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Which definition best describes the following term? Select the best answer.Mutation

a sudden permanent change in a gene often caused by environmental or copying errors

What type of research is being conducted in the following example? Select the best answer. A psychologist is watching how squirrels interact at the park.

Naturalistic Observation

Which of the following best describes the function of the myelin sheath? Select the best answer.

a site that provides insulation for the Axon

Which of the following best describes the function of the dendrite? Select the best answer.

a site where signals are received from other neurons

Arrange these action potential events in their proper sequence. Select the best answer.1) the cell becomes hyperpolarized; 2) cell receives signals at the dendrites; 3) K+ gates close; 4) Na+ gates close, and K+ gates open; 5) Na+ gates open; 6) threshold of excitation


Arrange these events in their proper sequence. Select the best answer. 1) excess neurotransmitters are reabsorbed in a process known as reuptake; 2) synaptic vesicles release their neurotransmitters into the synapse; 3) action potential arrives at the terminal button; 4) neurotransmitters travel across the synapse; 5) neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the dendrites of the adjacent neuron; 6) the neuronal signal moves rapidly down the axon to the terminal buttons


Consider the following example:Gold finches produce more eggs than a mother can typically feed. Which of the following principles of natural selection most applies? Select the best answer.

: More individuals are produced so each generation can survive

Fill in the blank with the correct answer regarding the process of scientific research. Select the best answer. Jerry is reading about psychological research. [Blank] is a true statement.

A major criticism of Freud's theories is that many of his ideas are not falsifiable

Which of the following procedures would a structuralist most likely use? Select the best answer.

A subject records their thoughts and sensations as they listen to a ticking clock. Participants press a button as soon as they perceive strobing light. A blindfolded subject rings bell with her right hand to indicate when she feels a feathers brush her left hand One group of blindfolded participant record when they first smell a fragrant bouquet of roses, and another blindfolded group recoreds when they are consciously aware of smelling the flowers.

Read the following topic of study:Responses of the sympathetic nervous system during a reported panic attackWhich of the following areas of psychology are most likely to study this topic? Select the best answer.


Consider the following scenario:Researcher A believes focusing on external behavior is not enough to truly understand. Researcher B believes cognition is crucial in understanding behavior.Which researcher employs the cognitive approach? Select the best answer.


Identify the theorist associated with the following practice or belief to complete the following statement. Select the best answer.[Blank] identified unconditional positive regard, empathy, and genuineness as key components in the therapeutic relationship.

Carl Rogers


Cells of the Nervous System

Which research design best fits the following scenario? Select the best answer. A research design studies differences that exist between the different generations (or cohorts) that may have nothing to do with age specifically, but rather reflect the social and cultural experiences of those individuals and what may make them different from one another.


Which answer best completes the following statement? Select the best answer. A researcher interested in what factors make an employee best suited for a given job would most likely identify as a(n) [blank] psychologist.


Which of the following are characteristics of cognitive psychology? Select all that apply.

It studies thinking, memory, and language., The humanist approach to the "whole" conscious being help pave the way for the field. It emphasized both empirical, observable science, and mental processes. It believes that mind is a valuable source for scientific inquiry It get contributons from theorists in other fields It shifted the focus of psychology back to the mind

Read the following statement: We should focus only on observable behavior because there is no way to explore the mind without losing objectivity. Which of the following theorists would most likely agree with this statement? Select the best answer.

John watson

Identify the psychologist associated with the following accomplishment or contribution. Select the best answer. Studied the impact that segregation had on younger African Americans

Kenneth Clark

Choose the degree most likely required for the following career path. Select the best answer.school psychologist


Is the following educational requirement associated with a master's in psychology? Select the best answer.Writing a dissertation

No, this is not associated with a master's in psychology.

Read the following statement: Behavioral approaches leave out the mental processes that are incredibly important in understanding behavior. Which of the following theorists would most likely agree with this statement? Select the best answer.

Noam Chomsky

Which of the following is a testable hypothesis? Select the best answer.

