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How did different sectors of German society respond to Hitler's Nazism? Match each group to how it responded to Hitler.

among Hitler's most ardent supporters because of his economic successes once in power - small farmers, artisans, and shopkeepers despised Hitler and the Nazi Party for their attack on labor unions and stance against the Bolshevik movement - communists supported Hitler's rearmament programs and his destruction of labor unions - business elite and employers found Hitler's actions unchristian and antithetical to their beliefs - religious Germans

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage describing fertility rates around the world since the 1950s.

downward birth control fewer

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about life on the American home front.

1. Japanese 2. imprisoned 3. German Americans

Match each of the following key terms and concepts to the description it best fits.

"This was the strategy"- Marshall Plan "Formulated in 1946 by George Kennan"- Containment strategy "This was the strategy of providing military assistance"- Truman Doctrine "This idea assumed that if one nation turned to communism"- domino theory

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about the rise of communism in China and the Chinese Civil War.

1. Mao Zedong 2. Taiping 3. Marxism 4. peasants

World War II is considered a total war that required the involvement of all a country's citizens, both on the front lines and on the home front. Yet the effects of the war on the home front differed by location. Match each Allied power with the description of what life was like on the home front for its residents.

"Because the war began so badly"- Soviet Union "Thorough home front mobilization"- United Kingdom "With the exception"- United States

World War II is considered a total war that required the involvement of all a country's citizens, both on the front lines and on the home front. Yet the effects of the war on the home front differed by location. Match each Axis power to the description of what life was like on the home front for its residents.

"Having prepared years in advance..."- Germany "the military kept a tight hold"- Japan "Outside of fascist circles..."- Italy

The graph below depicts changes in global average surface temperature between 1850 and 2018. Click to identify the 20-year period during which temperature was highest during the twentieth century.

2nd to last section

Most of the anti-colonial movements that unfolded across the globe in the wake of World War I relied on leaders who were among the European-educated elites. When talk of self-determination came, they were ready. These movements also came at a time when literacy rates were on the rise and global connections meant that ideas and ideologies could spread much faster. What are two lessons we can gather from this circumstance?

- Colonial rulers inadvertently created the institutions that would contribute to their own downfall. - There was more power in the swirl of ideas after 1914.

What two key decisions turned a conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary into a general European war?

- Russia decided to mobilize its military to support Serbia, which meant mobilizing against Germany and Austria-Hungary. - German diplomats chose to support Austria-Hungary in whatever it decided to do about Serbia.

Analyze this California poster in favor of women's suffrage from 1910. What point was the author of this poster trying to make?

- The author of the poster is suggesting that women want to use their influence to improve politics and society. - The author of the poster believes that empowering women with the right to vote would lead to a less corrupt political system.

Compare these two maps: the one on the left depicts the political boundaries of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa in 1914; and the one on the right shows the same area after boundary changes created by the treaties ending World War I. How did World War I change the political geography of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa?

- The old "great powers" of Germany and Austria-Hungary no longer existed as large, powerful nations after World War I, as they had before the war. - The Austro-Hungarian Empire lost most of its territory, and only remained as two separate countries: Austria and Hungary.

What factors caused anti-colonial movements for Asians and Africans to gain strength after World War I?

- Their experience in World War I as both active participants and as observers made them think less of their colonial rulers. - The process of ending World War I and the peace settlements that followed drastically increased contempt for colonial powers.

How did anti-colonial movements in Africa and the Caribbean compare to those in other parts of the world?

- Unlike anti-colonial movements in China and India, those in Africa and the Caribbean fueled a movement called pan-Africanism, which stretched beyond national and continental borders and viewed anti-colonialism in terms of race. - Pan-Africanism and China's New Culture Movement were both elite movements that generally did not reach out to regular folks, and they shared the conviction that political independence would come after cultural revitalization. - Just like anti-colonial movements in India and China, the ones in Africa and the Caribbean drew strength from disillusionment that came with World War I and the peace settlements.

Which of the following are examples of why the human cost of World War I was so steep?

- World War I was a total war that affected people on and off the battlefield. - Military medicine and military technology had made significant advances by 1914. - Most armies in World War I were organized into units taken from specific regions

What features did communist and fascist movements have in common?

- emphasis on youth and the future - willingness to use violence in politics - militant hierarchical party organization and a cult of the leader

What factors ensured that a conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary would spiral into World War I?

- entangling alliance networks - militarism and political influence of armies among the great powers - cultural climate of nationalism

Which of the following were distinctive features of fascist movements?

- militant nationalism that idolized vigor, power, ruthlessness, and war - embraced national regeneration and purification - rejected politics, preferred a one-party state, and celebrated action

Below are four examples of Cold War proxy wars. Match each war to the set of descriptions that it best fits.

-first major test of America's containment strategy after the Chinese Civil War- Korean War -one of the African proxy wars- Angolan Civil War -began with the country divided between a U.S.-backed anti-communist southern half and a Soviet- and China-backed communist northern half, but it ended with a U.S. withdrawal and a northern victory- Vietnam War -one of the few places the USSR used its own troops to fight a proxy war- Soviet-Afghan War

Only a few decades after the destruction of World War II, Japan experienced an economic surge that transformed the country into a nation with the ability to produce three cars per minute for worldwide export. Place the events that led to this transformation in chronological order.

