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Before a mature mRNA passes through the nuclear pore complex "gate" between the nucleus and cytosol, it must first be modifies by,

Exon junction complexes, poly-A-binding proteins, and a cap-binding complex

What molecules is normally use for tagging proteins destined for degradation?

Ubiquitin groups

The____radiation in sunlight can cause the formation of___dimers.

Ultraviolet radiation, Thymine

When is the base uracil found in DNA?

After a deamination reaction

Bacteria have____already polymerase whereas you forgot excels have___RNA polymerase, per our book.

1, 3

In a DNA double helix how many bases pairs are contained in one helical turn


In a DNA double helix, how many bases pairs are controlled in one helical turn?


In a DNA sequence the percentage of Adaline is 35% what is the percentage of cytosine in the sequence?


------- replication forks form at each replication origin and they move ----------- the origin.

2, away from

How many different amino acids are commonly used in making proteins?


Most eukaryotic mRNAs have a half-life of less than:

30 minutes

Which site(s) on eukaryotic mRNAs would a translation repressor protein most likely bind?

5' untranslated region

The cells of a multicellular organism contain the same genetic instructions, yet a typical differentiated cell expression about what percent of the total gene is in its repertoire?


A nucleic acid (4 bases) just 3 nucleotides long can have how many possible different combinations?


A molecule is best defined as

A cluster of atoms held together by covalent bonds

An induced pluripotent stem cell is:

A differentiated cell induced to become an embryonic stem cell

Molecular identity the figure shows the same molecule extracted from the textbook pages. Which facts below are true of this molecule?

A fatty acid, an amphipathic molecule, a molecule with a saturated hydrocarbon tail

Which situation is most energetically favorable for a relatively significant piece of membrane phospholipid?

A closed spiracle phospholipid bilayer in water

Match the following scenarios with their corresponding membrane fluidity.

A longer hydrocarbon tail -> decrease membrane fluidity A lipid bilayer that contains a large proportion of unsaturated hydrocarbon (double bonds) tail -> increases membrane fluidity A lipid bilayer that contains a small proportion of unsaturated hydrocarbon (double bonds) tail -> decreases membrane fluidity High amounts of cholesterol -> decreases membrane fluidity

One of the sections (again- these were mentioned in chapter 2) mentions pyrophosphate. What is this molecule?

A molecule consisting of just phosphate and oxygen

What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotes lack?

A nucleus and other internal organelles

Activated carriers store energy in an easily exchangeable form, either as readily transferable chemical____or as readily transferable____.

Group, electrons

Which of the following statements is false?

A water molecule is expelled during both, a condensation and hydrolysis reaction

Considering that a tRNA molecule can bind to mRNA within 3 possible sites of a ribosome -- the A (aminoacyl-tRNA) site, P (peptidyl-tRNA) site, or E (exit) site -- in what order would a tRNA molecule traverse these sites when the ribosome is translating mRNA in the 5' to 3' direction?

A, P, then E

If one had a mutation in enzyme 3 of this metabolic pathway what molecules would you be able to make if you had to start with a? Think about where the block exist and use the analogy of a river and dams!


What type of nucleotide sequences are typically found at replication origins?

A-T rich regions

Most types of protein control occur in the:


Which of the following is a model plant used by scientist?

A. Thaliana

The first gene of the Lac Operon encodes the enzyme B-galactosidase, which breaks down lactose into glucose (and other sugars). This genetic "circuit" is turned on only if two environmental conditions are met, ultimately so that the bacterium doesn't waste energy. What two inputs are necessary to activate the Lac Operon?

Abundance of lactose and deficiency of glucose

The chemical equation C6H1206+6O2->6CO2+6H2O+36ATP represents which process:

Aerobic respiration

The phospholipid by layer is most often respond by which poly peptide arrangements?

Alpha helix, beta sheet, beta barrel

Which allows for one gene to code for multiple gene products?

Alternative splicing

The equilibrium constant of a reaction is

Always the same for that particular reaction under ideal conditions

Generally speaking, what determines the biological activity of a protein?

Amino acid sequence

Which parts of amino acids are involved in a peptide bond?

Amino groups of one amino acid and carboxyl group of the other

Transmembrane proteins, by definition, must be____.


The condition characterized by low red blood cells count is called


What is an atoms called when it has more electrons than protons

Anion (-)

Which of the following are prokaryotes?

Archaea and bacteria


Are DNA sequences, and can be located quite far from their genes of interest

Anabolic drugs____.