People are less likely to help a stranger in trouble if there are other people present. : Economic inequality is a better indicator of homicide rates than gun availability. diagnosis of anxiety disorder as a child will increase the risk of anxiety disorders in adulthood legalization of recreational Cannabis with result of less drug-related crime

Is the following example descriptive of a genotype or phenotype? Select the best answer. The sound of one's voice


Identify the degree that would be associated with the following educational experience or profession? Select the best answer.Exclusively practicing in a clinical setting


According to the Big Five, or the Five Factor model, which of the following describes an individual who scores low on extroversion? Select the best answer.

Quiet, reserved and withdrawn

Consider the following scenario: Researcher A uses animal subjects and observes what they do. Researcher B recruits human participants and asks them to describe what they're thinking. Which researcher employs the cognitive approach? Select the best answer.

Researcher B

Identify the theorist associated with the following practice or belief to complete the following statement. Select the best answer.[Blank] emphasized the importance of childhood experiences on adult behaviors.

Sigmund Freud

Identify the theorist associated with the following practice or belief to complete the following statement. Select the best answer. [Blank] emphasized the importance of childhood experiences on adult behaviors.

Sigmund freud

Which of the following demonstrates the continued influence of Freud and psychoanalytic theory on psychology? Select the best answer.

We can process subliminal information without conscious attention to it. Studies of the subconscious desires in out dreams. Explaining a person's behavior through his or her unconscious motivations the use of free association in therapy to help a patient discovered past conflicts that might be driving his or her behavior

Which of the following questions could be answered by psychology? Select all that apply.

What makes some people more altruistic than others? How can we better treat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder? How can I remember how to make vegetarian chili?, What makes some people seem more driven than others? what do dreams mean? what happens to our brain when we use alcohol?

Aldrick is role playing as an influential psychologist in his introductory psych class. Asked to explain that psychologist's perspective about the study of the mind and behavior, Aldrick says: "My primary focus is on the adaptive functions of our behaviors." Which psychologist is Aldrick representing? Select the best answer.

William James

Read the following statement: Psychology can tell us how certain behaviors help an individual adapt to their environment. Which of the following theorists would most likely agree with this statement? Select the best answer.

William James

Isabella is role playing as an influential psychologist in her introductory psych class. Asked to explain that psychologist's perspective about perception, Isabella says:"Although a sensory experience can be broken down into parts, how those parts relate to each other as a whole is often what the individual responds to in perception."Which psychologist is Isabella representing? Select the best answer.

Wolfgang Kohler

Which description best matches the following term? Select the best answer. inductive reasoning

conclusions are drawn from observations.

Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about the concept of genetic environmental correlation? Select the best answer.

genetic environmental correlation states that there is an interaction between genes and environment

Consider the following scenario:Emma's mom has brown hair, and her father has black hair. Emma herself has one brown hair gene from her mom and one black hair gene from her dad, but her hair is brown. She also has a cleft chin, which is a dominant allele.Which of the following elements in this scenario would be considered a phenotype? Select the best answer.

having brown hair

Consider the following scenario:Thomas has blue eyes, thanks to receiving a recessive blue eye gene from both parents. His hair, however, is dark, as his father passed on a dominant dark hair gene, whereas his mother passed on a recessive blonde hair gene.Which of the following elements in this scenario would be considered a phenotype? Select the best answer.

having dark hair

Consider the following scenario: Tara's mom has blonde hair, and her father has blonde hair. As a result, Tara has two blonde hair genes. She also has a cleft chin, which is a dominant allele. Which of the following elements in this scenario would be considered a genotype? Select the best answer.

having two blonde hair genes

Which of the following statements demonstrates a behavioral approach? Select the best answer.

human behavior is entirely determined by a combination of genetics and environment. Reinforcement and punishment are major forces in driving behavior. Objective analysis of the mind is impossible. Undesirable responses can be replaced with a desirable responses throught conditioning


Human Genetics

Which of the following is a weakness of case studies? Select the best answer

information gained may not be generalizable to the larger population as a whole

Consider this illustration of a neuron: An illustration shows a neuron with parts labeled by letters A through F. The outer surface of the neuron is labeled 'A.' The main body of the neuron is labeled 'C.' Branching extensions from the cell body are labeled 'B.' A major extension from the cell body is labeled 'D,' and this extension ends with several parts labeled 'F.' A substance labeled 'E' covers part of the neuron, including most of the major extension labeled 'D.' Complete the following statement. Select the best answer. Item F [blank] Item B [blank]

is the terminal button. is the dendrite

Which of the following statements describe clinical psychology? Select all that apply.

it focuses on diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders it's in an area that aims to help those with problematic patterns of behavior

which of the following statements are examples of humanistic thought? select all that apply.

people are not rats, their feelings and fulfillment are critical factors in determining their behavior not all important factors in human behaviour area easily measured.

Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about the concept of range of reaction? Select the best answer.

All experts agree that genes set limits on an individual's potential.

Read the following description:The largest organization of psychologists in the worldWhich of the following organizations best matches the description? Select the best answer.


Gabriel is role playing as an influential psychologist in his introductory psych class. Asked to explain that psychologist's perspective about human potential, Gabriel says: "We can achieve self-actualization only after our most basic and intermediate needs have been met." Which psychologist is Gabriel representing? Select the best answer.

Abraham Maslow

Read the following statement: Once lower level needs are met, an individual can begin working toward inner fulfillment and self-actualization. Which of the following theorists would most likely agree with this statement? Select the best answer.

Abraham Maslow


Approaches to research

Consider the following medications:Prozac increases the amount of serotonin available in the brain by blocking reuptake pumps. Atropine reduces the action of acetylcholine by blocking muscarinic receptors.Which medication is an antagonist? Select the best answer.


complete the following statement. select the best answer psychology is defined as the scientific study of the mind and blank


Identify the type of research that provides very rich, detailed information. Select the best answer

Case study

Read the following statement: The majority of college students binge-drink. Is this statement a claim or a piece of evidence? Select the best answer.



Contemporary Psychology

Is the following scenario an example of inductive reasoning or deductive reasoning? Select the best answer. All smartphones have applications (apps). Julie has a smartphone and, therefore, must use apps.

Deductive Reasoning

Identify the theorist associated with the following practice or belief to complete the following statement. Select the best answer. [Blank] shifted the focus of psychological research from the mind to behavior.

John Watson

Identify the psychologist associated with the following accomplishment or contribution. Select the best answer. Completed PhD requirements from Harvard despite encountering resistance from her male cohorts there

Mary Whiton Calkins

identify the psychologist associated with the following accomplishment or contribution select the best answer vocally promoted women's suffrage

Mary whiton Calkins

Which of the following statements are examples of humanistic thought? Select all that apply.

People are predisposed to good. ,People are always in the process of growth. All humans have the potential for good Pessism is no way to sove human problems

Consider the following scenario: At sunset, the colors on the marsh were incredible. Does this scenario describe sensation or perception? Select the best answer.


Consider the following scenario:Researcher A focuses solely on objective, observable actions. Researcher B incorporates mental processes and subjective understanding into his work.Which researcher employs behaviorism? Select the best answer.

Researcher A

Complete the following statement. Select the best answer.The root ology denotes [blank].

The scientific study of

Determine whether the following statement is true or false. Select the best answer.Chemical reactions are an interest within the field of psychology.

This statement is false

Which of the following represent a meaningful contribution of Sigmund Freud's in the field of psychology? Select all that apply.

Understanding adult motivation An emphasis on the relationship between client and therapist. Acknowledging the impact of early childhood on adult behaviors,Popularizing talk therapy

1.1 What is Psychology?

What is Psychology?


Why Is Research Important?

Identify the theorist associated with the following practice or belief to complete the following statement. Select the best answer.[Blank], a German scientist, was the first person to be referred to as a psychologist.

Wilhelm Wundt

Identify the definition that matches the following term. Select the best answer.gene

a sequence of DNA that controls or partially controls physical characteristics

Which definition best describes the following term? Select the best answer. heterozygous

consisting of two different alleles

Gabriel is role playing as an influential psychologist in his introductory psych class. Asked to explain that psychologist's perspective about human potential, Gabriel says:"We can achieve self-actualization only after our most basic and intermediate needs have been met."Which psychologist is Gabriel representing? Select the best answer.

abraham maslow

Which of the following terms is defined as a specific version of a gene? Select the best answer.