1. Conglomerates called zaibatsu dominate industrialization. 2. Keiretsu conglomerates aimed at capturing foreign markets in select industries are created. 3. U.S. government transfers industrial technology to Japan. 4. Skyrocketing growth rates slow and eventually stagnate.

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage describing the role of the Internet in twenty-first century politics.

1. Facebook 2. pro-Democracy movements 3. weakened

Place the following events about the beginning of World War I in order.

1. Gavrilo Princip... 2. Austia - Hungary ... 3. Russia mobilized.. 4. Germany mobilized.. 5. Great Britain joined..

Place the following decisive moments of World War I in order.

1. Germany opened.. 2. The United States... 3. Russia dropped ... 4. German morale ..

In the 1970s religious politics around the world began to make a comeback. Match each of the descriptions below to the correct region of the map. 1. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) formed with the goal of making the country more authentically Hindu. 2. Protestant groups made their way into politics, usually pressing to restrict abortion and gay marriage. 3. Buddhist groups believed their religious beliefs and traditions were threatened by foreign values and cultures. 4. In the only country with a Jewish majority, religious factions put the nationalistic party in power.

1. India 2. Africa region 3. Thailand region 4. Israel

The map below illustrates the spread of the disease COVID-19 as of July 1, 2020. Match each of the descriptions below to the appropriate area on the map. Remember that you may open a larger version of this map in a separate tab. 1. implemented a stay-at-home requirement, with virtually no exceptions, as of late March, 2020; reported over 650,000 cases 2. had not implemented a stay-at-home requirement as of late March, 2020; reported less than 85,000 cases 3. implemented a stay-at-home requirement, with exceptions, as of late March, 2020; reported well over 2,600,000 cases

1. India 2. Japan 3. U.S.

Over the last two centuries hundreds of millions of people have migrated internationally in all directions. Place the following surges of migration into chronological order

1. Inexpensive, steam-powered transport enabled over 170 million people to move to another country. 2. Tens of millions of refugees were uprooted by World War II and decolonization. 3. An oil boom attracted millions to the Arabian Peninsula. 4. Ethnic Russians migrated out of formerly Soviet territories after the fall of the USSR.

The Asian tiger economies shared several characteristics and circumstances that led to a rapid large-scale economic transformation. Yet each case had its peculiarities. Match each description below to the appropriate country. 1. This country experienced two modern economic miracles—one between the 1870s and 1930s, and a second beginning in the 1950s. 2. Following destructive warfare in the 1950s, this country rose from a region with virtually no natural resources to one of the world's richest populations. 3. This country lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty with a combination of communism and capitalism.

1. Japan 2. South Korea 3. China

The economic volatility of a financialized world brought many crises in different regions that concluded with massive layoffs, bankruptcies, dis-investments, and governmental policies of austerity. Match the descriptions below to the correct countries. 1. This country experienced one of the largest financial crises of the 1990s. 2. A crisis originated in this country's housing market in 2007. 3. Bailouts from foreign bankers during the Great Recession here were paired with brutal austerity measures.

1. Mexico 2. U.S. 3. Europe region

Today, music is one of the many cultural forms that connect the world as it travels almost instantly from one place to another. Place the following events in the globalization of music into chronological order.

1. Music can only be experienced live. 2. Recording technology takes hold, mostly in Europe and North America. 3. Radio helps music find audiences around the world. 4. The music industry sees an increase in recording marketed directly toward youth. 5. Platforms such as Spotify and YouTube allow music to be heard everywhere instantly.

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about the changing relationship between Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin.

1. Soviet Union 2. non-aggression pact 3. Battle of Stalingrad 4. turning point

After Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924, Josef Stalin emerged as leader of the Soviet Union. Place the following events in order to understand the major moments of his leadership.

1. Stalin instituted formal planning.. 2. to support his industrialization program.. 3. Peasants resisted... 4. Stalin ordered the liquidation..

Place the following events in the twentieth century history of decolonization and the rise of East Asia into the correct chronological order.

1. The Allies begin occupation of Japan. 2. India and Pakistan become independent. 3. Algeria fights war for independence. 4. Deng Xiaoping assumes power in China.

Analyze the data in the table about the human cost of World War II. Drag each label below to the country that it matches.

1. USSR 2. United States 3. Poland

Analyze the following map of decolonization in Africa and the Middle East. Place the list of countries in order according to their territorial possessions in Africa, from most to least.

1. United Kingdom 2. Portugal 3. Spain

Place the following key moments of the Russian Revolution in order.

1. calling.. 2. the Bolsheviks... 3. during the Russian civil war... 4. Lenin and .....

After World War I, the fascist movement began in Italy. Place the following events in order to understand its emergence and key activities.

1. class conflict.. 2. Mussolini and his.... 3. thirty thousand.... 4. Mussolini formed..

The ideological and strategic struggle primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union was called the ____. It dominated international politics from 1945 until 1991. Its effects were significant—among them the division of Germany and ___—and it added to struggles around the world. What set this period apart from other phases of global conflict was that in previous eras the international system featured several great powers, but in this period there was a ____ featuring only two superpowers: the United States and the Soviet Union.

1. cold war 2. korea 3. bipolar system

Place the following events from the Indian Rebellion of the 1850s through the Indian Independence movement in order.

