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The CO2 animals exhale is produced in: a. the Krebs cycle b. glycolysis c. the electron transport chain d. fermentation


The CO2 you are exhaling right now was produced in this step of cellular respiration a. glycolysis b. electron transport chain c. Krebs cycle d. all of these


The splitting of water in photosynthesis is critical to us as animals because: a. it generates ATP b. it creates a food source c. it produces oxygen d. it regenerates RuBP e. it consumes carbon dioxide


A molecule of chlorophyll increases in potential energy: a. when one of its electrons is boosted to a higher-energy excited state after absorbing a photon of light. b. when it binds to a photon. c. when it loses an electron. d. the potential energy of a molecule cannot change.


Ethanol and lactic acid are produced by a. fermentation b. glycolysis c. the electron transport chain d. Krebs cycle


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration rely on electron carrier molecules to provide electrons to ultimately help produce ATP. In photosynthesis the source of electrons is from ___ and in cellular respiration the source of electrons is from ____. a. water; glucose b. carbon dioxide, oxygen c. glucose; oxygen d. oxygen; carbon dioxide


Plants make ATP during the process of photosynthesis. Why do they also need to do the process of cellular respiration? a. The ATP made is photosynthesis is only enough to fuel the dark (synthesis) reactions. The plant had to do cellular respiration to make large amounts of ATP b. They only need to make ATP from cellular respiration when the conditions for photosynthesis are bad c. The ATP made is photosynthesis is different from the ATP made in cellular respiration d. Plants do not need to ever perform cellular respiration


Suppose an experiment is performed in which plant #1 is supplied with normal CO2 but with water that is labeled with radioactive oxygen atoms so that we can trace their location. Plant #2 is supplied with normal water but with CO2 that contains radioactive oxygen atoms. Each plant is allowed to perform photosynthesis and the oxygen gas and G3P (or glucose) molecules are analyzed for the presence of radioactive oxygen. Plant # ___ will produce radioactive oxygen gas and plant # ___ will produce radioactive G3P. a. 1; 2 b. 2; 1 c. both will produce radioactive oxygen d. both will produce radioactive PGAL


The drug DNP destroys the H+ gradient that forms in the electron transport chain (so that the H+ can't build up). The most likely consequence would be: a. the cells will be forced to perform fermentation b. ATP production will increase c. glycolysis will stop d. There shouldn't be any changes that occur


The most ATP is formed during this step of cellular respiration a. electron transport chain b. Krebs cycle c. glycolysis d. fermentation


The most important part of the first two steps of aerobic cellular respiration is: a. That NAD+ and FAD collect electrons and hydrogen ions for the electron transport chain b. That carbon dioxide is produced c. That glucose is broken down into smaller pieces d. That some ATP is made


The primary fuel for cellular respiration is glucose however, your diet is made up of other components such as _____________________ that can be used as cellular fuels. a. lipids and proteins b. proteins and nucleic acids c. only glucose can be used for energy d. lipids and nucleic acids


Which of the following is part of the Calvin cycle? a. carbon fixation b. converting solar energy to ATP and NADPH c. breaking down G3P d. producing CO2


Which of the following items is an output of cellular respiration? a. CO2 b. ADP c. glucose d. O2


Why do leaves change color in the fall? a. the amounts of chlorophyll decrease relative to the carotenoids b. scientists have no idea c. the leaves increase photosynthesis and these colors are more effecient d. the leaves increase carotenoid production which overtakes chlorophyll production


Why do organisms perform cellular respiration? a. to extract energy from chemical bonds in food b. to produce glucose c. to produce more carbon dioxide for the environment d. to produce more oxygen for the environment


Why do plants split water molecules during the photo reactions of photosynthesis? a. to provide electrons for the synthesis reactions b. to provide oxygen for the Calvin cycle c. to provide carbon dioxide for the Calvin cycle d. to provide the oxygen necessary to convert solar energy to chemical energy


Your have purchased two nearly identical plants for your dorm room. One plant will be a control plant receiving only water. The second plant will receive both water and a recommended dose of fertilizer. Two months later, you find that the fertilized plant is a little bigger than the control plant. What is the best explanation for this? a. the fertilizer contained elements needed for the plant to produce more chlorophyll b. the control plant may not have been as healthy to start with c. none of these are adequate explanations d. the fertilized plant was most likely in a position where it received more light causing it to grow faster d. the fertilizer provided extra glucose for the plant to grow faster


A leaf on a plant is photosynthesizing rapidly, capturing sunlight to perform the light (photo) reactions. Why will this plant also need to perform the dark (synthesis) reactions? a. to release oxygen to the environment b. to make glucose (food) for the plant c. to make more energy to fuel other activities performed by the plant d. to release ATP to the environment


Do photosynthesizing plants have mitochondria? Why or why not? a. No, photosynthesis makes all the plant's ATP b. Yes, to supply ATP to power other activities c. No, they aren't needed at all d. Yes, to perform photosynthesis


During cellular respiration the primary items needed from glucose are __ and the waste product created from glucose will be___. a. oxygen and carbon dioxide; pyruvate b. electrons and hydrogen ions; carbon dioxide c. electrons and carbon dioxide; water d. oxygen and electrons; water


