Zool 241 midterm 1 (lec 6,

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(Also known as thermic affect of food) Energy expenditure above basal metabolic rate, due to cost of processing food for use and storage.

the four types of receptor proteins in cell signalling

Ligand- gated GPCR Enzyme/enzyme-linked Intracellular

Ions at higher concentrations outside the cell. the solution is _____ and the cell volume will _____.

solution is hypertonic and cell volume will decrease.

Homeostasis literally means to

stand - same

Why can the basilisk run on water?

surface tension. The harder you push, the harder it pushes back.

Unique properties of water

-Hydrogen bonds cause surface tension -Frozen has less density, floats -Incompressible and thick, viscous -Dissolves ions, gases

Water under high pressure goes to what temperature

4* C

The animal and the environment are one. Therefor

All organisms have the ability to change, to regulate their internal conditions using homeostasis.

I would argue yes, it is allometric because it does not follow the straight line that you would expect, the slope changes all throughout its life. Initially the fish puts energy into growth, at the end the fish puts its life into reproduction.

Is this graph allometric?


Phosphofructokinase, an allosterically modulated enzyme, used to regulate glycolysis

TTX is found in ____ and is derived from ___.

Pufferfish toads and flatworms, bacteria.

Transmembrane protein (voltage gated Na+ channel)

The black string is a complex protein, beginning with an NH2 group, ending in COOH. -regulated, permeability controlled -allows nerve transmissions -evolved early in life

Why do ions dissolve in water?

Their polarity. Polar molecules like ions generally dissolve in water

What happens to animals that live under huge volumes of water?

They live under high pressures and need to adapt. -Why humans get "the bends" when scuba diving/submarines coming up too fast. Bubbles form in the blood causing nitrogen to release.

TTX full name

Transmission Toxicity II tetrodotoxin

Water has a high latent heat of vaporization, this explains why

Water can be stored as heat (Camel humps are fat, which hold onto water and release at night). This is because water bonds can absorb a great deal of heat. Large volume makes it easier to store heat/energy/enthalpy

Surface area to volume ration applies across species and within species. The line is straight because log was taken on each variable.

What do these graphs say about the relationship between metabolic rate and body weight?

-tubule, used for secretion or uptake -there is a basement membrane so we know it is structurally glued together -microvilli, making more efficient -lots of mitochondria! ATP they produce for *active transport* -how do we know that transport goes *into lumen*?

What do we know about this cell from looking at it?

Eating food increases metabolic rate, more oxygen is consumed during meal. It takes 35 hours for a fish to digest a small meal, and 80 hours to digest a larger meal.

What does this graph tell us?

Surface area to volume ratio. Surface area increases in 2 dimensions. Volume increases in three dimensions. Therefore, a small increase in surface area will result in a much larger increase in volume. E.g. A much larger animal will only have a slightly larger surface area than a smaller animal. So it will need less food proportional to its body size.

What is the relationship between food requirement and body size?

Allometric scaling. *real line is not predicted* The dotted line shows what we would expect if there was a linear, 1:1 ratio. Solid line shows actual relationship between BMR and body weight. It is easier to hold on to energy for larger animals (because of surface area : volume ratio)

What kind of graph is this? What does it tell us?

Absorption or secretion

What two things can be confirmed from this diagram?

Moving water or fluids from one place to another (like in an MRI) is called

bulk flow

5 functional types of membrane proteins

channels, transporter, enzyme, receptor, structural protein

Small organisms use ______ to transfer fluid while humans and larger organisms use ________

diffusion, organs/muscles

Adding salt to water increases ___ but not ____.

fluid mass, water volume. Because water ions surround Na+ like a shell.

Putting a cell in a more *dilute* solution of ionic concentration. The ions are at ______ concentration inside the cell. Therefore water is ____ and cell volume will _____.

higher concentration. water is hypotonic and increase. could lyse! hypo-exploode

Removing heat from water may increase structural order, aka


integral proteins vs peripheral proteins

integral: embedded in phospholipid layer. peripheral: noncovalently bonded to integral proteins, not within bilayer

Kinase enzymes _______ a phosphate group to a protein, while phosphatase ______ a phosphate group from a protein.

kinase- add. phosphatase- remove

cell osmolarity *PIC* lec 3

organic molecules increase rather than inorganic leaving. Because too much inorganic/salt outside the cell could be toxic, membrane may not be permeable.

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