221 Final Exam Review

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How many bones make up the face?


After the needle enters the skin during venipuncture, the angle of the needle is reduced how many degrees to the long axis of the vessel?


The oblique inferosuperior (tangential) projection of the zygomatic arches requires that the IOML be parallel to the IR, and that the head be rotated how many degrees toward the affected side?

15 degrees

What is the central-ray angulation for the axiolateral oblique projection (Modified Law) of the TMJ?

15 degrees

What is the central-ray angulation for the axiolateral oblique projection of the TMJ?

15 degrees caudad

The midsagittal plane of the head is rotated how many degrees for the axiolateral oblique projection (Modified Law) of the TMJ?

15 degrees toward the IR

How much should the body be rotated for a PA oblique projection of the sternum?

15 to 20 degrees

How long after the completion of the contrast medium injection does the contrast agent usually begin to appear in the renal pelvis?

15-20 min

For the tangential projection of the zygomatic arch, the head is positioned so that the midsagittal plane is _____ degrees _____ the side being examined.

15; toward

What is the central-ray angulation for the PA axial projection of the mandibular rami?

20 to 25 degrees cephalad

How long does it take barium to go through the alimentary canal and reach the rectum?

24 hours

Several methods are available to perform the axiolateral oblique projection of the mandible to demonstrate the symphysis, body, or ramus. What is the central-ray angulation for all of these projections?

25 degrees cephalad

What is the average central-ray angulation for the PA axial (Haas) projection of the skull?

25 degrees cephalad

How many degrees should the patient be rotated for AP oblique projection, posterior oblique position, during excretory urography?


What is the central-ray angulation for the AP axial (Caldwell) projection of the Orbits?

30 degrees caudad

What is the central-ray angulation for the AP axial projection of the zygomatic arches?

30 degrees caudad

The axiolateral oblique projection is used to demonstrate the mandible. How is the head positioned to demonstrate the body of the mandible?

30 degrees toward the IR

What is the central-ray angulation for the PA axial projection of the large intestine?

30 to 40 degrees caudad

What is the central-ray angulation for the AP axial projection of the TMJ?

35 degrees caudad

Which method of examining the skull will demonstrate the petrous ridges in the orbits, the ethmoid and frontal sinuses, and the crista galli?


For the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches, the central ray is directed perpendicular to the __.


For the tangential projection of the zygomatic arch, the central ray is directed perpendicular to the __.


Which line should be placed parallel to the plane of the image receptor for the SMV projection of the cranial base?


The primary purpose of performing oblique projections of the ribs is:

To image the axillary portion of the ribs

Why should the patient be instructed to empty his or her bladder just before an IVU is to begin?

To prevent dilution of the opacified urine

Which method of examining the skull is identified in the figure below?


Which of the following bones is contained in the floor of the cranium? (select all that apply) a. Temporal b. Ethmoid c. Sphenoid

a, b, c

Which of the following form the bony thorax? (select all that apply) a. Sternum b. 12 thoracic vertebrae c. 12 pairs of ribs

a, b, c

Which of the following is true regarding the lateral projection of the nasal bones? (select all that apply) a. The interpupillary line is perpendicular to the tabletop. b. Both sides are done for comparison. c. MSP is parallel with the tabletop.

a, b, c

The space between each of the ribs is called the

intercostal spaces

The easily palpable superior border of the manubrium is called the:

jugular notch

What is the central-ray angulation for the AP axial urinary bladder?

10 to 15 degrees caudad

Select the mild adverse reactions to iodinated contrast medium administration. -Flushed appearance -Death -Headache -Renal shutdown -Cardiac arrest -Hives -Nausea -Respiratory arrest -Dyspnea -Vomiting -Warm feeling -Edema of the respiratory mucous membranes

-Flushed appearance -Hives -Nausea -Vomiting

What is the approximate normal levels of creatinine in the blood ?

.6 to 1.2

For a lateral projection of the paranasal sinuses the central ray is directed ___.