1. indian elites ... 2. Britain extended... 3. a British general ... 4. Mohandas Gandhi...

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of the Soviet Union

1. perestroika 2. glasnost 3. Berlin Wall

With the formation of a truly global web in the sixteenth century, overseas empires became easier to create but were not always easy to keep. There were four pulses of decolonization in recent centuries. Place each of them in chronological order.

1. the Atlantic revolutions 2. crumbling of the Habsburg, Ottoman, and Russian empires 3. loss of Japanese, British, French, Dutch, and Portuguese territories, mostly in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean 4. the collapse of the Soviet Union

Although with meager results, North Korea's export-led industrial growth has allowed most of its population to dodge poverty since the 1990s.


Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about the background to the Russian Revolution.

1st Blank: 1905 2nd blank: Nicolas 3rd blank: Duma 4th blank: land reform

After World War II, Japan's empire was dismantled and the Allies occupied its territory from 1945 to 1952. Identify the statements that describe the economic and socio-political changes made during this time period.

Correct Answer(s) - land reform - gender equality - a new constitution, adopted in 1947 Incorrect Answer(s) - neutrality in the wars in East Asia between the 1950s and 1970s

The most significant tension in the alliance of Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union was their unwillingness to share secret intelligence freely with one another.


Common characteristics such as hard work, frugality, and discipline can only partially explain the rise of East Asia. Which of the following factors also played a crucial role in the economic development of the region after 1945?

Correct Answer(s) - peace - containerization - cheap labor Incorrect Answer(s) - restrictions to free trade - a fertility transition toward higher birth rates

Which of the following factors affect the Earth's climate?

Correct Answer(s) - rising concentrations of greenhouse gases - how well the Earth's atmosphere traps heat - variations in the Earth's orbit Incorrect Answer(s) - rising acidity of the Earth's oceans

Which of the following statements describe Algeria's fight for independence?

Correct Answer(s) - The Algerian war for independence lasted eight years and cost one million lives. - Fighting the Algerians was controversial in France and almost led to civil war. - Liberation organizations such as the FLN sprouted in response to the massacre of thousands of Muslim Algerians after World War II. Incorrect Answer(s) - The French Army refused to include any Muslim Algerian soldiers in its ranks.

Which of the following statements regarding population trends since 1950 are correct?

Correct Answer(s) - There has been a global surge in life expectancy. - The global population has more than tripled. - The use of vaccines and antibiotics has reduced infant and child mortality. Incorrect Answer(s) - In rural countries, the frequency of famines has increased.

The poem "Dulce et Decorum Est" was written by British Army officer Wilfred Owen in the final months of World War I (the final line translates to "How sweet and suitable it is to die for one's country"):


The third major wave of decolonization began with the end of the Second World War. Within three decades, global decolonization was completed with the independence of the last remaining colonized state.


When the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945, the blast initially killed over 100,000 people, and radiation poisoning killed about 100,000 more. The vast majority of the casualties, however, were military personnel working in war industries.


World War I is considered a global war because extensive fighting spread to nearly every continent and because its effects spread just as far.


Starting in the second half of the twentieth century, growing Asian economies took great advantage of technical changes in long-distance trade. Which of the following statements describe the innovation of containerization?

Correct Answer(s) - Trans-oceanic shipping times became predictable. - It cut the costs of maritime shipping by one-third. - It opened the doors to European and North American markets. Incorrect Answer(s) - It was a local phenomenon that later spread to the United States and elsewhere.

Which of the following factors have contributed to China's economic surge since the 1980s?

Correct Answer(s) - a falling fertility rate - high literacy rates - millions of expatriated Chinese investing in their home country Incorrect Answer(s) - economic isolation and trade barriers - purchasing of long-term leases on farmland in Africa

Climate change was only one of several global environmental concerns that emerged in the late twentieth century. Which of the following represent other growing environmental concerns?

Correct Answer(s) - rising levels of air pollution - over-fishing and plastics disrupting oceans' food webs - accelerating rates of animal and plant extinctions Incorrect Answer(s) - increasing regulation of coal-fired power stations

Which of the following represent environmental consequences of climate change?

Correct Answer(s) - significant loss of glacial ice - higher acidity of the world's oceans - rising sea levels - increase of average temperatures on Earth

Which of the following political trends have grown worldwide since the end of the Cold War?

Correct Answer(s) - the central role of international organizations - a renewed growth of religious politics - the rise of China as an international economic power Incorrect Answer(s) - the slow decline of democracy

Colonial subjects around the world supported imperial powers during World War II, either by contributing to the war effort or volunteering for battle. With which of these nations did the following colonies side? Note that some may have more than one correct match.

France: Algeria Great Britain: Ghana, India Japan: India, Indonesia

South Korea in the late 1950s had virtually no natural resources, and per capita incomes were lower than those of newly independent Ghana. Which of the following factors contributed to the country's astonishing economic recovery?

Correct Answer(s) - universal education system for girls and boys - land reform coordinated by the United States Incorrect Answer(s) - refusal of economic aid from outside powers - state ownership of most business enterprises

There is no doubt that cultural and economic globalization has soared in recent decades, though it has also met its limits. Identify which of the following statements are correct as of 2015.

