World Population Distribution and Growth Dynamics & Regional Variations in Population Growth and Health Issues

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South Asia

-1/4 of the world's population -(india) -most people are farmers in rural areas

East Asia

-1/4 of the world's population -People's Republic of China (most pop.) -industrial

South Easter Asia

-600 million people -islands (philippines) - most farmers in rural areas


-includes 4 dozen countries -3/4 live in cities -fewer than 10% farmers (London and Paris)

Which of the following statements best describes what a population pyramid is?

A graphic representation of a population's age cohorts of males and females

When a population is in decline, which of the following would be considered a likely effect of that state?

A high proportion of elderly persons

Which of the following statements is the most accurate description for the Demographic Transition?

A process where birth, death, and natural increase rates change in a society

Which of the following areas is NOT one of the four world regions that two-thirds of all global inhabitants are clustered within?


Which of the following examples best characterizes the possible Stage 5 of the epidemiologic transition?

An evolution in infectious diseases that become more resistant or rapidly mutate could bring an increase in the death rate.


Branch of medical science concerned with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases that affect large numbers of people.

How is arithmetic density calculated?

By dividing the total population by the total land area in a country

Which of the following types of countries is likely to institute population policies, including education and health-care initiatives aimed at reducing birth rates?

Countries that can afford such programs

Which of the following demographic measures has the smallest disparity between developed regions and developing regions?

Crude death rate

Stage 3 of the demographic transition

Decreasing growth; Birth rates rapidly decline; death rates continue to decline; NIR moderates; Highly urban societies.

Which of the following terms is used to describe the scientific study of population characteristics?


What term represents the number of people in a population that are either too young or too old to work as compared to the number of working individuals?

Dependency ratio

Which of the following statements about the dependency ratio is correct?

Dependency ratios help to understand the possible financial burden incurred by working people.

Which of the following types of countries likely has the lowest IMR?

Developed countries

In which of the following areas of the world do we find the highest natural increase rates?

Developing countries

Which of the following descriptions explains why health conditions vary around the world?

Each country has its own set of resources and responses to care for their sick.

Which of the following terms refers to the distinctive health threats that accompany each of the different stages of the demographic transition?

Epidemiologic transition

Stage 2 of the demographic transition

High growth; Rapidly declining death rates and very high birth rates = very high NIR; Industrial societies or societies that benefit from the medical revolution.

Which of the following factors is a primary reason for a decline in birth rates in developed countries?

Higher proportions of women using family planning methods


Homeless people, ethnic minorities and citizens of other countries who do not have proper immigration docs are less likely to participate

Which of the following terms represents the age-specific mortality of proportion of a population set against another demographic total?

Infant mortality rate

Which of the following statements best describes the pattern of total world population growth since the mid-twentieth century?

It has steadily increased.

Stage 1 of the demographic transition

Low growth; Very high birth and death rates = 0 NIR; Hunting & gathering, agricultural societies

Stage 4 of the demographic transition

Low growth; Very low birth and death rates = zero population growth

Which of the following terms represents the societal shift most responsible for the decline in death rates?

Medical Revolution

Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions that will contribute to the continued improvement in life expectancy of older people in Stage 4 of the epidemiologic transition?

More non-nutritious food

What is the simplest explanation for how populations grow naturally?

More people are born than die

Which of the following epidemiologic phenomena undermines the extension of life expectancy that is described in Stage 4 of the epidemiologic transition?

More sedentary lifestyles

Which of the following terms represents the same demographic measure as crude death rate?


Which of the following statements represents a critical reflection of the precision of national scale averages in fertility and mortality?

National scale values average out all regional variations.

Which of the following labels is applied to the group of geographers and other scientists who highlight the rapid population increases since the 1950s, underscored by accounts of the wide variety of resources being depleted?


Why are sex ratios typically skewed in developed countries?

On average, women have longer life expectancies than men do.

Which of the following proportions of world population do the combined populations of India and China constitute?


Which of the following types of density involves the comparison of a country's total population to the land that is suitable for farming?

Physiological density

The two areas of criticism around Malthus's theory can be interpreted as faulting Malthus for having a limited understanding of the dynamics around what phenomenon?


Which of the following countries is experiencing a negative natural increase rate due to a political legacy of state-led family-planning programs to reduce birth rates coupled with relatively high death rates that have been attributed to unhealthy metrics like high pollution levels as well as high rates of alcoholism and drug addiction?


