Sociology final

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Family is important to the socialization process because

All of the above are correct

The concept "sociology" was coined in 1838 by

Auguste Comte

Who first described and named "the sociological imagination"?

C. Wright Mills

The pioneering sociologist who studied patterns of suicide in Europe was

Emile Durkheim

What pioneering sociologist was the first to use statistical techniques to study social behavior?

Emile Durkheim

Who is responsible for the development of the dramaturgical approach that distinguishes between culturally prescribed roles and the fulfillment of those roles?

Erving Goffman

In which of the countries noted below did sociology first appear as a formal discipline?


What pioneering sociologist used a biology-based analogy to understand social life, and compared society to the human body?

Herbert Spencer

Which pioneering sociologist founded Chicago's Hull House to assist immigrants and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

Jane Addams

Which of the following early sociologists had an important influence on the development of the social-conflict approach?

Karl Marx

The sociologist who called on his colleagues to be "value-free" in the conduct of their research was

Max Weber

The level of analysis that focuses on the study of people as they interact in daily life is called ____.


What is the term for the value that occurs most often in a series of numbers?


The study of sociology is based on which of the following premises?

People have a tendency to conform to group expectations.

_______ are groups that we use to evaluate ourselves and to acquire attitudes, values, beliefs, and norms.

Reference groups

In general, the means of promoting conformity to a group's or society's rules are known as _____.

Social control

______ refers to the process through which people learn to participate in group life through the acquisition of culture.


______ refers to a group of people living within defined territorial borders who share a common culture.


How does sociology contribute to the creation of public policy?

Sociologists contribute important knowledge about current social issues.

What is the relationship between the individual and the social structure?

The individual and social structure both have an effect on each other.

What might a sociologist say about people's selection of marriage partners?

Typically, a person marries someone of similar social position.

Which early sociologist received the first doctorate ever awarded by Harvard University to a person of color?

W.E.B. Du Bois

______ is related to an in-group while _____ is related to an out-group.


The term "correlation" refers to a situation in which

a change in one variable is associated with a change in the other

A simplified description unfairly applied to every person in some category is called

a stereotype

A status that can be earned and that people have some degree of control and choice over is known as an ______.

achieved status

Which of Durkheim's types of suicide applies when people commit suicide during times of economic stress, sudden prosperity, or moving to a new community?


When people model themselves after the members of peer groups they would like to join, they are engaging in a process that sociologists call

anticipatory socialization

Sociologists define a symbol as

anything that carries meaning to people who share a culture

A status that is neither earned nor chosen is referred to as an _____.

ascribed status

A king who rules because people believe he has a divine right is an example of ___________.


Which of the following best sums up Goffman's idea of the resocialization process?

break down an old identity, then build up a new identity

The most important period of socialization takes place during


What is the term sociologists give to a category of people with a common characteristic, usually their age?


secondary group

composed of people who act impersonal and task-oriented, and involving only a single segment of the lives and personalities of its members.

Which of the following is the best definition of a primary group?

composed of people who are emotionally close, know one another well, seek one another's company because the enjoy being together, and share a "we" feeling

Counterculture refers to

cultural patterns that oppose those that are widely held.

Subculture refers to

cultural patterns that set off a part of a society's population.

What is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together make up the way of life for a group of people?


You've read a study with results that support the idea that marital infidelity increases the likelihood of divorce. In this study, divorce is a(n) _________.

dependent variable.

A sample is random when

each member of the population has the same chance of being part of the sample

If you were to conduct sociological research that closely follows the logic of science, which research method would you most likely use?


Rules that cover customary ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving but lack moral overtones are called ____.


__________ are rules about everyday, casual living; _________ are rules with great moral significance.

folkways and mores

Which theoretical perspective views the socialization process as ensuring continuity and stability?


A statement of a possible relationship between two or more variables" is the definition of which concept?


By "taking the role of the other," Mead had in mind

imagining a situation from another person's point of view.

In the historical perspective, the importance of the mass media to the socialization process has

increased over time

Sociologists use the term "empirical evidence" to refer to

information we can verify with our senses


is a life

According to Karl Marx, class conflict

is the key to the unfolding of histor

Ethnocentrism refers to

judging another culture using the standards of your own culture.

Unrecognized and unintended consequences of a social pattern are called

latent functions

Norms that are formally defined and enforced by designated persons or agencies are referred to as _____.


The special importance of the peer group is the fact that it

lets children escape the direct supervision of parents

According to Emile Durkheim, people with a higher suicide rate typically have

lower social integration

The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are referred to as

manifest functions

Cars, computers, and iPhones are all examples of which of the following?

material culture

What term refers to the arithmetic average of a series of numbers?


The type of solidarity based on tradition, pressure to conform, and consensus on values was termed _______ by Emile Durkheim.


What term refers to the value that occurs midway in a series of numbers (that is, the middle case)?


Norms of great moral significance which are thought to be vital to the well-being of a society are called ______.


The United States is the most _____ of all countries.


As a part of human culture, religion is an example of

nonmaterial culture

Researchers should keep their own biases from inflluencing the results of their studies. This principle is called __________.


Which sociological research method provides the best chance to understand social behavior in a natural setting?

participant observation

You wish to conduct an exploratory and descriptive study of people in a particular neighborhood. You have plenty of time, but you have little money or other resources. What research method should you use?

participant observation

Cultural transmission refers to the process of

passing cultural patterns from one generation to another

Sociological analysis is based on the assumption that social behavior is ______.


The social-conflict approach draws attention to

patterns of social inequality

When Cooley used the concept of the "looking-glass self," he claimed that

people see themselves as they think others see them

C. Wright Mills claimed that the "sociological imagination" transformed

personal problems into public issues

Which of the following social sciences is most focused on the individual?


W.E.B. Du Bois claimed that _________ was the major problem facing the United States during the twentieth century.


According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is to

radically alter a person's personality or behavior

Norms are

rules defining appropriate and inappropriate ways of behaving for specific situations.

Rewards and punishments used to encourage socially acceptable behavior are called _____.


We know what to expect from most social interactions because

social behavior is relatively predictable.

Emile Durkheim studied suicide and found that

social characteristics, such as degree of social isolation, are related to rates of suicide.

Patterned, recurring social relationships are referred to as ____.

social structure

The "framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change" is the

social-conflict approach

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture?


Which discipline defines itself as "the systematic study of human society"?


An apparent, although false, association between two variables that is caused by a third variable is called

spurious correlation

When people refer to themselves as students, doctors, welders, secretaries, mothers, or sons, each of these titles is what sociologists call a(n) ____.


The theoretical approach in sociology that assumes society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the

structural-functional approach

Which research method asks subjects to respond to a series of items in a questionnaire or an interview?


Which sociological research method is best used to study what cannot be directly observed, such as attitudes and values, among large numbers of people?


In American society, the prohibition against incest is an example of a(n) ____.


Charles Horton Cooley's "looking-glass self" pertains to

the development of the self-concept

What causes a spurious correlation?

the effect of a third variable on both of the original variables

Culture is defined as

the material objects, as well as the patterns for thinking, feeling, and behaving, which are passed from generation to generation among members of a society.

An individual's ability to see the relationship between events in their personal lives and events in society is called ______.

the sociological Imagination

A statement that explains how and why specific facts are related is called a(n)


Two variables are said to display correlation if

they vary together

The ideal of objectivity means that a researcher must

try to adopt a stance of personal neutrality toward the outcome of the research.

Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called


Imagine that you were going to measure the age of a number of respondents taking part in a survey. As you record the data, you are using the concept of "age" as


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