1 inch posterior to the outer canthus.

The OML forms an angle of how many degrees from the plane of the image receptor for an open-mouth parietoacanthial (Waters method) projection?

37 degrees

The orbit is made up of _____ cranial bones and _____ facial bones.

3; 4

The stomach wall is composed of how many layers?


The axiolateral oblique projection is used to demonstrate the mandible. How is the head positioned to demonstrate the symphysis of the mandible?

45 degrees toward IR

In a typically shaped head, the petrous pyramids project anteriorly and medially at what angle?

47 degrees

The parietoacanthial projection (Waters method) of the orbits is often modified so that there is less angulation of the facial bones. For this modification, the orbitomeatal line is adjusted to _____ degrees.


The parietoacanthial projection of the facial bones is often modified so that there is less angulation of the facial bones. For this modification, the orbitomeatal line is adjusted to __.

55 degrees

How many ribs attach directly to the sternum?


How much fluid can the adult bladder hold?

75 mL

Food and fluid should be withheld for how many hours before a stomach examination?

8 hrs

What type of joint is the TMJ?

synovial-hinge and gliding

Identify A/C/D/J/K

A. Hilum C. Renal Pelvis D. Renal capsule J. minor calyx K. major calyx


A. Renal calyxes B. Renal Pelvis C. Abdominal ureter D. Pelvic Ureter E. Urinary Bladder


AP Axial (Towne)

Which projection of the stomach would best demonstrate a diaphragmatic or hiatal herniation?

AP, Trendelenburg's position

At what level is the center of the IR positioned for a lateral projection of the rectosigmoid area?


The portion of the colon located between the cecum and the hepatic flexure is called the:

Ascending colon

At which level will the central ray be placed for the SMV projection of the zygomatic arches?

At a level 1 inch posterior to the outer canthi

At which level will the central ray be placed for the tangential projection of the zygomatic arch?

At a level 1 inch posterior to the outer canthi

How are the hands placed for a PA projection of the ribs so the scapulae are rotated away from the rib cage?

Back of the hands against the hips

A patient with a clinical history of sinusitis comes to the radiology department for a sinus study. The patient is quadriplegic and cannot be placed erect. You are only able to perform a single projection. Which single projection would you perform to demonstrate any possible air-fluid levels in the sinuses? How would you perform this projection?

Cross table Lateral projection lateral Recumbent position

A procedure used to evaluate biliary and pancreatic pathological conditions with an endoscope is __.


Where is the IR centered for delayed images of the small intestine?

Level of the iliac crests

Where should the patient's hands be positioned for an upright lateral sternum?

Locked behind the back

The zygomatic arches are a part of which bone?


Which plane is centered to the grid for a lateral projection of the large intestine?


Trauma patients may arrive in the radiology department with their head immobilized. A reverse Waters method can always be performed on these patients by adjusting the central ray parallel to the _____ line.


Trauma patients may arrive in the radiology department with their head mobilized. A reverse Waters method can always be performed on these patients by adjusting the central ray parallel to the:


Which projection and body position will demonstrate the sternum through the heart?

PA oblique, RAO

Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the ascending colon?

PA oblique; RAO

Which of the following is perpendicular to the image receptor plane for a Caldwell projection of the skull?


Which reference line is perpendicular to the IR for the PA and PA axial mandibular rami?


Which reference line is positioned perpendicular to the angled image receptor for the PA axial (Caldwell method) projection of the sinuses?


The central ray angle for the PA oblique projection of the sternum is:


For cystourethrography with an adult male patient, to which level of the patient should the IR be centered?

Pubic symphysis

Which projection/method of the TMJ requires that the skull be kept in a true lateral position?


The sternal angle is at approximately the same level as the __.


The manubrial or jugular notch is at approximately the same level as the:

T2-3 interspace.

Which plane is centered to the grid for a lateral projection during a cystogram?

The midcoronal plane

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding Figure A? (select all that apply) a. The radiograph was made in the LAO position. b. The central ray should enter more inferiorly. c. The sternum is projected onto the left side of the thorax.

