36 Art History: Characteristics of Modern Art in America, Surrealism, 34 Art History: DaDa, 33 Art History: Cubism, Modern Art in Context, 31 Art History: Modern Art in Context, Realism, 29 Art History: Impressionism, 28 Art History: Romanticism, Neo...

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Which of the following statements best represents a Humanistic approach?

"If we teach them the right way, they will follow it."

What type of artwork is on The Gates of Paradise doors?


This piece by ______(1)______ shows the values and expression that can be achieved through ______(2)______.

(1) Rembrandt; (2) etching

When creating a(n) ______(1)______, artist draws on a metal plate with a tool called a ______(2)______.

(1) drypoint; (2) burr

Which of the following images would most likely have been approved by the Protestants following the Reformation?

(Picture of a man)

Why were there so few religious paintings painted during this time period?

(X) The King ordered against all religious paintings.

Which of the following is true of Levina Bening Teerlinc?

(X) [ap1]She was one of Henry VIII's wives. (X) [a2]She was involved in Queen Elizabeth's court. (X) [a3]She was the highest paid artist in Henry VIII's court. A and B are true.

Which of the following had a great impact on royal court painting?

(X) all of the above (X) Italian Renaissance

How did art change during the Enlightenment period? a. There was a renewed interest in Greco-Roman and Classical works. b. Artists shunned classical works in favor of modern art. c. Classical portraiture became very popular. d. Artists began to design woodcuts and stained glass works.


What is an impost block? a. a block that is between the column top (capital) and the springing of the rounded arch b. another name for a column c. a section of the clerestory windows that provides support d. none of these


What is the name of the building above? a. Monticello b. Mount Vernon c. Springfield d. Mont Blanc


What scientific innovation occurred that affected the art that was produced during this period? a. Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity b. the invention of the phonograph c. the polio vaccine was first developed d. penicillin was discovered


What was Brunelleschi's relationship with the Medici family? a. He was commissioned frequently by the Medici family for many projects. b. He married a Medici daughter and became involved in the family business of banking and patronage. c. Both A and B are correct.


Why did Jefferson adopt Neoclassicism as the official style of government architecture? a. He felt that the U.S. should free itself from British art influence and instead look to Republican Rome for artistic inspiration. b. After taking a trip to Rome and Greece following the U.S. independence from Britain, he wanted to recreate the same style. c. He wanted to create a "new look" in the United States. d. It was part of a peace alliance deal between the U.S. and Italy and Greece.


What is the first step to masking a woodcut?

A drawing is made on wood.

Which of the following best describes the scene in Disputa?

A dream of heaven that has been opened up.

Which of the following features could be found in more exotic grottos?

A fountain or pool.

What is gesso?

A medium used as a surface preparation or primer for a painting.

What is linear perspective?

A method artists use to create the illusion of space

What symbols did Michelangelo include in the sculpture titled New Sacristy?

A moon and gold to symbolize night.

What is a triptych?

A piece of art with three panels.

What purpose did a grotto serve?

A place where one could commune with nymphs and muses, and escape the summer heat.

What is intaglio?

A printmaking technique where the image is incised into the surface

What did Donatello's use of expression add to his sculptures?

A realistic quality

What was the Counter-Reformation?

A rebuttal from the Catholics to seek internal reform and renewal.

What is a grotto?

A recess typically made of irregular stones and covered with artificial foliage.

What is Pieta?

A sculpture of Mary holding Jesus' body

What original character did the mercenary replace in the image above?

A second woman.

What is the Tempietto, seen below?

A small tomb built by Bramante, in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio.

What is Mannerism?

A style from the 16th century that suggested elegance, self-awareness, and sometimes artificial grace.

What is buon fresco?

A technique in which water based paints are applied on wet plaster.

There are four statues by Michelangelo in the Great Grotto. What were they originally designed for?

A tomb for Pope Julius.

What is aquatint?

A type of etching that uses powdered resin that stops the acid from eating away at the surface, creating a tonal effect.

In Robert Campin's Triptych of the Annunciation, what everyday object was turned into a religious symbol?

A white towel.

Who is the artist of the image above?

A.Sin Yunbok

How does Michelangelo emphasize that God made Adam in his own image in The Creation of Adam?

Adam's form and pose mimic God's.

What was Bronzino's real name?

Agnolo di Cosimo

What was Bronzino's real name?

Agnolo di Cosimo.

Which artist created the building seen in the image below?

Alberti (Leon Battista Alberti)

Which of the following best describes what was happening in Antwerp during the 16th century?

All of the above (Many artists were relocating here, artists became specialists in different subject matter, and the demand for luxury goods supported the birth of the art market.)

Which of the following is true about the Mona Lisa?

All of the above (She has an ambiguous expression, it is da Vinci's most famous painting, and that her gaze is shifted slightly to look straight at the viewer)

What was the focus of Renaissance art?

All of the above (harmony, math, ancient Rome)

How did Masaccio enhance the look of the fresco above?

All of the above (he painted using a high contrast, he illuminated the figures from outside light sources, he painted Jesus in lighter colors than the other figures) (???)

Which of the following was a popular art form during the 15th century?

All of the above (murals, frescos, sculptures)

What significant role did printmaking play in the art of the period?

All of the above (printing opened the door for female artists, printing helped to generate revenue, and printing helped spread knowledge and art in the forms of illustration)

What is the vanishing point?

All of the above (the point where you can no longer see the image, the point where all imaginary lines converge, the point where the image fades)

How was art affected by the Reformation?

All of the above are true.

Which of the following is true about the Renaissance patrons in France?

All of the above are true.

What traditional Baroque characteristics can you identify in the piece above?

All of the above.

What traditional Flemish symbols can you identify in the piece below?

All of the above.

Which of the following best describes Florence during the beginning of the Renaissance?

All of the above.

Who is the artist, and what is the title of the piece below?

Allegory of the Battle of Lepanto; Titian

How are Altdorfer's landscapes different from Durer's landscapes of nature?

Altdorfer's are more poetic and mysterious.

What is a guild?

An association of people of a certain trade or occupation.

What is a guild?

An association of people organized by occupation.

Which city was considered the financial center of Europe during the 16th century?


How did Antwerp help the economy?

Antwerp served as the commercial and artistic center of the Netherlands. Art became a precious commodity because there was a demand for luxury goods.

Which of the following people is included in the painting School of Athens?


Which of the following statements is true about the paintings of Flanders?

Artists commonly understood symbols in their paintings.

How was the artist for The Gates of Paradise chosen?

Artists competed for the opportunity (Ghiberti won)

How was the artist for The Gates of Paradise chosen?

Artists competed for the opportunity.

What is Correggio's most famous piece?

Assumption of the Virgin.

What is atmospheric perspective, and where can it be seen in The Tribute Money? (shown above)

Atmospheric perspective is making objects that are further away less detailed. It can be seen in the mountains as they fade from grayish green to grayish white.

What technique was used to create a more realistic interpretation in Flemish art?

Atmospheric perspective.

After living through World War I and witnessing the effects of war on society and its people, artists _____________________. a. had new subject matter and mediums b. had a new sense of reality c. had a greater appreciation for the beauty of life d. had a renewed emphasis on classical art forms


What characteristic method of Roman architecture was used to create The Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence? a. statistics b. mathematics c. trigonometry d. astrology


What controversy surrounded some of the modern art that was produced? a. Some of the art content was banned by the highly regulated government. b. Critics did not consider it art because of its non-traditional subject matter. c. Critics did not consider it art because of the non-traditional materials used.


What did Renaissance architects seek to create? a. perfect balance in their architecture b. perfect images by using mathematical formulas c. perfect symmetry d. all of the above


What does the word Renaissance mean? a. new birth b. rebirth c. reconstruction d. renewal


What is depicted in the artwork by Duchamp pictured above? a. a shoemaking tool b. an iron with nails attached to it c. an archaic gardening hoe d. an abstract construction


What was the Enlightenment period? a. a period in time when meditation and prayer became popular b. a period in time in which progress through reason was highly valued c. a period in time when people first began to value higher education d. a period in time when art was scorned by the highly educated


What was the portico of the Foundling Hospital to be used for ? a. a porch b. a public shelter c. a walkway d. a chapel


Which of the following best describes Jean-Antoine Houdon's style? a. realistic and statuesque b. a combination of naturalism and a new classical style c. poised, life-like


Which of the following paintings is considered the epitome of French Rococo painting?


Who painted the image above? a. Houdon b. John Singleton Copley c. Jacques-Louis David d. Jacque Copley


Who popularized psychology and the idea of the human subconscious? a. Ivan Pavlov b. Sigmund Freud c. Albert Einstein d. Pablo Picasso


Why does the above painting fit the Neoclassical style? a. the subtleness b. restrained drama of this scene c. the classical influence of the figure d. the bright colors used


All of the following are reasons why engraving can be difficult, except which?

Before beginning the engraving, the artist must apply a thin layer of acid to the metal surface on which the engraving will be done.

Who was the architect of the church seen above?


How is Leonardo da Vinci?s The Last Supper different from traditional depictions? How is Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper different from traditional depictions?

