1.2 imagaging equipment

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D 1, 2, and 3

Advantages of high-frequency generators include small size decreased patient dose nearly constant potential A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

B Flat panel image receptor

All of the following can permanently record the images in conventional fluoroscopy, except a: A Cassette-loaded spot film B Flat panel image receptor C Photospot camera film D Cine film

A 1 only

Capacitor-discharge mobile x-ray units use capacitors to power the x-ray tube machine locomotion braking mechanism A 1 only B 2 only C 1 and 2 only D 1, 2, and 3

D 1, 2, and 3

Image quality in digital fluoroscopy is influenced by 1. pixel size. 2. contrast. 3. noise. A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

aA Scanned projection radiography (SPR) of the chest

Radiography using a collimated thin fan X-ray beam would be found in: A Scanned projection radiography (SPR) of the chest B Long bone measurement radiography C Radiography of foreign objects D Fluoroscopic evaluation of the ureters, as they are thin structures

they produce nearly constant potential voltage helps to improve image quality and decrease patient dose by allowing fewer low energy photons to contribute to skin dose

do high frequency generators produce less dose ?

D Flat panel image receptor

n conventional fluoroscopy, all of the following are methods of permanently recording the images, except: A Cassette-loaded spot film B Photospot camera film C Cine film D Flat panel image receptor

D Raster pattern

the electron beam in a television cathode ray tube (CRT) is projected onto the output phosphor in a: A Vertical pattern B Fixed direct beam C Broad field D Raster pattern

mutual induction

what induction does filament step down transformer operate on?

self induction

what induction does the autotransformer operate on?

mutual induction

what induction does the high voltage transformer operate on?

D Helium-neon

A type of laser used in CR scanners is A Cesium-iodide B Helium-halide C Barium-fluorohalide D Helium-neon

C 30 mAs, 12:1 grid, 75 kVp, 200-speed system, 40-in. SID

An exposure was made at a 36-in. SID using 12 mAs and 75 kVp with a 400-speed imaging system and an 8:1 grid. A second radiograph is requested with improved recorded detail. Which of the following groups of technical factors will best accomplish this task? A 15 mAs, 12:1 grid, 75 kVp, 400-speed system, 36-in. SID B 15 mAs, 12:1 grid, 75 kVp, 400-speed system, 40-in. SID C 30 mAs, 12:1 grid, 75 kVp, 200-speed system, 40-in. SID D 12 mAs, 8:1 grid, 86 kVp, 200-speed system, 36-in. SID

automatic brightness function controls what ? kvp an ma

As body areas of different thicknesses and densities are scanned with the image intensifier, image brightness and contrast require adjustment. The ABC functions to maintain constant brightness and contrast of the output screen image, correcting for fluctuations in x-ray beam attenuation with adjustments in kilovoltage and/or milliamperage. There are also brightness and contrast controls on the monitor that the radiographer can regulate. (Bushong, 10th ed., p. 402)

D 1, 2, and 3

As the image intensifier's FOV is reduced, how is the resulting image affected? 1. Magnification increases 2. Brightness decreases 3. Quality increases A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

aA solid-state diodes

Circuit devices that permit electrons to flow in only one direction are A solid-state diodes B resistors C transformers D autotransformers

do cr cassettes have intensifying screens ? no what does the psp storage plate consists of in an imaging plate? eropium activated barium fluorohalide

Computed radiography (CR) cassettes use no intensifying screens or film—hence, the term filmless radiography . The Image Plates (IPs) have a protective function (for the PSP/storage plate within) and can be used in the Bucky tray or directly under the anatomic part; they need not be light-tight because the PSP is not light sensitive. The IP has a thin lead-foil backing (similar to traditional cassettes) to absorb backscatter. Inside the IP is the photostimulable phosphor (PSP) storage plate . This PSP storage plate within the IP has a layer of europium-activated barium fluorohalide that serves as the IR as it is exposed in the traditional manner and receives the latent image. The PSP can store the latent image for several hours; after about 8 hours, noticeable image fading will occur. (Carlton and Adler, 4th ed., p. 358)

B slip rings.