Correct Answer(s) Only 2 percent of university students come from abroad. Incorrect Answer(s) International migrants make up 30 percent of the world's population.

Which of the following statements characterize the realities of war crimes during World War II?

Correct answers: Germans and their accomplices murdered between 10 to 14 million people, including around 6 million Jews. The Soviet Union was responsible for between 1.2 to 7 million people, including people who may have favored Germany or who were Poles with an education or with military leadership roles. Following the Three Alls policy, Japan was responsible for at least 3 million civilian deaths.

Based on the information on this map, what conclusions can we draw about the Cold War?

Correct: Both the United States and the Soviet Union exercised power over their nearest neighbors. The United States and the Soviet Union were involved in dozens of struggles against each other around the world throughout the duration of the Cold War.

Which of the following are characterizations of the strategies that guided the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

Correct: Both were strategies of patience, designed to allow them to outlast their opponent. Both strategies rested on the assumption that the other side's economic and political system would ultimately collapse over time.

Based on your analysis of this map, what conclusions can we make about the course of the war between 1939 and 1945?

Correct: By 1942, the Axis powers and their allies were in control of almost all of Europe. The evidence on this map shows that 1942 was the turning-point year in this theater of World War II. Allied offensives in this theater of the war began in the Middle East and North Africa, moved into Europe both through Italy and from Russia in 1943, and finally closed in on Germany with offensives from both France and eastern Europe in 1944 and 1945.

Which countries were members of the Allied powers, and which were members of the Central Powers? Drag each label to the correct area on the map.

Allied: Russia, France, great Britain, etc. Central: Germany & Ottoman

What is the connection between World War I and the Russian Revolution?

Although the Russian Revolution had deep roots, it was triggered by World War I and probably would not have happened without it.

Beginning in 1947, many territories in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean started the process of decolonization. How many new countries emerged within the three decades that followed World War II?

Approximately 100 countries emerged.

Select the regions of the map that represent Hitler's goal of achieving lebensraum.

Austria Czechoslovakia (includes part of Poland)

Climate change was only one of several global environmental concerns that emerged in the late twentieth century. Air pollution is another significant concern in certain areas of the world. In what country has air pollution reached levels sufficient to cause millions of deaths every year?

China and India

Independence from colonial rule was a worldwide process that took two centuries to materialize and remains incomplete today. By the end of World War II, several factors led to the third and largest wave of decolonization. Which of the following factors contributed to the emergence and independence of roughly 100 countries during this period?

Correct Answer(s) - imperial subjects experienced in the arts of politics and war - the effects of long and costly wars - rhetoric of self-determination Incorrect Answer(s) - lack of local leadership within the colonies - highly profitable colonies

Which of the following factors helped increase global life expectancy rates after 1950?

Correct Answer(s) - improved nutrition - vaccines and anti-bacterial drugs - public health measures Incorrect Answer(s) - declining frequency of wars

Which of the following statements are true regarding the economic effects of Deng's reforms in China?

Correct Answer(s) - Eight hundred million Chinese climbed out of poverty in the three decades since 1990. - Private Chinese citizens began gaining wealth, including a growing population of millionaires and billionaires. - China became a hub of foreign investment. Incorrect Answer(s) - China used its growing wealth for domestic infrastructure projects rather than military spending.

Which of the following statements describe the process of independence in Ghana?

Correct Answer(s) - For the most part, the independence process was peaceful. - The Convention People's Party promoted non-violent agitation. - It was the first sub-Saharan African country to gain independence. Incorrect Answer(s) - Nkrumah ruled Ghana democratically until his death.

This map shows the third major pulse of decolonization in the greater Caribbean region. Which of the following statements describe this process?

Correct Answer(s) - French Guiana did not achieve its independence from France during this era of decolonization. - By 1945, Spain had no remaining territorial presence in the Americas. Incorrect Answer(s) - Puerto Rico gained independence from the United States shortly after World War II. - The third pulse of decolonization reached the Caribbean by the 1960s, and Jamaica and Barbados were the first new nations to emerge.

Beginning in 1945, improved public health programs promoted a surge in life expectancy around the world, creating a golden age of human health. Yet, there were exceptions to this rule. Which of the following illnesses cloud the so-called golden age of human health?

Correct Answer(s) - HIV/AIDS - viruses that mutated and leapt successfully from animal to human populations, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 - illnesses related to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs Incorrect Answer(s) - smallpox

Which of the following statements correctly describe the changing levels of economic equality that stemmed from late-twentieth-century economic globalization?

Correct Answer(s) - In high-wage countries, wage earners struggled to keep what they regarded as decent jobs in the globalized economy. - The countries with the least income inequality were in Europe. - Countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia trended dramatically toward greater income inequality. Incorrect Answer(s) - Manufacturing work migrated from low-wage to high-wage countries.

What were some of the primary factors that contributed to the surge of democratic governments in the late twentieth century?

Correct Answer(s) - Modern communication helped spread examples of democracy around the globe. - The United States government ended financial support to anti-communist dictatorships. - Dissent grew within countries with large amounts of debt. Incorrect Answer(s) - The UN established fines and trade restrictions to anti-democratic regimes.

Which of the following descriptions correctly characterize the Anthropocene?

