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what was tiberius and gaius trying to do?

Limit the the larger estates to a smaller amount of land, and give more land to the poor

Who were Tiberius and Gaius?

2 brothers that attempted to the the poor Romans (as Tribunes)

Compare Roman Law to US Law

Both have a form of an executive leader, both have multiple legislative branches, both have a judicial branch, and both have written legal code

who was in the 1st triumvirate?

Caesar, Crassus, Pompey

Why were the Punic Wars fought?

For land

What was the colosseum used for?

To host gladiatorial shows and other events

who was Hannibal?

a brilliant military strategist

what were the 3 groups of conquered people

Latins- full citizens, Far Away Territories- all rights except voting, Allies of Rome- had to supply troops for their army

Know all vocabulary from the chapter


Know information about each group project


what were diocletian's reforms?

1. Divided the empire into E and W 2. Sets fixed prices to be cheaper 3. Double the size of the army 4. Claimed divine right for less revolts 5. Limited personal freedom

What were Constantine's reforms?

1. Rejoins the empire 2. moved capital to Byzantine 3. restored prosperity in the East 4. restored concept of 1 ruler 5. ended Christian persecution

Explain how Caesar's life and later rule lead to the down fall of the Roman Republic

Caesar was part of the first triumvirate along with Pompey and Crassus. When Caesar became popular for his victories in Gaul, Pompey told the Senate to make Caesar return home and disband his legions. Caesar disobeyed and marched toward Rome, which made Pompey flee. Caesar's armies defeated Pompey's in many other countries. This gave him even more fame. The Senate was corrupt and was jealous and afraid of Caesar. They assassinated him, which led to a civil war. The people were angry at their government for doing such a thing. This anger destroyed what was left of the Republic, and the second triumvirate came into power.

How did Cleopatra lead to the downfall of the Republic

Cleopatra fell in love with Marc Antony. This gave Marc Antony a weakness and Octavian a reason to make Marc Antony look bad. Octavian accused Marc Antony of trying to rule from Egypt, which caused a civil war. Cleopatra made Marc Antony weaker and easier to defeat. Octavian eventually did defeat Marc Antony, and he committed suicide. This made Octavian the unchallenged leader of Rome. Because of this, Rome was no longer a Republic, it was an empire.

Explain the Roman Republic and the family tree

Dictator, Executive(consuls), legislative(Senate, tribal and centuriate assembly), Praetors.

Pick your favorite project besides your own. Describe their project in detail and why it was your favorite

My favorite project was probably the medicine. It was very interesting to hear how doctors in their society had no training and were not trusted at all. The causes of the different illnesses are things that seem so obvious to me, but I guess it wouldn't have been obvious back then. However, some aspects surprised me, like their skill with brain and eye surgeries, which are very complicated. Many of their tools were fascinating. Some were tools that we use today, but others seem so barbaric. The medicines that they used were also interesting because a lot of them were used for many different things, which seems dangerous. This project was my favorite because I loved seeing the differences between then and now.

who was in the 2nd triumvirate?

Octavian, Antony, Lepidus

how did the 1st triumvirate come to end?

Pompey and Caesar drifted away on their political beliefs, Pompey took side with men who detested Caesar nd Crassus' death sealed the end

Who were the Punic Wars between?

Rome and Carthage

who won the Punic Wars?

Rome and then they gave dominance over the Western Mediterranean

how was the Pax Romana helped to promote Christianity?

The construction of the roads made travel easier, and it allowed for freedom of movement safely through the world

Explain in detail one of Rome's Triumvirates

The first triumvirate consisted of Julius Caesar, a military leader, Pompey, a popular general, and Crassus, a wealthy noble. They used their influence to get Caesar elected consul. Caesar served for one year, made himself governor of Gaul, and stepped down. There he conquered the rest of Gaul, which made him famous. Pompey became afraid of him and made the senate order Caesar to return home. He disobeyed and began to march toward Rome. Pompey fled and his armies were defeated by Caesar in many other countries. After that, Caesar was made dictator for life. He made many reforms. He was murdered by fearful senators in the senator chamber. The second triumvirate was made up of Octavian, Caesar's grandson and adopted son, Marc Antony, an experienced general, and Lepidus, a powerful politician. They came to power through the civil war that followed Caesar's death. It ended through jealousy and violence. Octavian forced Lepidus to retire, and he and Marc Antony became rivals. Marc Antony fell in love with Cleopatra, and Octavian accused him of trying to rule from Egypt. This caused another civil war. Octavian defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra, and they committed suicide. Octavian became a dictator and changed his name to Augustus.

Who were the Plebians

The lower class of the Roman society. They were the common farmers, merchants, and artisans.

How did Augustus' rule influence the Pax Romana?

