2208 Ch1 P1

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you could say that architecture tells you ______ and organization tells you _______

-architecture tells you what a computer does -organization tells you how it does it

what is the von Neumann model

-instructions are executed sequentially (goes line by line) -are still able to branch (ex. by using if statements)

what is the parallel computer model

-reflects different ways of processors interconnection (based on shared memory, distributed memory with message passing, or a hybrid of the two) -if you have multiple processors, they could share memory (they could each have their own memory but still need to communicate)

what are the two types of RAM memory

-static RAM (cache memory) -dRMA (dynamic ram)

house example - which parts are abstract/architecture and which parts are physical/organization

-the plan for the house is abstract -the civil engineer how decides how to implement the plan is physical (ex. if there is a window, there are many different ways to build a window)

what are the two ways that an ISA can define the model of a computer

-traditional sequential computer model (von Neumann model) -parallele computer model

ex. of an ISA having different organizations

-you want to build a house, you go to different architects

what type of entity is ISA

an abstract entity

the more _____, the better and faster the computer is


what do modern microprocessors/CPUs usually include

cache memory on-chip

what is a general-purpose computer

can be programmed to solve any problem -ex. a laptop

what does the cpu do (and what does it stand for)

central processing unit -reads instructions and executes them

with organization and architecture/ISA, which one do computer manufacturers modify and which ones do they keep constant

computer manufacturers regularly modify the organization of a processor while keeping its ISA essentially constant

what does the computer's assembly language embody and what does this mean

computer's assembly language embodies its ISA -means that assembly language is how you access its ISA (its register set, instruction set, and addressing modes)

computers are either _____ or ______

computers are either dedicated or general-purpose

ex of different architecture of a watch

digital vs analog

what is an abstract entity

doesn't consider the specific design or implementation of a computer

what does dRAM stand for

dynamic ram

is it easier to change the architecture or organization

easier to change organization -changing architecture takes a lot of time, so you should try to be as static as possible with architecture

when you buy a computer, is it more important to have a good processor or good memory

good memory, but both are still important

what is cache memory


what is the instruction set

holds the instructions to write assembly -we have addition, subtraction, multiplication, possible division, compare, etc

what is the addressing mode

how to get information from the memory

what is the practical difference between a register and a word in memory

registers are located within the cpu which means that it can be accessed more rapidly than other memories

from what point of view does the ISA define the model of a computer from

the programmer view point

how does the cpu communicate with memory

through highways

are registers expensive or cheap

very expensive

what model does general-purpose computers follow

von Neumann model (processor reads it line by line)

can an ISA have more than one organization

yes, any given ISA can have many different organizations

is there a specific memory for the program or data in a dedicated computer

yes, it would already be hardwired into the computer by the manufacturer

what are the 4 overall types of memory

1. secondary 2. main 3. cache 4. register

currently, most computers either have __________ or _________ registers

21-bit or 64-bit wide registers

if program is part of the input to a computer, what type of computer is it

a general purpose computer

what is the register

a memory element that holds a single unit of data (a word of data)

how is a register specified

in terms of the number of bits it holds, which is typically 8, 16, 32, or 64

where is the fastest memory in a computer

in the register set

in theory, architecture and organization are ______ - what does this mean

in theory, architecture and organization are orthogonal -this means that they are entirely independent

what is a computer characterized by

its instruction set architecture (ISA)

today, what is a computer's organization often referred to as


what another term for the cpu


what is the fundamental difference between a register and a word in memory

no fundamental difference

if you were rich, would it make sense to have a computer with a super large number of reigsters

no, because you would need more bits to select the register, and the time it takes to select the register would basically cancel out the speed of the register

is there a specific memory for the program or data in a general purpose computer

no, that program is an input

what is a dedicated computer

solves only one class of problems (which cannot be changed) -ex. a computer in a calculator, a cruise speed control, or a washing machine

what is the ISA concerned with

the computer's register set, instruction set, and addressing nodes

the term 'computer' describes

the entire system

what is computer organization concerned with

the implementation of an ISA -everything is physical

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