19. Traffic Signs - Part 3

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Added Lane: Two roadways are converging. Watch for traffic in the left lane which may move into the right lane. Before moving into the left lane (if needed) check to make sure it is clear while signaling before changing lanes. The type is: warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Bridge Clearance: When a bridge has an overhead clearance less than 14 feet, this sign is posted indicating the actual legal overhead clearance of a bridge or elevated structure. The type is: warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Divided Highway Begins: You are getting close to the place where two-way traffic will be divided by a center strip. The type is: warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Divided Highway Ends: Two-way traffic ahead will no longer be divided by a center strip. Watch out for oncoming cars. The type is warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Hill : This sign is a warning to all vehicles that the road goes down a steep hill. You should check your brakes before going down the hill. The type is: warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Just checking to see if you are paying attention. This isn't a real road sign

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Keep Right of Island: The road ahead is divided. Stay on the right side of the island or barrier. The type is: regulatory

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Lane Ends/Merge Left: Two lanes of traffic will soon become one lane of traffic. Right lane traffic must yield when merging. The type is warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Merging Traffic: If you are on the main road and see this sign, be prepared for other cars and trucks entering into your lane. The type is warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Pedestrian Crossing: Watch out for people who might walk or run in front of you. Pedestrians have the right of way and you may have to stop for them. The color of this may be fluorescent yellow/green. The type is: warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

School Crossing: Watch out for children. Reduce speed. Obey crossing guard signals. Look out for children playing. The color of this sign may be fluorescent yellow/green. The type is: warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

School Zone: You are nearing a school area with a crossing. Watch for children and the marked school crossing. There are increased penalties for violation of school zone speed limits. The color of this sign may be fluorescent yellow/green. The type is: warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Share the Road: A Share the Road sign placed below a bicycle symbol sign is used on highways where bike lanes are not provided and the motorist and bicyclists must share the same roadway. The signs may be placed where there are narrow lanes, narrow shoulders, high traffic volumes or speeds. The sign serves as a warning to drivers and bicyclists that they need to share the roadway with each other.

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Slippery When Wet: Road ahead becomes slippery in wet weather. Slow down under these conditions. The type is warning.

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

The V-shaped pattern on this barricade means that the road is closed and traffic can proceed no further.

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

The lines on this barricade angle down to the right, indicating that traffic must pass the barricade on the right side.

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

The lines on this barricade angle down to the left, indicating that traffic must pass the barricade on the left side.

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Two-Way Traffic: Keep to the right because you are leaving a one-way street and are entering a two-way street. The type is warning

Identify this sign, the type and the action required

Barricades : Highway departments and construction crews often perform work that requires traffic lanes or entire roads to be temporarily or permanently closed. If a lane or road is closed to traffic, one of three types of barricades will be placed in the road as a warning to drivers. Barricades are either red and white - permanent, or orange and white - temporary. Even though barricades can be different colors, the instructions they give to drivers are the same.

What is a barricade sign, how is it identified, what does it mean?


What type are these signs?


What type are these signs?


What type are these signs?

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