WW1 Test

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How can an allie be a double-edged sword?

(something helpful and harmful) Other countries could turn on their alliance, and there goes one country.

Black Hand

A Serbian nationalist/terrorist group. Decided to assassinate the Archduke which sparked the war.

In what ways did medicine see advances during the time period?

A french surgeon created a chemical that would kill violent infections without burning the skin.


A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.

If you were a German military commander, are there any concerns with invading France?

France's allies could come after you.

How does the Committee on Public Information help boost Nationalism in America?

It spread the idea that the U.S. was better through propaganda.

Why can WWI be described as a "war of attrition"? What was created in order to speed the war.

It was, "a prolonged war or period of conflict during which each side seeks to gradually wear out the other by a series of small-scale actions." This means that they were fighting each other as long as they could and they were waiting for the other side to make a mistake. New weapons and technology was created to speed up the war. (use of chemical weapons)

How might this type of government upset a lower social classes?

It wouldn't be fair because the lower class might not get to make decisions.

Who increased the most military spending from 1908-1913?

Germany. By 176.6 m.


all means of production are owned in common, rather than by individuals

When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, it triggered the ________ bringing country after country into the war.

alliance system

Treaty of Versailles

an international meeting of participating countries in WWI to settle the post-war world

Yellow journalism

newspapers exaggerated or embellished the truth about a story to make it seem a bigger deal than what it actually was.

landlocked nation

no access to water for trade

Clear and Present Danger

The term that was used to justify Charles Schenck's arrest and the Palmer Raids in the late 1910's; this allows for citizens rights to be restricted.


Was blamed for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. This is term sparked the beginning of WWI.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Was heir to the Austro- Hungarian Empire.

Gavrilo Princip

Was in charge of the group who assignited the Archduke of Austria - Hungary

Committee of Public Information

Was started by President Wilson to help boost Nationalism in America. It spread the idea that the U.S. was better through propaganda.

Woodrow Wilson

Was the President during the war, demanded Germany to stop submarine warfare, created the War Industries Board.


Was the biggest threat to the continent of Europe in WWI.

_________ had fewer colonies than Britain and France and felt it deserved more colonies to provide itself with enough resources to become a world superpower.


What was Charles Schenck arrested For? Under what was the charge for his crimes?

Schenck printed leaflets that called the draft a crime and urged people to work for the repeal of the Selective Service Act. Schenck was arrested and convicted of violating the Espionage Act by trying to block military recruitment.

Schlieffen Plan

Schlieffen Plan was to invade France through Belgium in a surprise attack.

Trench Warfare

A new style of fighting a war which included a network of dug out tunnels and pathways.


A term that means worldwide respect, something all of these countries wished to gain.

Germany suffered the following consequences:

Accept full blame for the war Military is limited to 100,000 men Had to pay 33 billion dollars in reparations (repairing Europe)

Which one of our M-A-I-N components was AH trying to "flex" at this time?


Triple Entente

An alliance between Russia, France, and Britain.

Tsar Nicholas II

Aristocratic family

__________ declared war on _______ on July 28, 1914.

Austria Hungary , Serbia

__________ and _________ are divided up

Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empires

List some things from the domino effect.

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Russia mobilized their army so that they could help Serbia Germany had an alliance with Austria-Hungary

What obstacles would be placed on the battlefield to make it difficult for opposing armies to advance?

Barbed wire, Front-line dugouts

What did Austria-Hungary annexed annex in 1908?

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Major General John J. Pershing

British general in the war.

Militarism had two major effects on the world.

Created a sense of imperialism Created fear and excitement

Free Speech

First Amendment.

Why do you think there are several levels of trench systems and not just one?

For more protection from the opposing side, also to move men and supplies to the front lines.

Why was the Schlieffen Plan considered "unfair"?

Germany went and invaded a neutral territory when the land they were on was attacking France. The neutral country that gets invaded is Belgium.

Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria - Hungary empire, and Italy.

"A peaceable, industrious, sensible mass of 500 million (European people) was hounded by a few dozen incapable leaders ... into a war which was in no way destined or inevitable." - Emil Ludwig Was he correct? Is the war strictly the fault of the leadership of the European powers?

He is half correct, but not really because the war inevitable, but how the war was played was up to the leaders and their decisions. It could have had different outcomes.

As of now, what factors do you believe to be the most influential in starting World War I?

Imperialism, nationalism, alliances, militarism

What are the four main causes of World War I?

Imperialism, nationalism, alliances, militarism


Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature. Was used to promote a particular political cause or point of view.

Palmer Raids

Involved mass arrests and deportation of radicals at the height of the post-World War I era red scare.

