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The enzyme that converts information stored in RNA to information stored in DNA is A) RNA polymerase. B) DNA ligase. C) a restriction enzyme. D) reverse transcriptase.

reverse transcriptase.

Approximately what percentage of human DNA is noncoding?

98.5% Submit

Approximately what percentage of the human genome is identical to that of a chimpanzee?

98.8% Submit

The production of multiple identical copies of a target sequence of DNA defines A)DNA cloning. B)DNA technology. C)genetic engineering. D)gene cloning.

DNA cloning.

Based on this research, which of the following appears to be true? A) The diversity of the gut microbiome has no effect on the chance of getting acute lymphoblastic leukemia. B) The diversity of the gut microbiome has unknown effects on the chance of getting acute lymphoblastic leukemia. C) A less diverse gut microbiome is linked to a decrease in the chance of getting acute lymphoblastic leukemia. D) A less diverse gut microbiome is linked to an increase in the chance of getting acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

A less diverse gut microbiome is linked to an increase in the chance of getting acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Which statement about nucleic acid probes is false? A) A nucleic acid probe is a double-stranded DNA molecule. B) A nucleic acid probe binds to a complementary sequence in the gene of interest. C) A nucleic acid probe is usually labeled with a radioactive isotope or fluorescent tag to help identify its location. D) A nucleic acid probe can be used to find a specific gene.

A nucleic acid probe is a double-stranded DNA molecule.

________ are a major source of restriction enzymes. A) Bacteria B) Human cells C) Plant cells


"Sticky ends" are A) DNA fragments with single-stranded ends. B) always long sequences of a single nucleotide. C) produced by the action of DNA ligase. D) another name for the 5' cap on mRNA transcripts.

DNA fragments with single-stranded ends.

Check each of the true statements about the proteins involved in cutting and pasting DNA. More than one statement may be true. A)DNA ligase pastes together segments of DNA with matching sticky ends. B)A restriction enzyme can cut DNA ligase at its restriction site. C)A restriction enzyme cuts DNA while DNA ligase pastes DNA. D)A particular restriction enzyme only cuts DNA at one very specific DNA sequence. E)A particular restriction enzyme cuts DNA at multiple sequences. F)DNA ligase cuts DNA at specific locations called restriction sites.

DNA ligase pastes together segments of DNA with matching sticky ends. A restriction enzyme cuts DNA while DNA ligase pastes DNA. A particular restriction enzyme only cuts DNA at one very specific DNA sequence.

After DNA fragments with matching sticky ends are temporarily joined by complementary base pairing, the union can be made permanent by the "pasting" enzyme A) reverse transcriptase. B) Cas9. C) DNA ligase. D) DNA polymerase.

DNA ligase.

The polymerase chain reaction relies upon unusual, heat-resistant ________ that were isolated from bacteria living in hot springs.

DNA polymerases

What is the preferred name of the technique used to determine if DNA comes from a particular individual? a. DNA profiling b. DNA technology c. DNA microarrays

DNA profiling

Which statement about DNA technology is false? A) DNA technology is now used to create cells that can identify and kill cancer cells. B) DNA technology is now used to mass-produce human growth hormone. C) DNA technology is now used to mass-produce human insulin. D) DNA technology is now used to produce vaccines that are harmless mutants of a pathogen.

DNA technology is now used to create cells that can identify and kill cancer cells.

Which statement about genomics is false?

DNA technology limits genomic studies to prokaryotes.

Based on the description of each genetically modified organism in the list, which is not a transgenic organism? A) Flavr Savr peaches (peaches that express larger quantities of a peach stability enzyme) B) Golden Rice (rice that expresses daffodil and bacteria beta-carotene synthesis enzymes) C) Roundup Ready soybeans (soybeans that express bacterial pesticide enzymes) D) AquAdvantage salmon (Atlantic salmon that expresses Chinook salmon growth hormone)

Flavr Savr peaches (peaches that express larger quantities of a peach stability enzyme)

A child is born with the mutation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Which of the following is true? A) He will get the disease as an adult. B) He may or may not get the disease. C) He won't get the disease. D) He will get the disease as a child.

He may or may not get the disease.

Which one of the following statements is correct? A) If a restriction site is cut with a restriction fragment, the results will be multiple restriction enzymes. B)If a restriction fragment is cut with a restriction enzyme, even more restriction fragments will be produced. C)If a restriction enzyme is combined with a piece of DNA that contains its restriction site, the result will be restriction fragments. D)If a restriction enzyme is cut at its restriction site, the result is one or more restriction fragments.

If a restriction enzyme is combined with a piece of DNA that contains its restriction site, the result will be restriction fragments.

Why is the whole-genome shotgun method currently the tool of choice for analyzing genomes?

It is fast and inexpensive. Submit

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that results from a defective CFTR protein that alters ion flow through the cell membrane such that water does not cross the cell membrane. Gene therapy is being used to attempt to help cystic fibrosis patients. Which step is unnecessary to develop a gene therapy treatment for cystic fibrosis? A) Remove cells from a patient and infect them with the recombinant virus. B) Make antibodies to the defective CFTR protein to enhance the patient's immune system. C) Clone the normal-functioning CFTR gene and make an RNA version of the gene. D) Insert the RNA version of the CFTR gene into a virus.