Both A and B are correct. (He paints Judas within the disciples instead of off to the side, creating a realistic and psychological interpretation that places importance on the role Judas, Peter, and John in the story of the Gospels and He represents the Trinity by painting Christ in an equilateral triangle and by grouping the apostles in threes.)

Who is pictured below?


Who is pictured below?


What artist painted the image below?


Who painted the image below?


Which artist developed linear perspective?


Which of these artists designed the Great Grotto in Boboli Gardens?


How is tempera paint made?

By binding pigments with egg yolk.

By what means was most of the art in Florence created? a. by the churches themselves and the wealthy clergy b. by the donations to the Catholic church c. by patronage funding from the Medici family


What did Houdon use as a prototype for the sculpture above? a. classical gods b. classical Biblical figures c. classical athletes d. all of the above


What style(s) did the Foundling Hospital construction reflect? a. new Renaissance style, with no traditional forms b. traditional Roman style, and no Renaissance style c. both traditional forms and Renaissance style d. none of the above


What was Marcel Duchamp's intention for the piece seen above? a. to rebel against classical art b. to shock the art critics c. to change the meaning of a common household item d. to submit a new invention idea


When looking at modern art, what should the viewer understand? a. Artists were rebelling against art from previous periods. b. Artists rebelled against political leaders. c. Modern art reflects changes following World War I. d. none of the above


Which of the following pieces of information about a painting is most likely to help the viewer understand its context? a. What colors are most prominent in the painting b. The type of paint used to create the painting c. The events in the artist's life leading up to the painting's creation d. Whether or not the painting was commissioned


Which of the following post war events most influenced artists? a. psychology b. new science c. both A and B d. neither A nor B


Who were the Medicis? a. a family of architects during the Renaissance who built famous buildings b. a family of artists who produced much of the art in Italy during the 15th century c. a wealthy banking family who virtually ruled Florence d. a wealthy family of writers during the Renaissance


Why do you think the artist included the inscription on the wooden desk in the image above? a. symbolism b. to tell the viewer who the image depicts c. to demonstrate a tombstone


Which of these architects developed the St. Peter's basilica that exists today, and what were his changes from the original design?

Carlo Maderno extended the nave to 636 feet, and added a new facade.

It took Michelangelo 4 years to paint the ________ of the Sistine Chapel.


What is depicted above? a. Chilkat Blanket b. Sioux Blanket c. Pueblo Blanket d. Quillwork Blanket

Chilkat Blanket

What did the color purple symbolize in Flemish painting?

Christ's royal heritage.

What is the name of the building pictured above?

Church of San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane.

What does the sensuous quality of this piece suggest was its inspiration?

Classic mythical beauty as well as flesh-and-blood beauty.

http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-03-01-03-00_files/i0190000.jpg Who is the artist of the piece above?


Who is the artist of the piece above?


What artistic skills are best represented in the image above?

Color and form.

Where did much of the Counter-Reformation take place?

Council of Trent.

Which of the following is one of the painting steps in Cennino Cennini's painting handbook?

Cover with linen soaked in gesso.

What was the Foundling Hospital? a. a hospital founded by the Medici family b. a public orphanage that was constructed by the Medici family c. a hospital that was built by Michelangelo d. a public orphanage that was constructed by Brunelleschi


Which of the following elements of classical pieces did Neoclassical artists seek to replicate? a. precision b. balance c. rationality d. all of the above


Which of the following played an important role in the shaping of modern art? a. new science b. psychology c. World War I d. all of the above


What is the underlying meaning behind the image below?

Damnation is the result of a life of sinfulness.

What is depicted in the image below?

David with his conquest beneath him

What Native American tribe created the shoulder bag seen above? a. Delaware People in Mississippi b. Delaware People in Kansas c. Delaware People in Delaware d. Delaware People in Alaska

Delaware People in Kansas

Which of the following is true of woodcuts?

Delicate lines strengthen inner forms (?)

Which of the following best describes some of the most important characteristics of Baroque art?

Dramatic, exuberant, ornate.

Correggio was known for creating _________ and ____________ effects.

Dramatic; theatrical.

A drawing by _______ may have been used as the basis for the Apple Cup (below), but the metalwork was a collaboration of the _____ family.

Durer; Krug

When did French Baroque architecture reach its peak?

During the rule of Louis XVI.

What interesting feature did Alberti use on each floor of the Palazzo Rucellai?

Each floor has a different type of classically inspired column.

The _______ period was filled with different schools of painting, such as the ______________, which introduced the concept of volume to Japanese art.

Edo; Maruyama-Shijo

In Baroque art, the artists intend for the viewer to examine the _________ aspects instead of the _____________ aspects of their work.

Emotional; intellectual.

Who was Robert Smythson?

England's first Renaissance professional architect.

What is the name of the painting shown below, and who is the artist who painted it?

Expulsion from Paradise, Masaccio

Where are The Gates of Paradise located?

Florence Baptistry

The dome pictured below is part of which structure?

Florence Cathedral

What does tromp l'oeil arch mean?

Fool the eye arch.

Which technique is being used when paint is applied to a dry plaster wall?

Fresco secco.

What is the name of the building above? a. Gandhi Bhavani b. Gandhi Bhadavista c. Gandhi Bindhi d. Gandhi Bhavan

Gandhi Bhavan

Which of the following is considered one of the most famous pieces of art of the Renaissance?

Gates of Paradise

Which of the following was printed by William Caxton's publishing house?

Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"

Which artist created the masterpiece seen above?


Who was Titian most inspired by?


Who painted the frescoes in the image below?

Giotto di Bondone.

What is the overall theme of the Sistine Chapel paintings?

God's relationship to man.

Which of the following are characteristics of the High Renaissance?

Gravity and balance of individual parts to the whole.

What is pictured below?

Great Grotto, Boboli Gardens

What is pictured below?

Great Grotto, Boboli Gardens.

Under what rulers was the above sculpture made?


Who painted the portrait above?

Hans Holbein the Younger

What building is pictured below?

Hardwick Hall, the home of Elizabeth Shrewsbury

Which of the following best illustrates Tinoretto's planning techniques?

He created a small scale model with wax figures.

How did Brunelleschi solve his problem with the dome of the Florence Cathedral?

He created many layers of support within the dome. (?)

What astonishing decision regarding St. Peter's Basilica did Pope Julius II make in 1506?

He decided to demolish the original Constantinian basilica.

What unique approach did Bruegel have when it came to painting figures?

He depicted characters not as unique individuals, but rather well observed types that people could relate to from all time periods.

What is William Caxton known for?

He developed the first printing press in Germany.

What characteristic of Donatello's work helps to define him?

He explored human emotions and expressions.

What is Martin Schongauer known for?

He had the amazing ability to shade from the deep blacks to faint grays, using only lines. (?)

What is Bramante credited with?

He introduced the High Renaissance style of architecture.

Albrecht Durer was a very versatile artist. Which of the following is not one of Durer's accomplishments?

He led a group of artists to use bolder colors.

How did Riemenschneider depict the Last Supper differently than Leonardo da Vinci?

He made Judas the central figure with Jesus on the left.

What is Aristotle's gesture in School Of Athens, and what is meant by it?

He motions towards Earth, signifying that everything can be understood from gathering scientific knowledge from the material earth.

How did Michelangelo paint the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel?

He painted them as a narrative story.

What is Plato's gesture in School Of Athens, and what is meant by it?

He points up to heaven, signifying that everything is a reflection of Forms that reside in heaven.

How does Donatello's depiction of Mary Magdalene deviate from others?

He shows her as emaciated and ragged

How does Donatello's depiction of Mary Magdalene deviate from others?

He shows her as emaciated and ragged.

How did Bramante bring about the High Renaissance style of architecture despite his slow beginnings?

He understood classical architecture and gave it a fresh look.

How does the artist use light in the image above?

He uses one natural and one supernatural light source.

http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-03-01-03-00_files/i0120000.jpg How does the artist use light in the image above?

He uses one natural and one supernatural light source.

What physical characteristic does Michelangelo commonly used in his frescoes?

He uses strong muscular forms.

What is one geometrical fact explained in the lecture that reflects the mathematical technique da Vinci used in The Last Supper?

He uses the coffers of the ceiling to place Jesus in the mathematical center, and to create an illusion that extends the room beyond what is visible. (?) OR He uses trigonometry to find the exact place where each thing should be located and create the picture plane.

What were Michelangelo's feelings about painting in the Sistine Chapel?

He was less than happy.

Why was the king in the above image painted?

He was the greatest French patron of Italian Renaissance art.

The Sistine Chapel paintings resulted in a new powerful style in ______ Renaissance.


What was Masaccio best known for?

His interest in perspective, architectural style, and classical sculpture

In the work seen above, Correggio brought in the______________ of ___________ work.

Idealism; Raphael's.

Which of the following is not one of da Vinci's contributions to technology?

Ideas for space travel

What are orthogonal lines?

Imaginary lines that lead to the vanishing point

Which of the following is true about the Mona Lisa?

It is a highly replicated work.

What role did Antwerp play in the art of the Netherlands?

It was the international center for trade as well as the commercial artistic center.