In what ways did technology change the battlefield in World War I?

It allowed us to move forward.

How could this competition cause further conflict?

It can create tension and caused a war.

How could Britain's blockade effect the United States?

It could prevent The British from trading with the U.S., and prevent the U.S. from trading with the U.S.

What is an aristocracy?

It is a government that is ruled by the "rich" people.

What role can propaganda play in changing the morale of a country?

It made everyone more sure that they were going to win the war.

Which country would be the smallest threat to the continent of Europe?


Battle of the Marne

Last major German offensive because Russia was out of the war.

What were some new technologies made during the war?

Machine Gun, posion gas, artillery, tankes, planes, U - boats.

What events brought America into war?

Mexico was going to attack America and America had to back themselves up. And the Lusitania.


Most substantial victory for the American Expeditionary Forces. September 26-November 11, 1918

Palmer Raids

On June 2, 1919, a militant anarchist named Carlo Valdinoci blew up the front of newly appointed Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer's home in Washington, D.C.

How could nationalism create competition between European nations?

One nation could compete with the best nation so they could be the best nation.

Identify the two alliance systems that started in WW1.

One as the triple Alliance, and the other was the Triple Entente.

Austro-Hungary Empire

Part of the triple alliance at the beginning of the war.

How does this reinforce the idea that having allies is a double-edged sword?

People began by helping each other, but by the end they ended up fighting.

What is "Shell Shock" or PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It was actually a mental illness.

Geneva Protocol (1925)

Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare


Refusing to take sides in the war.

Selective Service Act

Required all males between the ages of 21 and 30 to sign up for military service. May 1917

Which country would be the biggest threat to the continent of Europe?


Austria-Hungary blamed who for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.


Plan with 14 points:

Smaller Military Forces End to secret treaties Freedom of the seas Free trade Changes to international boundaries

Why does imperialism create a competition between nations?

Some countries want land, and will compete for the same land.

Why would an empire like Austria-Hungary not back down to Serbia?

They would not back down from serbia because they blamed serbia for the assassination of their leaders

How does the alliance system cause more problems after the Assassination of the Archduke?

The countries felt like they had to back each other up and choose sides, this eventually led to war.

League of Nations

The Fourteenth Point was the most important: League of Nations would be an international coalition that would maintain peace in the world


The agreement to stop fighting WWI on November 11, 1918.

What was the spark that set World War I into a blaze?

The assassination of the prince.


The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina


The policy of making military the primary goal of the nation. Major powers spent time building up their armies and navies.


The policy that created competition around the world for colonies. This policy led to smaller conflicts around the world, creating animosity between most of the countries of WWI

What is "No man's land"?

The stretch of land between the trenches of the opposing side.

What are the problems smaller nations face in the Age of Imperialism?

They faced attacks because they had a smaller army, and since they were a small nation bigger nations wanted to take over. They don't have any respect, these areas have no power unless they make alliances with bigger nations.

In what ways did the American public help the war effort?

They recycled objects, paid loans, joined the forces, women filled factory jobs, started producing more weapons, and donated food.

What was Germany's thought process in attacking France first?

They thought France was weak, so they could attack them easily. Also, so Russia would come to France's aid and join the war.

In WWI, soldiers from various countries felt that they were fighting a war for the wrong reason. How did the Christmas Truce reinforce the statement above?

They were fighting just to fight, when they could have worked it out in other ways.

What was the role of the Committee of Public Information?

To rally support for war effort. (to produce propaganda)

Victory Gardens

Vacant lots of land used to plant vegetables for the war effort.

Espionage Act

Violated the First Amendment which was right to free speech.

Vladimir Lenin

Wanted to overthrow the Russian government.

What is considered the main Spark of the war?

When Austria-Hungary was blamed Serbia for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. This made other countries mad, and made them fire back at Austria - Hungary.Because Austria - Hungary annexed an area next to Serbia. This causes Serbia to be landlocked. Also, all of the countries wanted more land, and show the other countries that they were more powerful.

hink back to our imperialism game, when did most wars start to occur?

When there was no more land left, and people needed more resources.

Are there similarities between our game and the real world?

Yes, because when there is no more land in the real world, people fight to get more.

What responsibilities do you have when you create an alliance with someone?

You have to have the ability to to defend your alliances and your own nation in the event of war.

Geneva Conventions

a series of international treaties concluded in Geneva between 1864 and 1949 for the purpose of better effects of war on soldiers and civilians.


lower class

War Industries Board

set production goals, ordered construction of new factories and controlled the wages and prices of its workers.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

was a peace treaty signed in March 1918 between the new Bolshevik government of Russia and the Central Powers that ended Russia's participation in World War I.

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