Which of the following regions has the highest percentage of its inhabitants who work as farmers?

South Asia

Select the Epidemiologic Transition Model stage that best represents the following example: In medieval Central Asia, the rapid spread of disease occurred because of the relatively unsanitary conditions and the "disease spillover" of humans and animals intermingling closely.

Stage 1

Nearly a century after the start of the Industrial Revolution, Malthus wrote his Essay on the Principle of Population in 1798, just a few decades after Europe and North America entered into which stage of the demographic transition?

Stage 2

Select the Demographic Transition Model stage that best represents the following example: In Bolivia, there is cultural and religious disapproval of contraception, so birth rates are very high. Further, the country tends to have comparatively high infant mortality rates and a low life expectancy because of limited food and water; however, death rates are slowly declining. What stage would Bolivia be in?

Stage 2

The Chinese government drafted the One Child Policy in 1979 as a reaction to the experience of which of the following stages of the demographic transition?

Stage 2

Select the Epidemiologic Transition Model stage that best represents the following example: In Sweden the top five causes of death are heart disease, stroke, dementia, lung cancer, and breast cancer.

Stage 3

Select the Demographic Transition Model stage that best represents the following example: In the United Kingdom, women have on average been waiting until their later years to marry and have children, reducing the overall fertility rate to just at the replacement level. Coupled with continuing advances in health care that continues to keep the death rate down, what stage is the UK likely in?

Stage 4

In which stage of the demographic transition do some demographers propose that population decline occurs as the birth rate declines to below the replacement rate?

Stage 5

Which of the following statements about the total fertility rate (TFR) is correct?

TFR is a hypothetical value based on current average births to an average woman.

What is doubling time?

The amount of time that it takes to double a population

Physiological Density

The number of people per unit area of arable land

What is ecumene?

The portion of eart'hs surface occupied by permanent human settlement

Agricultural Density

The ratio of the number of farmers to the total amount of land suitable for agriculture

Arithmetic Density

The total number of people divided by the total land area. (High in Asia, Europe, and Central America) (Low in North and South America)

When demographers and population geographers use the term "natural," what are they generally concerned with?

They are interested in population measures except for migration.

Which of the following statements is true about the potential for settlement in the high lands of the world?

Those lands have potential for agriculture in low latitudes.

Which of the following statements best describes the overall distribution of human population on earth's surface?

Unevenly clustered in a variety of enviroments

Among developed countries, most offer health care as a government-provided public service. Which of the following developed countries is a notable exception to this custom?

United States

What is zero population growth (ZPG)?

When birth rates equal death rates and natural increase approaches zero

The single most important data source for human geographers is the


Earth's population is distributed by examining two basic properties:

concentration and density

Stage 3 of Epidemiological Transition

degenerative, human caused diseases; decrease in deaths caused by infectious diseases and an increase in deaths associated with chronic diseases caused by aging; cardiovascular diseases and various forms of cancer

Stage 4 of Epidemiological Transition

delayed degenerative diseases; people still have the degenerative diseases but are able to expand their life expectancy through medical advances

Two-thirds of the world's inhabitants are clustered in

four regions

Comparing Arithmetic to Physiological

helps geographers understand land capacity to yield food production

Clusters are generally

low lying areas with fertile soil and temperate climate

stage 5 demographic transition (hasn't happened yet)

population decline, very low CBR, increasing CDR, negative NIR...Japan is one of the first places to reach stage 5, its population is getting smaller, the population is getting older so that is why CDRs are going up, this means a shortage of workers to support the aging population

Stage 5 of the epidemiological transition

reemergence of infectious and parasitic diseases; diseases return or new ones emerge; reasons include the evolution of the diseases getting more powerful, poverty primarily in LDC's, and improved travel which causes the spread of disease

The census count is more accurate in what areas

small towns and rural areas

Geography relies on statistical data to conduct

spatial analysis

Stage 2 of Epidemiological Transition

stage of receding pandemics; primarily due to poor nutrition, low sanitation and few available medicines in the environment


statistically selecting and observing members of a group or population who are taken to be representative of the rest of the group

Stage 1 of Epidemiological Transition

the stage of pestilence and famine; infectious and parasitic diseases; attacks by animal and other humans; "natural checks" on population growth

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