Taxes on imported goods.
Increase in economy
Under the free enterprise system, the Industrial Revolution raised the world's standard of living.
Industrial improvements
came mainly as a result of laws passed by the democratic process or through the organization of labor unions using the collective bargaining technique. These improvements did not always come without resistance from both labor and management.
answer to improvement?
does not lie in a revolution of force or violence, but rather in a patient and consistent stand through means of debating, compromising, and bargaining.
Most of the successes
of the Industrial Revolution did not occur through radical terrorists who advocated the overthrow of the capitalistic system. Success came through reforms made within the system itself.
was due largely to an ever increasingly well paid population that continually demanded the products of industry.
expansion of industry
would have never occurred without the tremendous increase in the market for manufactured goods.The great demand for products resulted in an abundant supply