The policies he enacted laid the ground work for the peace and stability of the Pax Romana

Reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire and how they are linked

The reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire were the disruption of trade, gold and silver drain, inflation, decline of loyalty and discipline in military, and citizen indifference and loss of patriotism. All these events are connected. The disruption of trade was caused by pirates controlling trade in the Mediterranean and the Huns controlling trade just outside Rome's border. This led to gold and silver drain. It was very hard to remain profitable with no more trade. Also, they weren't making any money because they had no places left to conquer. The gold and silver drain led to inflation. They began putting less gold and silver in their coins. This makes prices skyrocket. Also their was less supply of goods because trade was stopped. They no longer had money to pay for their soldiers to fight. Money was all they cared about, not their own country. They began to hire mercenaries because they were cheaper. They had no loyalty to the empire whatsoever. Meanwhile, people were mad at their own country for not taking care of them. They began to care less and less about what happened to them.

The significance of the Punic Wars

There were three Punic Wars. These wars were fought between Rome and Carthage. The first war lasted 23 years and was won by Rome. The second Punic War occurred when Hannibal, a Carthage general, wanted to get revenge. He marched into Rome through the mountains, which killed many of his troops. It worked and he ravaged Rome for over 10 years. Then a general named Scipio suggested that they attack Carthage so Hannibal would have to return home. This plan worked. The third Punic War involved Romans laying siege to Carthage and selling their 50,000 people into slavery. The significance of these wars was that Romans now dominated the Western half of the Mediterranean, which allowed trade to flourish. It also made other civilizations scared of Rome, which allowed them to rule more freely.

what did the government do to keep the Plebeians happy?

They gave them a steady supply of food, they set fair prices, and gave them entertainment

why were those the groups of the conquered people?

because of the lenient policy Rome was prosperous and territories were happy for 200 years

5 reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire

distribution of trade, gold and silver shortages, inflation, decline of loyalty, lose of patriotism

Explain gold and silver shortages

frequent wars, and lavish spending by the wealthy led to a downfall

who was Scipio?

he devised a plan to attack Carthage, he matched Hannibal's boldness

how did Constantine help promote Christianity?

he provided freedom for mainstream Christians, he provided generous state stipends for the clergy, they made Christianity the patron religion, he persecuted pagans

how did the 2nd triumvirate come to end?

it ended with Octavian's defeat of Lepidus at Sicily, there was then a contest between Octavian and Antony for power

Who had to serve in the roman army

landowners (10 years)

what were legions and centuries?

legions- military units that made up 5,000 soldiers divided 80 men into groups called centuries

who was Julius Caesar?

military leader, and consul member, governor of gaul and later dictator for life

explain the loss of patriotism

people no longer care so they only looked out for the good of themselves so the military would have to pay them to keep them loyal

Explain the distribution of trade

raids from the Huns and Pirates slowed the ability of trade

explain the decline of loyalty

recruitment of foreign mercenaries and fighting among military commanders for the throne

what happened to Tiberius and Gaius?

senators felt threatened by them and then they killed them

What were the effects and aftermath of the Punic Wars?

set on fire, destroyed Carthage, killed survivors, and sold into slavery

Explain the slavery in Rome

slaves made up 1/3 of population. born a slave, piracy, or sold into slavery. Owners could either punish, reward, set free or put to death their slaves. They worked in the city and on farms. Some males were forced to become gladiators. Educated and household slaves were treated better than others.

Differences between the 3 wars

the 1st war was fought over Sicily, the second war Hannibal took a different route and tried to surprise Rome, from Spain across France and through the alps. His planned intially worked. Cannae was Hannibal's greatest victory. However Rome's allies stepped in and helped prevent Hannibal from capturing Rome. In the 3rd war Scipio devised a plan to attack Carthage. This forced Hannibal to return and defend his native city. Carthage was set on fire and destroyed. Rome killed survivors and others were sold into slavery.

who was Attila?

the leader of the Huns

who were the patricians?

the upper class of society. they were the wealthy landowners that held majority of the power

Who were Romulus and Remus

they founded the city of Rome, son of Mars and a Latin princess, they chose the location of Rome for its fertile soil

How did the 1st triumvirate come to power?

they used their influence

who were the tribunes and what group did they come from?

they were elected by the Plebians to protect their rights from unfair acts by the Patrician officials

what were the 12 tables?

they were laws carved onto 12 tablets that were in the forum, they helped all free citizens have the right to the protection of law, mostly helped the plebians

Why was Rome invaded by foreign groups?

they were separated and not all strong under 1 power

why did the Western empire fall?

they were separated from the wealthy (East) and were left vulnerable so the Huns attacked and took over

how did the 2nd triumvirate come to power?

through a civil war

explain inflation

to pay off debts, governments raised taxes and coined more money with less silver which decreased the value

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