Identify the definition that matches the following term. Select the best answer. phenotype

an individual's inheritable physical characteristics

Which definition best describes the following term? Select the best answer. Homozygous

consisting of two identical alleles

Consider the following description of a research study: A research team wants to analyze the cardboard and paper purchasing trends over the last 100 years to see if there is a relationship between these purchases and overall employment rates. Which of the following methodologies best describes the research design? Select the best answer.

archival research

Fill in the blank to complete the following statement. Select the best answer. Antagonists [blank]

are drugs that block or impede the normal activity of a neurotransmitter

Which of the following is not characteristic of the soma? Select the best answer.

contained in the terminal buttons

Which of the following is true of inductive reasoning? Select the best answer.

case studies are highly associated

Which of the following are characteristic of a survey? Select all that apply.

describe a list of questions to be answered by research participants allows researchers to gather data from large samples that may be afforded by other research methods

Which of the following describes biopsychology? Select the best answer.

explores how biology influences our Behavior

Which of the following is the most likely result of a dopamine agonist? Select the best answer.

increased pleasure

Which of the following is a contribution of Stanley Milgram? Select the best answer.

found that individual we're willing to deliver what they believed believed those shots to another person, simply because they were ordered to do so.

Is the following example descriptive of a genotype or phenotype? Select the best answer. Susceptibility to cancer


Which of the following is considered a weakness of naturalistic observation? Select the best answer.

it is very difficult to replicate this type of design

Which of the following are true of a PhD? Select all that apply.

it usually takes between 5-6 years of Graduate Studies and a PhD individuals earning this degree typically must complete a dissertation

Consider the following scenario: At sunset, the colors on the marsh were incredible. Does this scenario describe sensation or perception? Select the best answer.


Would an evolutionary psychologist study the following topic? Select the best answer. A researcher wants to examine whether the role and duration of training a psychotherapist impacts their clients' outcomes. To that end, he conducts a longitudinal study of twenty-five clinical doctoral students and tracked their clients treatment outcomes.

no this is not something an evolutionary psychologist would study

Consider the following information: There is an expression of the gene for tongue rolling (ability to roll the lateral edges of your tongue together). This gene has two alleles, one for rollers and one for non-rollers. The roller allele is dominant, and the non-roller allele is recessive. What trait will be expressed when two non-roller alleles are present? Select the best answer.


Which of the following is the best definition for naturalistic observation? Select the best answer.

observational behavior in its natural setting

Which definition best matches the following term? Select the best answer.

personal judgments, conclusions, or attitudes that may or may not be accurate.

Identify the contemporary theory associated with the following concept or theory. Select the best answer.This theory has recently attempted to identify and measure traits that interact to determine how a person will behave.

personality psychology

Which of the following theories is falsifiable? Select the best answer.

rabbits prefer chocolate bars to radishes

Consider the following scenario: Researcher A uses animal subjects and observes what they do. Researcher B recruits human participants and asks them to describe what they're thinking. Which researcher employs the cognitive approach? Select the best answer.

researcher b

Which of the following is a weakness of archival research? Select the best answer.

researchers have no control over information that was originally collected

Consider the following information:The handedness gene has two alleles, one for right-handedness and one for left-handedness. The gene for right-handedness is dominant, and the gene for left-handedness is recessive.What trait will be expressed when one right-handedness allele and one left-handedness allele is present? Select the best answer.


Consider the following information: There is an expression of the gene for tongue rolling (ability to roll the lateral edges of your tongue together). This gene has two alleles, one for rollers and one for non-rollers. The roller allele is dominant, and the non-roller allele is recessive. What trait will be expressed when one roller allele and one non-roller allele is present? Select the best answer.


Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about the concept of range of reaction? Select the best answer.

the concept of range of reaction has been proven accurate

Which definition best describes the following term? Select the best answer. Epigenetics

the study of gene-environment interactions such as how the same genotype leads to different phenotypes

Consider the following example: Green lizards of Florida, facing an invasive brown lizard, grew bigger toepads, and their scales got stickier so that they could climb higher in the trees and have better access to food. Which of the following principles of natural selection most applies? Select the best answer.

those individuals with heritable traits better suited to the environment Will Survive

Consider the following example:The northern red-legged frog and the foothill yellow-legged frog both live in California, but their mating seasons do not overlap, so these two species never get the chance to mate.Which of the following principles of natural selection most applies? Select the best answer.

when reproductive isolation occurs new species will form

Is the following an illustration of empirical evidence? Select the best answer. Determining the most frequently purchased pet by examining pet store purchase records

yes, this is an illustration of empirical evidence.

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