World War 1

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How much money did Germany have to pay to the Allies in reparations?

$33 billion

How much money did the US spend directly on the war effort?

$33 billion

The average age of an American male drafted into WWI was ___.

21-23 years old

How many men registered under the Selective Service Act?

24 million

The Triple Entente (alliance before the war) was also known as the ___ (during the war).


When did the First World War begin?

August 4, 1914

Which of the following conservation measures was created during WWI and still exists today?

Daylight-Savings Time


England, France, US, Russia

The Treaty of Versailles redrew the boundaries of Europe and created 9 new countries. What were those 9 countries?

Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia

Who was blamed entirely for WWI?


Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

On May 7, 1915, German U-boats sank which British passenger ship?


Did the US Army enlist women to fight during WWI?


How did the US government raise 2/3 of the money needed for the war?

Selling war bonds

Who used the convoy system?

The British and the US

What was a key component (point 14) of the Fourteen Point Peace Plan?

The League of Nations

What treaty ended WWI?

Treaty of Versailles

Austria-Hungary was a member of which alliance?

Triple Alliance

The harshness of the Treaty of Versailles eventually led to ___.

WW2 and Adolf Hitler's rise to power

Who created the Fourteen Points?

Woodrow Wilson

Who was the president of the US during WWI?

Woodrow Wilson

What is a zeppelin?

a gas-filled airship, primarily used by Germany during WWI

What was one of the major new weapons used during WWI that is still used today and allows for rapid firing?

a machine gun

What was the Zimmermann Note?

a telegram sent by the Germans to Mexico and intercepted by British agents

Who were the "Four Minute Men"?

a volunteer group of 75,000 men who would deliver a war related speech anytime, anyplace

German measles became known as Liberty Measles. This was in response to...

anti-German sentiment in America at the time

What was one unexpected effect the War Industries Board had?

changes in women's clothing

Removing sugar bowls from tables in restaurants and serving bread after the main meal was served were measures restaurants put in place to...

conserve food for the war effort

President Woodrow Wilson persuaded the American people to enter World War I by...

convincing the public of the need to make the world safe from the German submarine

American women stopped wearing ___, in order to conserve steel which could then be used for building battleships.


During WWI, civil liberties in the US were...

denied to many, especially those suspected of disloyalty

With the outbreak of WWI in 1914, the great majority of Americans...

earnestly hoped to stay out of the war

What did the US government do to help finance the war?

embarked on a massive propaganda campaign to encourage people to buy war bonds and liberty bonds

The Espionage and Sedition Acts...

fined and sentenced people to jail for being disloyal or abusive about the government

Was the Treaty of Versailles considered harsh or fair?


The US government raised about 1/3 of the money needed to fight in WWI by raising ___.

income tax, luxury tax, sin taxes

Under the War Industries Board, industrial production in the US...

increased by about 20%

The ___ was a new invention which allowed a stream of bullets to be shot from a plane while avoiding the blades.

interrupter gear

The "clear and present danger" principle stated by the Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States (1919) and the Espionage & Sedition Acts had the effect of...

limiting freedom of speech during wartime

The main reason the US entered WWI was to...

maintain freedom of the seas

The US found it difficult to remain neutral during the first three years of WWI because of its desire to...

maintain freedom of the seas for trade with European nations

One of the main contributions that American troops made to the Allied war effort was ___.

manpower and their freshness and enthusiasm

When warfare relies on machines powered by gasoline and diesel engines it is called....

mechanized warfare

"I am not for war, I am for peace. That is why I am for a supreme Navy. The supremacy of the British Navy is the best security for the peace of the world." This quote is an example of which of the following concepts?


The development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy is known as ___.


What are the four main long-term causes of WWI?

nationalism, imperialism, militarism, alliance system

___ were used extensively during the war to scope out the enemy and their location.

observation balloons

During the war, what was the primary cause of the large-scale migration of African Americans out of the rural South?

opportunities for jobs in northern factories

WWI was the first time that ___ was used during a war. Both sides used it.

poisonous gas

The US Supreme Court in Schenck v. US (1919) ruled that freedom of speech may be limited during national emergencies when the speech...

presents a clear and present danger to the nation

What were the two aspects of the propaganda campaign used by the US?

promoted patriotism and manufactured hate towards the enemy

Which event most influenced President Woodrow Wilson's decision to enter World War I?

renewal of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany

A major purpose of President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Point Peace Plan (1918) was to...

set goals for achieving peace after WWI

Many soldiers suffered from ___, a complete emotional collapse similar to post-traumatic stress disorder.

shell shock

The two most innovative weapons used during WWI were ___. Both are still used in war today.

tanks and airplanes

The US Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles after WWI because many Senators believed...

the League of Nations could draw the US into future wars

After five days of fighting and 250,000 lives lost, France stopped the advance of the German army just east of Paris at the First Battle of...

the Marne

"... There's no chance of progress & reform in an administration in which war plays the principal part...". This quote by President-elect Woodrow Wilson in 1913 expresses his belief that...

the Progressive movement would be best served by continued peace

The spark that started WWI was...

the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife

What was the Great Migration?

the large scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks to cities in the North

What are reparations?

the money paid by a defeated nation for the damages it inflicts during a war

Of the methods of warfare developed in WWI, which did traditional officers consider unfair and barbaric?

the use of poisonous gas

What was the purpose of the War Industries Board?

to encourage companies to use mass production to produce more goods

Why was the Selective Service Act passed in May 1917?

to increase the number of men in our military

___ was a common problem for soldiers who fought in the trenches because their feet, socks, and shoes were wet all the time.

trench foot

For the first time in a war, Germans employed the use of ___.


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