Are capable of adding bulk mass

Hydrogen bonds between which types of atoms have been found to stabilize a polypeptide is folded shape?

Back bone atoms and side-chain atoms

Antibiotics work well on:

Bacterial infections only

Match the following statements with the chemical pathway that they are associated with

Breaks down food stuff into smaller molecules -> catabolism Also call the biosynthetic pathway -> anabolism Generates a useful form of energy as well as building blocks -> catabolism Uses the energy that was generated by catabolism to drive the synthesis of the many molecules that make up the cell -> anabolism These two sets of reactions make up the metabolism of a cell -> anabolism and catabolism

The meshwork of fibrous proteins used to strengthen the cell membrane is called what?

Cell cortex

Which of the following functions can the glycocalyx perform?

Cell-cell lubrication, cell-cell adhesion, cell-cell Recognition, protection from mechanical damage

Which statement is not true of chloroplast?

Chloroplasts are present in essentially all eukaryotic cells and in certain photosynthetic bacteria

In reference to a cluster of bacterial genes, match the following :

Cluster/ Operon-> when one promoter allows for the transcription of many genes at once Promoter sequences -> -35 and -10 are the locations at which RNA polymerase binds Operator -> the regulatory DNA sequence inside of the promoter

The term___refers to the way that groups of transcription regulators work together to determine the expression of a single gene in eukaryotes

Combinational control

What does the complex telomerase do?

Copies the ends of linear chromosomes

Whenever one reaction is tied to another in terms of energy utilization the term_____is used.


The stabability of molecules important to cells is manifest as,

Covalent bonds between atoms of small radii

DNA methylation usually occurs on___bases.


This system of protein filaments, called the ____, is composed of three major filament types


A DNA molecule is composed of two DNA strands that are held together by - - - - - Bonds between the paired basis.


————- it's not involved in the DNA replication.


Which of the following DNA Polymerases is involved in DNA Replication?

DNA Polymerase I and DNA Polymerase III

Which of the following statement(s) is TRUE?

DNA Polymerase only synthesizes DNA in the 5' - 3' direction & DNA replication is a semiconservative process

Which of the following mutations can give rise to families of related genes in eukaryotes?

DNA duplications

which of the following are the differences between DNA and RNA?

DNA is usually double-stranded while RNA is usually single-stranded & DNA contains Thymine and RNA instead has Uracil

Which of the following is not involved in DNA replication?

DNA polymerase II

What would happen if the 3' -0H group was missing from the third carbon of the sugar molecule on the 3' end of the growing DNA strand?

DNA replication would come to a standstill

Errors in___can cause there to be errors in peptide formation

DNA sequence and RNA sequence

The definition of a gene is a segment of ---------- that is --------- into RNA.

DNA, transcribed

What is the name of the most common form of mobile genetic elements in bacteria?

DNA-only Transposons

What are the 2 most frequent chemical reactions known to create serious DNA damage in cells?

Depurination and deamination

____Are useful for easily separated membrane bound proteins from the bilayer


Different cells make and accumulate different sets of RNA and protein molecules despite all sharing the same DNA this process is known as:


What is entropy a measurement of?

Disorder in a system

Most mutations____.

Do neither harm or good

A ———— Is the general name for a modular unit from which many larger proteins are made. In other words, what are the structural and functional regions of a modular unit of a protein termed?


The lack operon is part of what model organism's genome?

E. coli

In eukaryotic cells, the phospholipids are manufactured by enzymes bound to the surface of the ———-.

Endoplasmic reticulum

When the free energy change denoted by Delta G is negative this denotes

Energetically favorable reactions

Which one statement is true regarding the first law of thermodynamics

Energy can be converted to other types of energy

Is the following statement true, false, or impossible to determine? A single enzyme commonly catalyzes two or more chemical reactions that like metabolic pathways in cells.


True or false: the enzymes responsible for RNA capping, splicing, and polyadenylation ride on the 'tail' a prokaryotic RNA polymerize.


Match the following:

Florescence microscopy -> uses colored reagents Reveals the most find detail within cells -> electron microscopy The flow of information in cells from DNA to protein -> central dogma The entire sequence of nucleotides in an organisms DNA -> genome

Cells are made up of a limited number of elements, four of which _____ make up about 96% of the cells mass

Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen

The first antibiotics were isolated from,


The N terminal tail of histone H3 can be extensively modified and depending on the number, location, and combination of these modifications, these changes may promote the formation of heterochromatin. What is the result of heterochromatin information?