What was Florence's key role in the beginning of the Renaissance?

Its wealth and individualism promoted artistic growth.

Which of the following was a famous Flemish painter?

Jan van Eyck.

Which artist painted the image above?

Juan Sánchez Cotán.

What is going on in the image above? a. The evil men have come to rob the women. b. The aristocratic men and women are eating in the park. c. Korean gentleman are enjoying themselves in the countryside with a group of female entertainers. d. Korean male musicians are training female students.

Korean gentleman are enjoying themselves in the countryside with a group of female entertainers.

Who created the piece below?

Krug family

What Master's influence can be seen in The Small Cowper Madonna? (above)

Leonardo da Vinci.

Who is pictured in the image above, which contains characteristics of Baroque art?

Louis XIV.

What is the name of the painting below?

Madonna with the Long Neck.

What are two types of Buddhism?

Mahayana and Theravada

El Greco adopted his elongated and encompassing style from the ___________.


Who is known for the following quote? "The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world. In this long vigil he often has to vary his methods of stimulation; but in this long vigil he is also himself striving against a continual tendency to sleep."

Marc Chagall

What techniques were used in the creation of the piece above?

Mathematics and linear perspective

Which artist created Pieta, the sculpture seen below?


How was Durer's depiction different from most representations of this event?

Most had the horsemen lined up in a row, while Durer created a compact overlapping ground of wild riders.

Who is the artist, and what is the title of the piece below?

NOT Allegory of the Battle of Lepantes; El Greco

What is the underlying meaning behind the image below?

NOT It is an allegory of the Garden of Eden.

What role did Antwerp play in the art of the Netherlands?

NOT all of the above

Why were Bruegel's work and subjects favored by local scholars, merchants, and bankers?

NOT all of the above

What other characteristics in the silk painting above were commonly used in court paintings?

NOT all of the above NOT flowers and birds

What do the peacocks and the birds symbolize in the silk painting above?

NOT peace and tranquility

What basic Chinese elements are displayed in the image above?

NOT rivers All of the above

What does the image above depict? a. the lake region in the artist's home area b. the Northern Great Mountains c. the Buddhist Four Sacred Mountains d. the Qiao and Hua mountains

NOT the Buddhist Four Sacred Mountains

What have the dry gardens (like the one above) been interpreted to represent?

NOT the lack of water that can take life NOT the path to enlightenment

Who is the artist of the above painting?

Nagasawa Rosetsu

Who are some of the characters identified in the fresco below?

Names common to the Christian faith - Jesus, Mary, John the Baptist, and many other saints

According to the lecture explanation of the painting Pope Leo X with Cardinals, what clues explain to the viewer the type of mood in the painting?

No one in the painting is looking at each other.

What is sfumato?

None of the above. (Latin, not Italian)

The word "Rococo" comes from a combination of which two languages?

Not A

Who designed the above building?

Not A

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the term "gleaning"?

Not A Not B Not Gleaning was used by beggars on Parisian streetcars. (c)

How did art change in Russia after World War I?

Not D

Which of the following cities is known for its master metalsmiths?


What was the benefit of using oil versus tempera paint?

Oil paint is more flexible and allows artists to make changes easier.

Which of the following played a role in Maruyama Okyo's style of painting?

Okyo studied Western perspective painting when he was younger and was able to incorporate these concepts in his work.

How was Rogier van der Weyden's Last Judgment displayed?

Painted on inside to display when open, painted on outside to display when closed.

What is pictured above?

Palace of Versailles.

Which of the following buildings is considered a hallmark of Renaissance architecture?

Palazzo Rucellai

Where is the image above located?

Parma Cathedral.

Which of the following is Giorgione most well known for?


What Renaissance technique does Raphael use in School of Athens? (below)


El Greco moved to Toledo, Spain where he hoped for a court appointment from ________.

Philip II

What is the artistic term for an image of Mary holding her dead son Jesus?


Which of the following is a tomb monument in the Vatican basilica of Saint Peter?


Who painted the image below?

Pieter Bruegel

What tribe is the above piece from? a. Sioux b. Kwakiutl c. Pomo d. Tlingit


Who is the artist and what is the title of the piece above?

Pontormo, Entombment.

What scene is depicted in the painting Pope Leo X with Cardinals?

Pope Leo and the Cardinals have just finished an argument or None of the above.

Who is pictured in the image above? ( bonnet over her red hair and wearing a red dress)

Princess Elizabeth

In the above image, what does the white towel in the back of the middle panel represent?


Which of the following techniques, developed by a fellow Renaissance artist, did Raphael use in one of his painting?

Pyramidal figures.

Who is pictured in the image below? (Lions looking mane head piece made out of jewels and crystals)

Queen Elizabeth

Who commissioned Bramante to build the structure below?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand

Who commissioned Bramante to build the structure below?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.

What were some of the most common themes present in the artwork from Spain and the Netherlands of the 16th century?

Religion, secular subjects, portraits, landscapes, common everyday subjects, and fantastic imagination

What were some of the most common themes present in the artwork from Spain and the Netherlands of the 16th century?

Religion, secular subjects, portraits, landscapes, common everyday subjects, and fantastic imagination.

What did the invention of linear perspective allow artists to do?

Represent the visual world in a realistic way

Who created the piece shown below?


What significance do Leonardo's technical achievements have?

Scientists have actually built some of them.

Why did most Italian architecture seem to be focused more on design than engineering?

Sculptors and painters were responsible for Italian architecture.

In addition to being a religious symbol, the statue David also _______________________.

Served as a reminder of Florence's republican state.

What technique of Leonardo da Vinci's is demonstrated in the fresco seen above?


Which of the following techniques was not introduced during the Baroque Period?


Which of the following projects was commissioned by popes?

Sistine Chapel.

What is the mood in Disputa?

Solemn and majestic.

What is a Humanist?

Someone who affirms the dignity of all people

What happened to Spain after the "Invincible Armada"?

Spain's prestige was damaged and naval supremacy was lost.

Who is depicted in this woodcut?

St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers

Why do you think Donatello chose to make Mary Magdalene have a haggard, emaciated look?

Students should mention: For psychological intensity, to add realistic qualities and emotion.

Intaglio printmaking can be dated back to the ___________ people, around the year 3000 BCE.


What classical features are included in the Palazzo Rucellai?

Superimposed columns

What building is pictured above? a. Tal Mahal b. Taj Mahan c. Taj Mahal d. Tal Mahaj

Taj Mahal

What are textiles, and where were they used in Spain?

Textiles are cloths that are woven. They were frequently used in tapestries, robes, and clothes.

What does David's expression suggest?

That he is about to encounter danger.

What is the name of the painting below?

The Creation of Adam.

Who was the above piece painted for?

The Duke of Urbino.

What is the title of the work below?

The New Sacristy.

What is the name of the painting above?

The Tempest.

Which of the following is depicted in the image below?

The angel Gabriel tells Mary she will be the mother of Jesus.

Why is the painting above considered a hallmark of 16th century painting?

The architectural details, vibrant and vivid colors, theatrical and realistic.

Which of the following is true about Flemish painting?

The art was both symbolic and realistic.

What classic principles did Bramante combine in his work Tempietto?

The classic principles of Vitruvius and architect Alberti.

Why was art so popular during this period?

The country was very stable.

What is atmospheric perspective?

The effect produced by diffusion of light in the atmosphere whereby more distant objects have less clarity of outline and are lighter in tone.

How do the compositions of Baroque art compare to those of other periods?

The figures seem to move diagonally, expand upward, or overlap their frame.

Why was the painting above so controversial?

The heads of the Inquisition felt it was offensive, unfocused, and blasphemous.

http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-03-01-03-00_files/i0090000.jpg Why was the painting above so controversial?

The heads of the Inquisition felt it was offensive, unfocused, and blasphemous.

What does the painting above reflect about the philosophy of the Ming Dynasty?

The mind, not the physical world is the basis for reality.

How are the nudes in the images below depicted differently?

The nude in the painting on the left is depicted more maternal than erotic.

Which of the following best describes the design of Hardwick Hall?

The one story hall became a two-story great hall with rooms arranged symmetrically around it.

Which of the following statements is a true comparison of the two sculptures of David pictured below?

The openness of the composition of Michelangelo's David allows for space that draws the viewer in, and the emotion in Bernini's David displays the energy of the action and forces the viewer into the event.

Who commissioned most of the work during this time period?

The papacy.

How does the church seen above represent an example of Baroque architecture?

The proportion of the facade creates dramatic light and dark contrast.

What is one major contributing feature to the Tempietto?

The stepped Doric columns and the frieze

What style of portraiture that Raphael uses in The Small Cowper Madonna was likely influenced by Leonardo? (above)

The tilt of the head, reflecting a pyramid shape.

What part of the image above best shows how Masaccio uses perspective?

The top of the barrel vault

Why were Bruegel's work and subjects favored by local scholars, merchants, and bankers?

They appreciated his political, social, and religious themes.

How did the papacy behave during the High Renaissance?

They lived like princes.

What artist painted the above image of The Last Supper?


What artist is depicted in the image above?


What was Tintoretto's painting goal in The Last Supper?