Continuous rotation of the CT x-ray tube and detector array, with simultaneous movement of the CT couch, has been accomplished through implementation of A additional cables. B slip rings. C multiple rows of detectors. D electron beam CT.

C PSP storage plates

Europium-activated barium fluorohalide is associated with A rare earth intensifying screens B image intensifiers C PSP storage plates D filament material

D 1, 2, and 3

Excessive anode heating can cause vaporized tungsten to be deposited on the port window. This can result in 1. decreased tube output. 2. tube failure. 3. electrical sparking. A 1 only B 2 only C 1 and 2 only D 1, 2, and 3

B toward the cathode end of the x-ray beam

Focal-spot blur is greatest A toward the anode end of the x-ray beam B toward the cathode end of the x-ray beam C directly along the course of the CR D as the SID is increased

B crystalline material lacking typical crystalline structure.

In amorphous selenium flat-panel detectors, the term amorphous refers to a A crystalline material having typical crystalline structure. B crystalline material lacking typical crystalline structure. C toxic crystalline material. D homogeneous crystalline material.

A kVp and mA

In fluoroscopy, the automatic brightness control is used to adjust the A kVp and mA B backup timer C milliamperage (mA) and time D kilovoltage (kV) and time

aA 1 only

In which type of equipment does kilovoltage decrease during the actual length of the exposure? Condenser-discharge mobile equipment Battery-operated mobile equipment Fixed x-ray equipment A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and

aA phototimers

Light-sensitive AEC devices are known as A phototimers B ionization chambers C sensors D backup timers

d D Electrical power is available to drive itself

One advantage of a battery-powered mobile radiographic unit is: A It requires less kilovoltage to penetrate the anatomical part of interest B It produces radiographic images of much better image quality C It is much lighter than other mobile units D Electrical power is available to drive itself

bB three-phase transformers

Star and wye configurations are related to A autotransformers B three-phase transformers C rectification systems D AECs

C vaporized tungsten on glass envelope.

The most common cause of x-ray tube failure is A a cracked anode. B a pitted anode. C vaporized tungsten on glass envelope. D insufficient heat productio

C a pulsed x-ray beam

The x-ray tube in a CT imaging system is most likely to be associated with A low-energy photons B an unrestricted x-ray beam C a pulsed x-ray beam D a large focal spot

b autotransfomer

When the radiographer selects kilovoltage on the control panel, which device is adjusted? A Step-up transformer b autotransfomer C Filament circuit D Rectifier circuit

D 1, 2, and 3

When using the smaller field in a dual-field image intensifier, 1. a smaller patient area is viewed. 2. the image is magnified. 3. the image is less bright. A 1 only B 1 and 3 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

A 1 only

When using the smaller field in a dual-field image intensifier, the image is magnified the image is brighter a larger anatomic area is viewed A 1 only B 1 and 3 only C 2 and 3 only

b B 1 and 2 only

Which among the following components is (are) part of the gantry of a CT imaging system? X-ray tube Detector array Control panel A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

C Photospot camera film

Which of the following can record up to twelve images per second during conventional fluoroscopy? A Cassette-loaded spot film B Flat panel image receptor C Photospot camera film D Direct exposure film

d 1.2-mm focal spot, 85 kVp, 15 mAs

Which of the following combinations would pose the least hazard to a particular anode? A 0.6-mm focal spot, 75 kVp, 30 mAs B 0.6-mm focal spot, 85 kVp, 15 mAs C 1.2-mm focal spot, 75 kVp, 30 mAs D 1.2-mm focal spot, 85 kVp, 15 mAs

A 0.6 mm focal spot, 75 kVp, 30 mAs

Which of the following combinations would pose the most hazard to a particular anode? A 0.6 mm focal spot, 75 kVp, 30 mAs B 0.6 mm focal spot, 85 kVp, 15 mAs C 1.2 mm focal spot, 75 kVp, 30 mAs D 1.2 mm focal spot, 85 kVp, 15 mAs

