World Religions MidTerm

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What are the two World View Tools?

Correspondence - Allows us to asses how well religion relates to the actual world. Coherence - How well do the parts of the religion or worldview conform to each other or do they contradict? - i.e does it logically cohere?

What is Shahada?

Declaration of faith in the oness of God and Muhammad as his prophet (how you convert to Islam)

What is the Ontological Definition of Religion?

Religion has to do with what you think is the most important thing in your life (your "ultimate concern")

What is Perennialism?

"All religions share a single universal truth from which all religious knowledge and doctrine has grown. *Opera is a supporter*

What is Karl Rahner's view of Religion?

"Anonymous Christians"

What is Midrash?

A genre of rabbinic commentary literature - Also a method by which rabbis commented on Biblical literature (commentary + overall genre of literature).

When was the Birth of Judahism?

After the destruction of the temple in 70 AD it became centered on Rabbis and texts (rabbinic judahims) Both a race and a religion - some can be ethnic jews and have nothing related to the religion. Modern judaism is not related to Jews of the Bible

Who are Aisha & Zaynab?

Aisha -The most beloved wife of Muhammad (married at 6/consummated at 9) - Creates the 4 male witnesses rule after false accusation. Zaynab - Zaid wife (his adopted son) - Through this incident: divorce + adoption were downplayed.

What is World View and Religions Combined?

All religions have rituals, practices, history and doctrines - but more fundamentally they all hold a particular outlook towards reality (worldview).

What is Isra and Miraj?

Isra - The Journey from the Kaaba to the Dome of the rock in Jerusalem Miraj - The journey to Heaven

What are 4 unique and authoritative aspects of the Bible?

1. - It is authoritative because it says so - over 2000 times saying "Thus says the Lord" - Hence not just a book of human words. Circular Argument? -Most other religions don't claim their texts to be from God nor do they claim their God to be omnipotent Other books claiming to be God's word borrow from Christianity (islam/mormonism) - They affirm the bible but contradict it. (islam affirming but saying its corrupted) *All questions of final authority are ultimately circular* 2. The Holy Spirit Attests to it - Doctrine of the internal witness of the Holy Spirit - i.e God affirming his word. 3. The Bible Correspond to Reality - : Bible claims of a God acting in space/time in history :11th century -most cities mentioned from Genesis to Joshua have been found. :10th century - Building project from Solomon have been unearthed at Megiddo and Gezer :9th century - The Monolith Inscriptions of Shalmaneser mentions Ahab the Israelite as having the most powerful military elements in the Israelite and Syrian coalition. :8th century. - The Khorsabad Annals give an account of Sargons II captivity of Samaria in 722 :7th century - The tune of Hezekiah to bring water into Jerusalem has been found :6th century - The annals of Nebuchadnezzar II mentions the taking of the city of Judah. :5th century - Discovery of the Elephantine papyri (legal contracts, deed, etc) show that Aramaic was the language of trade and diplomacy in the time of Ezra and the Aramaic in the book of Ezra is the same as the 5th century. Other religious texts: Book of Mormon never found or backed up by archeology - Quran so vague and out of order - hard to study it in history. 3. The Bible is Entirely Coherent The revelation came over 1500 years not all at once like others; over 66 book and 40+ authors with still one consistent theme from Genesi to revelation. How is the Bible Coherent? - NT speaks of its unity Unified in its progression Variety of Big Picture elements 1. Cor 15:3 - Christ dying according to Scriptures // Genealogies -Books build on one another - cant easily rip out of context + authors have an immediate purpose but also write in to a larger narrative. Big picture elements: Creation to New Creation Promises being fulfilled (seed of the women in Genesis - to Christ) Christ's Patterns - The last Adam, greater sacrifice, greater than... MetaNarratives - Covenants 4. Christ's is it's Central Figure - He is the center piece of the Christian faith (which is unique). Other religions have seen him as a avatar (hindu) - Penulimate prophet to Muhammad (Islam) - bodhissatta enlighten being (buddah) - wandering rabbi, delisuion political zealot, or a sorcerer inspired by the devil (judah)

What are the Unique Aspects of Christ?