To combine Titian's color with Michelangelo's drawing.

A three-paneled painting is called a __________.


Buon fresco and fresco secco can be used in the same wall painting.


What is the mood of the painting Pope Leo X with Cardinals?

Uneasy, tense.

All of the following encompass the style of Mannerism except _________.

Using simplistic subjects.

How were metal engravings made?

Using the intaglio technique

Who painted the image above?

Zhao Mengfu

Albrecht Durer was a very versatile artist. Which of the following is not one of Durer's accomplishments? a. He led a group of artists to use bolder colors. b. He was considered the greatest printmaker of all time. c. He was equally successful at religious and secular subjects. d. He had a major influence on the development of European art.


Correggio was known for creating _________ and ____________ effects. a. dramatic; theatrical b. bold; shocking c. allegories; special d. all of the above


How are the emotional aspects of the fresco above expressed? a. through the odd pose, the scale of the piece, as well as the contrasting colors b. through the deep shadows of the figures c. through the expressions on the faces d. through the movements of the figures


How do the compositions of Baroque art compare to those of other periods? a. The figures seem to move diagonally, expand upward, or overlap their frame. b. The figures seem to move horizontally across the piece, and cause the eye to travel across. c. The figures include pattern and detail in a centralized location.


The image below is ______________. a. a self-portrait b. a painting of Bruegel's daughter c. a section of a Bosche tryptich d. a painting of El Greco's wife


What does the sensuous quality of this piece suggest was its inspiration? a. classic mythical beauty as well as flesh-and-blood beauty b. purity and simplicity c. the beauty of a woman d. all of the above


What does the term "Tudor Court" mean? a. refers to the Tudor family that ruled England for over one hundred years b. appointed members of the court by the Tudor family c. refers to the English parliament d. refers to the teachers who educated children of the royal family


What is Bramante credited with? a. He introduced the High Renaissance style of architecture. b. He designed the first grotto. c. He designed the Vitruvian man. d. all of the above


What is one major contributing feature to the Tempietto? (below) a. the stepped Doric columns and the frieze b. the entrance way c. the arched windows inside


What is the name of the building pictured above? a. Church of San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane b. Church of Santa Carla Quattro Fontane c. Church of San Fontane d. Church of San Carlos de Medici


What role did Antwerp play in the art of the Netherlands? a. It was the international center for trade as well as the commercial artistic center. b. Many artists came from this area of the Netherlands. c. It provided the funding for community based art commissions. d. all of the above


What type of art medium helped artists in the Netherlands earn more income in Antwerp? a. graphic arts b. sculptural modeling c. performance art d. all of the above


When did French Baroque architecture reach its peak? a. during the rule of Louis XVI b. during the rule of Marie Antoinette c. during the rule of Henry XV d. during the rule of Versailles XV


Which of the following best describes the art of Spain during the Renaissance? a. flashy, luxurious textiles, detailed b. simplistic, natural c. bold, patterned, bright


Which of the following best describes the design of Hardwick Hall? a. The one story hall became a two-story great hall with rooms arranged symmetrically around it. b. It was designed to look like the Tudor Court. c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor B


Which of the following best represents El Greco's style based on the painting below? a. a combination of iconic Byzantine style and colorful paintings of colorful scenic compositions of Italian painters b. a combination of colorful Italian style with the detail of art from the Netherlands c. a combination of Netherlands subject matter and Byzantine style


Which of the following cities is known for its master metalsmiths? a. Nuremberg b. Munich c. Neumünster d. Rothenburg


Which of the following is true about Japanese calligraphy and painting? a. There is a philosophical link in the importance of the present moment in Zen, and the necessity of rapt attention to the present moment in the creation of one of these paintings. b. There is a philosophical link in the importance of the present moment in Zen, and how the artist lays down the brush. c. There is a philosophical link in the importance of the present moment in Zen, and how the artist represents the idea he or she portrays.


Who is pictured below? a. Bramante b. Maderno c. Buontalenti d. Alberti


Who is pictured in the image above, which contains characteristics of Baroque art? a. Louis XIV b. Louis X c. Reginald XV d. Henry VIII


Who is pictured in the image below? a. Queen Elizabeth b. Princess Elizabeth c. Jane Seymour d. Catherine of Aragon


Who is the artist of the above painting? a. Nagasawa Rosetsu b. Rose Nagasawa c. Maruyama Okyo d. Sesshu


Why was the painting above so controversial? a. The heads of the Inquisition felt it was offensive, unfocused, and blasphemous. b. It was too realistic for some. c. Some of the models for characters in the painting died from mysterious circumstances. d. Jesus is not pictured in the painting.


What is bhakti?

a Hindu devotional movement

What is a tangka?

a Tibetan scroll-like painting of a wrathful deity

Which of the following best represents El Greco's style based on the painting below?

a combination of iconic Byzantine style and colorful paintings of colorful scenic compositions of Italian painters

What is depicted in the image above?

a deity associated with truth and overcoming obstacles

What did the Northwest coast tribes believe they descended from? a. sea animals b. a mythic animal c. birds d. the earth mother

a mythic animal

What purpose did a grotto serve?

a place where one could commune with nymphs and muses, and escape the summer heat

What did Donatello's use of expression add to his sculptures?

a realistic quality

What is a grotto?

a recess typically made of irregular stones and covered with artificial foliage

The image below is ______________.

a self-portrait

What is the Tempietto, seen below?

a small tomb built by Bramante, in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio

What is plaiting? a. the sewing together of a vertical warp b. a technique which involves weaving strips over and under one another c. sewing together a spiraling foundation of rods with some other material d. none of the above

a technique which involves weaving strips over and under one another

There are four statues by Michelangelo in the Great Grotto. What were they originally designed for?

a tomb for Pope Julius

What is silhak?

a truly Korean style that emphasizes the study of things Korean

Who painted the portrait above? a. Hans Holbein the Younger b. Robert Smythson c. Nicholas Hilliard d. Henry Holbein the Younger Please select the best answer from the choices provided

a. Hans Holbein the Younger

Who is pictured in the image below? a. Queen Elizabeth b. Princess Elizabeth c. Jane Seymour d. Catherine of Aragon Please select the best answer from the choices provided

a. Queen Elizabeth

Which of the following is true about Japanese calligraphy and painting?

a. There is a philosophical link in the importance of the present moment in Zen, and the necessity of rapt attention to the present moment in the creation of one of these paintings.

What does the term "Tudor Court" mean? a. refers to the Tudor family that ruled England for over one hundred years b. appointed members of the court by the Tudor family c. refers to the English parliament d. refers to the teachers who educated children of the royal family Please select the best answer from the choices provided

a. refers to the Tudor family that ruled England for over one hundred years

What scientific innovation occurred that affected the art that was produced during this period?

a. Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity

Braque was inspired by _____________________________.

a. Fauvist artists and Picasso's Le Demoiselles D'Avignon

Who is the artist of the image above? http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-06-02-01-00_files/i0170000.jpg

a. Georgia O'Keeffe

Who created the piece above? (2 people 1 bending backwards, and to stips of paper with words on them are at the bottom) http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-06-01-04-00_files/i0100000.jpg

a. Hannah Hoche

Why did Jefferson adopt Neoclassicism as the official style of government architecture?

a. He felt that the U.S. should free itself from British art influence and instead look to Republican Rome for artistic inspiration.

What significance does the above painting have?

a. It is thought to have initiated the avant-garde movement of Cubism.

Who is considered the master of the Romantic landscape?

a. James Mallord William Turner

Who is considered the founder of the French Rococo style of painting?

a. Jean-Antoine Watteau

Who is the artist of the image above? http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-06-02-01-00_files/i0130000.jpg

a. Marsden Hartley

What is the name of the building above?

a. Monticello

What is the title of the piece above? http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-01-00_files/i0040000.jpg

a. Oath of Horatii

Which styles are evident in the image above?

a. Rococo and Enlightenment

What is the name of the piece above?

a. The Founding of Tenochtitlan

What is the name of the piece above?

a. The Guitar Player

How did art change during the Enlightenment period?

a. There was a renewed interest in Greco-Roman and Classical works.

How did the Aztec people decide where to settle?

a. They had seen an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus.

What served as the inspiration for the building above?

a. Villa Rotunda by Palladio

What does the middle figure in the image above represent?

a. a European colonial administrator

What is depicted in the image above?

a. a Spanish town in disarray after a violent bombing

What is depicted in the image above?

a. a dream world full of beautifully dressed people

What is Automatism?

a. a group of techniques designed to release art from conscious control

What was the Cabaret Voltaire?

a. a meeting ground for artists who had a shared disgust for the current culture

What is Analytic Cubism?

a. a style that attempted to systematically fracture and rearrange the elements of an image

What was the Manifesto of Surrealism?

a. a text that included numerous examples of the applications of Surrealism to poetry and literature

What nickname did the Dada style adopt because of its ridicule of contemporary culture and art?

a. anti-art

How did Monet study the effects of light?

a. by painting the same subject over and over in different types of light

How did Renoir glamorize his clientele?

a. by replacing them with his young artist friends and their models

How did the artist of the above painting attempt to elevate the portrait to a higher status?

a. by using classical and mythological themes

How did Salvador Dalí come up with his images?

a. imagery from his nightmares

What is Boucher most well-known for?

a. mythological scenes

What is quillwork?

a. soaking porcupine and bird quills with natural dyes and working them into surface patterns on other objects

What does the mask above symbolize?

a. the connection between the ancestors in the living and dead community

What was Monet focused on while he was painting the piece above?

a. the content of the shadows of the facade's deep niche

How does the structure of the composition help to define the feeling of the piece above?

a. the diagonal composition of the bodies creates a climactic feel

What is depicted in the scene above?

a. the personification of Reason

What is the main subject of the painting above?

a. the visual effect that light produces on the scene

What did Donatello inspire many artists to do?

add expressiveness to public monuments (?)