Make antibodies to the defective CFTR protein to enhance the patient's immune system.

What can you conclude from this figure?

Mammals tend to have the largest genomes.

Which statement about genome sequencing is false?

Most of the genomes that have been sequenced to date are eukaryotes.

If a person who commits a crime leaves even the smallest speck of their blood, hair, or other organic matter, the DNA in this material can be amplified by ________, subjected to genetic analysis, and used to identify the person as the perpetrator of the crime.


Which statement regarding proteomics is true?

Proteomics is the systematic study of the full set of proteins encoded by a genome.

Which statement regarding repetitive DNA is false?

Repetitive DNA is identical in all humans.

What is the current standard tool used for DNA profiling by forensic scientists?

STR analysis

TPOX is one of the STRs that is used to compare DNA between different people. Why is TPOX useful for comparing DNA between different people?

TPOX varies in the number of repeats between different people.

You are setting up a PCR reaction and add a primer for one end of the target sequence, but you forget to add the primer for the other end of the target sequence. If you added the other necessary components, what do you expect to observe after running the PCR reaction for 40 cycles?

The PCR reaction will produce zero copies of the target DNA.

When cloning a gene, one of the steps is to use restriction enzymes to insert the gene of interest into a vector. If you separated the empty vector (the vector without the gene of interest) and the cloned vector (the vector that has the gene of interest added) using agarose gel electrophoresis, what do you expect to observe on the agarose gel if both vectors are loaded at the same position at the top of the gel?

The empty vector would migrate farther down than the cloned vector. Submit

Which statement regarding the human genome is false? -Current estimates are that there are about 21,000 genes in the human genome. - Long stretches of repetitive DNA are prominent at centromeres and ends of chromosomes. - The human genome is smaller than that of the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae. - The human genome contains approximately 19% introns.

The human genome is smaller than that of the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae.

A child is diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Which of the following is true? A) The only treatment available is experimental. B) There is no treatment. C) There is treatment, and it is likely to be successful. D) There is treatment, but it is not likely to be successful.

There is treatment, and it is likely to be successful.

Researchers are trying to make a genetically modified (GM) pig that expresses bovine (cow) growth hormone to make it grow bigger. They isolated the bovine growth hormone gene, cut it and a plasmid with the same restriction enzyme, and mixed them together. They inserted the mixture into pig zygotes, but only normal pigs, not GM pigs, grew. What did they likely do wrong? A) They forgot to add DNA ligase after mixing the plasmid and gene together. B) They forgot to use PCR and make multiple copies of the growth hormone gene. C) They are trying to make a GM animal, which is impossible. D) They should have used different restriction enzymes to cut the plasmid and the gene.

They forgot to add DNA ligase after mixing the plasmid and gene together.

Which is a transgenic organism? A) a human given a corrected human blood-clotting gene B) a rat that has had rabbit hemoglobin genes added to its genome C) a fern grown from a single fern root cell D) a cow that has been fed pig growth hormone in its food

a rat that has had rabbit hemoglobin genes added to its genome

Which pieces of evidence would be considered the best for establishing biological relatedness?

a very close match in the DNA profile Submit

During the process of electrophoresis, the ________ functions like a molecular sieve, separating the samples according to their size.

agarose gel

Golden Rice is golden in color because it is rich in A) vitamin A. B) beta-carotene. C) vitamin C.


A transgenic animal is an animal A) that is the first of its kind to bear a particular allele. B) in which a genetic defect has been corrected using recombinant DNA therapy. C) containing a gene from another organism, typically of another species. D) containing genes from three or more species.

containing a gene from another organism, typically of another species.

Restriction enzymes A) bind together strands of DNA. B) cut DNA at specific sites. C) facilitate nucleotide base pairing. D) stop transcription and translation.

cut DNA at specific sites.

You are a researcher at a pharmaceutical company working on drug development. You develop a drug that will prevent the second mutation that leads to acute lymphoblastic leukemia. What are you targeting? A) white blood cells B) red blood cells C) platelets D) cytokines


The feature of "sticky ends" that makes them especially useful in DNA recombination is their ability to A) form hydrogen-bonded base pairs with complementary single-stranded stretches of DNA. B) bind to ribosomes and thereby activate translation. C) bind to DNA and thereby activate transcription. D) allow plasmids to attach to the main bacterial chromosome.

form hydrogen-bonded base pairs with complementary single-stranded stretches of DNA.