1. Influence of Christ - Largest following in numbers but also devotions - willing to die 2000 years later. 2. Christ's teaching was special - spoke with a strong and unique authority (his own). 3. Christ's Character - His conduct always matched his teachings -- 4. No other great figure in history claimed to be God - no other miracle worker was a teacher also and no other miracle worker used himself to heal and not items. -Other religions prepare for death; Christianity offers a solution (the resurrection was the greatest solution to the greatest problem of humanity; death). 5. Christ and Evil - No other teacher dealt so radically with evil. // All other religions downplay evil and sin - Christ's deals with it directly by dying to solve it. (Being more compassionate than Allah) + all his teaching leads to this sacrifice. -Christ does not simply teach us to be good; but actually teaches us to deal with evil. 6. No other teacher broke the final barrier of death - Christianity is centered around the resurrection, it offers an event vs. a philosophy. (other religions offer just a philosophy; it could survive even if its founders never existed - Christianity could not). -Evidence for Christ's resurrection -No one at the time anticipated the resurrection of a person; only a final one. -When religious leaders die; followers disperse - not with Christianity. -Followers died on account of the resurrection - not just for belief but because of witness. -Women's testimony as the first witnesses would not have held up in court at the time (why pick this embarrassment?) -Every other religious leader's tomb is known; Christ's was lost. -Ressurection = never to die again; so not like Lazarus or Jairus' daughter. 7. No other teacher offers to live with His followers - Christ continues to live in his followers; not sentiment but metaphysical reality. -The good we do as Christians are not because of good morals but because of Christ! + No other religion promises to see their leader face to face.

What are the Jewish religious distinctions?

1. Principle difference is the perspective of Christ. 2. Theological Difference's -Not accepting NT Covenant -People are not born in to sin, but sin is equivalant to failing to follow the mitzvoth. -Holiness is through following the 613 laws not Christ. -Does not have a strong conception of the after life.

Definition of Religion

Can be wide/vast (religions definition can be heavily influenced by the field of a person attempting to define it)

What is the Difference Between a Discipline and a Field?

Discipline - A discipline is an area of study with a specified and unique approach to studying a subject. V.S. Field - Takes a multifaceted social reality as its subject and applies a variety of pre-existing methods to study its subject.

What is the Jewish perspective of Christ?

Dont believe Jesus to be incarnate due to it meaning a human being is elevated above others. See Jesus as primarily an political figure - or that Messiah means simply - the people of Israel Not accepted as a prophet due to this broad message vs. the specific messages of previous prophets. Not a great Rabbi because he only taught what others have taught and some blasphemous ideas.

What is abrogation?

If there are two contradicting sura's refer to the newest one and discard the oldest (Surah 2:106)

What is Mecca?

Islam's holiest city which was the trade hub and a violent city due to clashes between clans. - Also houses the Kaaba

Engaging Muslims

Judge the Quran according to the Gospels (surah 5:47) Muslims don't reject all of the NT (they take what supports them) Believe John 14:6 - to be Muhammad Where did Jesus say "I am God, Worship me?" -Common question. -Remain patient - Muslims have a respect for Jesus and the Biblical prophets Muslims believe the Bible to be corrupted and Quran superior Muslims have serious misunderstandings of Christian doctrines so define your terms Dont attack the person - realize Islam is a system that binds somone. don't argue over insignificant issues like dietary laws or who started holy wars - can be discussed later don't asser anything about Islam that you don't know positively or else you would be arguing from ignorance.

What is the Mishnah?

Means to repent, learn, and teach. - It is the starting text of the Talmud and the first law after the Torah. This is the heart of the Rabbinic Judaism religion.

How does Islam view Jesus?

Mentioned 25 times in the Quran Muslims accept the virgin birth Jesus born instantly into Mary's womb (not alive before) He did not atone because you can't carry someone else's burden Jesus is in the line of the prophets and for the Jews Title of Messiah means prophet to the jews Accept the swoon theory for the Crucifixion - the account of the crucifixion in the Quran goes against historical evidence The second coming of Christ at the White Minaret in Damascus - Jesus will break the cross, kill the pig, and abolish Jiziah Jesus is to be buried next to Muhammad

What is the Islamic view of God?

Monotheistic - Allah is a title not a name Allah does not enter into the creation because it would defile him Allah is a god of solitude not love and community

What is the Imitation of Muhammad?

Muslims imitate Mohammad in character and physical look + in everything he did (even down to putting the right shoe on first instead of the left).

What are stories which contain a great deal of worldview called?


What are the Five Articles of Faith?