Which of the following best describes what was happening in Antwerp during the 16th century?

all of the above

Which of the following is true regarding the sculptures of David and Mary Magdalene by Donatello?

all of the above

Which of the following was a popular art form during the 15th century?

all of the above

Which of the following was a type of challenge artists faced in the 16th century?

all of the above

What is depicted in the image above?

an early Bon teacher of the 8th century from the Shangshung Kingdom

Which of the following best describes how Donatello's David is depicted?

angular, boyish, and with confidence

What imagery was important to the Northwest coast tribes? a. pattern b. animals c. fictional d. religious


This print by Francis Jukes, entitled, Mount Vernon, is a beautiful example of ____________.


A drawing by _______ may have been used as the basis for the Apple Cup (below), but the metalwork was a collaboration of the _____ family. a. Altdorfer; Nuremberg b. Durer; Krug c. Krug; Durer d. Durer, Munich


El Greco adopted his elongated and encompassing style from the ___________. a. Humanists b. Mannerists c. Greeks d. Surrealists


How does the painting above differ from the paintings of other periods? a. It incorporates more color variation. b. It incorporates volume through shading and perspective. c. It incorporates more details in the tree branches. d. none of the above


How is death viewed in African culture? a. a rite of passage b. a transition process in which loved ones go from one world to the next c. a celebration d. a cause for mourning


In Baroque art, the artists intend for the viewer to examine the _________ aspects instead of the _____________ aspects of their work. a. intellectual; emotional b. emotional; intellectual c. intellectual; realistic d. realistic; emotional


Inspiration sources, such as a surface design system called ______, are still rooted in tradition. a. ubi b. uli c. lui d. ilu


There are four statues by Michelangelo in the Great Grotto. What were they originally designed for? a. a tomb for Pope Julian b. a tomb for Pope Julius c. a tomb for Pope John d. none of the above


What are ancestors regarded as? a. the guide to your personal path b. guardians for those left on earth c. wise spirits d. evil spirits


What artist painted the above image of The Last Supper? a. Veronese b. Tintoretto c. Titian d. Raphael


What building is pictured below? a. Elizabeth Hall, the home of Elizabeth Shewsbury b. Hardwick Hall, the home of Elizabeth Shrewsbury c. Smythson Hall, the home of Elizabeth Shrewsbury d. Hardwick Hall, the home of Elizabeth Smythson


What form of art is the image above? a. watercolor b. woodcut c. ink wash painting d. tempera


What is a grotto? a. a garden in front of the churches b. a recess typically made of irregular stones and covered with artificial foliage c. a stone pathway leading to the back of the nave of the church d. none of the above


What is biiga doll used for? a. a prayer doll b. a fertility figure c. to bring wealth d. a child's toy


What is the Tempietto, seen below? a. a small tomb built by Bramante, in the courtyard of St. James Cathedral b. a small tomb built by Bramante, in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio c. a tower built by Bramante in the front of St. James Cathedral d. a tower built by Michelangelo in the front of St. James Cathedral


What is the name of the castle above? a. Heiji Castle b. Himeji Castle c. Himeju Castle d. Kyeji Castle


What is the name of the figure above? a. bwami byeri b. nlo byeri c. biiga byeri d. uli byeri


What is the name of the painting above? a. The Temptation b. The Tempest c. Assumption of the Virgin d. Pesaro Madonna


What is the name of the painting below? a. Mary with the Long Neck b. Madonna with the Long Neck c. Mary with the Baby Jesus d. Madonna with the Baby Jesus


What was Bronzino's real name? a. Agnelo d' Cosima b. Agnolo di Cosimo c. Angelo del Cosimo


Which artist carved the four marble statues on the building below? a. Bramante b. Michelangelo c. Buontalenti d. Alberti


Which of the following best describes Teerlinc's style in the image above? a. realistic b. somewhat idealized c. casual


Which of the following best describes some of the most important characteristics of Baroque art? a. detailed, bold b. dramatic, exuberant, ornate c. influenced by classical pieces


Which of the following features could be found in more exotic grottos? a. a guard b. a fountain or pool c. a garden d. a fruit orchard


Which of the following is a reason why there might not be many visitors to the castle above? a. It is bad luck in the Japanese culture because of the damage from earthquakes. b. This castle is difficult to reach by foot and there is not sense of direction or progress as one progresses through the maze of steep walls. c. Only monks live there and they do not allow visitors. d. Some of the defensive traps are still activated and can cause serious injury.


Which of these artists designed the Great Grotto in Boboli Gardens? a. Bramante b. Buontalenti c. Brandt d. Brönte


Who commissioned Bramante to build the structure below? a. Pope Julius II b. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand c. the Catholic Diocese d. Michelangelo


Who created the piece shown below? a. Durer b. Riemenschneider c. Rothenberg d. Krug


Who is known for the following quote? "The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world. In this long vigil he often has to vary his methods of stimulation; but in this long vigil he is also himself striving against a continual tendency to sleep." a. Matthias Grünwald b. Marc Chagall c. Albrecht Altdorfer d. Albrecht Dürer


Who is pictured in the image above? a. King Louis XIV b. King Francis I c. King Nicolas IId.King Henry VIII


Who is pictured in the image above? a. Queen Elizabeth b. Princess Elizabeth c. Jane Seymour d. Catherine of Aragon


Who is the artist of the piece above? a. Titian b. Clovio c. Tintoretto d. Cosimo


Who is the artist, and what is the title of the piece below? a. Allegory of the Battle of Lepantes; El Greco b. Allegory of the Battle of Lepanto; Titian c. Story of the Battle of Lepantan; Raphael d. none of the above


Who was Robert Smythson? a. A Flemish painter who painted some of King Henry's most famous portraits. b. England's first Renaissance professional architect. c. One of Queen Elizabeth's court members and famous portrait artist.


Who was Titian most inspired by? a. Correggio b. Giorgione c. Caravaggio d. Urbino


Who was Robert Smythson? a. A Flemish painter who painted some of King Henry's most famous portraits. b. England's first Renaissance professional architect. c. One of Queen Elizabeth's court members and famous portrait artist. Please select the best answer from the choices provided

b. England's first Renaissance professional architect.

Which of the following had a great impact on royal court painting? a. Italian Renaissance b. German artists c. classical style d. all of the above

b. German artists

What building is pictured below? a. Elizabeth Hall, the home of Elizabeth Shewsbury b. Hardwick Hall, the home of Elizabeth Shrewsbury c. Smythson Hall, the home of Elizabeth Shrewsbury d. Hardwick Hall, the home of Elizabeth Smythson Please select the best answer from the choices provided

b. Hardwick Hall, the home of Elizabeth Shrewsbury

What is the name of the castle above?

b. Himeji Castle

How does the painting above differ from the paintings of other periods?

b. It incorporates volume through shading and perspective.

Who is pictured in the image above? a. Queen Elizabeth b. Princess Elizabeth c. Jane Seymour d. Catherine of Aragon Please select the best answer from the choices provided

b. Princess Elizabeth

Why was art so popular during this period? a. There was no other form of creativity at the time. b. The country was very stable. c. Art was being taught in schools to young children. d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided

b. The country was very stable.

Which of the following is a reason why there might not be many visitors to the castle above?

b. This castle is difficult to reach by foot and there is not sense of direction or progress as one progresses through the maze of steep walls

What was the Momoyama period known for?

b. its images of bold warriors and luxurious palaces

What is the focus of Japanese art?

b. nature and its simplicity, beauty, and power

In the image above, the artist uses the king's imposing statue and his dress to create a sense of _______. a. humility b. power c. love d. anger Please select the best answer from the choices provided

b. power

How is the piece above different from previous works?

b. sharper, jagged brushstrokes

What have the dry gardens (like the one above) been interpreted to represent?

b. volume through shading and perspective

What form of art is the image above?

b. woodcut

What does the text read on the image above?

b. "the excess of Hell falls into the coffers of Pastor Klatt for innocent children of criminals"

What phase of Cubism describes the image above?

b. Analytic Cubism

What is similar about the two images below?

b. Both reduce items to basic geometric forms.

Which of the following artists most inspired Picasso?

b. Braques

What controversy surrounded some of the modern art that was produced?

b. Critics did not consider it art because of its non-traditional subject matter.

Why was the painting above not well received?

b. Critics felt the artist was attempting to rekindle socialist ideals.