Gene silencing

In sexually reproducing organisms, only mutations occurring in the___are passed on the progeny where else changes to the___do not get passed on the progeny.___Mutations are responsible for most human cancers.

Germ line cells, somatic cells, somatic

What are phospholipids generally made up of?

Glycerol, two fatty acids, phosphate group

Which of the following is an example of a polysaccharide?

Glycogen, chitin, starch, and cellulose

Match the following elements with the location of the plasma membrane:

Glycolipids -> noncytosolic surfaces Cholesterol -> Distributed almost equally on both sides Phosphatidylserine -> mainly cytosolic Phosphatidylethanolamine -> mainly cytosolic Phosphatidylinositol -> cytosolic

Monosaccharides are linked together to form disaccharides by which type of covalent bonds?


During depurination, a ——— or an ——— Can be removed from DNA.

Guanine, adenine


Guide the new polypeptides into the correct conformation.

Histones are made up of core particles. What are the different types of court particles that make up a histone?

H2a, H2b, H3, and H4

The 5' cap on mRNAs:

Helps guide ribosomes to the AUG start site

The___of acetyl co-enzyme a makes it important activated carrier

High energy thioester bond

Which mechanisms change nuclear some organization to facilitate access to DNA sequences?

Histone modifications and chromatin remodeling proteins

Which term describes genes (and gene product) related by a common ancestral gene?


Which method below results in the incorporation of foreign genes into an organisms own genome?

Horizontal gene transfer

Islands of conserved DNA sequences generally:

House important functions

Eukaryotic mRNAs are processed:

In the nucleus

Which of the following provides the energy needed to drive the synthesis of an RNA transcript from the DNA template?

Incoming ribonucleoside triphosphates

Where are ribozymes commonly found?

Inside a ribosome

Match the following plasma membrane proteins with examples of the corresponding functions.

Ion channel proteins -> I.e. allows K+ ions to leave cells Anchor proteins -> link intracellular actin filaments to extracellular matrix proteins Receptor proteins -> Fines extracellular PDGF and generates intracellular signals their results and cellular growth and division Enzymes -> Catalyze chemical reaction


Ionic interactions -> directional Polar covalent -> uneven sharing of electrons Nonpolar covalent -> even sharing of electrons Van deer Waals -> Coordination of electrical distribution Hydrogen bonds -> One atom must be hydrogen

The core histones are small, basic proteins that have a globular domain at the C terminus and a long, extended confirmation at the N terminus. Which of the following is not true of the end terminal tale of these histones?

It binds to DNA in a sequence-specific manner

Which of the following is true about the role of DNA polymerase in DNA synthesis?

It involves formation of a phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides

What is a nucleosome?

It is a collection of proteins and associated DNA. It permits the DNA to be condensed. It is about 11 nm in diameter. (all of the above)

Select all of the following TRUE statements about the TATA Box:

It is found in many eukaryotic promoters, It is recognized by the TATA-binding protein which is a subunit of the general transcription factor TFIID, It is the site of significant local distortion once bound by TFIID thus serving as a landmark for other transcription factors

What is not a reason scientist study yeast?

It lacks a nucleus so it is easy to genetically manipulate

What is a characteristic of a strong acid?

It loses its protons easily to water

DNA ligase

Joins sections of DNA together

Which of the following are examples of retrotransposons found in the humans?

L1 element and Alu sequence

When considering the lack operon, which of the following is a protein?

Lac repressor

Transcription regulators commonly contain a specific type of protein motif used to bind to DNA as dimers. This motif is formed by two alpha helices. What is the name of this protein motif?

Leucine zipper motif

The inactivation of one X chromosome is established by the directed spreading of heterochromatin. The silent state of this chromosome is_____and the subsequent cell division.


A transcriptional regulator most likely interacts with what surface feature of DNA?

Major groove

How many domains is life classified into currently?


Match each of the following laboratory tools with their common uses:

Mass spectrometry -> determining primary structure Chromatography and electrophoresis -> separating/isolating proteins X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy -> determining folding patterns

The number of____determines whether the nucleus of an atom is stable or radioactive


Select the ways in which differentiated cells maintain their cell memory:

Methylation of DNA, Positive feedback loop of a master transcription regulator, and Epigenetic inheritance of histone modifications

Vertebrate cells "remember" what type of cell they are supposed to be due to DNA___on certain___basis.

Methylation, cytosine

Which enzyme is most important in maintaining epigenetic inheritance during DNA replication?


