1.4 - Color

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- and the artists of the - movement focused especially on using color as intensely as they could in order to reveal the rich character of painting

Henri Matisse, Fauve

Identify the elements of this diagram illustrating the separation of color.

Light, Prism, Visible spectrum

What is the term used to describe an artwork, like this one, which has been created using only one hue?


Which color(s) of eyeshadow best complement these eyes?

Not Dark Blue

Each of these paintings is remarkable for its expressive use of color. Who painted them?

Paul gauguin (jesus), Vincent van gogh (room), Henri matisse (doors)

Which of the following interact to create our perception of the color in objects?

Pigment, light

What attribute of light determines its color?


When two different colors of - are mixed, the result is - than before, and is known as - color.

pigment, darker, subtractive

What is the name of the style of painting that the nineteenth-century French painter Georges Seurat created using the optical qualities of color?


In each of these paintings, is color employed to produce primarily positive or primarily negative emotional effects on the viewer?

Positive: Sunset, jesus, rainbow people

The studies of the twentieth-century color psychologist Faber Birren indicate that people often become noisy, argumentative, and voraciously hungry when exposed to what color of light?


Identify the primary colors on this traditional color wheel of "artist's colors."

Red, Blue, Yellow

This diagram was created by the color theorist Josef Albers to demonstrate a type of color deception. What did he call it?

Two colors look like one

Complementary colors can be found opposite each other on a color wheel. Which of these combinations contain complementary colors?

(pink-green, orange-blue) (yellow-purple, orange-blue, red-green)

Approximately how many different colors can the human eye perceive?


Click on the circle in each row with the strongest chroma.

8th, 4th, 6th

Which part of the spectrum is absorbed and which part reflected when white light falls on the blue sweater? To select the answer, click on the outer grey edge of the spectrum adjacent to the appropriate part.

Absorbed: everything but blue. Reflected: blue

Which aspect of color is most strongly represented in each of these paintings?

Analogous: boat, horse, jungle. Complementary: sunset, girl in forest

Each of these paintings is characterized by its artist's distinctive and expressive use of color. Who painted them?

Andre Derain (jungle), Paul Klee (black), Barnett Newman (red)

The brilliant orange hue of this giant wooden cocoa pod gives it a vibrant and festive character. For what purpose did the Ghanaian cocoa farmer who commissioned it have it made?

As a coffin

What is the component of paint with which the colored pigment is mixed so that it will adhere to a surface when applied to it?


Which primary colors should be mixed to create each of these secondary colors? Note the different color wheels specified under the swatches of secondary color.

Blue: cyan-magenta, Yellow: green-red, Violet: blue-red

What are the fundamental properties of color?

Chroma, Hue, Tone, Value

Which element of art and design is the most vivid?


Ancient Greek philosophers speculated that - might be a state of mind, and that the - we perceive is a unique experience for every person.

Color, Color

Sensations of color are often expressed in emotional terms. Which feelings best fit the statement "I'm feeling blue"?

Depressed and cold

Which historical culture(s) believed color could be used for healing?

Egyptian, Chinese, Persian

When we shine a mixture of red and blue light onto a white surface the resulting color is exactly the same as when we paint it with a mixture of red and blue pigment.


Which color in Islamic art is associated with the peacefulness of prayer?


Which of these colors did the Russian painter Vasily Kandinsky remember making a particularly vivid impression on him before he was three years old?

Green, red, orange, black

What is the term for the general classification of a color, in other words, its distinctive characteristics as seen in the visible spectrum, such as red or yellow?


The color system based on cyan, magenta, and yellow primaries has what advantage(s) over the traditional system of "artist's colors"?

It is possible to produce a real black by mixing these primaries. It is possible to create more accurate color mixtures.

When two different colors of - are mixed, the result is - than before, and is known as - color.

Light, lighter, additive

The pink polka-dotted trash bags pictured in this photograph were distributed by the artist Adrian Kondratowicz to help create what in his community?

Passive emotions

The Russian artist Vasily Kandinsky painted works so that they reflected fundamental color combinations. Choose the fundamental color structure that Kandinsky used in this work.

Red, Blue, Yellow

Which color(s) did the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh think expressed "the terrible passions of human nature"?

Red, Green

Click on the primary colors which, when mixed together as additive colors of light, produce white light.

Red, blue, green

Identify the shades, tints, and tones of red in this diagram.

Tones down the middle. Tints top left. Shades bottom left.

The experience of color is very personal and subjective.


Which primary colors form the basis of this work by the contemporary Argentinian artist Analia Saban?

Yellow, Magenta, Cyan

Which color has the strongest symbolic associations with each of these religious or philosophical traditions?

Yellow: buddhism, confucianism. Blue: judaism, christianity. Green: Islam

Analogous colors can be found close to each other on a color wheel. Which of these combinations of pigments contain analogous colors?

yellow-orange, blue-purple, orange-red, blue-green, red-blue, yellow-green

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