What Native American tribe created the shoulder bag seen above?

b. Delaware People in Kansas

Who painted the image above? http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-02-00_files/i0060000.jpg

b. Eugene Delacroix

Who painted the image above? http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-02-00_files/i0120000.jpg

b. Francisco Goya

Who is the artist most closely associated with Parisian Rococo?

b. Francois Boucher

Who is depicted in the sculpture above?

b. George Washington

What is the name of the piece above?

b. Guernica

Which artist made the following quote regarding the painting above?

b. Gustave Courbet

Who painted the image above? (a crowd of people, most wearing black & a white dog) http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-04-00_files/i0040000.jpg

b. Gustave Courbet

What did Marcel Duchamp contribute to the Dada movement?

b. He produced many ready-mades, or common objects that are transformed into art.

What unique characteristic does Braque's work demonstrate?

b. He reduced colors to their essentials as found in the earth.

What was Sigmund Freud's theory of the unconscious?

b. He viewed the human mind as engaged in battle between the rational conscious mind and the irrational urges of the unconscious.

Which of the following describes the image above?

b. It is a statement about women in the current culture and how they are supposed to observe fashion trends.

Why is the above painting representative of the Romantic period?

b. It is highly emotional, idealized, and full of feeling.

What significance did the sculpture above have?

b. It so moved the French people that it became known as The Marseillaise.

Who designed the German building seen above?

b. Johann Balthasar Neumann

Who painted the image above? (Man pointing at papers) media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-01-00_files/i0100000.jpg

b. John Singleton Copley

Who is the artist of the image above? http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-06-02-01-00_files/i0050000.jpg

b. John Sloan

Who is the artist of the painting above?

b. Julie Mehretu

In what building can you see the image above?

b. Kaisersaal

Who is depicted in the portrait above?

b. Lady Bunbury

Who is depicted in the image above?

b. Marie Antoinette and her children

Who painted the portrait above?

b. Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun

Who was the ruler of the Aztec empire when the Spanish conquest began?

b. Moctezuma

During the Italian Revival, the ___________ style of architecture soon became the most sought after style.

b. Neoclassical

What is the name of piece above?

b. Raft of the Medusa

Which of the following is a characteristic feature of the Rococo arabesque style?

b. S-shape

Who painted the image above?

b. Salvador Dalí

Who popularized psychology and the idea of the human subconscious?

b. Sigmund Freud

Whose theory stated that the unconscious was the key to improving civilization?

b. Sigmund Freud

What is the name of the image above?

b. Still Life with Chair Caining

What happened when Jean-Antoine Watteau submitted the above piece to the Royal Academy of Painting?

b. The Academy was so impressed that it created a new category of subject matter to accommodate the painting.

What is the name of the piece above?

b. The Persistence of Memory

How was modern art in America different from Europe?

b. The focus was on abstractions of the external world.

What significance does the location above hold?

b. The site had important religious function.

How did art change in the mid 19th century?

b. There was a new belief that art should record the life of everyday people.

Why were Realist artists drawn to their subject matter?

b. They wanted to record the life of everyday people and everyday activities.

What was Dada art a reaction to?

b. World War I

Who is located in the center of the image above?

b. Xiuhtecuhtli

Which of the following best describes Jean-Antoine Houdon's style?

b. a combination of naturalism and a new classical style

What is biiga doll used for?

b. a fertility figure

What did the Northwest coast tribes believe they descended from?

b. a mythic animal

What was the Enlightenment period?

b. a period in time in which progress through reason was highly valued

Based on your knowledge of Realism, which of the following scenes would a Realist artist most likely want to paint?

b. a single mother with her children on the subway

What does the image above depict?

b. a symbolic representation of a German officer

What is foreshortening?

b. a technique that draws the viewer into the image

What is plaiting?

b. a technique which involves weaving strips over and under one another

What is a kikaku?

b. a three-sided roofed enclosure

What is depicted in the artwork by Duchamp pictured above?

b. an iron with nails attached to it

What imagery was important to the Northwest coast tribes?

b. animals

How does the artist of the image above express the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind?

b. by using strange and uneasy juxtaposition

Many British patrons preferred their portraits to be set in ________________ backgrounds.

b. classical and historical

What was the painting above designed to speak to?

b. feeling

What is gleaning?

b. gathering leftover grain

What are ancestors regarded as?

b. guardians for those left on earth

After living through World War I and witnessing the effects of war on society and its people, artists _____________________.

b. had a new sense of reality

What was Monet most interested in?

b. light, the changes of light, and how it affected objects

What are some techniques the French used to create the fanciful playfulness that Rococo art is known for?

b. mirror reflections and delicate ornamentation

What is the name of the figure above?

b. nlo byeri

Dadaists believed that art is created at the will of the artist, ________________________.

b. not at the perception of the masses

What is this headdress made from?

b. quetzal bird feathers

Why does the above painting fit the Neoclassical style?

b. restrained drama of this scene

In modern art, the emphasis was placed on ___________ and ___________ through art.

b. symbolism; expression

What types of symbols were used in quillwork?

b. symbols of protection and well-being

What does the page above describe?

b. the Aztec world view before the Spanish conquest

What is depicted in the image above?

b. the French killing Spanish prisoners after a fight

What is depicted in the image above?

b. the capital whose founding is an essential part of mythology

How does the image above fit within the Modernist mold?

b. the enlarged flowers become abstracted, and have symbolic meaning

How does the artist include an element of role reversal in the image above?

b. the only male figure in the painting is a bust of her father, who acts as her muse

Why did the artist use a tenebristic technique of the Baroque period in the painting above?

b. to emphasize the notion of the mind

Inspiration sources, such as a surface design system called ______, are still rooted in tradition.

b. uli

Quillwork was considered a _________ art form.

b. woman's

Which of the following best describes the style El Greco adopted for the painting below, titled 'The Burial of the Count Orgaz'?

balanced between the lower earthly portion, and the suggested movement in the upper celestial portion

Which of the following best describes the style El Greco adopted for the painting below, titled The Burial of the Count Orgaz?

balanced between the lower earthly portion, and the suggested movement in the upper celestial portion.

What was Albrecht Altdorfer known for?

being one of the most accomplished German landscape painters

How does Masaccio reinforce the one point perspective seen in the house in the image above?

by diminishing the size of the trees in the background

During what period was calligraphy most well-known? a. Momoyama b. Edo c. Muromachi d. Maruyama-Shijo


How are the nudes in the images below depicted differently? a. the nude in the painting on the left is depicted more erotic than maternal b. the nude in the painting on the right is depicted more realistically c. the nude in the painting on the left is depicted more maternal than erotic d. the nude in the painting on the right is depicted more maternal than erotic


How does the artist use light in the image above? a. He uses sharp contrast in light. b. The light creates deep shadows on the figures to hide their faces. c. He uses one natural and one supernatural light source. d. none of the above


How does the church seen above represent an example of Baroque architecture? a. the columns and other detailed architecture b. the arched doorways and round windows c. the proportion of the facade creates dramatic light and dark contrast


How was the castle seen above different from other Japanese castles? a. The focus of the country had changed and was reflected in the architecture. b. The rooftops were curved at the ends. c. European muskets and cannons changed Japanese warfare and subsequently influenced Japanese architecture. d. Style was placed at a higher priority than defensive capabilities.


In the work seen above, Correggio brought in the______________ of ___________ work. a. realism; Titian's b. heavenly quality; Michelangelo's c. idealism; Raphael's


Mannerism has been interpreted as an artistic expression of the unsettled _______ and ___________ conditions in Europe. a. Catholic; Protestant b. political; aristocratic c. political; religious d. Catholic; aristocratic


The image above is one of the most famous pieces of Japanese art. Who is the artist of this image? a. Sesshu b. Ikkyû c. Katsushika Hokusai d. Himeji


The image above was painted shortly before Giorgione's _______________. a. first child was born b. marriage to the Countess of Urbino c. death d. all of the above


The king of France loved the Italian Renaissance so much that he__________________. a. modeled his castle in the Italian style b. commissioned artists for over 1,000 pieces for his castle c. commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to move to France d. all of the above


What concept were the Humanists from the Netherlands concerned with? a. self-enlightenment b. purity c. folly d. all of the above


What do initiation rituals represent in the bwami system of the Lega people? a. a new birth b. admittance to the tribe c. moving up in status or levels d. a girl becoming a woman


What do the exaggerated features of a biiga doll represent? a. prosperity b. wealth c. fertility and health d. wisdomWhat do the exaggerated features of a biiga doll represent? a. prosperity b. wealth c. fertility and health d. wisdom


What is iconoclasm? a. rejection of using religion in art b. the Protestant's prejudice towards Catholics c. the smashing of religious imagery d. protecting religious imagery


What is nkanda? a. the West African word for "Force Publique" b. the vigor of the initiate c. initiation rights


What is pictured above? a. Palace of Tordesillas b. Palace of Valencia c. Palace of Versailles d. Palace of Notre Dame


What major change took place with the arrival of contemporary African art? a. more textiles and less sculpture b. brighter, bolder colors c. adoption of modern materials d. none of the above


What original character did the mercenary replace in the image above? a. a horse b. a fiddler c. a second woman d. a small boy


Which artist painted the image above? a. Juan Cortanez b. Juan Sanchez Cort c. Juan Sánchez Cotán d. Sanchez Corta


Which of the following best illustrates Tinoretto's planning techniques? a. He used models to pose for him for hours until it was perfect. b. He carefully drew every figure to be exact before he painted. c. He created a small scale model with wax figures. d. all of the above


Which of the following is Giorgione most well known for? a. still life paintings b. portraits c. pastorals d. woodcuts


Which of the following statements is a true comparison of the two sculptures of David pictured below? Bernini's David Michelangelo's David a. The two sculptures are both famous because they are the only two sculptures of David that were created. b. Michelangelo's David is known for the emotion he shows, and Bernini's David is known for the openness of space presented in the composition. c. The openness of the composition of Michelangelo's David allows for space that draws the viewer in, and the emotion in Bernini's David displays the energy of the action and forces the viewer into the event. d. Bernini's David stands in the s-shaped curve inspired by the classical ideals of form and Michelangelo's David forces the viewer to become part of the action.


