World History Chapter 11

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Portuguese went to want place


People who resisted the encomienda system were

Hunted down and killed.

Social structure of Spanish and Portugal

1. Peninsulares- people born in Spain/ Portugal 2. Creoles- American born descendants of Spanish settlers 3. Mestizo- Native American and European 4. Mulattoles- European and Africans Slaves

Geographic location of British

13 colonies. Caribbean, Colombia, Peru

The French colonies that were established in the interior regions of North American from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River were mostly... A) silver mines B) sugar plantations C) trading posts D) cotton plantations


According to the map titled "The Slave Trade," the greatest number of African slaves were taken to... British North America Brazil The British West Indies The French West Indies


According to the map titled "The Slave Trade," where were most slave forts located? The Cape of Good Hope The west coast of Africa The Middle Passage Brazil


How did the Renaissance contribute to the Age of Exploration? 1. by emphasizing the importance of converting people to Buddhism by awakening a spirit of discovery and innovation in Europe by fostering a belief in the importance of working as a group by persuading Europeans that the pursuit of wealth was all-important


Planters in the Americas began to use African slaves for labor because... Aztecs refused to work on plantations. they believed Native Americans were not human. disease had killed millions of Native Americans. African slaves were less expensive than Native American slaves.


Prices in Spain rose as colonies supplied large amounts of gold and silver. This suggests that Spanish imports of gold and silver led to (1) food shortages (2) unemployment (3) inflation (4) self-sufficiency


Which European country was the first to send out Explorers? 1. Spain 2. France 3. England 4. Portugal


Who started a school in Portugal for sailing, mapmaking, and navigation? John Cabot Christopher Columbus Hernan Cortes Prince Henry the Navigator


In the 17th century, slavery was justified by... A) Pseudo-scientific racism B) The curse of Abraham C) The idea of the "natural" slave D) Some people had bad luck


Unlike the Spanish and French, the British colonies were populated by... A) men, women, and children from England. B) men only C) women only D) prisoners from England


New France (1608)

A French colony in North America. Fell to the British in 1763.

This document, signed on November 21, 1620, is seen as an important early step toward self-government a. Magna Carta b. Bill of Rights c. Mayflower Compact d. Virginia House of Burgesses


Which was not a factor behind exploration? A) the invention of the printing press B) spread of religion C) competition with Asian countries for new land D) rise of nation-states


Following the defeat and expulsion of the Mongols from China, (A) a legalist regime was established. (B) the Ming Dynasty arose. (C) peasants were granted equality with the scholar-gentry and noble classes. (D) China converted to Buddhism. (E) the civil service exam system of the Mongols was ended.


The highest prices in the Asian network were paid for (A) cotton textiles. (B) spices. (C) bulk items such as foodstuffs. (D) silk and porcelain. (E) gold and silver.


What was the Columbian Exchange? A) when the Spanish conquistadors traded their Incan hostages for gold on the border between Columbia and Peru. B) the exchange of plants, animals and disease between the Old World and the New World. C) when Columbus made the first trade of glass beads for gold with the Native Americans. D) the trading of information between European nations after their various voyages of exploration.


Which of the following responses best describes an important consequence of the Columbian Exchange that resulted from European exploration and settlement of the Americas? A. It decimated European coastal areas through the introduction of infectious diseases. B. It transformed the diets of European peoples through the introduction of new foods. C. It altered European habits of dress through the introduction of new fabrics. D. It increased European farm output through the introduction of new agricultural practices.


Who was against the encomienda


Geographical location of Portuguese

Brazil, line of demarcation- spilt up Brazil and then east countries

Middle American people

Bread basket colonies, sugar

English paid for explorations with what


Type of person in spanish

Conquistador, men, soldiers. Had viceroys, Indians, Africans.