Which statement is not true of mitochondria?

Mitochondria are not present in plant cells

Which is false about the molecules in a bilayer?

Molecules are able to freely flip from one layer to the other

Which of the following are genetic changes that are crucial for the evolutionary changes to occur?

Mutation within a gene, gene duplication, mobile genetic elements, exon shuffling

When I saw stand a replication and repair mechanism fails, this results in____, which don't generally have positive or negative affects on an organism, but harmful consequences are usually eliminated from the population through____.

Mutations, natural selection

What is the difference between NADPH and NADH?

NADPH carries an extra phosphate group

The mass of a proton is approximately equal to the mass of a


When both DNA strands are broken, they can be repaired quickly by____, a process by which nucleotides are lost in the DNA sequence is____.

Non-homologous end joining, altered

Which DNA strand has an identical sequence as the mRNA molecule created after transcription?

None of the above

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the structure of a natural plasma membrane?

None of the above

Which structure is responsible for degrading proteins?

None of the above

Which of the following statements are FALSE about ribosomes:

None of the above are false

The gray molecule in the figure, is

Nonpolar and hydrophobic

The DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells is separated from the cytoplasm by the:

Nuclear envelope

Broken strands of DNA are "trimmed back" by the enzyme


Match the following and same class with the biological function that they catalyze.

Nuclease -> breakdown of nucleotides Protease -> breakdown of proteins Kinase -> addition of phosphate group Phosphatase -> removal of phosphate groups ATPase -> breakdown of ATP

The process of transcription requires___subunits in the process of translation requires___subunits.

Nucleotide, amino acids

When one promoter allows for the transcription of many genes at once, it is called an___and this process is common in___and rare in___.

Operon, prokaryotes, eukaryotes

Which transmembrane proteins (proteins which pass across a lipid bilayer),the amino acid side chains form alpha helix is as it passes through the lipid bilayer. The hydrophobic side groups of amino acids face which direction?


What are the two types of beta sheets?

Parallel and anti-parallel

_______ bonds link amino acids together to form ______

Peptide; proteins

Match the following group carried in the high energy linkage to the respective activated carrier

Phosphate -> ATP Acetyl group -> acetyl CoA Electrons and hydrogen's -> NATH: NADPH: FADH2 Carboxyl group -> carboxylated biotin

There are over 100 types of covalent modification of proteins, but the two most common are___and___.

Phosphorylation and glycosylation

Which statement is true?

Polymer synthesis requires an input of free energy and involves the release of water

Feedback inhibition (also known as feedback inhibition):

Prevents enzymes from acting when not needed

The breakdown of proteins into their constituent amino acids is done by what type of enzyme?


Chromatin remodeling complexes are____machines that use the energy of____to change the position of the____wrapped around the nucleosomes

Protein, ATP hydrolysis, DNA

In summary someone the molecular weight of an atom is given by which equation

Protons + # of electrons = molecular weight

What is a great learning aid for remembering the difference between the nucleotides?

Pure as gold

Bacterial genomes have a single replication origin while the human genome has 220 origins per chromosome. What is the benefit of additional replication origins for the human genome?

Quicker replication of a chromosome

What is the name of the structure formed by miRNAs in conjunction with other proteins to silence jeans in the cytoplasm?


Which of these molecules is thought to be the most ancient?


Select all of the following TRUE differences between RNA Polymerase (catalyzes transcription) and DNA Polymerase (catalyzes DNA replication):

RNA Pol. pairs Adenine with Uracil; DNA Pol. pairs Adenine with Thymine, RNA Pol. is more error-prone than DNA Pol, and RNA Pol. does not need a primer to start a chain; DNA Pol. needs a primer to start a chain

DNA Polymerase needs an existing 3' to start. When the replication bubble first opens up, there is no 3' end. What enzyme is needed to start replication?

RNA Primer

How do DNA and RNA differ? How are they similar? There may be multiple correct answers.

RNA has a ribose sugar (2' OH) and DNA (No 2' OH) has a deoxyribose sugar, The chemical linkage between the nucleotides in DNA and RNA is the same. They both use covalent phosphodiester bonds, and RNA contains the base Uracil (U)and DNA contains the base Thymine (T)

The promoter region of a gene will blind and correctly orient what enzyme?

RNA polymerase

A ribozyme is a ——- molecule with ——- activity.

RNA, catalytic

Which allows scientists to inactivate specific genes of interest?