Which of the four plans of St. Peter's Basilica is represented in the image below? a. Old Saint Peter's Basilica b. Bramante's plan c. Michelangelo's plan d. Maderno's plan


Which of these architects developed the St. Peter's basilica that exists today, and what were his changes from the original design? a. Bramante rebuilt it with a central-plan design. b. Michelangelo developed it with unified space and a spherical dome. c. Carlo Maderno extended the nave to 636 feet, and added a new facade.


Who created the piece below? a. Albrecht Durer b. Albrecht Altdorfer c. Krug family d. Riemenschneider


Who is depicted in the image below? a. King Henry VI b. King Henry VII c. King Henry VIII d. Hans Holbein the Younger


Who is the artist and what is the title of the piece above? a. Pantoro, Tombmento b. Titian, Entombmento c. Pontormo, Entombment d. Pontormo, Atonement


Who is the artist of the above scrolls? a. Rinzai priest Himeji b. Rinzai priest Sesshu c. Rinzai priest Ikkyu


Who painted the image below? a. El Greco b. Bosch c. Bruegel d. Antwerp


Who was the above piece painted for? a. the Duke of Turbano b. the Duke of Glouchster c. the Duke of Urbino d. the Earl of Sandwich


Why was the king in the above image painted? a. Because he was the king and wanted to be honored. b. The artist wanted to impress the king. c. He was the greatest French patron of Italian Renaissance art.


How was the castle seen above different from other Japanese castles?

c. European muskets and cannons changed Japanese warfare and subsequently influenced Japanese architecture.

The image above is one of the most famous pieces of Japanese art. Who is the artist of this image?

c. Katsushika Hokusai

During what period was calligraphy most well-known?

c. Muromachi

Which of the following artists was one of the most famous during the Muromachi period?

c. Sesshu

Under the Protestant Church of England, who was the head of the church? a. the pope b. the bishop c. the monarch d. none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided

c. the monarch

Monet painted over _______ views of the facade of Rouen Cathedral.

c. 30

Who is the photographer of the image above?

c. Alfred Stieglitz

Who sculpted the image above?

c. Antonio Canova

How were the Aztec pyramids different from traditional Egyptian pyramids?

c. Aztec pyramids were built for the living so that they could worship their deities and to offer human sacrifices.

Where did the term "Impressionism" come from?

c. Critics who thought these pieces were merely "impressions" of art.

What does the above sculpture depict?

c. Cupid reviving Psyche with a kiss

How did Jacques-Louis David treat the image above differently than a Baroque artist might?

c. David played down the drama to show a quiet, still, aftermath.

Who painted the image above? (Ballerinas dancing in a room) http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-03-00_files/i0210000.jpg

c. Edgar Degas

How did the artist of the above image create his paintings?

c. He doodled on canvas and turned these abstractions into whatever figure he felt they resembled.

What is depicted in the image above?

c. Hugo Ball reciting the sound poem "Karwane"

What is the significance of the painting above?

c. It appears to be similar to a painting by Titian, yet really is the antithesis.

What significance does the painting above have?

c. It helped counter the restrictions placed on women artists.

Why was the type of painting above common during the Impressionistic movement?

c. It is about fleeting moments and subjective interpretation.

What influence did the Dada movement have on future art?

c. It played a major role in changing the perception of art and breaking all of the rules.

Who painted the image above? (Area with arches in the background) media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-01-00_files/i0040000.jpg

c. Jacques-Louis David

What is the name of this piece above?

c. Le Demoiselles d'Avignon

Who is the artist of the image above?

c. M.C. Escher

Who created the piece above? (ceramic / porcelain thing / container, has initials written on the middle left of the object) http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-06-01-04-00_files/i0160000.jpg

c. Marcel Duchamp

Who is the artist of the piece above?

c. Marcel Duchamp

Who is the artist of the piece above?

c. Max Ernst

When looking at modern art, what should the viewer understand?

c. Modern art reflects changes following World War I.

What tribe is the above piece from?

c. Pomo

What was the artist's purpose with the painting above?

c. She wanted to answer sexist rumors about her paintings.

How is the piece above a little different from Picasso's other Cubist work?

c. The figure is identifiable.

Which of the following is not correct regarding the differences between the two images below?

c. The women on the left are not looking at the viewer.

Who painted the image above? (A man in the middle that looks like he is thinking & 3 men on the bottom right that are leaning over a bunch of papers) http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-04-00_files/i0110000.jpg

c. Thomas Eakins

What does this robe painting depict?

c. a battle between Native American tribes

What does the word Rococo describe?

c. a fanciful, refined, and playful style

Picasso is considered __________________________.

c. a founding father of Cubism

What was the Ashcan School?

c. a group of artists that often depicted gritty New York City life

What is a photomontage?

c. a photograph created from smaller photographs

How were the new time and space theories demonstrated in art?

c. a tremendous amount of movement

What major change took place with the arrival of contemporary African art?

c. adoption of modern materials

What is an arabesque?

c. an architectural decoration with flowing lines and swirling shapes

What was the Armory Show?

c. an exhibition of modern artists in New York

What was Alfred Stieglitz's role in Modernism in America?

c. both A and B (He aided in the development of Modernism, He was an advocate for photography as art.)

Which of the following post war events most influenced artists?

c. both A and B (psychology, new science)

Which of the following best describes the view of nature during the Romantic period?

c. both A and B (a reflection of human emotion & ever-changing, unpredictable, and powerful)

What did Houdon use as a prototype for the sculpture above?

c. classical athletes

What are the three techniques used in basket weaving?

c. coiling, twining, plaiting

What is grattage?

c. creating pattern by scraping off layers of paint from a canvas that is laid over a textured surface

What is located in each corner of the page above?

c. deities who could see everyone's thoughts and deeds

What part of the image above exhibits a Rococo influence?

c. feminine charms in lavish manner

What do the exaggerated features of a biiga doll represent?

c. fertility and health

Prior to 1848, monumental canvasses were reserved for _________________.

c. heroic subjects and pictures of the powerful

What personal feelings does the artist depict in the image above?

c. how cramped and confining the city is

What role are textiles believed to have played in Incan culture?

c. indicated a person's ethnic identity and social rank

What is nkanda?

c. initiation rights

What did Alfred Dove borrow from European Modernists?

c. interest in abstraction and creating representations for things that were not easily represented

Surrealists emphasized _____________ instead of ____________.

c. irrationalism; rationalism

What does the word "barraco" mean?

c. irregularly shaped pearl

What do initiation rituals represent in the bwami system of the Lega people?

c. moving up in status or levels

What is the focus of woodlands art?

c. personal adornment

Surrealists attacked the emphasis placed on _________________.

c. rationalism in current culture

The Inca valued gold and silver for their ________________.

c. religious and symbolic value

What is being depicted in the image above?

c. sexual and violent desires

Surrealists felt that it was important to emphasize the ____________________.

c. subjectivity of art

What skill does the above photograph showcase?

c. the artist's ability to showcase photography as a real art form

How does the painting above clearly represent Realism?

c. the honest and striking expressions of the subjects

How does the artist create a theatrical setting in the image above?

c. the painted and gilded stucco curtains drawn back

What does the scene above depict?

c. the revolt to overthrow the monarchial line after Napoleon

What does the image above reflect?

c. the violence of World War I

Which of the following symbols did the Sioux believe protected them from natural and supernatural forces?

c. thunderbird

What was Marcel Duchamp's intention for the piece seen above?

c. to change the meaning of a common household item

How did the modern art movement in America start?

c. with Realism

The image below is an example of a __________________


The image below is an example of a __________________.


What are the three techniques used in basket weaving? a. coiling, weaving, roping b. coiling, twilling, twisting c. coiling, twining, plaiting d. crimping, twining, plaiting

coiling, twining, plaiting

How was art affected by the Reformation? a. Artists had to leave their homes to seek patronage in other lands. b. Much art was destroyed for containing religious imagery. c. The papacy no longer controlled the art world. d. All of the above are true.