Correct Answer(s) - Not all scientists universally embrace the concept of the Anthropocene. - It highlights the influence humankind has on the Earth. - Many scholars and scientists believe it began in the middle of the twentieth century. Incorrect Answer(s) - It is the era of geological time that preceded the Holocene.

Identify which of the following statements are correct regarding the development of containerization.

Correct Answer(s) - Of all global regions, East Asia benefited from this innovation the most. - Containerization dramatically reduced shipping times. Incorrect Answer(s) - Containerization increased shipping costs. - Containerization created more jobs for longshoremen.

Since approximately 1960, a rebalancing of global wealth and power has been under way, led by the tremendous economic growth of which of the following countries?

Correct Answer(s) - Singapore - South Korea - Hong Kong - Taiwan Incorrect Answer(s) - Philippines - Indonesia

Which of the following statements explain the surge of a politicized Islam beginning in the 1970s and the creation of radicalized factions leading to terrorism?

Correct Answer(s) - Some religious leaders considered compromise in politics as immoral and against divine will. - In some Muslim societies, repressive monarchs or military rule quashed all forms of opposition. - Many citizens of Muslim societies perceived their governments as corrupt and subservient to foreign powers. Incorrect Answer(s) - Islamic parties refused to provide social services.

Which of the following statements characterize China and its economy prior to the arrival of Mao Zedong?

Correct Answer(s) - Textiles made up most of its industrial output. - It was a rural country, and its millions of citizens suffered devastating food shortages. Incorrect Answer(s) - It served as an industrial supplier to other regions during World War II, driving significant economic growth. - It was governed as the People's Republic of China under the Chinese Communist Party.

In 1968, communist authorities in Czechoslovakia promised their unhappy citizens that they would reform the government by reducing censorship and granting more personal and press freedoms. With fewer restrictions, Czechs made their opinions and criticisms of the communist system and Soviet control known in what was called the Prague Spring. In response, Soviet leaders sent troops and tanks, killing between 70 and 140 people. What were the consequences of the Soviet response to the Prague Spring?

Correct: Chinese officials publicly criticized the Soviet response and compared it to Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939. Communist parties in France, Italy, and Finland denounced the Soviet invasion, creating a rift in communist solidarity.

In 1941, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, "If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons." What did he mean, and to whom was he referring?

Correct: Hitler was so evil and dangerous that an alliance with someone one might otherwise oppose would be worth it. the Soviet Union

What made the war in China different from other theaters of World War II?

Correct: Rather than a decisive turning point, there was only deadly stalemate for much of the war. Chinese forces were divided internally between those fielded by the Chinese Communist Party and those of the Guomindang led by Chiang Kai-shek.

What factors accounted for an Allied victory over the Axis powers in World War II?

Correct: The Allies had the economic advantage. The Axis powers were outmanaged. The Allies harnessed their populations' brainpower more effectively.

Which factors led to a breakdown of the wartime alliance between the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States, ushering in the Cold War?

Correct: the agreements made at the Yalta Conference in 1945 competing visions of international security the defeat of the Axis powers

The Allies converted industrial labs, engineering, and universities to war work. Which are examples of the advantage this gave them in the war?

Correct: the atomic bomb miniaturized radar insect repellant

What were the most important causes of World War II?

Correct: the effects of the treaties that ended World War I the expansionist agendas of Germany, Japan, and Italy

The first image shows some of the remaining Jewish residents of the Warsaw ghetto preparing for deportation to extermination camps following an uprising in 1943. The second image shows emaciated survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp in eastern Germany. The final image is a map that shows the locations and death toll by region of Nazi Germany's attempt to exterminate Europe's Jewish population. Taken together, what conclusions can we draw about the Holocaust based on the evidence?

Correct: Jewish men, women, and children were all targets of Nazi hostility. Under Hitler's leadership, Germany carried out a systematic effort to control, torture, and murder Europe's Jewish population. The Nazis not only sought to completely wipe out Europe's Jewish population, they also sought to use them as enslaved labor to fuel the Nazi war machine.

Which of the following are examples of the economic advantages the Allies had over the Axis powers?

Correct: The Allies had the ability to shift their economies into war production in a very short period. The Allies had more people. The Allies controlled almost all of the world's oil.

Which factors pushed the Soviet Union toward collapse?

Correct: the USSR's failure to build an international economy to rival the American one the cost of its nuclear competition with the United States

The late twentieth century witnessed the birth of democratic governments across the globe. Match each of the following countries or regions to the state of their political system during this period.

Cuba: A durable dictatorship continued. South Africa: Decades of apartheid ended in favor of a more inclusive and pluralist system. Yugoslavia: This communist country fragmented in the late 1980s, giving way to more democratic states. Greece: A near-bloodless revolution led to a durable democratic system.

Although having similar goals for China, Deng Xiaoping's and Mao Zedong's economic policies followed different approaches. Match each strategy below to the leader who implemented it.

Deng Xiaoping - promoted the production of textiles and consumer technologies - implemented long-term farmland leasing - implemented special economic trade zones Mao Zedong - promoted a heavy-industry program - promoted the practice of sharing land, animals, and tools in work units

Select the portion of the map that supports the claim that some of Japan's expansionist activities were intended to bring in more resources to Japan, which would allow it to continue its military operations in the wider Pacific region.

