1: Sport and Exercise Psychology

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Scientific method

1. Systematic approach to studying a question: involves standardizing conditions. 2. Involves control of conditions. 3. Empirical: based on observation. 4. Critical: involves rigorous evaluation.


3 ____ to sport and exercise psychology: -psychophysiological orientation -social-psychological orientation -cognitive-behavioural orientation


A process, or method, of learning about the world through the systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical filtering of knowledge acquired through experience.


A set of interrelated facts presenting a systematic view of some phenomenon in order to describe, explain, and predict its future occurrences.

Scientifically derived

A source of knowledge. Pros: -highly reliable -systematic and controlled -objective and unbiased Cons: -reductionistic, conservative, slow to evolve -lack of focus on external validity (practicality).

Professional practice

A source of knowledge. Pros: -holistic -innovative -immediate Cons: -less reliable -lack of explanations -greater susceptibility to bias

Clinical sport psychologists

A type of sport psychology specialist. Licensed psychologists. Trained to work with people with severe emotional disorders. Trained to help athletes with problems such as eating disorders and substance abuse.

Educational sport psychology specialists

A type of sport psychology specialist. Use mental coach approach (understand psychology of human movement). Have training in PE, kinesiology or exercise and sport science. Educate and increase athletes' and coaches' awareness of issues such as anxiety management and confidence development.

Social-psychological orientation

An approach to sport and exercise psychology: Behaviour is determined by a complex interaction of the social environment and the personal makeup of the athlete or exerciser. Ex. How a leader's style and strategies foster group cohesion.

Cognitive-behavioural orientation

An approach to sport and exercise psychology: Behaviour is determined by both the environment and thoughts (cognitions). Ex. Studying differences in confidence ad anxiety among tennis players with or without burnout.

Psychophysiological orientation

An approach to the study of sport psychology that focuses on the relationship between mental activities and physiological processes (e.g. heart rate and muscle action potentials), and their effects on physical activity. Ex. biofeedback to trained marksmen

Psychological development, health, and well-being

An objective of sport and exercise psychology: Understand the effects of participation in physical activity on ______ _____, ____, and _____-______.

Physical motor performance

An objective of sport and exercise psychology: Understand the effects of psychological factors on ____ _____ ______.

Period 6 (2001-present)

Contemporary sport and exercise psychology. -journal of psychology of sport and exercise -international society of sport psychology conference -concerns about best ways of educating students -APA division 47 focuses on sport psychology as a specialized competency area -exercise psychology flourishes in university -strong research programs -increased interest.

Period 4 (1966-1977)

During this period physical education became an academic discipline. -Bruce Ogilvie and Thomas Tutko consult with athletes and teams -B. Cratty (UCLA) writes psychology of physical activity -first annual NASPSPA conference is held -proceedings of NASPSPA published.

Period 1 (The early years: 1890-1920)

During this period, psychologists and physical educators were beginning to explore psychological aspects of sport and motor skill learning. Norman Triplett -Studied social facilitation in cyclists. R. Cummings -Assessed motor reactions E.W. Scripture -Examined reaction and movement times at Yale GTW Patrick -Discusses the psychology of play Coleman Griffith -Student

Period 2 (1921-1938)

During this period, there were developments of laboratories and psychological testing. Aka. The Griffith Era Griffith -publishes 25 research articles about sport psychology -university of Illinois research-in-athletics laboratory is established -publishes psychology of coaching and psychology of athletics

Period 5 (1978-2000)

During this period, tremendous growth in the field took place. The field became more accepted and respected. More and better research was conducted. Specialty journals and conferences in the area were developed. Training in the field took a multidisciplinary perspective. -Journal of sport psychology -US Olympic committee develops sport psychology advisory board and hires first full-time sport psychologist -The sports psychologist journal -AASP established and establishes the "certified consultant" designation -APA division 47 is developed -US olympic team is accompanied by an officially recognized sport psychologist -Journal of applied sport psychology

Corporate athlete notion

Focuses on helping people in business reach their ideal performance states through use of principles of sport psychology and training.


Goals of ______: -describing -explaining -predicting -controlling

Realistic expectations

Integrating scientific and professional practice knowledge: -Hold ____ _____ relative to the strengths and limitations of scientific principles.


Integrating scientific and professional practice knowledge: -Keep ______ by updating and modifying your scientific knowledge base.


Integrating scientific and professional practice knowledge: -_____ scientific principles in your professional work setting


Integrating scientific and professional practice knowledge: -_____ the utility of scientific principles in the particular context in which you are involved.

Ferruccio Antonelli

Italian sport psychologist. First president of the ISSP and first editor of IJSP.


Lessons learned in high-performance sport can be applied to _____.

Psychological, psychological development

Most people study sport and exercise psychology with 2 objectives in mind: 1) To understand how _____ factors affect an individual's physical performance. 2) To understand how participation in sport and exercise affects a person's ____ _____, health and well-being.


One of the ethical standards for sport and exercise psychologists. Always place the interests of clients first.


One of the ethical standards for sport and exercise psychologists. Clarify roles and do not falsely advertise.

Social responsibility

One of the ethical standards for sport and exercise psychologists. Contribute to knowledge and human welfare while always protecting participants' interests.


One of the ethical standards for sport and exercise psychologists. Maintain the highest standards in your work and recognize the limits of your expertise.


One of the ethical standards for sport and exercise psychologists. ____ for people's rights and dignity. Fundamental rights as privacy and confidentiality among clients.


One of the ethical standards for sport and exercise psychologists. _____ for the welfare of others. Always contribute to the welfare of those with whom you work.


One of the roles of the sport and exercise psychologist. Teaching university courses in psychology or exercise and sport science.