The pictured radiograph is an RAO or LPO position of the sternum. The sternum is projected to the left side of the thorax, over the heart and other mediastinal structures in the RAO position, thus promoting more uniform receptor exposure. Although the upper limits of the sternum are well demonstrated in the figure, not all of the xiphoid process is seen, because the central ray was directed somewhat too superiorly. The central ray should be directed midway between the jugular (manubrial) notch and the xiphoid process.

The five golden rules of medication administration:

The right time The right amount The right route The right medication The right patient

Which of the following is true regarding the lateral projection of the nasal bones? (select all that apply) a. midsaggital plane is parallel with the tabletop b. both sides are done for comparison c. the interpupillary line is perpendicular to the tabletop

a, b, c

Which of the following should be clearly demonstrated on a lateral projection of the paranasal sinus? (select all that apply) a. All four sinus groups b. Superimposed mandibular rami c. Superimposed orbital roofs

a, b, c

Which of the following should be seen superimposed on a lateral image of the skull? (select all that apply) a. Orbital roofs b. Temporomandibular joints c. External acoustic meati

a, b, c

Which ribs are called the true ribs? a. 1 to 7 b. 1 to 10 c. 8 to 12 d. 11 and 12

a. 1 to 7

Which of the following planes is positioned to the center of the grid for the lateral projection of the stomach and duodenum? a. A plane passing midway between the midcoronal plane and the anterior surface of the abdomen b. A coronal plane passing 2 inches anterior to the median coronal plane c. Midcoronal plane d. A coronal plane passing 2 inches posterior to the median coronal plane

a. A plane passing midway between the midcoronal plane and the anterior surface of the abdomen

For a PA projection of the stomach: a. Center midway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus (L1-L2) and halfway between the midline and lateral border of abdominal cavity b. Center midway between the manubrium and the umbilicus (L1-L2) and halfway between the midline and lateral border of abdominal cavity c. Center midway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus (L1-L2) d. Center halfway between the midline and lateral border of abdominal cavity

a. Center midway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus (L1-L2) and halfway between the midline and lateral border of abdominal cavity

Which of the following is clearly demonstrated within the foramen magnum during an AP axial (Towne) projection of the skull? (select all that apply) a. Dorsum sellae b. Sella turcica c. Posterior clinoid processes

a. Dorsum sellae c. Posterior clinoid processes

Which of the following bones contain air sinuses? (select all that apply) a. Ethmoid b. Frontal c. Sphenoid

a. Ethmoid b. Frontal c. Sphenoid

Which two terms refer to the excretory urogram examination? a. Intravenous urography and intravenous pyelography b. Cystourethrography and intravenous pyelography c. Intravenous urography and retrograde urography d. Cystourethrography and retrograde urography

a. Intravenous urography and intravenous pyelography

Where is the contrast medium injected for a myelogram? (select all that apply) a. L3-L4 b. T12-L1 c. L2-L3 d. L1-L2 interspace

a. L3-L4 c. L2-L3

Which parts of the patient's face touch the table for a PA axial projection (Caldwell method)? (select all that apply) a. Nose b. Chin c. Forehead

a. Nose c. Forehead

Which of the following projections will clearly demonstrate any medial or lateral displacement of fractures of the mandibular rami? (select all that apply) a. PA b. PA axial c. axiolateral d. Axiolateral oblique

a. PA b. PA axial

Which of the following projections will clearly demonstrate any medial or lateral displacement of fractures of the mandibular rami? (select all that apply) a. PA b. Axiolateral oblique c. PA Axial

a. PA c. PA Axial

Which two facial bones form the roof of the mouth? (select all that apply) a. Palatine bones b. Vomer c. Maxillae

a. Palatine bones c. Maxillae

What are the positions most commonly employed for a radiographic examination of the sternum? (select all that apply) a. RAO b. LAO c. Lateral