Dutch east indies

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about the anti-colonial movement in China.

First Blank: The Twenty-one Demands Second Blank: the New Culture Movement Third Blank: the Treaty of Versailles Fourth Blank: the May Fourth Movement

Despite its name, the Cold War turned "hot" in a few places. Select areas of the map that represent sites of Cold War violence. Remember to review the primary map as well as the inset map.

Germany (center of small map) Korea

World War II in effect consisted of four overlapping wars in four different theaters. Match each theater below to its correct description.

Germany and Italy's war against Poland, Britain, France, and much of the rest of Europe- 2nd theater between Germany and the USSR in eastern Europe and the western Soviet Union- 3rd theater Japan's war against the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia in the Pacific and Southeast Asia- 4th theater Japan's invasion of China, which initiated World War II in Asia- 1st theater

Place the following events in the outbreak and early phases of World War II in Europe in order.

Germany conquered Poland, and it occupied Czechoslovakia. Germany overpowered France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway. In the Battle of Britain, Germany attempted and failed to subdue Britain through a sustained air attack. In Operation Barbosa, Germany attacked the Soviet Union, breaking its non-aggression pact with the USSR.

Mao Zedong governed the People's Republic of China from 1949 to 1976. He put into practice different policies hoping to develop industrial and agricultural production. The following statements describe two of his most important policies: collectivization and the Great Leap Forward. Match each statement to the corresponding policy.

Great Leap Forward: - concluded with the worst self-inflicted famine in world history - required work units to produce steel in "backyard furnaces" Collectivization: - began in the early 1950s with the death of millions of landlords - monitored by party-appointed leaders who controlled peasant families - re-organized peasants into communal "work units" that shared land

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage describing Mao's regime in China from 1966 to 1976.

Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution schools and universities murders

Despite both the Soviet Union and the United States operating according to the idea of deterrence—that both sides believed it was necessary to have a stockpile of nuclear weapons, which would deter the other side from deploying theirs—the world came very close to complete destruction. Which of the following are examples of moments when the United States and the Soviet Union nearly launched their nuclear weapons?

In 1962, after the Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles to Cuba, U.S. president Kennedy demanded the Soviets remove them, which led to a two-week standoff in which both sides seemed poised to launch a nuclear attack on the other. In 1966, a U.S. Air Force plane dropped four hydrogen bombs by accident on the coast of southeastern Spain, none of which exploded. In the late 1970s and early 1980s there were several times when leaders in both countries were almost certain their adversary had already launched nuclear weapons and prepared to launch their own counterattack.

Look at the chart below and match the following statements to the appropriate country

In 1995 this country accounted for roughly a quarter of global energy use: United States In 2015 this country was the highest energy user in the world: China In 1975 this country accounted for less than two percent of the world's energy use: India This country did not have a steady growth of energy use over the 40 years shown here: Japan

In 1947, British India was divided into two independent countries with different characteristics. Match each of the following to the appropriate country.

India - It is a mostly Hindu country. - Jawaharlal Nehru became prime minister. Pakistan - Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the political leader of this new nation. - It is a mostly Muslim country. - It eventually lost part of its territory to Bangladesh.

Indonesia is one of the most diverse places in the world in terms of ethnicity, language, and religion. What was the predominant religion in the region by the time it declared its independence in 1949?


Place the events from the final years of World War II in Europe in order.

Italy surrendered to the Allies. The Soviets pushed the Germans out of the Soviet Union and began their march toward Germany. On D-Day, British, Canadian, and American forces launched the largest land invasion in military history. The Soviet army captured Berlin, and British and American forces occupied western Germany.

Drag each of the following key terms and concepts of World War II to its matching description.

Italy, Germany, and Japan- Axis powers the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, France, and the United States- Allied powers living space where Hitler planned to unite all German speakers into a greater Germany- lebensraum the German empire Hitler initiated after absorbing Austria and its population- Third Reich

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about Indonesia's path toward independence.

Japan Dutch the United States

The table below lists the casualties of decolonization during the three decades after the end of World War II. Using this information, match the following questions to their correct answer.

Madagascar: Which country fought the longest independence war against France? Kenya: In which of these conflicts were British imperial troops supported by Africans? Mozambique and Angola: Which two countries fought the longest wars for independence? Cyprus: Which country suffered the least number of casualties in its fight for independence?

Place the following phases of the Sino-Soviet rift in order.

Mao grew resentful of China's treatment by the Soviet Union as a junior communist partner. Nikita Khrushchev, Stalin's successor, met with American presidents in an attempt to ease Cold War tensions, but Mao interpreted those actions as treasonous and overly soft on capitalism. China and the Soviet Union competed for influence and admiration abroad, and their leaders began to denounce one another in international circles. Soviet and Chinese armies were shooting at one another along their shared border.

In the mid- to late-twentieth century, East Asia became one of the Global web's most interactive zones as it formed business and economic partnerships with many other parts of the world. Match each region below to the country with which it created a strong business partnership during the late-twentieth century and into the twenty-first century.

Persian Gulf - South Korea Canada - Japan Brazil - China

Based on your understanding of important battles during World War II, select the battles marked on this map that would be considered decisive turning-point battles.

