371 chapter 3

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reality engineering

____ occurs as marketers appropriate elements of popular culture and convert them for use as promotional vehicles


a metaphysical myth fulfills the cultural function of explaining how the components of the universe relate to each other


a story containing symbolic elements that express the shared emotions and ideals of a culture is called a ___

marketing subsystem

all of the following are subsystems in a culture production system except ___


casting directors, textbook authors, and retail buyers are all examples of formal gatekeepers in the culture production process

culture production system (CPS)

country singers marty stewart and travis tritt and their record label decided to change the culture of the country and western music scene. with their now famous "no hats" tour, the singers abandoned conventional country and western fashion (they threw away their hats, letting their hair grow long, and wore t-shirts) and tried to appeal to larger and younger audience with a grinding, sexy message. the process that these singers went through is best described as a ____


culture is best described as society's __


grooming rituals express two kinds of binary opposition: private/public and ____

gives meaning to new products and provides a symbolic set of attributes

in a culture production system, the communications subsystem ____


in many cultures, stories feature talking animals that act as mediating figures


Hofstede's dimensions of national culture organizes cross-cultural values based on power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation, and indulgence

cultural gatekeepers

in the cultural production process, the people who control the flow of information between producers and customers are called ____


in the modern holiday rituals of christmas, the figure of christ and santa can be seen as binary opposites; one promotes selflessness while the other promotes materialism


it is quite common for mainstream culture to modify symbols identified with "cutting edge" subcultures and present these to a larger audience. such cultural products undergo a process of ____, by which their original meanings are transformed by outsiders


most holiday commemorate a cultural myth


myths serve four interrelated functions in a culture. all of the following are among those functions except the ____ function


products appearing in retail shores are examples of the use of products

product placement

promoters attempt to have their products shown prominently in full-length films. this type of promotion is referred to as ____


researchers primarily see the gift-giving ritual as one of ___ exchange

means-end chain model

the ___ assumes that people link very specific product attributes to terminal values


the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept an expect that power is distributed unequally is referred to as power distance


the story goes that george washington (as a small child) cut down his father's cherry tree with a hatchet. when asked who might have committed this act (even though young washington was afraid of punishment for the act), George replied, "I cannot tell a lie; I cut down the cherry tree." This story has taken on mythical proportions in the United States. Which of the following functions does this myth best match?


the worldwide popularity of mcdonald's suggests that there is a global consumer culture that unites people around the world by their common devotion to brands


the worldwide popularity of mcdonald's suggests that there is a global consumer culture that unites people around the world by their common devotion to brands.


what do we call the learning process when we learn the beliefs and behaviors endorsed by our own culture?

terminal values

what term refers to desired end states that can apply to many different cultures?


where you choose to sit in an almost empty movie theatre is most likely determined by your culture's mores


where you choose to sit in an almost empty movie theatre is most likely determined by your culture's mores.


which functional area of culture is most closely related to the idea of a common worldview?


which functions area is consistently a part of a cultural system?

tourism involves seeking authentic experiences that differ from daily, mundane activities

which of the following best supports the argument that tourism is a sacred experience?


which of the following is not one of the three distinct stages of gift-giving rituals?


J.P. Stevens always looks perfect in his business suit. The colors are always right for the season and prevailing style. His tie has the proper knot, he does not wear a tie-tac, his handkerchief is the proper "two fingers" above the pocket, and his socks and shoes do not distract from his overall look. Which of the following does J.P. seem to be adhering his "correctness"?

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