a. RAO c. Lateral

Identify img: a. Retrograde urogram, AP projection b. Preliminary (scout)image, AP projection c. Excretory urogram, AP projection d. Excretory cystogram, AP projection

a. Retrograde urogram, AP projection

Label a/b/c

a. Right uterine tube b. uterus c. left uterine tube

Both zygomatic arches can be demonstrated on one projection for which of the following projections? (select all that apply) a. SMV b. Tangential c. AP Axial

a. SMV c. AP Axial

Which breathing techniques can be used when performing an oblique projection of the sternum? (select all that apply) a. Shallow breathing b. Suspend on Inspiration c. Suspend d. Suspend on Expiration

a. Shallow breathing d. Suspend on Expiration

Which of the following is true regarding the lateral projection of the skull? (select all that apply) a. The interpupillary line is perpendicular to the image receptor. b. The midsagittal plane of the head is parallel to the image receptor. c. The mentomeatal line is parallel with the bottom edge of the image receptor.

a. The interpupillary line is perpendicular to the image receptor. b. The midsagittal plane of the head is parallel to the image receptor.

From the following list, select the two evaluation criteria that indicate the patient was properly positioned for a parietoacanthial projection of the facial bones. a. The petrous ridges should be projected immediately below the maxillary sinuses. b. The entire cranium should be demonstrated without rotation or tilt. c. The orbital roofs should be superimposed. d. The distance between the lateral border of the skull and orbit should be equal on both sides. e. The petrous ridges should nearly fill the orbits.

a. The petrous ridges should be projected immediately below the maxillary sinuses. d. The distance between the lateral border of the skull and orbit should be equal on both sides.

Which of the following bones contain air sinuses? (select all that apply) a. Ethmoid b. Frontal c. Sphenoid

a. ethmoid b. frontal c. sphenoid

Which of the following is true regarding positioning for the Waters method? (select all that apply) a. the orbitomeatal line forms a 37-degree angle with the plane of the IR b. the mentomeatal line is perpendicular to the IR plane c. the coronal plane is perpendicular to the IR plane d. the orbitomeatal line forms a 55-degree angle with the plane of the IR

a. the orbitomeatal line forms a 37-degree angle with the plane of the IR b. the mentomeatal line is perpendicular to the IR plane

The expected side effects to contrast media include: (select all that apply) a. warmth. b. flushing. c. hives. d. metallic taste in mouth.

a. warmth. b. flushing. d. metallic taste in mouth.

The lateral projection of the facial bones clearly demonstrates the __.

all facial bones in their entirety

The radiography examination in which a contrast medium is introduced into a joint space and radiographs are made of the joint are called __.


Where is the bottom of the IR positioned for an AP projection of the ribs (below the diaphragm)?

at the iliac crest

The urinary system includes which of the following? (select all that apply) a. Suprarenal glands b. Urethra c. Two kidneys

b, c

Identify img: a. Preliminary (scout) image, AP projection b. Excretory urogram, AP projection c. Retrograde urogram, AP projection d. Excretory cystogram, AP projection

b. Excretory urogram, AP projection

Which of the following lines is placed as nearly parallel to the IR as possible for the SMV projection of the mandible? a. AML b. IOML c. OML d. MML


Which of the following body positions will project the left ribs clear of the heart? (select all that apply) a. Lateral b. LAO c. RPO

b. LAO c. RPO

Identify: a. Excretory cystogram, AP projection b. Preliminary (scout) image, AP projection c. Excretory urogram, AP projection d. Retrograde urogram, AP projection

b. Preliminary (scout) image, AP projection

Which radiographic position best demonstrates the anterior tenth rib on the left side without vertebral superimposition? a. LPO b. RAO c. LAO d. RPO

b. RAO

Which of the following positions may be used to effectively demonstrate the right posterior axillary ribs? a. RAO b. RPO c. LAO d. LPO

b. RPO

Both zygomatic arches can be demonstrated on one projection for which of the following projections? (select all that apply) a. tangential b. SMV c. AP Axial