Stalingrad El Alamein

This passage from a kamishibai is an example of Japanese propaganda used on its home front to encourage support for Japan's wartime policies, specifically promoting nationalism through investing money in the war effort. Select the passage below that most clearly expresses the main point of this kamishibai.

Sakuta continues: "The money that you keep in hand belongs just to the person who has it, but... putting money into savings is an expression of loyalty to the nation. ...

The heart of Gandhi's nonviolent movement was the concept of satyagraha, which he explains in his book, Satyagraha in South Africa. Select the passage from his book that captures the goal of his nonviolent philosophy.

Satyagraha and brute force, being each a negation of the other, can never go together. ... In satyagraha there is not the remotest idea of injuring the opponent. Satyagraha postulates the conquest of the adversary by suffering in one's own person.

In January, 2011, thousands of Egyptians joined in downtown Cairo to protest the dictatorial regime of Hosni Mubarak. Below is a primary source excerpt from a text written by Adel Abdel Ghafar, who was present for the protests. Identify the segments of the passage below where the author describes his realization that the protests may actually succeed.

That moment will be etched in my memory forever; time almost seemed to stand still.Then the most incredible thing happened. The riot police turned back and started running for their lives. We chased them, captured a few, hit them, and took away their weapons and helmets There was a raised collective consciousness among us. A realization. An epiphany. Simply that we will no longer be afraid. We drew strength, courage, and resolve from one another, from our numbers, and from our conviction.

Among international sporting events, the soccer World Cup and the Olympics have become international cultural phenomena. Match each statement below to the sporting event it describes.

The Olympics - It was used during the Cold War as a battle for superiority by the USSR and the United States. - In some countries, the athletes' training is under direct control of the government. - The modern version began in Europe in 1896. World Cup - It attracts more viewers than any other sporting competition. - The sport originated in Britain and proved to have global appeal.

Place the following events in Japan's path to war in order.

The United States, Britain, and the Netherlands stopped all oil and steel exports to Japan. Japan launched a surprise attack on British Malaya, the U.S. colony of the Philippines, and a U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The United States declared war on Japan and the Axis powers. Japanese forces drove the U.S. forces out of the Philippines, seized Britain's colonies of Malaya and Singapore, and attacked northern Australia.

At certain times, prominent individuals have used their agency to advance their interests or ideals and push history in a particular direction. At other times, history has been influenced by larger structural social and economic forces. Viewed through the lens of the Global web, both agency and structure impact the outcomes of important moments in world history. But how much do prominent individuals really influence world history? Identify the example that appropriately weighs the importance of individual decisions and actions of prominent individuals against the impact of economic and social structures.

The U.S. strategy of containment led to a nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. This arms race hampered the Soviet Union's ability to build economically. By the time Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985, the country was on the verge of crumbling. In office, Gorbachev pursued reform efforts that ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and he chose not to stop it.

Analyze this image from 1920s Germany under the Weimar Republic. It shows two children playing with bundles of German banknotes as if they are building blocks. Based on this primary source image, what conclusion could we make about life in the Weimar Republic?

The economy had declined to the point that money was so worthless it could be used as a childs toy

The following primary source passage is an excerpt from Thomas Sankara's address to the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1984. In the speech, Sankara condemned neo-colonialism. Select the sections of the speech where he explains what needs to be done to dismantle the legacies of colonialism.

The new international economic order ... can be achieved only if we manage to do away with the old order, which completely ignores us obtain the right to decision-making with respect to the machinery governing trade, economic and monetary affairs at the world level

Many factors contributed to the world becoming environmentally turbulent over the last 70 years; among them is culture. What cultural trait is shared by countries such as India, China, Japan, and the United States?

These regions clung to, or adopted, a culture of mass consumption

Match each term or individual to their corresponding description.

This was an ideological movement that originated in Italy during World War I, featuring militant nationalism, authoritarianism, extreme solidarity, and resentment over national mistreatment or chaos—all centered on the cult of an individual man. Correct label: fascism Following a power struggle in the wake of Vladimir Lenin's death, he became the leader of the USSR in 1927. Correct label: Josef Stalin He was the leader of the Nazi movement in Germany after World War I. Correct label: Adolf Hitler This was a fascist movement that originated in Germany after World War I in response to feelings of resentment and mistreatment in the aftermath of the war. It featured an authoritarian regime led by a charismatic leader who demanded the expulsion of people he deemed unfit to live among Germans and a return to national greatness. Correct label: Nazism This was an ideological movement that sparked the Russian Revolution and championed a political order without private property or capitalism. It would be led by a hierarchical party that promised to bring about equality, harmony, and prosperity for all. In practice, this movement was also authoritarian and quite brutal. Correct label: communism He grew up around socialist politics and entered into them himself as an adult. After World War I, he became the leader of the fascist movement in Italy. Correct label: Benito Mussolini

In part as a result of the prevailing rhetoric of the Second World War that promoted "self-determination of peoples," the United Nations declared colonialism a violation of human rights in 1960.


Since the late twentieth century, the large majority of the global surge in energy use came in the form of fossil fuels.


The power and influence wielded by the United States by the 1960s helped to spread the cultural influence of its most underprivileged population: black Americans from the South and from inner cities.


The wave of democratization in the late twentieth century did not manage to reach every dictatorship of the world. Some regimes kept power by rigging elections or buying the support of powerful corporations. Russia and Cuba, for example, are today ruled by authoritarian governments.


