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Why did most revolutions end by 1850?

People stopped supporting war and conflict.

What did Prince Klemens von Metternich most likely mean when he wrote that a "revolutionary spirit could . . . easily hide itself under the veil of patriotism"?

Revolutionaries were trying to hide their true intentions.

The best example of cause and effect after the Congress of Vienna is

Spain became a monarchy, so the French empire was weakened.

What was the most significant result of the Peninsular War?

Spain organized a coalition and defeated Napoleon

What was a result of Napoleon's economic reforms in France?

Taxes were based on fixed rates and were no longer a surprise.

Every Frenchman shall enjoy civil rights. 213. The husband owes protection to his wife, the wife obedience to her husband. 1421. The husband alone administers the property of the community. He may sell it, alienate and pledge it without the concurrence [agreement] of his wife. Read these excerpts from the Napoleonic Code. Which statement best summarizes this set of laws?

The Napoleonic Code gave husbands greater freedom than wives.

Many people in both Haiti and the US reacted negatively to the US intervention in Haiti. What could the US have done to avoid this reaction?

The US could have used less force to exert its influence.

Which statement best summarizes the relationship between the Congress of Vienna and the revolutions throughout Europe?

The congress caused most of the revolutions to take place.

Why would the symbol of a scale best represent the Congress of Vienna's accomplishments?

The congress worked to establish a balance of power throughout Europe.

The Kingdom of Italy was created in


It was by becoming a Catholic that I pacified the Vendée [region in western France and a [Muslim] that I established myself in Egypt; it was by becoming ultramontane that I won over public opinion in Italy. If I ruled a people of Jews, I would rebuild the temple of Solomon! Paradise is a central spot whither the souls of men proceed along different roads; every sect has a road of its own. Read this passage from Napoleon's diary about religion. Based on this passage, which statement best sums up how Napoleon viewed religion in the French empire?

All people should have the right to choose how to worship.

The map shows Austria-Hungary in 1867. What does the map indicate about the effect of nationalism in Austria-Hungary?

Austria-Hungary would no longer exist if every ethnic group got its own independent territory.

Which Mexican leader tried to introduce stability through liberal reforms?

Benito Juarez

Read the excerpt from a speech given by Otto von Bismarck in 1862. Germany is not looking to Prussia's liberalism, but to its power. . . . [I]t is not by speeches and majority resolutions that the great questions of the time are decided—that was the big mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood. -Otto von Bismarck, Blood and Iron, 1862 What does this excerpt reinforce about Bismarck's political views?

Bismarck believed in using force

What was the main political challenge Mexico faced after independence?

Conservatives and liberals had opposing views of government.

The graphic shows how revolutions progressed throughout France. What is the middle step of the progress?

Crowds began to riot.

Which country was the first to defeat Napoleon?


What were two results of the Congress of Vienna?

France saw its royal family restored, and Poland became part of Russia.

General Toussaint L'Ouverture died in a __________________ prison in 1804, after leading the revolution in Haiti.


How would Germany most likely have been different between 1848 and 1871 if Prussia had not belonged to the German Confederation?

Germany would not have achieved unification as quickly.

Why did Otto von Bismarck believe a war with France would help unify Germany?

He believed that a war would give the people of Germany a strong sense of nationalist pride.

Read the statement by Napoleon upon his return to France from Elba. You are right to call me your Father; I live only for the honour and for the happiness of France. What does this quotation suggest about Napoleon?

He saw himself as the protector of France.

What did French military successes in 1796 reveal about Napoleon? Check all that apply.

He was gaining control. He was gaining fame. He was gaining experience.

After seventeen years as ruler in Argentina, what became of Juan Manuel de Rosas?

He was overthrown and exiled to England.

In 1799, Napoleon overthrew the Directory and had himself named First Consul. Which statement explains how he was able to do that?

His victories on the battlefield made him appealing to people looking for a strong leader to head the country.

How did the Napoleonic Code fall short of achieving the goals of the French Revolution?

It restricted freedom of speech and of the press.

It was by becoming a Catholic that I pacified the Vendée [region in western France], and a [Muslim] that I established myself in Egypt; it was by becoming ultramontane that I won over public opinion in Italy. If I ruled a people of Jews, I would rebuild the temple of Solomon! Paradise is a central spot whither the souls of men proceed along different roads; every sect has a road of its own. Read this passage from Napoleon's diary about religion. How does this passage relate to the ideals of the Enlightenment?

It supports religious tolerance for all.

Which statements about the Prussian revolution are true? Check all that apply.

It was successful. Results lasted less than a year. Liberals were behind it.

The Congress of Vienna gave Austria more territory in


Which statements accurately describe José de San Martín, a powerful criollo leader? Check all that apply.

José de San Martín led Argentine rebels against the Spanish colonial government. José de San Martín gave control of the army to Bolivar. José de San Martín led an army over the Andes mountains to Chile. José de San Martín served in the army during the Napoleonic Wars.

Read the excerpt from an 1852 speech by Italian statesman Giuseppe Mazzini on Lombardy, a region of Italy that was ruled by Austria at the time. [Lombardy] struggled, they still struggle . . . for country and liberty; . . . They speak the same language, they bear about them the impress of consanguinity [common ancestors], they kneel beside the same tombs, they glory in the same tradition; and they demand to associate freely, without obstacles, without foreign domination -Giuseppe Mazzini, On Nationality, 1852 Which summarizes Mazzini's argument about independence for Lombardy?