A Motor

Which of the following devices converts electrical energy to mechanical energy? A Motor B Generator C Stator D Rotor

c Rheostat

Which of the following devices is used to control voltage by varying resistance? A Autotransformer B High-voltage transformer c Rheostat D Fuse

dD Increasing the heat of the filament

Which of the following functions to increase the milliamperage? A Increasing the speed of anode rotation B Increasing the transformer turns ratio C Using three-phase rectification D Increasing the heat of the filament

bB Flat panel image receptor

Which of the following is a device that can be used in lieu of an image intensifier/charge-coupled device combination in digital fluoroscopy? A Charge-coupled device B Flat panel image receptor C photometer D photomultiplier tube

B Charge-coupled device

Which of the following is used in digital fluoroscopy, replacing the image intensifier's television camera tube? A Solid-state diode B Charge-coupled device C Photostimulable phosphor D Vidicon

1Rectification system

Which of the following is/are components of the secondary, or high voltage, side of the x-ray circuit? 1Rectification system 2Autotransformer 3 kV meter A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

aA Reduced patient dosage

Which of the following would be considered an advantage of using photospot camera film instead of cassette-loaded spot film to record conventional fluoroscopic images? A Reduced patient dosage B Larger anatomical image size C Reduced rate of exposures D No need for processing chemicals

B 1 and 2 only

Which of the following x-ray circuit devices operate(s) on the principle of mutual induction? High-voltage transformer Filament transformer Autotransformer A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

B There is greater patient dose with three-phase equipment than with single-phase equipment.

With milliamperage adjusted to produce equal exposures, all the following statements are true except A a single-phase examination done at 10 mAs can be duplicated with three-phase, 12-pulse at 5 mAs. B There is greater patient dose with three-phase equipment than with single-phase equipment. C Three-phase equipment can produce comparable radiographs with less heat unit (HU) buildup. D Three-phase equipment produces lower-contrast radiographs than single-phase equipment.

A decrease the milliamperage

f a radiograph, made using AEC, is overexposed because an exposure shorter than the minimum response time was required, the radiographer generally should A decrease the milliamperage B use the minus density C use the plus density D decrease the kilovoltage

B detector array.

he part of a CT imaging system made of thousands of solid-state photodiodes is the A gantry. B detector array. C collimator assembly. D x-ray tube.

b 6

if the distance from the focal spot to the center of the collimator's mirror is 6 in., what distance should the illuminator's light bulb be from the center of the mirror? A 3 in. b6 C 9 in. D 12 in.

what induction does the high voltage transformer operate on? mutual induction what induction does filament step down transformer operate on? mutual induction what induction does the autotransformer operate on? self induction

in mutual induction, two coils are in close proximity, and a current is supplied to one of the coils. As the magnetic field associated with every electric current expands and "grows up" around the first coil, it interacts with and "cuts" the turns of the second coil. This interaction, motion between magnetic field and coil (conductor), induces an electromotive force (emf) in the second coil . This is mutual induction, the production of a current in a neighboring circuit. Transformers, such as the high-voltage transformer and the filament (step-down) transformer, operate on the principle of mutual induction. The autotransformer operates on the principle of self-induction. Both the transformer and the autotransformer require the use of alternating current. (Bushong, 8th ed., p. 99

cC No need for pulsed or continuous radiation exposure

ll of the following are advantages of digital fluoroscopic imaging systems over conventional fluoroscopic imaging systems, except: A Post-processing capability to enhance image contrast B Increased image acquisition speed C No need for pulsed or continuous radiation exposure D Higher milliamperage settings can be used

c 2 and 3 only

n incorrect relationship between the primary beam and the center of a focused grid results in an increase in scattered radiation production grid cutoff insufficient radiographic density A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

B 1 and 2 only

the advantages of collimators over aperture diaphragms and flare cones include the variety of field sizes available more efficient beam restriction better cleanup of scattered radiation A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only

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