultural system at the expense of another cultural system is called

cultural imperialism

The tangible, material expression of human settlement, past and present, is known as a

cultural landscape

What is the process of a colony's gaining (or regaining) control over its territory and establishing a separate, independent government?


refers to the variety of ideas and people in a particular society.


geographer investigating the percentage of a labor force engaged in service-based jobs in comparison to agriculture studies

economic geography

A social group with a common culture, religion, language, or history is known as a(n):


Which of the following is NOT a factor impacting countries' vulnerability to geological hazards, namely of earthquakes, and the differences that result in damages and casualties?

ethnolinguistic traditions

The earthquakes that occur in Southern California generally occur along a


Computerized data brought together into different layers that produce a map is

geographic information systems (GIS)

What statement is an accurate representation of the core-periphery model?

hat the developed core achieved its wealth primarily by taking advantage of the southern periphery, through either colonialism or imperialism

Old Faithful Geyser at Yellowstone National Park in the United States acquires its energy from a

hot spot

What kind of geographer? Focuses on economic factors that cause Hurricane Katrina refugees to migrate away from New Orleans.

human geographer

What kind of geographer? Studies how cultural practices are passed between generations.

human geographer

Incoming short-wave solar energy is called


An estimated 20,000 people died in March 2011 from the combination of an earthquake and tsunami in coastal


which group is considered a nation without a state


Which of the following is an example of how globalization adversely affects the natural world?

Poaching of protected animal species

An example of a nation with a high HDI but high gender inequality score would be


In which part of the world is water stress NOT forecasted as a serious problem?


The two largest arms exporters in the world are

Russia and the United States

The vast majority of nations which are NOT receptive to legal same-sex relationships are found in which region of the world?

Southwest Asia

The mathematical ratio between the map and the surface area being mapped is known as:

map scale

What does MDC stand for?

more developed country

What landform is most associated with a convergent plate boundary?

mountain chains

What is a reaction against cultural imperialism, usually to protect or defend a cultural system from diluting or undesirable cultural expressions?


Which statement represents the UN definition of extreme poverty?

percentage of the population living on less than $1.90 per day

What kind of geographer? Studies how melting glaciers contribute to sea level rise and affect the global climate.

physical geographer

What kind of geographer? Studies how the destruction of an environment affects the local water supply.

physical geographer

The geological theory that Earth's surface is comprised of large slow-moving pieces of crust is referred to as

plate tectonics

neoliberalism is an economic model which encourages

privitization and free trade

Oil, coal, and gas deposits that can be extracted and distributed under current economic and technological conditions are known as

proven reserves

Systematic geographic inquires must take ___ into consideration.


_____ found in the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Europe is composed of dense and relatively young rock.

seafloor crust

The slowly increasing distance between South America and Africa is due to

seafloor spreading

Layered ____ xposed by erosion can be seen when looking at the Grand Canyon in the United States.

sedimentary rock

The extremely deep ocean Marianas Trench is a result of


What kind of geographer? Creates a digited map showing the location of gas lines in an urban space.

technical geographer

What kind of geographer? Uses remote sensing to research aquifers in southern California.

technical geographer

What are two most important components to climate and also the two most important influences on flora and fauna?

temperature and precipitation

What is cultural syncretism?

the blending of popular culture with local cultural traditions

What is colonialism?

the formal establishment of rule over a foreign population

Which one of the following places has a continental climate?

the interior of North America

Climate is most accurately defined as

the long-term average from daily weather measurements at a given location

What does Gross Domestic Product measure?

the value of all final goods and services produced in a country

What global wind pattern is found just outside of the equator?

trade winds

The bioregion which is adapted to heavy rainfall throughout the year is a

tropical rainforest

Terrorism is defined in your textbook as

violence directed at non-military targets

The primary purpose of this organization is to lend money to developing countries for modernization projects.

world bank


Geographers who understand the mathematics behind the projection process (going from a 3-dimensional sphere to a 2-dimensional representation) fall under the subdiscipline of

What European country is a world leader in the use of renewable energy, having over 20% of its power coming from renewables?


The ethnic religion with the largest number of adherents is:


Which of the following will not result from the collision of oceanic crust and continental crust?

a mid-ocean ridge

What is a universalizing religion?

a religion that attempts to appeal to all peoples regardless of location or culture

What landform is most associated with a divergent plate boundary?

a rift valley

Which is an example of work common in the informal economy?

a street vendor

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