b. SMV c. AP Axial

Which ribs are demonstrated on an AP oblique projection? a. Side farthest from the IR b. Side closest to the IR c. Upper ribs only d. Lower ribs only

b. Side closest to the IR

Which of the following is the recommended position for optimal demonstration of the upper anterior ribs? (select all that apply) a. Recumbent b. Standing c. seated Upright

b. Standing c. seated Upright

Which of the following is(are) true regarding positioning for the Waters method for the facial bones? (select all that apply) a. The coronal plane is perpendicular to the IR plane. b. The mentomeatal line is perpendicular to the IR plane. c. The orbitomeatal line forms a 37-degree angle with the plane of the IR.

b. The mentomeatal line is perpendicular to the IR plane. c. The orbitomeatal line forms a 37-degree angle with the plane of the IR.

Which of the following is centered to the IR for a parietoacanthial projection of the facial bones? a. nasion b. acanthion c. glabella d. mental point

b. acanthion

High-kilovoltage exposure factors are usually required for radiographic examinations using: (select all that apply) a. water-soluble, iodinated media. b. barium sulfate. c. a negative contrast agent.

b. barium sulfate.

During an ERCP, an endoscope is passed into the duodenum under fluoroscopic control. "Spot" images are usually taken of the _____ duct(s). (select all that apply) a. hepatic b. common bile c. pancreatic

b. common bile c. pancreatic

The act of expiration will cause the: (select all that apply) a. diaphragm to move inferiorly b. sternum and ribs to move inferiorly c. diaphragm to move superiorly

b. sternum and ribs to move inferiorly c. diaphragm to move superiorly

Narrowing of the ducts

biliary stenosis

Which projection best demonstrates the mobility of the kidneys? a. AP projection with the patient supine b. Lateral projection with the patient lateral recumbent c. AP projection with the patient upright d. Lateral projection with the patient in dorsal decubitus position

c. AP projection with the patient upright

Which of the following projections would be used to demonstrate the sternum on a trauma patient who must remain relatively supine? a. PA projection, RAO b. AP projection, RPO c. AP projection, LPO d. AP projection

c. AP projection, LPO

Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the left colic flexure? a. Lateral b. PA oblique, RAO c. PA oblique, LAO d. AP axial

c. PA oblique, LAO

Which of the following will demonstrate the duodenal bulb and loop in profile? a. PA b. AP oblique, LPO c. PA oblique, RAO d. AP oblique, RPO

c. PA oblique, RAO

Identify projection: a. Excretory cystogram, AP projection b. Postvoiding emptied bladder, AP projection c. Retrograde cystogram, AP oblique projection, RPO position d. Retrograde cystogram, AP projection

c. Retrograde cystogram, AP oblique projection, RPO position

The vermiform appendix of the colon is attached to the __.


A specific radiographic examination of the biliary ducts is termed __.


Acute or chronic inflammation of the gallbladder


Calculus in common bile duct


Presence of gallstones


Where is the IR centered for all decubitus projections of the large intestine?


The radiographic examination of the urethra is called __.


The degree of body rotation for the PA oblique projection (RAO or LAO) of the large intestine is _____ degrees. a. 20 b. 30 c. 20 to 30 d. 35 to 45

d. 35 to 45

At which plane is the central ray positioned for the PA oblique projections (LAO or RAO) of the large intestine? a. Midsagittal plane b. A longitudinal plane 4 inches lateral to the midline of the body on the elevated side c. A longitudinal plane directly over the vertebral column d. A longitudinal plane 1 to 2 inches lateral to the midline of the body on the elevated side

d. A longitudinal plane 1 to 2 inches lateral to the midline of the body on the elevated side