One god The Prophet Muhammad (as the last) Angles Books (sacred Scripture) The Last day of Judgement (heaven + Hell) *the two first are incorporated in the Shahada

The Quran

Only text of divine origins Inscribed on a crystal tablet from Heaven (some Suni's claim it is older than Islam) Written in Arabic (god's language) All translations are not authoritative 114 suraha Arranged longest to shorts (with exception of the first which is short) 84 meccan surras - more peaceful 28 medina surrah's - more aggressive Abborgations - if there are two contradicting passages pick the newest one and discard the oldest (surah 2:106) Claims for its divinity: 1. So beautiful no one but god could have written it. 2. Mohammad himself was illiterate, hence it must have been god. 3. no textual criticism needed because there was no human influence.

What is a WorldView?

Our basic beliefs about reality (presuppositions) -It is a commitment; fundamental orientation of the heart (not a story; but can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions; that we hold about reality) Involves the mind, but it first and foremost a matter of the soul - spiritual orientation based in the heart and involves intellect, emotions, desire, and will. World views can be based on assumptions which are true, partially true, or completely false (the truth of a world view is based upon its correspondence - i.e. how it relates to the world and whether it accurately describes said world) We generally have to make an effort to be aware of our worldview as it is sometimes unconscious. World views can be inconsistent or consistent! - coherence - a theory that bases the truth of a belief on the degree to which it coheres (hangs together) with all other systems of belief Presuppositions? - Categories by which we filter any new information or the assumptions we make before the beginning of a line of argument/before action. (ex: common presuppositions: the external world exists/there are other minds)

What's Smart's Workable Model?

Practice and Ritual - Ritual and practices that provide spiritual awareness of adherents. Emotional and Experiential - significant experiences of founders and followers in response to religion. Narrative or Mythical - Refers to stories or past records that maintain a tradition within the religion. Ethical and Legal - codes of behaviors Doctrinal and Philosophical - belief systems created by leaders for adherents Social and Institutional - Organizational Structures Material - works of people and preservation of sacred places creating symbolic representation of traditional beliefs (sometimes not included)

What are Allah's Three Daughters?

Pre-Muhammad Arabs believed Allah to be the high god with this three daughters goddesses which followed him. Al-Lat // Al-Uzza - Manat

What are the Holy Text's of Islam?

Quran Sunnah (later oral traditions - composed of Hadiths and Sira) Tafsir (commentary)

What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

Shahada - The Creed Salat - Praying 5 times a day towards Mecca Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan Haji - Pilgrimage to Mecca Zekat - Giving to the Poor

What is the problem with World Views?

Sometimes it can be a missile or a map; all questions are not equal/ we can make assumptions based on belief/worldview that may not be fully correct.

What are the Sunnis and Shias?

Sunnis - 85% of Muslims (world wide) Shiite (10% of Muslims and primarily in Iran)

What is Tawhid/Shirk?

Tawhid - Single most important concept in Islam - It is the whole faith based around affirming the oness of God. Shirk - The one unforgivable sin which is a denial of Tawhid by associating partners with Allah.

The Humanness of the Quran

The Quran contradicts previous scripture Quran contradicts itself Quran clearly demonstrates it had human sources -Contradicts the Bible -Contradicts itself with stories of Lot talking to the people of Sodom or how long it took God to create the Universe (6 days vs instatniously) or even who the first Muslim was (Muhammad, Moses, Abraham, Adam, some Egyptian?) -- The Quran clearly draws from the Arab Infancy Gospel (for their Jesus stories) + The Babylonian Talmud Uthman destroying other versions of the Quran to have one narrative (650 A.D.) Chronological confusion with Biblical stories

Who is Jibirl in Islam?

The angel Gabriel

What does a World View Answer?

The big questions of life: 1. What is reality? 2. What is a human being? 3. What happens after death? 4. How do we know anything? 5. How do we know right from wrong? -Because religions deal with big questions - world view is an important piece of the puzzle.

What is the Kaaba?

The black box to which Muslims pray towards to 5 times a day and represents the one'ness of God.

What is the Talmud?

The talmud (instruction) is the oral law - the discussion and debates of rabbis throughout history. It is based on the Mid rash and is a guid to life. (two versions are the Talmud Yirushalmi - Palestinian one // Talmud Balvi - Babylonian one.)

What are the Jewish Scriptures?

Torah (the law) Nebium (the prophets) Kethubim (the writings) (ta na Kh)

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