World History - Chapter 11 - Cornell Notes

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What is a republic?

a form of government in which citizens elect their leaders

How did the rugged mountains in Northern Italy prevent people from other parts of Europe from getting into Italy?

the rugged land made it hard for ancient people to cross from one side of the peninsula to the other

Describe the physical features that influenced Rome's development.

* People used the river to move goods easily between northern and southern Italy. *Rome's location across seven steep hills made it easy to defend against enemy attacks. *The mountain passes linked settlements together.

How did the location influence the rise of Rome?

* centrally located in the Mediterranean region *people and goods moved with little difficulty through passes in Italy's rugged mountains. *The mountain passes linked settlements together.

Describe the Italian peninsula

*This long, thin peninsula juts out from central Europe into the Mediterranean Sea *On a map, Italy looks like a high-heeled boot. The boot's heel points to Greece. *The Alps are like shoelaces that are strung across the top of the boot. These rugged mountains separate Italy from northern Europe. *Volcanoes dot southern Italy's landscape. Italy has long been affected by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Discuss the 2 legends that describe the origin of Rome

1. The Aeneid: Written by the Roman poet Virgil. On the Mediterranean Sea, Aeneas and his fellow Trojans flee from their home city of Troy, which has been destroyed by the Greeks. They sail for Italy, where Aeneas is destined to found Rome 2. Romulus & Remus -When Romulus and Remus became adults, they decided to found a city where the wolf had found them. The brothers quarrelled over where the site should be and Remus was killed by his brother. This left Romulus the sole founder of the new city and he gave his name to it - Rome

Why were the Romans able to expand their control of Italy?

1. They built permanent military outposts on strategic locations to protect it. 2.They also built roads between settlements. As a result, troops and supplies could move quickly within the conquered lands.

Who were the Latins?

Settled permanently in the hills and on the plains. Latin-speaking people, called Latins, settled on the plain of Latium

Which legend of Roman's origin is more likely to be based on fact? Why?

The Aeneid legend because it is way more realistic and likely to happen.

How did the Etruscans influence the Romans?

The Etruscans taught the Romans to build with brick and to roof their homes with tiles. They laid out city streets. The Etruscans built temples, passing on their religious rituals to the Romans. They even influenced the style of clothing that the Romans wore. Roman men adopted the Etruscan fashion of wearing short cloaks and togas. Finally, the Etruscan army served as the model for the mighty army that the Romans would later create.

How did the Greeks influence the Romans?

The Greeks introduced grape and olive farming to the region. The Greeks also passed on the Greek alphabet to the Romans. Later, the Romans would model their buildings, sculpture, and literature after those of the Greeks.

Describe how the Romans effectively ruled over the conquered lands.

The Roman Republic was able to acquire land because of its strong army. The Romans also developed new battle strategies. I

How did the climate influence the rise of Rome?

tally has a sunny, mild climate and fertile farmland

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