Lombardy should be an independent nation-state because it had a strong national identity.

What was the immediate effect of Napoleon's attacks on Russia and Spain?

Napoleon lost a large part of his military force.

Repress the journals a little; make them produce wholesome articles. . . . Tell them that the . . . Revolution is over, and that there is now only one party in France; that I shall never allow the newspapers to say anything contrary to my interests; that they may publish a few little articles with just a bit of poison in them, but that one fine day somebody will shut their mouths. Read an excerpt of Napoleon's letter concerning freedom of the press. How do Napoleon's views in this letter reflect Enlightenment thinking?

Napoleon's call for repression of the press was in opposition to Enlightenment thinking.

Read the statement from Friedrich von Gentz about the Congress of Vienna. The grand phrases of "reconstruction of social order," "regeneration of the political system of Europe," "a lasting peace founded on a just division of strength" . . . were uttered to tranquillize the people . . . but the real purpose of the Congress was to divide amongst the conquerors the spoils taken from the vanquished. Did von Gentz approve of the congress's actions?

No, because the congress actually just took all the land won in the war and distributed it to the war's victors.

What was one result of the French occupation in parts of Europe?

People felt pride in their traditions and culture.

How did reforms during the 1860s affect Mexico?

They failed to make Mexico more stable.

How did other European countries view France, when it was ruled by the Directory?

They went to war with France because they feared the spread of revolutionary ideas of equality.

After the end of the Reign of Terror, France established a new constitution in 1795 and was ruled by the Directory. Which of these best describes the Directory?

a committee of five leaders

African enslaved persons outnumbered free people 10 to 1 in Saint-Domingue, which led to

a massive and successful uprising.

The turmoil of the late 1790s led many French people to call for

a return of the French monarchy.

If Haiti had more political stability, it is most likely that it would also have

a stronger economy.

Look at the picture. The man in the picture, Padre Miguel Hidalgo, is noted for

beginning the Mexican independence movement.

When Napoleon seized the Spanish throne and replaced it with a French king, criollos in Latin America

believed the people should take control.

In which ways did Napoleon bring reform to France? Check all that apply.

by appointing government officials based on merit by creating administrative districts to centralizing government by opening secondary schools to all males by instituting the Napoleonic Code by instituting a fairer tax system

Otto von Bismarck was appointed _______________ of Germany by King Wilhelm I in 1871.


According to nationalists, a nation-state's government should be

chosen by that nation-state.

After multiple defeats, Napoleon's empire ended, and he was forced into___________on the island of Elba.


The map shows Latin America in 1819. Gran Columbia was an example of a


Political instability in the emerging Latin American countries was due in part to

conflicting views on government.

Which describes the Junker class?

conservatives who supported King Wilhelm I

Brazil's road to independence was different from that of its Latin American neighbors in that

criollos signed a petition and asked the king's son, Don Pedro, to rule.

The group Young Italy advocated for

democratic rule.

What is the best definition of nationalism?

desire by a group with a shared background to form their own nation

The term "caudillo" refers to a(n)


The US and Europe intervened in Mexico's politics primarily because of

fears that Mexico's instability would affect their own interests.

Newly independent countries might have been best prepared to establish stable governments if they

had been granted a degree of self-rule when they were colonies.

Which character trait of Napoleon contributed most to his downfall?

his ambition

Which features were among the six common bonds of a nation-state? Check all that apply.

history culture territory language

Read the passage. The Africans transplanted to Saint Domingue remain in general indolent and idle, quarrelsome and talkative, and liars, and are addicted to stealing. Always given to the most absurd superstitions, there is nothing which does not frighten them more or less. — A Civilization That Perished: The Last Years of White Colonial Rule in Haiti, 1797 The passage shows that the author was most likely someone who was

in support of slavery

What was the US focused on in Haiti starting in 1915? Check all that apply.

investment in infrastructure military occupation

Look at the chart. The pie chart shows that the population of enslaved people in Saint Dominique was

larger than the number of free whites and non-whites combined.

In 1804 Napoleon issued the Napoleonic Code, meaning that all of France had the same set of _______________


Which word best explains nationalism?


Many newly independent Latin American countries went to war with each other. Which factors led to disputes? Check all that apply.

natural resources land forms of government

The term "occupation" describes what type of relationship between two countries?

one country having military control over another

Napoleon showed his support for religious freedom in France by

passing laws that guaranteed religious tolerance in France.

A challenge that Italy faced after unification was

political unrest and instability.

Tyranny was used to exert control over citizens in Latin America, with the hope of ending instability. It often resulted in


The group Young Italy formed because Italians were unhappy about

rule by foreign nations.

What was the economy of Saint Domingue dependent upon? Check all that apply.

sugar plantations enslaved Africans strenuous manual labor ruthless plantation owners

A few days after Napoleon and the consuls overthrew the Directory, the consuls issued the statement below. People of France: Swear with us to be true to the Republic one and indivisible, founded on equality, liberty, and the representative system. What were the consuls asking the people of France to do?

support the new republic

The Congress of Vienna aimed to ensure

that peace and stability would return to war-torn Europe.

Augustin de Iturbide was able to declare independence from Spain while also proclaiming himself emperor in part because

that was the type of government the Spanish colonists were used to.

The painting shows Napoleon. Which word best explains how Napoleon is portrayed in this painting?


What is the result of a successful revolution? Check all that apply.

winning independence from a governing country unseating a current leader and naming a new one changing the traditional methods of government

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