During the electron transport chain, which molecules will be providing high energy electrons? a. oxygen and carbon dioxide b. NADH and FADH2 c. pyruvate and acetyl-CoA d. all of these


Prior to entering the Krebs cycle, pyruvate loses a ________ and is converted to ________. a. water, acetyl-coA b. carbon dioxide, acetyl-coA c. carbon dioxide, lactic acid d. hydrogen ion, NADH e. water, glucose


Pyruvate must be modified to acetyl-CoA prior to entering a. fermentation b. Krebs cycle c. glycolysis d. electron transport chain


The correct order of steps in cellular respiration is a. Krebs cycle, glycolysis, electron transport chain b. glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain c. electron transport chain, Krebs cycle, glycolysis d. glycolysis, electron transport chain, Krebs cycle


The energy transformation pathways of cellular respiration and photosynthesis are related in which of the following ways? a. Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and water while cellular respiration requires carbon dioxide and glucose. b. Photosynthesis produces glucose and oxygen while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide and water c. Photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide and water while cellular respiration produces oxygen and glucose. d. Photosynthesis is the energy process in plants while cellular respiration is the energy process in animals.


The most abundant protein in the world is the enzyme that initiates the fixation of carbon in the Calvin cycle (synthesis reactions). This enzyme is called: a. NADPH b. rubisco c. G3P d. carotenoid


What is the purpose of the Krebs cycle? a. to break down pyruvate b. to utilize NAD+ and FAD as much as possible so that there is potential to make ATP in the electron transport chain c. to produce glucose d. to directly make a large amount of ATP


Which of the following choices is correct concerning your cells preferred fuel for cellular respiration: a. your cells prefer to use proteins to fuel this process b. your cells prefer to use glucose to fuel this process c. your cells prefer to use lipids (fats) to fuel this process d. any of the above (glucose, lipids, or proteins) can be used at any time to fuel this process


Which of the following is false concerning the locations of the following processes? a. fermentation occurs in the cytoplasm b. Krebs cycle occurs in the cytoplasm c. electron transport chain occurs across the inner membrane of the mitochondria d. glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm


Which of these is not an input into photosynthesis? a. carbon dioxide b. sugar c. sunlight d. water


Why do plants split water molecules during the light reactions of photosynthesis? a. to provide the O2 necessary to convert solar energy to chemical energy b. to provide electrons for the light (photo) reactions and hydrogen atoms needed in the synthesis (dark) reactions c. to provide O2 for the Calvin cycle d. to provide CO2 for the Calvin cycle


With regards to special mechanisms of photosynthesis in hot or dry climates, ________ photosynthesis separates carbon dioxide capture and the Calvin cycle physically and uses a special enzyme with a greater attraction for carbon dioxide while plants that use_________ photosynthesis keep their stomata closed during the day to prevent water loss. a. CAM, C4 b. C4, CAM c. C3, CAM d. CAM, C3 e. C3, C4


Your friends are trying their luck at making wine. They have added yeast and glucose to grape juice. A week later the notice that the sugar has been used up by the yeast but there is no alcohol (ethanol) in the mixture. The best explanation is: a. they should have provided more oxygen to stimulate ethanol production b. they should have lowered the oxygen supply to stimulate ethanol production c. they should have added less glucose d. they should have added more glucose


A leaf on a plant is photosynthesizing rapidly, capturing sunlight to perform the photo reactions. Why will this plant also need to perform the synthesis reactions? a. to release ATP to the environment b. to make more energy to fuel other activities performed by the plant c. to make glucose (food) for the plant d. to release oxygen to the environment


A living plant is exposed to water labeled with 18O (a radioactive isotope of oxygen that allows us to trace where it goes) and exposed to sunlight. The 18O will end up in where at the end of photosynthesis? a. in CO2 b. in glucose c. in released oxygen gas d. in G3P e. in NADPH


Animals rely on photosynthesis for: a. ATP and glucose b. glucose and carbon dioxide c. oxygen and glucose d. oxygen and carbon dioxide


At the end of the electron transport chain, the final acceptor of the electrons is ______, which will then produce a molecule of ______. a. CO2; O2 b. NAD+; NADH c. O2; H2O d. ADP; ATP


Consider a bacterial cell that performs anaerobic respiration. If that bacterial cell had access to 6 molecules of glucose to use, how many ATPs would it be able to produce? a. 2 ATP b. 6 ATP c. 12 ATP d. 36 ATP


Deforestation (removal of trees and vegetation) can ultimately cause a problem for animals because: a. solar energy levels increase. b. H2O levels increase. c. atmospheric O2 levels decrease. d. atmospheric CO2 levels decrease.


