World History Chapter 31

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Identify key reforms made by Sultan Mahmud II to the Ottoman state system during his reign

:• Mahmud II (reigned 1808-1839) recognized the need for significant reform of the Ottoman militarystructure.• He appointed European drill masters, who trained Ottoman troops in European-style uniforms andequipped them with European weapons.• New engineering and technical schools were founded to teach European-style curricula, and a newsecondary education system created military academies.• Mahmud II also created new government ministries, constructed new roads and telegraph lines, andinaugurated a postal service.• By the time of his death, the Ottoman empire was smaller but more manageable and powerful.

What led to the Ottoman military decline of the nineteenth century?

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following could be considered a contributing cause of the Russian revolution of 1905?

All of these answers are correct.

An increase in higher quality European goods flowing into the Ottoman marketplace led to

Angry protests

Which of the following was NOT a result of the legal reforms instituted by Ottoman leaders during the mid-nineteenth century

Changes to laws on marriage and divorce

The Tsar decided to restructure Russian society after Russia's defeat in the ________ War


Tsar Alexander II emancipated the serfs in order to encourage Russia's _______ development


In the early nineteenth-century, the Ottoman empire effectively lost control of _______, one of the empire's most important regions, in the aftermath of a failed invasion by Napoleon.


Sultan Abdul Hamid II created an authoritarian regime in order to protect his government from ______ designs on the empire


Which of the following statements about the Russian empire are true?

It stretched from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean and it consisted of numerous ethnic and cultural groups

The decline of the Ottoman military was manifested by the political intrigue and lack of discipline within its elite military corps known as


The capital for the early industrialization of Meiji Japan came primarily from

Land Taxes

Elite Ottoman troops murdered all but one of the _____ members of the ruling dynasty


Identify groups that participated in increasing antigovernment protests as Russia rapidly industrialized.

Many groups within Russia participated in antigovernment actions in late nineteenth-century Russia.• These groups included peasants, who were angry over lack of access to land and political participation.• University students and intellectuals also joined protest movements to seek political reforms and thorough social change.• Many revolutionaries were anarchists, who used terror tactics as a means to abolish all government.

The Taiping rebellion was defeated when

Nanjing was defeated by a combined force of imperial and European soldiers.

Opposition to Ottoman Tanzimat reforms came from a number of groups, including a group known as the young _________, who pushed for individual freedoms and political decentralization


The Young Turn Movement, also known as the Ottoman society for unity and progress, originated in


Muhammad II introduced reforms by presenting them as programs that ______ Ottoman tradition


Which of the following statements about the Russian Political system is NOT accurate?

The Russian Government was highly decentralized

The efforts of Sultan Selim III to improve the Turkish armed forces with the help of European advisors and upgraded weaponry resulted in

The incarceration of the Sultan and the murder of the newly trained troops

Identify prominent groups within Tokugawa Japan that opposed the intrusion of foreign powers.

The sudden intrusion of foreign powers created a domestic crisis in Japan that resulted in the collapse of the shogunate and the restoration of imperial rule.• Conservative daimyo joined forces and rallied around the emperor, who became a focal point of political opposition to the shogunate.• Opposition to the shogunate spread rapidly, particularly in southern areas.• After a brief but bloody civil war, dissident military units armed with imported weapons defeated the shogun's forces and reestablished the emperor as head of Japan.

Which of the following about the Young Turks were true?

They called for increased Civil rights and Liberties, Their reforms ultimately failed for save the empire, and Some of their reforms aggravated tensions within the empire

What rights did Commodore Matthew Perry secure from the shogun in 1853, and which other foreign states rapidly gained similar powers in Japan?

When Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay in 1853, he sought and received significant concessions from theshogunate government.• These concessions included that Japan open up diplomatic and commercial relations with the UnitedStates and sign a friendship treaty that granted the U.S. access to Japanese ports and extendedextraterritorial protections to U.S. citizens that made them immune to Japanese law.• Within a few years, other European nations such as Britain, the Netherlands, and Russia receivedsimilar rights.

Describe the impact of the emancipation of the serfs on Russian peasants.

When Tsar Alexander II emancipated Russian serfs in 1861, he did so on terms decidedly unfavorable to peasants.• Serfs won their freedom but did not gain much access to land, and they received few political rights.• They also had to pay redemption taxes for any land they did receive, which drove many of them into permanent debt.• Although a few peasants benefited, most became alienated and radicalized by the experience of emancipation.

Discuss the factors that led to the overwhelming British victories in the Opium Wars.

When the Chinese government attempted to shut down the opium trade, British merchants appealed to their government for military retaliation, leading to the series of decisive conflicts known as the OpiumWars.• British naval superiority was the critical factor, as Chinese defenders lacked the modern industrialweapons of their European adversaries.• Chinese defenders fought with knives, spears, and muskets against well-drilled British troops equippedwith modern rifles.• British naval forces ended the wars by sailing up the Grand Canal and threatening the imperial capital.

The most significant achievement of Sultan Mahmud II was the

creation of a modern army.

Which of the following was NOT part of Count Witte's policy of industrialization?

nationalization of key industries such as coal and steel

The Tokugawa shogunate was overthrown because

the Japanese were outraged by the unequal treaty forced on them by Commodore Perry.

The success of the Meiji restoration depended on destroying the power of

the daimyo and samurai classes.

The Meiji constitution promulgated in 1889 by the emperor gave the effective power to

the emperor.

The most significant indication of the decline of Ottoman foreign influence in the nineteenth century was

the empire's loss of control of Egypt.

How did the Russo-Japanese war conclude in May 1905?

with destruction of the Russian navy

Explain the development and motives of the British opium trade in China.

• British merchants not only sought greater access to Chinese markets but also the means to purchaseChinese goods with resources other than bullion.• They gradually turned to opium as a solution.• Using Turkish and Persian expertise, they grew opium in India and shipped it to China where companyofficials exchanged it for Chinese silver they then used to buy Chinese products.• The opium trade, although illegal, expanded rapidly and led to widespread addiction and social problemsthroughout southern China.

Discuss key aspects of Russia's late nineteenth-century industrialization program.

• Russia's rapid industrialization program took place at the end of the nineteenth century and was overseen by Count Sergei Witte, the finance minister.• Witte implemented policies designed to stimulate rapid economic development, such as an ambitious program of railway construction.• The trans-Siberian railway became the hallmark development of this, and it opened Siberia up to large-scale settlement and industrialization.• He also remodeled the state bank and encouraged savings bank creation.• Witte also supported domestic industry with high tariffs and secured large western European loans for further development.

Explain the reasons behind the ultimate failure of the Chinese Self-Strengthening Movement.

• The Self-Strengthening Movement was an effort led by local Chinese leaders to initiate economic andmilitary reform throughout China.• Leaders of the movement sought to blend Chinese cultural traditions with modern European technology.• Although it laid a foundation for industrialization, the movement brought only superficial change toChinese society, as it suffered from a lack of resources, expertise, and funding.• It also faced serious opposition from the imperial leadership, particularly the empress dowager Cixi, whodiverted funds from these projects to build a marble boat in the imperial gardens.

Identify and discuss the political reforms undertaken after the Meiji restoration.

• The main priority of Meiji reformers was political centralization, which involved the creation of a new administrative system that abolished the daimyo domains and replaced them with centrally controlled prefectures and metropolitan districts ruled by government-appointed officials.• The government also abolished the samurai class and stripped the daimyo of their rights and privileges.• Although many samurai rebelled against these measures, the newly created national conscript army destroyed all opposition to the reforms.

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