When Deng Xiaoping took power in China, he implemented a "socialism with Chinese characteristics"—a set of reforms that birthed the rise of contemporary China.


While suffering under Axis occupation produced some acts of resistance in territories under Axis control, especially in eastern and southeastern Europe, those efforts faced steep hurdles, as Germans had willing collaborators, and reprisals against resisters were often quite terrible.


While the rise of Atlantic Europe and the West and the process of colonization took centuries, decolonization and the rise of East Asia only took a few decades thanks to the densely connected world of the twentieth century.


The Second World War and its aftermath functioned as a catalyst for independence in different regions. In many of them, political parties emerged promoting independence as their main objective. The Convention People's Party (CPP) from the Gold Coast and the Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) from Indonesia are two examples of the aforementioned political parties. What statement describes a key difference between the two?

While the PNI mainly represented traditional landed elites, the CPP appealed to lower socioeconomic groups.

Starting in the 1980s international commerce thrived in the context of two important policy shifts that facilitated foreign trade. What were these shifts?

an expansion of free trade policies and the formation of the European Union

While communist and fascist movements shared some commonalities, there were also important differences. Match each characteristic to the movement it describes.

communist: - proclaimed equality in sexes (even if not in practice) - praised virtue of class struggle and solidarity of international working class fascist: -could coexist with capitalism and private property -could sometimes co-opt churches or coexist with organized religion

Minamata disease was one of many environmental consequences Asia suffered because of its accelerated economic growth. What was the root of this illness?

contaminated seafood in Japan from a chemical plant's waste

What correctly characterizes the financialization of the world economy?

de-regulation and digital technology easing the global flow of money and contributing to increased economic volatility

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage that explains the demographic changes that contributed to the rise of East Asia's economies.

demographic dividend declining formal education

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about the political challenges regarding climate change.

fossil fuel industry Paris Agreement the United States

Study the following map of decolonization in South and Southeast Asia. Then match each country to the empire to which it belonged, and the year it declared its independence.

gained its independence from the Netherlands in 1965 - Singapore gained its independence from France in 1954 - Cambodia gained its independence from Japan in 1948 - South Korea gained its independence from the United States in 1946 - Philippines gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 - India

The images below illustrate in various ways the evolution of China after World War II. Match each image to its most appropriate interpretation.

humiliation as a characteristic of ideological warfare: [A truck driving in a parade. there are individuals who are forced to wear signs on their heads.] the uneven development of accelerated economic growth: [a photograph that shows modern high-rise buildings in the background and a dilapidated old building in the foreground.] the use of propaganda posters depicting the benefits of technology, supplies, and comradery to gain political support: [a drawing showing a modern tractor among peasants.] the disproportionate use of force and violence to govern: [Tiananmen square, a civilian stands before a row of 4 tanks. ]

The world post-1980 seems to be a place of tumultuous change. Determine whether each of the following global characteristics are on the rise or on the decline in the last four decades.

increasing - democratic politics - climate change decreasing - global fertility - proportion of people living in rural areas

Which of the following is an example of the most effective response by a country's leaders to the Great Depression?

increasing public spending, even if it increased the national debt.

The effects of the Great Depression affected countries around the world differently depending on how connected they were to international circuits of finance or on how reliant they were on exports. Sort the following effects according to whether they match what happened to countries deeply connected or to countries less connected.

less connected: - Countries like China, India, and Japan experienced modest economic contraction, but they relied mostly on their own peasant food production. - These countries experienced less distress. deeply connected: - Unemployment skyrocketed, economic output dropped dramatically, and birthrates fell. - These countries were especially hard hit.

Match the name of each woman below to the historically-relevant event that distinguished(s) her public life.

played a central role in the liberalization of trade, creating a more globalized economy: Margaret Thatcher empowered women to fight for themselves and for the environment: Wangari Maathai fought for women's equality in sports: Serena Williams kept a diary describing the dangerous and cruel life of the favelas as a single mother: Carolina María de Jesus

In the last 200 years cities have become considerably larger and more populous. In 1800 only one city had more than 1 million inhabitants. By 1950 there were about 70. Match each country or region below to the appropriate description of its urban development.

roughly 33 percent of its population lives in cities: sub-Saharan Africa roughly 80 percent of its population lives in cities: United States underwent the largest and fastest urbanization in world history: China

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage, which explains how information technology changed business practices.

shipping the Internet lean

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about South Korean social and economic change after the Korean War.

supported rural areas to cities fertility

A globalized world brings global problems that require global solutions. Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage describing the challenges one international organization faced since its creation after World War II.

the United Nations peacekeeping operations member countries

Which of the following is an example of a change initiated by those who were troubled and upset by the atrocities of World War II and wanted to prevent anyone from repeating similar actions?

the United Nations Human Rights Commission

Where did the 2007 financial crisis that sparked the Great Recession of 2007-2009 originate?

the housing market and financial system of the United States

Modern environmental changes affect regions differently. Match each region below to the consequence it is facing on account of rapid changes in air pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss.

warmer winters and longer growing seasons: Siberia vulnerable to larger and more frequent storms: the Caribbean have warmed disproportionately quickly compared to other regions of the world: Arctic regions

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