Europeans learned that the greatest trading profits in Asia could be made by (A) allying with the Hindus and warring on the Muslim states. (B) transporting other peoples' goods and providing services as middlemen. (C) seizing lands and creating land-based empires. (D) peaceful cooperation with and integration into existing Asian trade networks. (E) piracy and raiding other nations' merchant ships


In the 17th century, the Japanese dealt with the long-term European challenge by (A) allying with the Portuguese against the other Europeans. (B) permitting the Jesuits to convert the Japanese to Christianity. (C) permitting the Europeans to establish a trading monopoly in Japan. (D) self-imposed isolation and forbidding most contact with Europeans. (E) adapting European customs and technology


Bartolome de Las Casas

Dominican priest who spoke out against mistreatment of Native Americans. Went against the encomienda system


Dutch settlers in South Africa

The periphery of the Indian Ocean trading network around 1500, specifically Africa, Southeast Asia, and Japan, furnished what items to the network? (A) slaves (B) cotton textiles (C) carpets and tapestries (D) porcelain and silks (E) mainly raw materials


Colonial economies in Spanish

Encomiendas- right to demand labor or tribune from native Americans. Used it to force native Americans. Conquistadors were supposed to provide them with food land, and Christianity. Mines, plantations were in Brazil. T

Columbian Exchange

Exchange between disease, plants, animals.

North America British type of people

Families. Traders, build cities

Ferdinand Magellan

First to circumnavigate the globe. Killed in Philippines


Found in tomb in China, one of oldest plants. Grown in China

French were what type of people

Fur trappers, and explores


Grown around the world but mostly in Madagascar


Grows on myristica fragrans tree. Founded in India


Has health benefits. Originated in Southeast Asia

French were

Hunters, trapers

Americans with British

North has salves Middle had limited slaves South had slaves

Brazil is known for

Importer of slaves

John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto)

Italian sailor sent by England to search for the Northwest Passage - claimed land for the English


Main producer was Indonesia, origin is South Asia

first written framework of government in English colonies signed by all 41 adult males aboard the ship signers agreed to form a civil government and obey its laws signers agreed to enact "just and equal laws" for the general good of the colony based on English traditions of self-government served as inspiration for later more complex frameworks of government



Most widely used herb in the world, first appeared in Africa

French geographical location

Netherlands, Mississippi River, New Orleans


One of the most popular herb in the world. Originated in Greece, adopted by romans

This spot is important to early trade because Macao, near Canton, present day Guangzhou was...

Only place foreigners could trade

Major motivations for European exploration of the world's oceans included all of the following except

Population pressures in Europe

The Ming Dynasty of China was replaced by a Manchurian dynasty whose name means "pure". They were the last emperors of China, every Chinese school kid knows 1911 as a turning point, when thousands of years of imperial rule in China finally came to a close. Today, the region known as Manchuria is located in NE China and consists of three provinces. There are about 10 million Manchus, a clear minority, in China today.


Spain and Portugal paid for what

The explorations

Prince Henry the Navigator

Sent others to explore for him, made very first explorer school, first person to value exploring. Helped capture Moroccan city. Did it to get gold and covert people

Spanish was based on


South American people

Sold tobacco, cash, crops

Hernan Cortes

Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish explorer who led the conquest of the Inca Empire of Peru in 1531-1533.

The Moluccas, an island chain in modern day Indonesia, was the chief source for ______ in the 1400s.


Why did Portugal go to Africa

Started slaves, and built forts


Used for chocolate flavoring, symbols of abundance in early civilization

Dill weed

Used for flavoring. Used in Egypt to get rid of hiccups. Horns is Mediterranean climates


Used for things such as muscle relief. Originated in Southern Europe and North America

Geographical location of Spanish

West indies, south ameirca, central america, mexico, and other parts of north amercia. Asia, hispoñala, puerto rico, florida, Cuba

Encomienda System

class system developed by the Spanish in the Americas. Encomiendas- right to demand labor or tribune from native Americans. Used it to force native Americans. Conquistadors were supposed to provide them with food land, and Christianity. Mines, plantations were in Brazil.

Encomienda labor focused most on

plantation agriculture. Used on the mines too

Qing Dynasty

the last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries


the theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than it buys. Basically everything in a colony goes to the mother country

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