One of the roles of the sport and exercise psychologist. Working with athletes of all ages and abilities in the fitness industry, the military and in sports medicine and physical therapy.


One of the roles of the sport and exercise psychologist. Inquiry aimed at advancing knowledge and sharing it through professional meetings and journal articles.

Norman triplett

Period 1: 1890-1920 The first published study in the field of social psychology. His experiment was on the social facilitation effect. Cyclists tend to have faster times when riding in the presence of a counterpart as opposed to riding alone.

E.W. Scripture

Period 1: 1890-1920 Yale psychologist. Studied reaction and muscle movement times of fencers and runners. Looked at the transfer of physical training. Sport developed character.

Coleman Griffith

Period 2: 1921-1938 Aka. America's first sports psychologist. -professor of educational psychology at the University of Illinois. -factors that influence athletic performance (physiological and psychological) transmitted to coaches. -mind and bodies of athletes could not be separated. -published: The Psychology of Coaching (1926) and The Psychology of Athletics (1928). -lab closed 1932. -hired by Phillip Wrigley as a sport psychologist consultant for the Chicago Cubs.

Dorothy Hazeltine Yates

Period 3: 1939-1965 First women in US to practice sports psychology and conduct research. Consulted with university boxers and taught them to use relaxation and positive affirmations to help them manage emotions and enhance performance.

Franklin Henry

Period 3: 1939-1965 Individual at the UC Berkley. Studied the psychological aspects of sport and motor skill acquisition. Trained other physical educators. Those students reshaped curriculums and developed the field of sport and exercise science.

Johnson and Slatter-Hammel

Period 3: 1939-1965 These two individuals helped create the academic discipline of exercise and sport science.

Bruce Ogilvie

Period 4 (1966-1977). Called the father of N. American applied sport psychology. An applied sports psychologist who worked with athletes and teams.

Dorothy Harris

Period 5 (1978-2000). Professor at Penn state University. Helped establish PSU graduate program in sport psychology. First American and the first woman member of the International Society of Sport Psychology.

Methods of knowing

Professional practice knowledge comes from many sources and ways of knowing including: -scientific method -systematic observation -single case study -shared (public) experience -introspection -intuition

Research, teaching, consulting

Roles of the sport and exercise psychologist: -______ -______ -______

Avksenty Puni

Russian sport psychologist. Same time period as Coleman Griffith. Theorizing on psychological preparation for athletic competition focusing on realistic goals, uncompromising effort, optimal emotional arousal, high tolerance for distractions and stress, and self-regulation.

Population base

Sport and exercise psychology applies to a broad ____ _____: -seniors -children -exercisers -elite athletes -average athletes -people who are physically and mentally challenged -coaches, teachers, and fitness leaders


Sport psychology _____: -clinical sport psychologists -educational sport psychology specialists.

High business performance

Sustain ___ _____ ___ through leadership development seminars, team building activities, and one on one coaching.


The ____ of coaching, teaching, or leadership is knowing when and how to individualize these general principles. Contextual intelligence is critical.


The _____ of coaching, teaching, or leadership focuses on using general scientific principles.

Period 3 (Preparation for the future: 1939-1965)

The following individuals where important in which time period? -Franklin Henry: established sports psychology at UC Berkeley. -Dorothy Yates: works with college boxers and studies the effects of relaxation training intervention. -Warren Johnson: assesses precompetitive emotions of athletes. -John Lawther: Psychology of coaching -1st world congress of sports psychology


The investigator manipulates variables while observing them, then examines how changes in one or more variables affect changes in others.


The investigator observes or assesses without changing the environment in any way.


The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. Applied sport psychologists have _____ work opportunities than ever but only limited chances for full-time positions.


The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. As ______ develops at record pace and changes all aspects of lives, sport psychologists are learning how to use these to facilitate efforts.


The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. Embracing the _______ of sport and exercise psychology is paramount for contemporary students of the field and will increase in years to come.

Cultural diversity

The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. More emphasis in contemporary sport psychology is being placed on studying ____ ____ and focus is placed on increasing understanding, facilitating inclusion, and embracing diversity.


The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. More people are interested in acquiring training in ______ skills and applied work.

Positive psychology movement

The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. The ____ _____ ____ in general psychology helps sport and exercise psychology expand into new areas such as business, music, and the performing arts.

Counselling and clinical

The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. There is greater emphasis on _____ and _____ training for sport and exercise psychologists.

Ethics and competence

The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. ____ and _____ issues are receiving greater emphasis.


The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. ____ and new subspecialties are developing.


The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. ____ continues to exist between practitioners of academic and applied sport psychology.


The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. ____ research is increasing such that sport and exercise psychologists will work with experts from other kinesiology subdisciplines and across other disciplines.


The present and future of sport and exercise psychology. _____ research methods are receiving more attention.

Sport and exercise psychology

The scientific study of people and their behaviours in sport and exercise activities and the practical application of that knowledge.


This knowledge domain includes: -abnormal psychology -clinical psychology -counselling psychology -developmental psychology -experimental psychology -personality psychology -physiological psychology.

Sport science

This knowledge domain includes: -biomechanics -exercise physiology -motor development -motor learning and control -sports medicine -sport pedagogy -sport sociology

Professional practice knowledge

What we learn through experience, using many methods of knowing.

Social facilitation theory

Zajonc. The theory that an audience creates arousal in the performer which hurts performance on difficult tasks that have not been learned and helps performance on well-learned tasks.


____ standards for sport and exercise psychologists: 1) competence 2) integrity 3) professional and scientific responsibility 4) respect for people's rights and dignity 5) concern for the welfare of others 6) social responsibility

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