An activator protein binds to a___sequence of the___and then interacts with the___polymerase to help initiate transcription.

Regulatory, DNA, RNA

Which of the following is a mechanism by which mobile genetic elements are transposed in bacteria cells?

Replicative Transposition

A gene that is commonly used in scientific research because it includes a protein that is easy to monitor is called what?

Reporter gene

Prokaryotic mRNAs are often polycistronic, meaning...

Single mRNA can encode multiple different proteins

Scientists have been able to construct a phylogenetic tree of very early evolutionary divisions by referencing the most highly conserved DNA among all forms of life, which codes for...

Ribosomal RNA

According to the text, which of these amino acids is commonly the target of phosphorylation?


What is the function of tRNA's

Serve as adapters between mRNA and amino acids during protein synthesis

Which part of an amino acid gives it its unique properties?

Side chain

In prokaryotes, what region of RNA polymerase recognize the DNA promoter sequence?

Sigma factor

Within a multicellular organism, mutations in the DNA of its___cells can lead to cancer, meanwhile mutations in its___cells can be passed to offspring.

Somatic, germ

Woven just beneath the cell membrane of a red blood cell is a mesh framework made chiefly of which protein?


Most cancers are caused by a -------- accumulation of -------- mutations in a somatic cell and its descendants.

gradual, random

The basic mechanism of DNA repair involves 3 steps:

Step 1 -> excision fo segment of damaged strand step 2 -> repair: DNA polymerase fills in the missing nucleotides step 3 -> DNA ligase seals the nick

Match the following small organic building blocks with the larger organic molecules that they make

Sugars -> polysaccharides Fatty acids + glycerol -> triglycerides Amino acids -> proteins Nucleotides -> nucleic acids

Select all elements that are needed to produce eukaryotic chromosome that can be replicated and segregated at mitosis

Telomere, centromere, replication origin

Repeated nuclear tides at the end of chromosomes are called____.


Catabolism is:

The breakdown of biomolecules

How does a cell regulate the rate of gene expression?

The cell can make many RNA copies from one gene and each RNA copy can be used to make many identical copies of that protein. If the cell needs large amounts of one protein, it will make a lot of RNA copies, it not, it will make a little bit.

MR GREy+ is an acronym to remember

The components shared by all living things

The Michaelis is constant, KM, is:

The concentration of substrate when a reaction occurs at half speed

If the nucleus and the frog skin cell is injected into an unfertilized frog egg that lacks a nucleus, which scenario is/are not possible?

The doctored egg develops into a carrot.

What does the Vmax measure?

The maximum velocity of a reaction

How does phosphorylation control protein activity?

The phosphate group and juice is a change in the proteins conformation

Which of the following is true about plasma membranes?

The phospholipid distribution is not symmetrical

Which of the following statements is false ?(prokaryotes)

The process of transcription in bacteria is identical to the transcription process in humans

The second law of thermodynamics describes:

The universal tendency for disorder to increase, the tendency for your living space to become disordered, shifts towards arrangements of the greatest probability, shifts towards arrangements of greatest entropy

With the FRAP technique, if the cell cortex west holds in place all the labeled proteins, what would the recovery profile look like?

There would be zero fluorescence seen in the patch over time

Which of the following is false about RNA in a typical cell?

They are composed of adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine

Any cytosolic folded proteins, what orientation and/or interaction do the hydrophobic amino acid tend to have?

They are tucked away inside of the protein

All of the following are characteristics of G protein coupled receptor's except

They assist in RNA replication

MicroRNA's are especially useful regulartors of gene expression because

They can inhibit a whole set of mRNAs as long as a target mRNAs share a common sequence and the genes that code miRNAs take up relatively little space in the genome compared to transcription regulators

Study the image carefully. Which of the following is supported by the data in the figure? Choose one: consider this image depicting of amino acids biosynthetic pathway and then answer the question

Threonine inhibits the production of homoserine

Gene expression is the process by which the nucleotide sequence of a gene is____into the nucleotide sequence of a RNA molecule, which can then be____into the amino acid sequence of a protein.

Transcribed, translated

The flow of genetic information from do you need to RNA___and from RNA to protein___occurs in all living cells.

Transcription, translation

Gene expression in eukaryotic cells can be controlled at 7 different steps. Which of these occur in the nucleus?

Transcriptional control and DNA processing control

Which of the following steps is possible to mRNA once it leaves the nucleus?

Translation and mRNA degradation

Which of the following is an example of gene expression control that occurs outside of the nucleus of a cell?

