Your world your turn Chapter 11 Study guide
Describe the effect the National Forest Management Act in 1976 had on logging between the 1980s and early 2000s.
- Required plans for renewable resource management. - Limited logging in national forests.
A large planting of just one type of crop.
Selection System
A logging method in which select groups of trees are cut while others are left alone.
Explain how managing a population using the maximum sustainable yield approach can change the whole ecosystem.
A population managed for MSY is kept below its carrying capacity so it can thrive without impacting an entire ecosystem.
What has allowed developing nations today to exploit their resources quickly?
Advanced technology
What do logging methods have in common?
All logging methods disturb forest communities.
Name at least one way that forests are economically valuable and one way that they are ecologically valuable.
Allows for income from lumber. Provides habitats for a variety of wildlife species.
What are the costs and benefits of deforestation?
Benefit: Necessary at times to provide space for agriculture and development. Costs: Can destroy ecosystems and cause erosion.
Describe costs and benefits of clear cutting
Benefits: cheap and quick Costs: eliminates an ecosystem
How can consumers be assured of a timber company'ssustainable practices?
By the sustainable forestry logo on wood they purchase.
Which logging method has the greatest impact on forest ecosystems? Explain.
Clear cutting because it entirely removes an ecosystem.
Ecosystem based Management
Finding methods to harvest resources in ways that minimize impact on the ecosystem.
Forest X has some of the country's oldest trees and has never been logged. Forest Y was planted around 30 years ago. In which of the two forests would you expect to find greater biodiversity? Explain.
Forest X because it has the oldest trees, allowing for more animals and plants. Normally oldest trees have have more biodiversity.
uneven aged
Forest regrowth in which the trees are different ages; occurs after selective logging.
Old growth forest
Forest that has never been logged.
Describe the policy of multiple use that guides national forest management.
Forests are managed for more than lumber. Examples - recreation, watersheds, etc..
Multiple use
Forests are managed for recreation, wildlife, habitat, mining, etc.
What is the focus of ecosystem-based management?
It focuses on minimizing the impact of extracting resources from an ecosystem.
What is one drawback to ecosystem-based management?
It is very complex.
What is the role of the Forest Service? What controversy surrounds its practices?
It monitors the removal of lumber in national forests. It is controversial because people have different opinions on how forests should be managed.
How does deforestation add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?
It releases the carbon from the plants, causing the carbon to go to the atmosphere. Also, it reduces the number of trees absorbing CO2 through photosynthesis.
Why is there so little old growth forest in the United States?
Most forests have been harvested at least once.
Where are monocultures in the United States typically located?
Northwest and South
Occurs when a forest is cleared without tree regrowth.
How are soil and fresh water resources dependent on each other?
People use fresh water for irrigation.
Why is timber so important to people?
People use wood for a wide variety of products, including buildings, furniture, cardboard, and paper.
Why must renewable resources be managed?
Renewable resources are managed so we don't entirely run out of them.
Maximum sustainable Yield (MSY)
The largest amount of a resource that can be used without long-term damage to the resource.
Resource management
The management of resource harvesting so that resources are not depleted.
How can plantations be managed so that they are more similar to natural forests?
They can be harvested in uneven aged methods.
Which type of regrowth harbors greater biodiversity - uneven aged or even aged regrowth? Explain.
Uneven because it will have young and old trees from a variety of species that provide a variety of habitats.
Do prescribed burns threaten property? Explain.
Very rarely
Name at least two products, besides timber and paper, that come from forests.
Water, food, and medicine.
What results from the suppression of small natural fires?
dead wood and plant materials build up and create conditions for an uncontrollable fire.
Even aged
forest regrowth in which all trees are the same age; occurs after clear cutting.
Sustainable forestry certification
given to products considered to be sustainable.
How has deforestation shaped the landscape of the United States?
it has converted forest land to other uses.
Seed tree approach
logging method in which a few trees are left behind that can produce seeds so new trees can grow.
Shelterwood Approach
logging method in which a few trees are left behind to provide shelter for saplings.
Clear cutting
logging method in which all of the trees are cut at once
What are four examples of renewable resources?
lumber, water, wild animals and magnesium, copper, iron, gold, etc.
salvage logging
the removal of snags in natural disturbances.
How do resource managers base their decisions on resource management? Explain.
they base their decision on how available a renewable resource is so it doesn't run out. They also base their decisions on research and political influence to consider the entire ecosystem.