Which two projections best demonstrate injured posterior ribs Nos. 10, 11, and 12 on the right side? a. PA and AP oblique with the patient LPO b. AP and AP oblique with the patient LPO c. PA and AP oblique with the patient RPO d. AP and AP oblique with the patient RPO

d. AP and AP oblique with the patient RPO

Which projection would place the right kidney perpendicular to the IR? a. Right lateral, dorsal decubitus b. AP oblique, RPO c. Right lateral d. AP oblique, LPO

d. AP oblique, LPO

Which projection of the colon will best demonstrate the medial aspect of the ascending colon and the lateral aspect of the descending colon when the colon is inflated with air? a. AP oblique, RPO b. AP oblique, LPO c. AP, left lateral decubitus d. AP, right lateral decubitus

d. AP, right lateral decubitus

A near-frontal (AP/PA) view of the sternum is best accomplished in which of the following positions? a. AP b. LAO c. PA d. RAO

d. RAO

For the LPO or RPO positions for the large intestine: a. The patient is prone, rotated 35 to 45 degrees, with the central ray at the level of the iliac crest b. The patient is supine, rotated 55 to 60 degrees, with the central ray at the level of the ASIS c. The patient is prone, rotated 55 to 60 degrees, with the central ray at the level of the iliac crest d. The patient is supine, rotated 35 to 45 degrees, with the central ray at the level of the iliac crest

d. The patient is supine, rotated 35 to 45 degrees, with the central ray at the level of the iliac crest

Which of the following is placed perpendicular to the front edge of the IR for a lateral projection of the facial bones? a. mentomeatal line b. acanthiomeatal line c. orbitomeatal line d. infraorbitomeatal line

d. infraorbitomeatal line

All of the following are cranial bones except the __. a. frontal. b. occipital. c. sphenoid. d. maxillae.

d. maxillae.

Which of the following is centered to the IR for the PA projection of the mandibular rami? a. nasion b. glabella c. mental point d. tip of the nose

d. tip of the nose

What is the respiration phase for a lateral projection of the sternum?

deep inspiration

Why is it desirable to include the area below the pubic symphysis for older male patients?

demonstrate prostate region

Which renal structure filters the blood?


The large intestine is made up of a series of pouches called the __.


What patient position is used postmyelography during recovery?

head and shoulders elevated 30-45 degrees

The small bone situated at the base of the tongue is the __.


For which type of body habitus is the stomach almost horizontal?


For which type of body habitus will the diaphragm be at the highest level in the body?


Radiographic examination of the uterus and the uterine tubes is termed __.


To which level of the patient should the IR be centered when obtaining an AP oblique projection of the urinary system?

iliac crests

Where is the IR centered for all abdominal images taken during examinations of the urinary system?

iliac crests

The largest and most dense bone of the face is the __.


Letter B


Letter C

maxillary sinuses

The posterior half of the base of the skull is formed by which bone?


Which bone has condyles that articulate with the atlas of the cervical spine?


The lambda fontanelle is located at the junction of which cranial bones?

occipital & both parietals

To best visualize the lower ribs, the exposure should be made ___.

on expiration

Collection of debris, fluid, pancreatic enzymes, and blood as a complication of acute pancreatitis

pancreatic pseudocyst

Acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas


In some radiography procedures involving the urinary system, the contrast medium is introduced against the normal flow. This is termed __.


Which procedure should be performed if the bladder is not seen during an IVU exam, in the AP projection to demonstrate the entire urinary system?

separate AP projection img of bladder

Which sinus is projected through the mouth on the open-mouth modification of the Waters method?


Percutaneous vertebroplasty is done under fluoroscopy to __.

stabilize fracture fragments

The gallbladder functions to __.

store and concentrate bile

The respiration phase for radiographic images made during intravenous urography is __.

susp exp

The cranial bones are rigidly jointed together by articulations called:


What are the three parts of a syringe?

tip barrel plunger

How is the IR positioned for a lateral sternum?

top of the IR is 1.5" above the jugular notch

Which urinary excretory duct conveys urine from the bladder to outside the body?


The mucosa of the small intestine contains a series of fingerlike projections called __.




For a lateral projection of the facial bones, the IR is centered to the __.

zygomatic bone

For a lateral projection of the facial bones, the image receptor is centered to the __.

zygomatic bone

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