Genetically modifying ________ cells may directly affect future generations. A) bone marrow B) skin C) somatic D) gamete-forming


Which issue has been insignificant in the creation of genetically modified (GM) organisms? A) inability of GM organisms to be modified to prevent them from reproducing once they pass beyond the experimental stage B) some plants carrying genes from other species representing a possible threat to the environment C) the fact that the protein products of transplanted genes might lead to allergic reactions D) the fact that rogue microbes might transfer dangerous genes into other organisms

inability of GM organisms to be modified to prevent them from reproducing once they pass beyond the experimental stage

Biotechnology companies sell kits that allow you to do PCR to amplify STR regions from human blood samples that you have collected. What components would you expect to find in the kit in order to be able to do successful PCR reactions? a. heat-stable DNA polymerase, primers that flank STR regions only b. human DNA polymerase, primers that flank STR regions only c. human DNA polymerase, primers that flank STR regions, free nucleotides d. heat-stable DNA polymerase, primers that flank STR regions, free nucleotides

heat-stable DNA polymerase, primers that flank STR regions, free nucleotides Submit

The advantage of being able to clone the gene for human insulin is that A) there are too few cows, pigs, and horses to provide an adequate supply of their insulin. B) cow, pig, or horse insulin cannot keep a diabetic alive for more than 3 months. C) human insulin is less likely to cause harmful side effects than cow, pig, or horse insulin. D) using human insulin increases the probability that, in the future, the person suffering from diabetes can be weaned from a dependence on insulin.

human insulin is less likely to cause harmful side effects than cow, pig, or horse insulin.

Which two body systems appear to be most involved with acute lymphoblastic leukemia? A) endocrine and integumentary B) immune and circulatory C) circulatory and integumentary D) immune and endocrine

immune and circulatory

The number of proteins in humans

is much greater than the number of genes.

The only cells that can correctly attach sugars to proteins to form glycoprotein products are A) algal cells. B) E. coli cells. C) yeast cells. D) mammalian cells.

mammalian cells.

In gel electrophoresis DNA molecules migrate from _____ to _____ ends of the gel.

negative ... positive

DNA ligase binds A) recombinant DNA to transformed bacterial cells. B)recombinant DNA to recombinant proteins. C)nucleotide base pairs from opposite strands together. D)nucleotides in the DNA backbone together.

nucleotides in the DNA backbone together.

A nucleic acid probe is a(n) A) plasmid that recognizes a specific DNA sequence. B) virus that transfers DNA to a recipient cell. C) piece of radioactively labeled DNA that is used to locate a specific gene. D) enzyme that locates a specific restriction site on RNA.

piece of radioactively labeled DNA that is used to locate a specific gene.

When DNA from two sources is combined into one single piece of DNA, it is known as A) a plasmid. B) recombinant DNA. C) cloned DNA. D) a vector.

recombinant DNA.

Restriction enzymes specifically recognize and cut short sequences of DNA called A) restriction sites. B) sticky ends. C) exons. D) introns.

restriction sites.

The ________ approach to gene cloning employs a mixture of fragments from the entire genome of an organism and results in the production of thousands of different recombinant plasmids.


Gel electrophoresis sorts DNA molecules on the basis of their


The unpaired nucleotides produced by the action of restriction enzymes are referred to as _____. A) sticky ends B) base sequences C)single strands D)restriction fragments E)ligases

sticky ends

A vaccine works by A) inhibiting viral replication. B) stimulating the immune system. C) inhibiting bacterial replication. D) preventing the translation of mRNA.

stimulating the immune system.

To create a molecule of recombinant DNA, which of the following is cut with a restriction enzyme? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) A)target DNA B)target RNA C)starting DNA D)DNA ligase

target DNA, starting DNA

When plasmids are used to produce a desired protein, A)the bacterial genome and plasmid are inserted into the genome of the cell containing the desired gene (often the cell of a plant or animal). B)the plasmids multiply and produce the protein outside of the bacterium. C)the plasmids are inserted into the bacterial chromosome. D)the desired gene is inserted into the plasmid, and the plasmid is returned to the bacterium by transformation.

the desired gene is inserted into the plasmid, and the plasmid is returned to the bacterium by transformation.

In order for gene therapy to be permanent in the patient being treated, A) the normal gene must be added to the germ-line cells. B) the normal gene must be transferred to somatic cells that can continuously multiply. C) the defective gene must first be removed from all somatic cells. D) the normal gene must first be treated with UV radiation to ensure noninfectivity.

the normal gene must be transferred to somatic cells that can continuously multiply.

An advantage of using reverse transcriptase to prepare a gene for cloning is that A) reverse transcriptase is more efficient than DNA polymerase. B) the resulting DNA strand will lack introns. C) the resulting DNA strand will lack exons. D) reverse transcriptase is more efficient than RNA polymerase.

the resulting DNA strand will lack introns.

Which genetically modified organism is yet to be developed by genetic engineers? A) transgenic pigs with a roundworm gene that allows them to make more omega-3 fatty acids B) transgenic salmon with a growth hormone gene that allows them to grow more quickly C) transgenic corn with the gene for human insulin D) transgenic rice with genes for milk proteins

transgenic corn with the gene for human insulin

Segments of eukaryotic DNA that can move or be copied from one site to another in the genome are called

transposable elements.

The type of repetitive DNA composed of sequences of large repeated units is often associated with

transposable elements.

In the process of human gene cloning using plasmids, the bacterial plasmid is A) used as the vector. B)the source of the gene to be cloned. C)used to insert the human gene into the bacterial chromosome. D)cultured inside the human cell, which contains the gene to be cloned.

used as the vector.

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