What does the other world spouse represent? a. the highest marks of beauty b. having children c. being married d. all of the above


What is Correggio's most famous piece? a. Fall of the Giants b. The Abduction of Ganymede c. The Tempest d. Assumption of the Virgin


What is Zen? a. a form of meditative Hinduism b. a period of Japanese art c. an approach to everyday problems d. none of the above


What is depicted above? a. nlo byeri b. biiga doll c. bwami doll d. blolo bla


What period is the piece above from? a. Muromachi b. Momoyama c. Maruyama d. Edo


Which of the following best describes what was happening in Antwerp during the 16th century? a. Many artists were relocating here. b. Artists became specialists in different subject matter. c. The demand for luxury goods supported the birth of the art market. d. all of the above


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a Mannerist painting? a. b. c. d.


Which of the following is true of Levina Bening Teerlinc? a. She was the highest paid artist in Henry VIII's court. b. She was involved in Queen Elizabeth's court. c. She was one of Henry VIII's wives. d. A and B are true.


Why were there so few religious paintings painted during this time period? a. The King ordered against all religious paintings. b. England became a Catholic nation. c. Artists were put in prison. d. none of the above


Which of the following is true of Levina Bening Teerlinc? a. She was the highest paid artist in Henry VIII's court. b. She was involved in Queen Elizabeth's court. c. She was one of Henry VIII's wives. d. A and B are true. Please select the best answer from the choices provided

d. A and B are true.

What period is the piece above from?

d. Edo

What is Zen?

d. none of the above

Why were there so few religious paintings painted during this time period? a. The King ordered against all religious paintings. b. England became a Catholic nation. c. Artists were put in prison. d. none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided

d. none of the above

Who painted the image above? (a lady in a boat) http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-03-00_files/i0160000.jpg

d. Berthe Morisot

Who painted the image above?

d. Giovanni Battista Teipolo

Who painted the image above? (people sitting in rows of seats, like on a bus) http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-04-00_files/i0140000.jpg

d. Honore Daumier

Who painted the image above? media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-02-00_files/i0250000.jpg

d. James Mallord William Turner

Who painted the image above? (blurry scene of a city) http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-05-02-03-00_files/i0020000.jpg

d. Monet

What does the white figure in the scene above symbolize?

d. a Christ-like figure

Which of the following was a controversial issue concerning the painting above?

d. all of the above (It presents death as a mere physical fact, The artist placed all of the figures in rows in the picture plan, It is a monumental picture that depicts a funeral for an unnamed ordinary subject)

Which of the following is true regarding the Dada movement?

d. all of the above (It was considered by many to be the "anti-art". Dada artists did not care about the status quo. Dada artists did not care about art in the traditional sense.)

Which of the following explains why some audiences were not accepting of Cubism?

d. all of the above (It was innovative, and not all people like change. It wasn't realistic. It didn't show off the artist's skills in a traditional sense.)

Which of the following describes the symbolism of the tunic above?

d. all of the above (The four-part motif may refer to the Land of the Four Quarters, The checkerboard patterns are thought to designate military officers and royal escorts, The colors and patterns appear to have been standardized like uniforms)

Who was Hugo Ball?

d. all of the above (an artist in Zurich, an artist who sparked the Dada movement, the founder of the Cabaret Voltaire)

Which of the following Romantic characteristics can be seen in the painting above?

d. all of the above (current subject matter, dramatic lighting, off balance composition)

What classic Rococo features can be seen in the image above?

d. all of the above (delicately curved forms, white-and-gold color scheme, luxury)

What are some of the Impressionistic characteristics seen in the painting above?

d. all of the above (outdoor setting with natural light, the light reflections in the water, the subject matter)

Which of the following is Degas known for?

d. all of the above (painting scenes with an indoor, artificial light setting, using foreshortening, traditional training and visually enticing compositions)

Which of the following elements of classical pieces did Neoclassical artists seek to replicate?

d. all of the above (precision, balance, rationality)

What element(s) of classic architecture can you identify in the building seen above?

d. all of the above (symmetry, columns, a Roman temple front with a central octagonal core)

What does the other world spouse represent?

d. all of the above (the highest marks of beauty, having children, being married)

Which of the following best describes the subject matter of the Realism period?

d. all of the above (unvarnished truth, the working class, subjects that were previously not considered worthy of portrayal in art)

Which of the following played an important role in the shaping of modern art?

d. all of the above (new science, psychology, World War I)

How does the image above depict the revival of the Neoclassical style?

d. all of the above (the objects, costume and architecture, classical themes)

What was the artist's intention in creating the arches in the background of the image above?

d. all of the above (to add a classical element, to visually separate the stoic men from the emotional women, to create visual interest)

Which of the following is true regarding the nudes in the paintings Venus of Urbino and Olympia?

d. all of the above are true (The nude in Olympia stares down at us, indicating that she is in the position of power, The nude in Venus of Urbino looks lovingly at the male spectator, The nude in Olympia stares coldly and appears indifferent.)

What is depicted above?

d. blolo bla

What type of mask is shown above?

d. bwami

Plains men recorded their exploits in paintings on all of the following except:

d. cow-hide robes

Which of the following was not a common Impressionist theme?

d. mythology

What was the second major form of Cubism?

d. none of the above

This example of Intaglio by William Hogarth, was created using what type of Intaglio printing?


Which form of Intaglio is one of the oldest and most difficult to work with?


Which of the following forms of Intaglio are most similar to drawing?


What is portrayed in the image above?

figures described in the book of Revelation from the Bible

Which of the following best describes the art of Spain during the Renaissance?

flashy, luxurious textiles, detailed

What concept were the Humanists from the Netherlands concerned with?


What type of art medium helped artists in the Netherlands earn more income in Antwerp?

graphic arts

What was Masaccio best known for?

his interest in perspective, architectural style, and classical sculpture

The painting above is done entirely with ___________.


______________ is the printmaking process in which lines are incised into the surface of a plate.


All of the following are examples of Intaglio printmaking, except which?


What techniques were used in the creation of the piece above?

mathematics and linear perspective

The fantastic imagination of Bosch is sometimes associated with ___________ art.


What medium was used primarily for Buddhist art in Nepal?


______________ was the first tonal method to be used enabling half-tones to be produced.


What does secular mean?


What did da Vinci add to the concept of Vitruvian man?

notes written in reverse at the beginning and end of the page OR the human body as it fits into a circle (I think it's the notes though as it's asking what he ADDED to the Vitruvian Man)

What technique did both Masaccio and Ghiberti use to create realism in their work?

one-point perspective

What is the focus of woodlands art? a. respecting the earth b. necessities c. personal adornment d. honoring the ancestors

personal adornment

Mannerism has been interpreted as an artistic expression of the unsettled _______ and ___________ conditions in Europe.

political; religious

In the image above, the artist uses the king's imposing statue and his dress to create a sense of _______.


What does the term "Tudor Court" mean?

refers to the Tudor family that ruled England for over one hundred years

What is literati?

refers to the scholarly class

What type of artwork is on The Gates of Paradise doors?


Which of the following best describes the style in which the artist painted the image above?

resembles more archaic paintings for a previous great dynasty and era

Where is the vanishing point in the image below?

right under the window panes at the end of the hallway.

What was the Reformation?

separation between the Catholic and Protestant churches

What is a Humanist?

someone who affirms the dignity of all people

Which of the following best describes Teerlinc's style in the image above?

somewhat idealized

What medium was used to create the piece above?

stained glass

What is a coffer?

sunken panels located on the ceiling

What does a silver or white llama symbolize in the Inca culture?

the Inca ruler

What famous classical building exhibits impost blocks that architects of the Renaissance used as inspiration?

the Roman Colosseum

http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-03-01-03-00_files/i0090000.jpg Why is the painting above considered a hallmark of 16th century painting?

the architectural details, vibrant and vivid colors, theatrical and realistic

In literati painting, painting is not done to capture likeness, it is done for ______________.

the artist

What classic principles did Bramante combine in his work Tempietto?

the classic principles of Vitruvius and architect Alberti

Who was Johann Gutenberg?

the inventor of the moveable printing press

Under the Protestant Church of England, who was the head of the church?

the monarch

What symbolism does da Vinci use in his representation of The Last Supper?

the shape of Jesus resembles a triangle

What is iconoclasm?

the smashing of religious imagery

http://media.education2020.com/evresources/4002-03-01-03-00_files/i0050000.jpg How are the emotional aspects of the fresco above expressed?

through the odd pose, the scale of the piece, as well as the contrasting colors

Which of the following symbols did the Sioux believe protected them from natural and supernatural forces? a. heron b. eagle c. thunderbird d. owl


What was Tintoretto's painting goal in The Last Supper?

to combine Titian's color with Michelangelo's drawing

Why did the artist of the above image use such bold lines and colors on the trees?

to suggest spring and to heighten emotional tensions

All of the following encompass the style of Mannerism except _________.

using simplistic subjects

Which of these characteristics are typical of Korean artwork?

vast, panoramic views and botanical themes

Quillwork was considered a _________ art form. a. man's b. woman's c. child's d. shaman's


What medium did Durer use in the above piece?


What is Vitruvian man?

world renowned drawing of the correct human proportions

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