Translation control, mRNA degradation control, mRNA transport and localization control

Cell membranes play a role in...

Transport of small molecules, cell communication, energy generation, enzymatic activity, adhesion

Bacteriorhodopsin, A plasma membrane protein for the Archean halobacterium halobium, belongs to which functional class?


True or false: a pseudo gene in a multicellular species is an inactivated copy of a previously functional gene


True or false: although eukaryotes can use several transcription regulators to control the expression of one gene, a single transcription regulator can coordinate the expression of a gene or even many different genes.


Homologous recombination:

Uses an invading strand of damage DNA to repair existing damage

Although the chromatin structure of interphase and mitotic chromosomes is very compact, do you need binding proteins and protein complexes must be able to gain access to the DNA molecule. Chromatin remodeling complexes provide this access by_______.

Using the energy of ATP hydrolysis to move nucleosomes

Which one answer (from the following choices) is the correct combination of the two most abundant macro molecules found in a typical living cell with respect to abundance?

Water and proteins

Which of the following is frequently studied as a model vertebrate ?


What is another name for a break in a single strand of DNA?

a Nick

At present the only way to discover the precise folding pattern of any protein is by experiment using either____or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

X-ray crystallography

Which best characterizes the "cap" placed onto the ends of new RNA transcripts?

a methylated guanosine

All non-living cells obey the same chemical and physical laws as non-living things like all the other forms of matter they are made up of_____which are the smallest unit of a chemical element that retains the distinctive chemical properties of that_____.

atoms, element

Epigenetic inheritance:

does not alter nucleotide sequences.

Mistakes that escape the DNA replication proofreading and repair pathways most often lead to advantageous mutations for the cell.


True or False: Prokaryotic transcription regulators may recruit histone acetyltransferases or histone deacetylases to initiate or inhibit transcription.


Histones which are made up of___subunits can be pushed away from each other through ATP hydrolysis


Most retroviruses:

have an intermediate stage known as a provirus.

A replication site opens. The two "unzippers" are, and they .

helicases; move away from each other

Which of the following proteins is NOT considered to be a "housekeeping" protein?


Double-stranded breaks that occur during mitosis but before cytokinesis can be repaired via ___.

homologous recombination

Which of the following is not a chemical modification commonly found on core histone N- terminal tails?


RNA Seq is useful:

in determining which RNAs are being produced by an organism.


is an Open Reading Frame without an apparent stop codon.

Which of the following are compositions of a polyribosome?

mRNA and ribosome

Match each of the following gene expression steps with their definitions:

mRNA transport and localization control -> a cell can control which mRNAs are exported from the nucleus into the cytosol translation control -> a cell can control which mRNAs will be translated into proteins by ribosomes mRNA degradation -> if a cell decides that it no longer needs a protein it can degrade the mRNAs that encode that protein Protein degradation control -> a cell can control how fast proteins get destroyed when they are no longer needed protein activity control -> a cell can control other ways of modifying proteins once they are made. proteins can activated or inactivated.

Transcriptional regulators interact with the ---------- groove of a -------- double helix.

major, DNA

If the isotope 32S has 16 protons and 16 neutrons, how many protons, neutrons, and electrons will the isotope 39S have, respectively? Select one: a. 16, 20, 15 b. 16, 19, 15 c. 16, 19, 16 d. 16, 19, 17

none of the above

Which repair process(es) might result in the loss of gene function?

nonhomologous end joining

Cell-memory mechanisms transmit ----- of gene expression from parent to daughter cell ---------- altering the nucleotide sequence of the DNA, and this is why they are considered ------- inheritance.

patterns, without, epigenetic

A diagram depicting the evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms is called a...

phylogenetic Tree

the -------- RNA polymerase is able to initiate transcription with sigma factor, whereas ------- RNA polymerases require the assistance of accessory proteins.

prokaryotic, eukaryotic

The codon CCA encodes for the amino acid proline during translation in Eukaryotes. What amino acid does this codon encode for during translation in prokaryotes?


Which of the following noncoding RNAs is used in the process of RNA interference (RNAi) - an evolutionarily ancient defense mechanism organisms use to eliminate "foreign" RNA molecules?

small interfering RNAs

Mass spectometry is useful in measuring:

total cell protein content.

True or False: The long noncoding RNA called Xist, which is responsible for X chromosome inactivation in humans, is only produced in female cells.


A pseudogene:

used to be a full gene but now is not.

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