Glucose is not directly made in the photo or synthesis reactions of photosynthesis. Where does it come from? a. animals expel it as a waste product b. It is made by combining the products of both photosystems c. it is made from joining 2 G3P molecules that are made during the Calvin cycle d. It is made by using energy to directly convert RuBP to glucose


Light hits the water-splitting photosystem which causes electrons to be excited to a high energy level. These electrons are picked up by an electron acceptor and passed through an electron transport chain where _____________ is made. a. O2 b. G3P c. ATP d. CO2 e. NADPH


Photosynthesis is a process that removes _____ from the environment and releases _____ to the environment. a. water...carbon dioxide b. oxygen...water c. carbon dioxide...oxygen d. oxygen...carbon dioxide


Plant cells: a. do not perform cellular respiration b. do not need mitochondria because photosynthesis produces all the ATP they need c. have both chloroplasts and mitochondria d. do not need chloroplasts because the mitochondria make all the glucose they need


Plants are particular about the type of light they can use for photosynthesis. If you were to use a filter on a light so that they plant only received green wavelengths of light, what would you expect to happen? a. the light (photo) reactions of photosynthesis should happen really fast b. the dark (synthesis) reactions of photosynthesis should speed up c. the light (photo) reactions of photosynthesis should slow way down d. the dark (synthesis) reactions of photosynthesis should slow down


Suppose an experiment is performed in which plant #1 is supplied with normal CO2 but with water that is labeled with radioactive oxygen atoms. Plant #2 is supplied with normal water but with CO2 that contains radioactive oxygen atoms. Each plant is allowed to perform photosynthesis and the oxygen gas and G3P molecules are analyzed for the presence of radioactive oxygen. Plant # ___ will produce radioactive oxygen gas and plant # ___ will produce radioactive G3P. a. both will produce radioactive O2 b. both will produce radioactive G3P c. 1; 2 d. 2; 1


The burning of fossil fuels is related to increased levels of atmospheric CO2 levels. This might seem like a good thing for plants, but in reality it is not. Which would be the best explanation for this? a. Increased CO2 levels let heat escape the atmosphere which reduces temperature and kills many plants. b. Increased levels of CO2 increase plant growth so quickly that it disturbed environmental relationships. c. Increased CO2 levels trap heat in the atmosphere which may change climates and prevent certain plant species from surviving. d. Increased levels of CO2 are toxic to plants.


The light (photo) reactions of photosynthesis occur in the ________________ while the dark (synthesis) reactions occur in the ________________. a. cytoplasm, stomata b. thylakoids, stomata c. thylakoids, stroma d. stroma, cytoplasm


When oxygen is used to perform aerobic cellular respiration, what molecule does that oxygen eventually become part of? a. ATP b. CO2 c. H2O d. glucose


Which of the following is false concerning ATP? a. it contains a nitrogenous base called adenine b. it contains three phosphates c. when broken down the reaction requires energy d. all of these answers are correct


Which of these is an example of potential energy? a. hands of a student frantically taking notes b. a bird flapping its wings c. a meal about to be consumed d. legs pushing a bike pedal


Which of these statements best explains why your body prefers to perform aerobic respiration as opposed to anaerobic respiration? a. anaerobic respiration does not allow for NADH to be recycled to NAD+ b. aerobic respiration requires less of an ATP investment than anaerobic respiration c. aerobic respiration produces far more ATP than anaerobic respiration d. aerobic respiration is easier for cells to perform than anaerobic respiration


A lack of _________________ limits the rate at which mitochondria can break down fuel and produce ATP. The slow down occurs because aerobic cellular respiration is halted. a. sunlight b. water c. carbon dioxide d. oxygen


An animal is kept in a sealed container by itself. What would happen to the gases in the container? a. Both O2 and CO2 would increase b. Both O2 and CO2 would decrease c. O2 would increase and CO2 would decrease d. CO2 would increase and O2 would decrease


The end result of glycolysis is a. oxygen b. acetyl-CoA c. glucose d. pyruvate


The most important part of the first three steps of aerobic cellular respiration is: a. That glucose is broken down into smaller pieces b. That carbon dioxide is produced c. That some ATP is made d. That NAD+ and FAD collect electrons and hydrogen ions for the electron transport chain


Three important helpers in the process of cellular respiration are NAD+, FAD, and CoEnzyme-A. Where do they come from? a. foods high in fat b. the breakdown of glucose c. we get them from eating plant products d. B vitamins from our diet


Which of the following is false concerning energy? a. potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy b. energy can't be created or destroyed c. energy conversions produce heat d. all of these answers are true


Which of the following is part of the Calvin cycle (synthesis reactions)? a. breaking down G3P b. producing CO2 c. converting solar energy to ATP to NADPH d. carbon fixation


Which step of cellular respiration requires an energy (ATP) investment to begin? a. Krebs cycle b. fermentation c. electron transport chain d. glycolysis


A green plant can carry out photosynthesis if given nothing more than: a. air. b. water and light. c. light d. water. e. water, light, and air.


In the fall, most of the trees outside don't have leaves. How are they getting the energy they need to stay alive? a. They are in a dormant stage and are performing neither photosynthesis nor cellular respiration. b. They are only performing the dark (synthesis) reactions. c. They are only performing the light (photo) reactions. d. They are only performing photosynthesis in their branches and trunks. e. They are only performing cellular respiration.


Which of the following organisms perform cellular respiration? a. humans b. bacteria c. plants d. insects e. all of these organisms do cellular respiration


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