World history ch. 3

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The civilization of the (1) was conquered by the Babylonians and later by the Persians, led by (2).

1. Phoenicians 2. King Cyrus I

The Hittites took the following from the Babylonian civilization they conquered:

A language for international use.

In the Hebrew tradition, a covenant is

A mutual promise between God and humanity

This is a huge peninsula also known as Asia Minor.


Judging from the chart, what invasion might have ended the Harappan civilization?


Which civilization began when the Harappan civilization ended?


The social class system that came to be known as the caste system was established in India by


This group of people settled in what is now India


Which civilization is shown as ending just before 1550 B.C.?


Which civilization probably built on the ideas of the Sumerian civilization?


Which civilizations began around 2000 B.C.?

Babylonian and Minoan

This is a member of the highest Indian social class and a Hindu priest.


Which groups migrated across the Caucasus?

Early Indo-Europeans and Hittites

Which civilization on the chart lasted the longest?


Which civilizations existed at the same time as the Sumerians?

Egyptian and Harappan

The emphasis on right conduct and the worship of one God is called

Ethical monotheism

After 49 days of meditation, Siddhartha Gautama reached a heightened state of understanding. From then on he was called BRAHMA by his followers.

False, Budda

The heightened state of understanding, which is available to anyone who pursues it long enough, is called ILLUMINATION.

False, enlightenment

Hindus believe that MOKSHA is the good and bad deeds that a person engages in over one or more lifetimes.

False, karma

Which Indo-European groups traveled the farthest north?

Germans and Balts

Which groups migrated the closest to the Atlantic Ocean?

Germans and Celts

According to the Torah, the first covenant between God and the Hebrew people involved an agreement that

God would bless Abraham and his descendants, and they would be faithful.

Which civilization lasted approximately 1,000 year?


The Indo-European peoples that migrated from the steppes were mainly


This group, undefeated by the Egyptians but unable to defeat them, made peace with them.


The student and teacher in the Upanishads explore

How a person can achieve liberation from desires and suffering

What might the geographic separation of Indo-European groups have caused?

Individual languages and customs

What Indo-European group traveled the farthest east?


Which group migrated around the Aral Sea?


Which groups lived beside the Caspian Sea?

Indo-Aryans and Early Indo-Europeans

The language that English, Sanskirt, Persian, and Spanish are all derived from is


These people spoke related languages that form the basis of a family of languages spoken by half of the current world population.


The Hittites were able to excel at war because of their knowledge of


Which civilizations existed at the same time as the Phoenicians?

Israelite, Egyptian, Aryan, and Shang/Zhou

The technology of iron smelting aided the Hittites because

It made strong weapons that helped them to excel at war.

This poem with 106,000 verses is the longest poem ever composed.


This tells the story of a great battle between two groups of cousins.


What bodies of water surrounded the Greeks?

Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea

This is the process by which people or groups of people move from their home area to a new area.


Minoan artwork from Knossos suggests that

Minoan women held a higher rank than most neighboring cultures allowed

Which civilizations existed at the same time as the Babylonians?

Minoan, Egyptian, Harappan, and Hittite

The two items below that are most similar are

Moksha and nirvana

According to the Torah, the man who led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai was


What geographic features might have kept Indo-European groups separated from each other?

Mountains, seas, rivers

In Buddhism, the release from selfishness and pain is known as


The Hebrew believed that God protected them because

Of a covenant

According to this chart, which region was the latest to develop civilization?


Of the civilizations listed on the chart, which was the latest to develop?


The most able seafarer of the early Mediterranean were the


The Phoenicians contributed greatly to written communication by introducing the first use of

Phonetic symbols

The tribute paid by Israel and Judah to the Assyrians was an effort to

Prevent an attack by the Assyrians on Israel and Judah

The Phoenicians were known for

Seafaring, trade, and the invention of the phonetic alphabet.

Which civilization is shown as beginning about 1550 B.C.?


Varnas, the name given the different groups of the original caste system, came from a word that means

Skin color

The man responsible for having a great temple built in Jerusalem, a temple that was destroyed and later rebuilt, was


This is the name for the dry grasslands north of the Caucasus.


Which civilization lasted approximately 1,500 years?


Which were the two longest-lasting civilizations on the chart?

Sumerian and Egyptian

The Indian epic poem the Mahabarata reflects the struggles

That took place in India as the Aryans moved relentlessly south

A long-term effect of the caste system in India was that

The Aryans remained dominant

From the map, what can be concluded about the effects of the Mediterranean Sea on Greek migration?

The Greeks traveled the sea to expand eastward.

Hinduism and Buddhism differ significantly in their beliefs about

The caste system

The Ten Commandments became the basis for

The civil and religious laws of Judaism

A Phoenician contribution that people still benefit from today was

The invention of the phonetic alphabet.

Monotheism describes the Hebrews' belief-unusual for the time-that their God was

The one and only God.

How were the Hebrews able to maintain their faith even in exile?

They established a sacred place to worship God. They were monotistic.

Jain monks wear masks over their faces

To keep from harming even an insect

The most sacred writings of the Jewish religion are the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, known as the


Buddhism spread across Asia mostly as a result of


Hindus also believe that these good and bad deeds follow one's soul from on REINCARNATION to another, affecting the circumstances of a soul's next life.


The circumstances of one's life are largely reflected by the class, or CASTE, into which one is born.


The state of release from selfishness and pain that results from following the Eightfold Path is called NIRVANA in the Buddhist faith.


The Hittites occupied Anatolia ( Asia Minor ), a huge peninsula in modern-day


According to the Torah, Moses did all of the following EXCEPT

Unify the people of Canaan into one kingdom, Israel.

Israel's King Solomon was known for all of the following EXCEPT

Unifying the 12 tribes

This names someone so lowly that he or she exists outside the caste system.


The Minoans were known for all of the following EXCEPT

Valuing human life above nature

For many years, these collections of prayers and instructions existed only in oral form.


This is the name of the sacred literature of the Aryan people.


Hinduism and Buddhism have a common belief in


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